National Board of Medical Examiners: Clinical Science Mastery Series Medicine Self-Assessment
National Board of Medical Examiners: Clinical Science Mastery Series Medicine Self-Assessment
National Board of Medical Examiners: Clinical Science Mastery Series Medicine Self-Assessment
Performance Summary
Click on the category below to view your correctly and incorrectly answered questions.
Cardiovascular Disorders
Mechanisms of Disease
Nutritional & Digestive Disorders
The scores on this self-assessment are scaled to have a mean of 20 and a standard deviation of 3
based on a recent group of examinees who took the Medicine Subject Examination for the first time
as a final clerkship examination. The following information is provided in response to user requests to
“translate” this self-assessment score to the clinical science subject examination equated percent
correct scale. The NBME does not warrant that any individual performance on the self-assessment
will predict performance on the clinical science subject examination and cautions users of this self-
assessment against making any predictive inferences.
In the following table, locate your self-assessment score and find the approximate corresponding
subject examination score in the adjacent column. For example, if your self-assessment score is 20,
it approximates a Medicine Subject Examination score of 73.
Total test scaled scores from CMS forms started on or after October 29, 2015 cannot be directly
compared to scaled scores reported prior to October 29, 2015.
Medicine Self- Subject
Assessment Score Examination
29 99
28 96
27 93
Page 4 of 4
26 90
25 87
24 85
23 81
22 79
21 75
20 73
19 69
18 66
17 63
16 60
15 57
14 53
13 50
12 47
11 44
10 41
9 38
8 35
7 32
6 29
5 26
4 23
3 20
2 17
1 <17
National Board of Medical Examiners
Incorrect Question Example
The correct answer is highlighted in yellow. Your answer is indicated by the filled-in circle.