Couplings: Installation & Mounting
Couplings: Installation & Mounting
Couplings: Installation & Mounting
Frangible (breakaway) couplings have a calculated yield point combination with a clamping device or mechanism, provide both
designed for specific applications. For this reason the coupling mechanical and electrical frangibility. This combination of protec-
used must match the application for which it was designed. Use tion minimizes potential damage to the unit itself and the object
of couplings in applications outside of the intended design may that strikes it.
result in premature or catastrophic failure. Most couplings, in Note: Couplings and mounting flanges are not shown to scale.
Inside Diameter (bottom): 1.055” (1 1/16”) Inside Diameter (bottom): 1.055” (1 1/16”)
L-861/L-862 Runway/Taxiway Edge Part #: 62B0073 L-861/L-862 Runway/Taxiway Edge Part #: 62B0461
L-861/L-862 Runway/Taxiway Edge Part #: 61A0281 L-862 Runway Edge (2-inch Column) Part #: 62B0605
3.68” 3.68”
(3 11/16”) (3 11/16”)
Inside Diameter (bottom): 2.090” (2 3/32”) Inside Diameter (bottom): 1.625” (1 5/8”)
L-806 Wind Cone Part #: 62B0286 L-804 Elevated RGL (FAA) Part #: 60A2398
Inside Thread: NA 5-inch Diameter Bolt Circle 8-inch Diameter Bolt Circle
Inside Diameter (top): 2.067” (2 1/16”) Nominal 2” - 11.5 NPT (tapered) 2.5” - 8 NPT (tapered)
Flange Thickness: 3/8” Flange Thickness: 0.40”
Outside Diameter (top): Overall Dia.: 6 1/4” (13/32”)
2.38” (2 3/8”) Dimensions: 7 3/4” x 7 3/4”
Ordering Code
X = 1 for Size 1 sign Flange: Sign, PAPI, REIL
6.13” X = 2 for Size 2 sign Part #: 62B0107-2
(6 1/8”) X = 3 for Size 3 & 5 signs
X = 4 for Size 4 sign 6-inch Diameter Bolt Circle
2.5” - 8 NPT (tapered)
Outside Bottom Thread: Flange Thickness: 7/16”
2” - 11.5 NPT Length: 7 1/2” Flange: Sig. Series Sign,
Width: 5 1/16” Hi Wind Part #: 62A2146
Inside Diameter (bottom): 2.120” (2 1/8”)
L-858 (Triangle Shaped) Sign Part #: 62B0580-X Flange: Sig. Series Sign
Part #: 62A2142
Product specifications may be subject to change, ADB Airfield Solutions ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC © ADB Airfield Solutions
and specifications listed here are not binding. Leuvensesteenweg 585 977 Gahanna Parkway All rights reserved
Confirm current specifications at time of order. B-1930 Zaventem Columbus, OH 43230
Belgium USA