The document summarizes a computational fluid dynamics study on the blockage effects on aerodynamic drag of full-scale heavy-duty truck models in closed-wall wind tunnels. The study aims to investigate blockage correction equations for realistic vehicle models and determine blockage-free aerodynamic drag values. Computational simulations were performed on two truck models placed at different yaw angles in virtual wind tunnels replicating the geometry of an actual wind tunnel, with blockage ratios of 10% and 1.1%. Results were compared to corrected drag values from existing blockage correction methods.
The document summarizes a computational fluid dynamics study on the blockage effects on aerodynamic drag of full-scale heavy-duty truck models in closed-wall wind tunnels. The study aims to investigate blockage correction equations for realistic vehicle models and determine blockage-free aerodynamic drag values. Computational simulations were performed on two truck models placed at different yaw angles in virtual wind tunnels replicating the geometry of an actual wind tunnel, with blockage ratios of 10% and 1.1%. Results were compared to corrected drag values from existing blockage correction methods.
The document summarizes a computational fluid dynamics study on the blockage effects on aerodynamic drag of full-scale heavy-duty truck models in closed-wall wind tunnels. The study aims to investigate blockage correction equations for realistic vehicle models and determine blockage-free aerodynamic drag values. Computational simulations were performed on two truck models placed at different yaw angles in virtual wind tunnels replicating the geometry of an actual wind tunnel, with blockage ratios of 10% and 1.1%. Results were compared to corrected drag values from existing blockage correction methods.
The document summarizes a computational fluid dynamics study on the blockage effects on aerodynamic drag of full-scale heavy-duty truck models in closed-wall wind tunnels. The study aims to investigate blockage correction equations for realistic vehicle models and determine blockage-free aerodynamic drag values. Computational simulations were performed on two truck models placed at different yaw angles in virtual wind tunnels replicating the geometry of an actual wind tunnel, with blockage ratios of 10% and 1.1%. Results were compared to corrected drag values from existing blockage correction methods.
The Blockage Effects on Vehicle Aerodynamics in Closed-Wall
Wind Tunnel – A CFD Study
Prasanjit Das Candidate for the Degree of Master of Engineering Supervisor: Professor Makoto Tsubokura Division of Mechanical and Space Engineering
Abstract correction equations of closed-wall wind tunnel were
based on simplified bluff body geometry. Cooper et al. An investigation into the total blockage effects on [1] compared a number of correction methods and aerodynamic drag in closed-wall wind tunnel testing recommended not to use the classical formulae for has been carried out by computational fluid dynamics vehicle aerodynamics. Wind tunnel corrections for (CFD). The simulation of flow past two different separated flows were developed first by Maskell [2]. realistic, full-scale, heavy-duty truck models was His analysis was originally derived for circular plates conducted. The models were placed at different yawing normal to the flow and it based on conservation of angles in the virtual wind tunnels with blockage ratio of momentum. Recently, a semi-empirical correction was about 10%; which is exactly the same as the DNW proposed by Mercker [3], which for the first time experimental wind tunnel geometry. To compare the introduced additional blockage effects associated with results with ideal (blockage free condition) case, other the pressure gradient along the test section at empty simulations with larger cross section at the blockage condition. The purpose of the present study is to ratio of 1.1% were also conducted. Comparisons of the investigate the closed wall wind tunnel blockage effect ideal CFD results to the corrected Cd values obtained on full-scale heavy-duty truck by using CFD, to assess by some existing blockage correction methods for the blockage correction equations for real vehicle closed-wall wind tunnel are also examined. model, and to determine blockage free aerodynamic drag. Key words: Wind tunnel blockage Corrections, Aerodynamic drag, Closed-wall wind tunnel, CFD Numerical Methods Governing equations and discretization: Introduction The governing equations being solved in the LES are At the development stage, it is important to assess the spatially filtered and Navier-Stokes equations: vehicle performance in account of engine power. In a u i typical class of heavy-duty truck, power required to 0, (1) x i overcome rolling resistance and accessories increases linearly with vehicle speed, while energy losses due to u i P ui u j 2 SGS S ij , (2) aerodynamic drag increase with the cube of the speed. t x j x i x j At a typical highway speed of 70 mph, aerodynamic The bar over the physical quantity indicates the spatial drag accounts for approximately 65% of the energy filtering operation for LES. The filtered strain rate output of the engine. Even modest reductions in tensor S ij and pressure P in Eq. (2) are expressed as aerodynamic drag can significantly reduce fuel consumption. Lower fuel consumption will result in a 1 u j u i , S ij (3) reduction in pollution emissions, and, more 2 xi x j importantly, a reduce dependence on fossil fuels. In automotive industry, to assess the performance of road P p / uiu j ui u j / 3 , (4) vehicle, aerodynamic testing is normally conducted in In Eq. (2), the last term on the right represents the wind tunnel. For the constrained effects imposed by the effect of sub-grid-scale (SGS) turbulence, which was walls of a wind tunnel around the vehicle, there is modeled under the eddy viscosity assumption. The always a need to correct the aerodynamic quantities conventional Smagorinsky model (Smagorinsky. 1963) such as aerodynamic forces and moments. The was used, and the eddy viscosity coefficient was corrected results can then reflect the performance under modeled as blockage free conditions. To date, most of the blockage SGS C s f d 2 2 S ij S ij , (5) where ∆ is the volume of numerical element, and model coefficient C s is set to be 0.15, which is generally suitable for external flows. The damping of the turbulent effect near a wall boundary is explained by the Van-Driest type damping function as follows: l f d 1 exp , (6) 25 where l is the distance from the wall in wall coordinates. The governing equations were discretized by using the vertex-centered unstructured finite volume method. The Fig 2. Space elements on the vehicle components second-order central differencing scheme was applied for the spatial derivatives and blending of 5% first- The triangle element on the surface of the vehicle is order upwind scheme for the convection term was indicated in Fig 2. The fluid space was decomposed by employed for numerical stability. The third-order tetrahedral elements. To maintain finer resolution upwind scheme was adopted for the spatial derivative around the vehicle, hierarchical allocation is carried far away from vehicle, where coarser grid was out, as shown in Fig 3. allocated. For time marching, the third-order Adams- Moulton semi-implicit scheme was used. Pressure- velocity coupling was preserved by using the Simplified Marker and Cell (SMAC) algorithm.
Target Vehicle Model
The configuration of the two different full-scale heavy-
duty trucks is shown in Fig 1.The surface of the vehicle Fig 3. Space elements around the vehicle is reproduced by about 1.5 million triangle meshes. To reproduce the fine structure, the surface resolution is Computational Domains and Boundary around 5 to 10 mm around the side mirror, and Conditions relatively fine elements are allocated around the cabin. The engine and power train is reproduced by the To validate our numerical method based on the DNW- moderate elements with the resolution of 20 to 50 mm. LLF wind tunnel data, we adopted the same wind tunnel geometry in the simulation, as shown in Fig 4(a), Larger elements are allocated to reproduce the cargo in which the blockage ratio of the projected frontal panel. area of the vehicle and the cross sectional area of the test section is about 10%. To compare the corrected drag with the ideally obtained value, we have also conducted the case with the blockage ratio of around 1%, as shown in Fig 4(b). In both cases, a uniform velocity distribution U 0 is defined at the inlet (about 22 m/s and 25 m/s in the DNW and ideal cases, respectively) about 40 m upstream of the vehicle. All velocity components were gradient-free for the steamwise direction at the outlet. The log-law profile was assumed on the velocity and surface friction on the wall was estimated and directly imposed as Neumann boundary condition. In DNW case, shown in Fig 4(a), the exit of the wind tunnel nozzle is located 3.79 m windward of the vehicle and diffuser type collected is mounted after the test section.
Fig 1. Models with (Left) and without (Right) the air
deflector (a) Mercker correction:
Mercker [3] provides a blockage correction equation
based on the work of Lock for solid blockage and on the work of Maskell, Thom, and Glauert for wake blockage. There is important thing of Mercker correction is considered about yaw angle effect, vehicle geometry as well as wind tunnel geometry. The correction expressed by the ratio of dynamic pressure is (b) 2 qc 2 AM .2VM 2A 1 2 AM 1 K3 M . CDm (0) q 3/ 2 2 AN 4 2 AN L p .2VM .(2 AN ) (9) where s is solid blockage factor, w is wake blockage factor, AM is vehicle frontal area at deg. yaw angle, VM is vehicle volume, and CDm (0) is the measured drag coefficient at 0 deg. yaw angle. Mercker recently modified his procedure in order to consider the static pressure change over the test section Fig 4. Computational domains: DNW geometry, at empty state. The drag coefficient is fully corrected in (b) Ideal order to consider wake distortion and horizontal pressure buoyancy by Review of Wind-Tunnel Blockage C D T C D uw C pw C DHB , (10) Correction Equations C D w C DT / qc / q , (11) It is defined that the total blockage correction factor is Wake distortion term: the sum of velocity acceleration (blockage factor) caused by solid and wake blockage; however these are C pw C pwc C pmb , (12) more difficult factors to assess for unusual geometries where C pwc is the pressure coefficient in empty wind such as the heavy-duty truck with including tunnel at the location of wake closure and C pmb is the complicated detail characteristics features and the associated flow fields around them. pressure coefficient in empty wind tunnel at the location of the base of the model. Maskell correction: Horizontal pressure buoyancy term: CDHB 1.75 / AM . VM / 2.G , Maskell [2] was the first to address the problems with (13) non-streamline flow bodies, such as bluff-body testing in closed-wall wind tunnel and that partially stalled Evaluation of the Correction Equation shapes such as wings. Maskell’s theory holds for close axis symmetric wake in three dimensional flows. The The time-averaged aerodynamic drag coefficient shown correction of the dynamic pressure ratio is as follows: in Table 1 was obtained by DNW wind tunnel geometry and ideal condition wind tunnel simulation qc 5 A 1 C D uw M , (7) for the model with air deflector. All the aerodynamic q 2 AN coefficients are normalized for confidentiality reasons. In Table 2, the aerodynamic drag is corrected by C D w C D uw / qc / q , (8) Maskell and Mercker methods. The corrected results were obtained by using drag coefficient from DNW where qc is corrected dynamic pressure, q is geometry simulation. The corrected value by Mercker uncorrected dynamic pressure, AM the flat plate area, method shows good agreement with the ideal value, when consider solid blockage, wake blockage and AN the wind tunnel working section cross sectional horizontal buoyancy term. Also Maskell’s correction area, CDw is corrected drag coefficient and CDuw is equation has a similar trend in 0 degree yaw angle and uncorrected wind-axis drag coefficient . it shows over correction in 10 degree yaw angle. On the other hand, when taken into account all of the effects including wake distortion term in the Mercker’s relevant length behind the vehicle over which the method, drag is overcorrected. pressure gradient effect has to be calculated. This location is measured up to a first order of Table 1: Normalized drag coefficient for the model with air approximation, which occurs where C PT 0 , here deflector (0 and 10 deg. yaw angle) CPT is total static pressure coefficient. Recently, Normalized drag coefficient (CFD) Yaw angle(deg.) DNW geometry Ideal LES Mercker [4] has noticed that the true length (sensitivity 0 1.000 0.801 length) can be determined exactly by generating a 10 1.716 1.297 second gradient in the empty test section. It is turned out that this length is usually shorter than the distance Table 2: Normalized corrected drag coefficient for the model between vehicle base location and wake closure with air deflector by correction Eq. (0 and 10 deg. yaw angle) location. For that reason, when using the wake closure Normalized Corrected Drag coefficient based on location, the buoyancy effect on the wake Mercker Equation overcorrected the measured drag coefficient. We can Factors considered 0 deg. 10 deg. Solid + Wake blockage 0.847 1.329 say that at this moment we are yet in the position to Solid + Wake blockage + HPB 0.789 1.278 determine the sensitivity length on a pure theoretical Solid + Wake blockage + HPB 0.693 1.189 base other than on experimental grounds. + Wake distortion Conclusions Normalized corrected Drag coefficient based on Maskell Equation Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) flow simulations Factor considered 0 deg. 10 deg. have successfully been performed using large eddy Solid blockage 0.787 1.174 simulation to assess the wind tunnel blockage effects on real vehicle model. The Maskell’s correction Table 3 and Table 4 present the result obtained with equation for aerodynamic drag is working well for the model without the air deflector at 0 degree yaw. We model with the air deflector without considering the can see that aerodynamic drag corrected by Mercker’s yawing effect. The drag coefficients under the effect of method shows a better agreement when excluding the yaw angle obtained with the correction method wake distortion effect. The corrected Maskell’s method proposed recently by Mercker had shown good resulted in an over correction. From our CFD results, agreement with the ideally obtained values in both we realize that Maskell’s method shows the worst models. But further investigation is needed for wake result in non-zero yawing. induced drag increment for steep pressure gradient in Mercker’s procedure. Table 3: Normalized drag coefficient for the model without air deflector (0 deg. yaw angle) Normalized drag coefficient (CFD) Acknowledge Yaw angle(deg.) DNW geometry Ideal LES This work was supported by the Industrial Technology 0 1 0.812 Research Grant Program in 2007 from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan. This study was conducted in a Table 4: Normalized corrected drag coefficient for the model collaborative research project with Isuzu Advanced without air deflector by correction Eq. (0 deg. yaw angle) Engineering Center Ltd., and the geometry data and Mercker Maskell experimental data received are greatly acknowledged. Factors considered 0 deg. 0 deg. Solid + Wake blockage 0.848 Solid + Wake blockage + HPB 0.764 References 0.802 1. K.R. Cooper et al.: "Closed-Test-Section Wind Tunnel Solid + Wake blockage + HPB 0.762 + Wake distortion Blockage Corrections for Road Vehicles."SAE International. SP-1176. 2. Maskell, E.C. ‘A Theory of the Blockage Effects on Concerning the relatively large discrepancies between Bluff Bodies and Stalled Wings in a Closed Wind the ideal drag coefficient and the corrected drag Tunnel’. ARC R&M 3400, Nov. 1963. coefficient by Maskell’s method, one possible 3. E. Mercker et al.: The Influence of a Horizontal explanation is that the Maskell’s correction equation is Pressure Distribution on Aerodynamic Drag in Open based on simplified geometry (symmetric wake and Closed Wind Tunnels, SAE 2005-01-0867, 2005. structure at rear section of a circular flat plate) and do 4. E. Mercker, BMW AG, Germany and Dr. Koro Kitoh, not account for the effect of yawing. To consider the Kozo Kitoh Technology. Inc, 2011: Private wake distortion in Mercker’s method, which depends communication. on approximation location of the wake closure, the