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Haries Vi T. Micolob Lesson 1: Comprehension Questions

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Study the following words. Which spelling is correct? Which spelling is incorrect? Tick
the appropriate box. Justify you answer.

Correct? Incorrect?
1. Aeroplane
2. Airplane
3. Colonise
4. Colonize
5. Defence
6. Defense
7. Enrolment
8. Enrollment
9. Honour
10. Honor


Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:

1. Can animals communicate? Yes, because animals using signals to communicate, which
include visual; auditory, or sound-based; touch-based and cues, animals can communicate in a
single species, but it can also happen between two animals with different species.

2. Can monkeys produce language? No, according to the linguist, language can only be called
language if it has a system to of rules, a sound system of sound, and vocabulary, and for the
monkeys, they didn’t reach the requirement, so monkeys can’t produce language.
3. What is the difference between language acquisition and learning language? Language
acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend
language (in other words, gain the ability to be aware of language and to understand it), as well
as to produce and use words and sentences to communicate, and the Learning Language is the
product of formal instruction and it comprises a conscious process which results in conscious
knowledge 'about' the language, for example, knowledge of grammar rules.

4. What is the difference between first language and second language? The first language is
‘acquired’ and the second language is ‘learned’. The difference between these two words
describes the qualities of the two languages. ‘Acquire’ means “to come into possession or
ownership of” which indicates that the first language is like a dynamic and abstract property that
comes into possession of a person. On the other hand, ‘learn’ means “to gain knowledge or skill
by study, instruction, or experience” which indicates that there is nothing passive in second
language learning.
5. What happens after a language comes into contact with another? They will have a hard time to

understand each other because of the language barrier, even though they have background of the

language but expression is hard to show to the other.


TASK 1.1.1
 My Language Biography
Reflect on the concepts represented in the input and connect these to your personal

experience of language by creating your own Language Biography. Begin by filling in the

Language Biodata From below.

Language Biodata Form

How many languages do you speak? I can speak three languages which is
Identify these languages. English, Tagalog and Visayan.
What is/are your first language/s or Visayan
mother tongue/s?
How did you acquire your first language/s I’d acquire it by listening to my parents
mother tongue/s? and to people surrounds me.
What skills can you perform using your To persuade something that I want to tell.
first language?
What is/are your second language/s? Tagalog and English

How did you learn your second By studying it at school and also my
language/s? parents teach me.
What skills can you perform using your Communicating to foreign people.
second language/s?
What are your language strengths? I know how to use grammar.

What are your language weaknesses? I can speak fluently.

Which language is your favorite and Visayan, because it is my mother tongue.



With the information provided in you Language Biodata Form, write your own Language
Biography, which is a paragraph that tells the story of your languages.

My Language Biography
I was born in Mindanao, which this country has a lot of people using the language of

Cebuano (Visayan). Therefore, I adapt their culture and languages since my parents were raised

here and also my grandparents, I was able to learn some words threw observation and process

until I grew up my parents taught me a lot of things, like how to use this language properly and

pronounce it properly, and also that time they teach some important values using those words.

Way back in my elementary days, I was able to understand and to use the English Language in

that case/situation, my teachers though me a lot of things about that language on how to use it

for communication and also Tagalog language since that was our national language. Until now,

I am always want to learn something new, and someday my English speaking skills will be


TASK 1.1.2
 Language and Communication

Read the following statements carefully. Decide if each statement is true or false. Write T
on the blank if the statement is true, and F if it is false. If the statement is false, re-write or revise
it to make it true. Use the space provided after each statement. (Point of system: 5 items x 3
points each = 15points)
F 1. Not all languages have a grammar system.
All languages have a grammar system.

T 2. Change happens to all languages.


T 3. The first language that a child acquires is called mother tongue.


F 4. All living creatures have the capacity for language.

All living creatures don’t have the capability for language.

F 5. Two person who do not speak the same language will be never be able to communicate
with each other.
Two people who do not speak the same language, therefore they
Cannot understand and hardly communicate each other.


Your teacher will make you listen to an audio recording or view a video of a teenager

from London who is talking about himself/herself. With a partner, answer the following


1. What information does the speaker provide about himself/herself?

2. What does he/she tell us about his/her country speaks?

3. While listening to him/her, were you able to understand him/her well?

With a partner, share the language biography you wrote in the task My Language
Biography. Read your partner’s language biography. Remember that the language connects one’s
personal experience of language acquisition and learning with the input about the nature of
language. Evaluate your partner’s language biography by filling table below.

QUESTION: Based on what your partner Yes No Does not

wrote in the language biography, does he/she apply
have the correct understanding of the
following concepts?
Language acquisition

Language learning

Mother tongues

Second languages

Language change


Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:

1. How do you differentiate the types of communication in relation to communication mode?

The deference between this two type according to mode is verbal communication  involves the
use of words or speech or auditory language to express emotions or thoughts or exchange
information and non-verbal communication involves the use of visual or non-verbal cues such
as facial expressions, eye or body movements, gestures, and many more without speaking.
2. How can visual communication enhance the message conveyed by a speaker? Cite a particular
situation when it is best to employ visual communication. We all know that Visual
Communication is the most effective way of passing information because the human mind
processes things in an image, which is we are persuaded as an audience to listen to the speaker
who uses visual communication. Example of someone reporting his/her presentation in the
meeting, and he/she using a PowerPoint for his/her presentation and project it into a projector,
portraying some images or videos.
3. What are the types of communication in relation to context? How do they differ from one
another? The difference of each type’s communication according to context and these are
intrapersonal which means talking to oneself, interpersonal which means establish or deepen
one’s relationship also known as group communication, extended communication it involves the
use of electronic media, organizational which means it focuses on the role that communication
plays organizational context and intercultural is communicating between or among people
having a different linguistic, religious, social professional background. In other words, these
different types of communication have different definitions and functions.
4 How can you listen to speakers’ opinions through electronic media without being easily
swayed into accepting their opinions? You may trace the speaker's personal and professional
background in relation to the topic so you can really understand the ground. Also, you want to
be objective. After you listen, you can formulate questions from there. Nonetheless, you don't
need to be swayed or affected. You may respect his opinion, and will keep yours.

5. Of four approaches employed in formal organization structure, which do you think is the best?
Cite situation which will call for the use of each approach. Give one advantage and disadvantage
of each. In formal organization structure, the management and divisions within a company are
typically written and explained so all employees understand how things work, and the
advantages of formal communication are that it clearly delineates the roles and responsibilities
of every employee, from the top-level to a staff member. As a result, everyone in your company
knows what they have to do and how they’re supposed to achieve desired goals, therefore the
disadvantages of this that decisions take a long time to move down management levels to the
rank-and-file, and there is often a disconnect between executives and staff employees because
they don’t interact very often.

6. Would you know any strategy or method by which you can reduce the complexity of
understanding another culture? Do you think it will work with your current set of foreign
classmates/friends? I think there is no way I know of other living with people from other culture
and learning from them. But some at least basic information would help.

7. How do you differentiate formal communication from informal communication in relation to

purpose and style? Provide situation to illustrate the differences. The difference between formal
and informal communication, Formal communication  is communication through pre-defined
channels set by organizations. They are typically conveyed from top leadership to various
departments that funnels down to lower level employees. It is backed by organizational
procedure, and it is necessary to fulfill the goals of the organization and Informal
communication  is more relational than formal. It is not backed by any pre-determined
channels and can happen anywhere within the organization. The primary goal of this
messaging is to preserve and establish relationships with colleagues and superiors and
subordinates. Since it is not defined by any channels, messaging moves a lot faster, but it is
without any paper trail or official documentation.

PAGE 23-24

TASK 1.2.1

Organizational Culture

I. Interview a certain head of an organization/company and ask him/her following question:

1. What is the culture of your organization?

In the LFL Company, one of the employees says there so open-minded and happy at the
workplace. They acknowledge each other’s achievements that make them bond differently.
During their working hours, they are strict and very observant of their actions to avoid mistakes
like disrespect each other and maintain the quality of service that they possess.

2. Do you think cultures can be created? Modified? Changed?

Yes, It can be created because we have variety of culture at home, school, and community. At
workplace we respect each other that makes us adjust and create different culture and
personality that we portray at work.

3. In the school where you currently enrolled, what is the prevailing organizational culture? What
are some the practices/rituals that you observe? Based on my observation our school
implementing to be educated in the faith and animated by the passion for truth, justice, peace,
and service. And our school has religious guidance and practices and they are following
innovation threw their missions and visions, in otherwise this school is giving their best on the
high quality of service that the students need.

PAGE 25-26

TASK 1.2.2

Non-verbal Cues

Choose two cultures from among the ASEAN countries and differentiate some of their
non-verbal message. Get a partner and share at least three differences in their non-verbal codes.
Handshaking is the common custom, with The graceful act of bowing is the
both men and women shaking hands in a traditional greeting.
friendly and informal fashion.

Instead of pointing to an object, Filipinos It is considered rude to stand with your

will shift their eyes toward it, or purse the lips hand or hands in your pockets, especially
and point with the mouth. when greeting someone or when addressing a
group of people.
It is considered rude to stare. Prolonged
direct eye contact is considered impolite and
even intimidating. Among the Japanese, smiling often can
cover a gamut of emotions: happiness, anger,
confusion, apologies, or sadness.
Filipinos may greet one another with the
"eyebrow flash" which is merely a quick
lifting of the eyebrows. One way to show concentration and
attentiveness is to close the eyes in
contemplation and nod the head slight, up and


TASK 1.2.3

Mission, Vision, and Values

I. Presume that you are going to put up your own organization. Decide on the nature and
objective/s of the organization you wish to establish. Draft your vision and mission statements
but access first the website below and view it so you will be properly guided:
Mission, Vision, & Values: The Foundation of Every Great Company
After viewing the clip, you are now ready to draft your own mission-vision statement.
Remember that a mission statement is a statement communicating purpose of the organization. It
states the following points.
1. What the organization does for its clients
2. What the organization does for its employees
3. What the organization does for owner/s
4. What the organization does for community
5. What the organization does for world
On the other hand, remember too that a vision statement states an aspiration and focuses on
something that you want to be in the future. It states the high level goals of the organization
which coincide with the owner’s/founder’s objectives.
Flutos Company offers a delicious sweet food It’s called Fried Oreos which is very
familiar to the customer they can very simple to identify because this product has Oreo biscuit
fill into our flavorful baking flour that you serve as your snack.

Our Mission is to serve a portion of good quality food, nutritious and affordable we will
make sure that the food that we produce is safe and delicious for customer taste.


Our Vision of this company is one of the best food and service providers in the industry
and able to innovate our product that would enhance the life of every people.

Core Values




II. Now that you have your mission-vision statements, identify at least (3) powerful core values
that will serve as the organization’s guiding principles. Explain what each means and why you
have chosen them. Remember that these core values should help you fulfill your business goals
which should also be imbibed by yours employees.

 TEAMWORK: We work together, across boundaries, to meet the needs of our customers and
to help our Company win.

 RESPECT FOR PEOPLE: We  value our people, encourage their development and reward
their performance.

 QUALITY: We provide outstanding products and unsurpassed service that, together, deliver
premium value to our customers.

PAGE 29-30


Visit your university website and look for the mission-vision statements and the core
values that characterize your identity as a student of your university. Evaluate them using the
table below.

Your teacher will assign you a partner. Evaluate what your classmate prepared for
Task 2.3 Mission, Vision, and Values. Using the following indicators, evaluate the mission-
vision statements and core values he/she prepared. Be sure that you know the background
surrounding the conceptualization of the organization of the organization before you make the

Mission Statement
Indicators Strongly Somewhat Disagree Comments
agree agree

1. The mission statements

focuses on the present

2. The mission of the statement is

concise and direct.

3. The mission of the statement

states what the organization
4. The mission statement states
how the organization operates.

5. The mission statement states

for whom the organization does

Vision Statement
Indicators Strongly Somewhat Disagree Comments
agree agree

1. The vision statement focuses

on the future.

2. The vision statement shows an

3. The vision statement is clear
and concise

Core Values
Indicators Strongly Somewhat Disagree Comments
agree agree

1. The core values can be easily


2. The core values are not too


3. The core values can be

translated into action.

4. The core value are unique to

the organization.

5. The core values are connected

to the organization’s mission-
vision statements.

PAGE 29-30

Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:
1. What are communication models? Why do you think they were introduced? It will lead you to
understand how the communication process, techniques, and strategies work. And I think they
introduced it according to help us to know how the communication process works.

2. How does one model differ from the other/s? They differ from each other because of their
definition and functions.

3. If you were to choose a conceptual model of communication, what would you prefer and why?
How can you be guided by any of these models when you communicate? Berlo's communication
model, because if I assume that I'm the spoke person on media. So I am the source of my
message that I want to hear by the public the message that I want to hear by the public will be on
television that's will be the channel and the receiver will receive it by the channel.

4. How do the principles of effective oral communication differ from those of effective written
communication? Do they have similarities of all? The difference between the two is, Oral
communication can be more effective because it involves carefully chosen words along with non-
verbal gestures, movements, tone changes, and visual cues that keep the audience captivated.
The written word is more organized, more detailed, and is presented in a logical order. Yes, they
have similarities because oral and written forms of communication are similar in many ways.
They both rely on the basic communication process, which consists of eight essential elements:
source, receiver, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, context, and interference.

5. How can one observe ethics in communication? Honesty, decency, truthfulness, sincerity, and
moral uprightness.

6. Why is it important to have a code of conduct or a code of ethics? A Code of ethics is very
important because it has proper uses of the rules for behavior and provides the groundwork for
a preemptive warning. Regardless of size, businesses count on their management staff to set a
standard of ethical conduct for other employees to follow.

TASK 1.3.1

Effective Oral Communication

View on YouTube the speech of President Rodrigo Duterte at Philippine China Trade and
Investment Forum Beijing, China on October 20, 2016.
Do you think the five principles of effective oral communication were followed? Which
ones were followed? Which ones were not followed? Which ones were not? Why or why not?
What advice would you give to make the speaker more effective? Write your thoughts on
the space below.
Yes, I think he almost got perfect on the General of effective oral principle

communication. Because President Duterte already knows the purpose of his speech and he

delivered his message good and clear. And I have advice but to add more gestures and

elaboration to the audience. In my insights that the message what he means is how to invest and

make a relationship with China. And also he mentions that being a partner with the Americans is

awful because of what they do to us.


TASK 1.3.2

Effective Written Communication

Read the translated English version in 2015 President Noynoy Aquino’s speech on the

Mamasapano incident below then write your reaction to it. Do you think the speech followed the
principles of effective written communication? Why or why not? What advice can you suggest?

Write your answer on the space provided after the speech.

Former President Noynoy Aquino elaborates his speech effectively and in a correct

sequence of events during the Mamasapano tragedy. If you deep into the written speech you can

observe to the events are explained well; the location, settings, and other elements you can

consider in collecting information.

In the first part of the speech, President has an error of giving facts about the count of the

dead bodies instead of 44 SAF, 18 MILF, and 5 civilians, he put 44 SAF, 16 MILF, and 3

civilians and this according to the news of ABS-CBN. I like how he ended his speech by

encouraging and emphasizes the unity of the nation where this what is needed in times of


His speech was a perfect example of effective written communication from thoughts, the

sequence of events, empathy, and encouragement.

PAGE 45-54

TASK 1.3.3

Ethical Communication

Form yourselves into a groups of five members. Role-play a situation in the workplace

where ethical communication is put into question. Make sure that someone explains the situation
first before the group makes representation. You may plan or draft your role-play on the space


In the first scene, some of my group members will explain what Ethical Communication
is all about and also include the 3 guides by the following to achieve ethical communication.

Second, we will start our role-play presentation and we imagine that we are in the Office
of Marketing which has a lot of workers like us and then there every one of us is obeying every
rule and etiquette of the company should be followed in terms of communicating each other.
When we are talking to each other is we use “respect” kind of manner of uses words and use
proper gestures. And we will add a scene that we are honest, obedient, and responsible for our

The last scene is someone is explaining what is the importance of Ethical

Communication and everyone gives one on each example not only in organizational but you can
apply this where ever you place. That’s all thank you.

PAGE 55-56
TASK 1.3.4

Code of Ethics

The code of ethics in the workplace should be carefully thought out since it will guide the

employees in assessing what is right and wrong for the business. If you were to put up your own

business, what values would you incorporate in your company’s code of ethics?

The FLUTOS Company we assured that our employees have a kind heart that our

customers can build relationships with loyalty and respect, therefore we are responsible for any
actions and we need to be proactive.   Beyond its visual appeal, however, this code of conduct is

extremely well written and organized. The code specifies what it means to be part of the

FLUTOS group and how each individual can contribute to the values of the organization by

adhering to the standards of conduct.

PAGE 57-58

Form yourselves into groups of five members. Presume that you are doing business with
a company that does not observe ethical actions. Role Play a situation in which your group
responds to one unethical issue.
Think of ways on how you can improve the ethical climate of the company then share it
to the class.


Now that you see the importance of ethical action, rate yourself on how well you respond
to some trying times.

Descriptors Yes No

1. I can always recognize an ethical issue.

2. I can be aware of the different perspectives of
stakeholders on an issue.

3. I am able to weigh things objectively.

4. I can think of alternative courses of action for a

5. I can formulate policies to avoid the recurrence of the


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