Tone Control Circuit Using Op-Amp
Tone Control Circuit Using Op-Amp
Tone Control Circuit Using Op-Amp
The tone control stage is a passive Baxandall tone control
circuit that can produce a 20dB cut or boost. POT R6 is used
for controlling the bass while POT R9 can be used for
controlling the treble. POT R10 serves as the volume
controller while POT R11 can be used to adjust the balance. Figure 2 Dual Supply for Tone Control Circuit
Resistor R8 provides some isolation between the bass control
and treble control stages.
Here is the circuit diagram of an excellent stereo preamplifier
II. THE TONE CONTROL CIRCUIT with tone control using the IC TDA1524 from Phillips. The IC
The circuit consists of two parts. Firstly an op-amp based requires very few external components, has very low noise
preamplifier stage and secondly a passive Baxandall tone and has a wide power supply voltage range. POTs R1 to R4
control circuitry. The preamplifier stage is a non-inverting can be used for controlling the volume, balance, bass and
amplifier based on TL072. R2 is the feedback resistor which treble respectively. LED is D1 is a power ON indicator and
together with resistor R1 sets the gain of this stage and with R1o is its current limiting resistor.
the stated values it is 23. Voltage gain in the non-inverting
mode is expressed using the equation Av= 1+ (R2/R1).