Resume Praveen
Resume Praveen
Resume Praveen
S/O M. Ramadas,
“Sree Bhavan”, H.No: 43/511.
Upstairs, Palakkad city P.O, Palakkad-678014 Phone: 9447835650
Kerala. E-mail ID:
Personal Profile:
Educational Profile
Software Exposure:
AutoCAD, STAAD Pro, SAP, Ansys (learning), ETABS 9, SAP 9, MS Excel and MATLAB
Employment History:
Consulting Proficiency:
Investigate causes of damage to structures and building components and its
restoration works.
Professional Affiliation:
Member of ISTE
• Active member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
• Participated in the Faculty Development Program under TEQIP on Dynamic Analysis
Using Ansys.
• Attended Short term training programme on ‘Sustainable Design of Structures using
FEM’ organized by ISTE.
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and