Report Pakistan Surveillance
Report Pakistan Surveillance
Report Pakistan Surveillance
Amnesty International is a global movement of more
than 7 million people who campaign for a world
where human rights are enjoyed by all.
Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights
enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and other international human rights standards.
We are independent of any government, political
ideology, economic interest or religion and are funded
mainly by our membership and public donations.
Glossary 5
1 Executive Summary 7
2 Background 10
2.1 Broader context: civil society under threat 10
2.2 Research methodology 11
7 Recommendations 52
Conclusion 55
Technical Appendices 56
Appendix A: Analysis of Crimson 56
Downloader module 57
Main module 58
Keylogger module 60
File stealer module 60
SPEARPHISHING A form of cyber attack that is highly personalized with the objective
of compromising the accounts or devices (phone, computer etc)
of specific targets. Most commonly, this attack is conducted by
delivering malicious files or links via email, with the objective of
luring the victim into installing malware.
PAGE SOURCE The HTML source code that is used to compose a web page.
It is normally visible through any web browser by opening the context
menu through a click of the right mouse button.
Diep Saeeda,
March 2018,
©Amnesty International
“Most of the time I feel I am in danger
– but why should I leave? This is my country –
there are very few voices that speak out
loudly. They need people like me.”
Diep Saeeda, Pakistani activist, March 2018
accounts, enticing her to download malware the activists’ professional interests in order
in sophisticated and targeted attacks. In the to appear credible as well as to lure targets
most troubling cases, they have even used to engage with the attackers. The messages
Raza’s case in an attempt to lure her in. included links or attachments that, when
opened, would either attempt to infect their
Since January 2018, Amnesty International devices with malware, or direct them to fake
has investigated the source of these Google or Facebook login pages designed
attacks as well as similar attacks against to steal their passwords. Through the
activists in Pakistan. Pakistani activists emails and messages received by activists
shared with Amnesty International the and subsequently shared with Amnesty
suspicious emails and private messages International, we have been able to undertake a
they have received in the past two years. thorough investigation involving comprehensive
custody or refuse to say where they are.
Without news of the victim’s whereabouts,
their family is plunged into a state of anguish.
They desperately try to keep the flame of hope
alive while fearing the worst. Sometimes, the
CIVIL SOCIETY disappeared person is released within weeks
or months. Other times, years pass with no
subjected to an enforced disappearance. more than 700 cases pending from Pakistan.
Pakistan’s State Commission of Inquiry on
When a person is subjected to enforced Enforced Disappearances has received reports
disappearance, they are wrenched away of more than 1,500 disappearances from across
from their loved ones by state officials or the country as of January 2018. Enforced
others acting on their behalf. The authorities, disappearances are a violation of Pakistan’s
to whom the families would normally turn constitution1 but successive governments
for help, either deny the victim is in their have failed to recognize it as a distinct and
2 Amnesty International, ‘Pakistan: Asma Jahangir leaves behind a powerful human rights legacy’, 12 February 2018.
on the computer’s disk, taking screenshots
of the computer’s desktop, intercepting Skype
calls and messages, stealthily recording the
surroundings by activating the webcam and
microphone, and, in the case of an infected
AND SPYWARE? smartphone, intercepting phone calls and
tracing the physical location of the phone.
of applications that can run on modern
operating systems such as Windows,
Mac, Android or iOS. Malware is
normally designed to secretly accomplish
particular interception and collection
tasks without the victim’s knowledge.
that the victims never know for certain if
they are being targeted or have unwittingly
downloaded some kind of spyware.
The consequence is that they begin to fear
“Every time I open an that every communication poses a threat.
email I am now scared.
Therefore, these attacks against the online
It’s getting so bad I am accounts and personal devices of human rights
not actually able to carry defenders significantly contribute to a climate
of repression and create a chilling effect on
out my work – my social those targeted with, and those who fear they
work is suffering.” may have been the target of, digital attacks.
The impact of this cannot be over-estimated –
Diep Saeeda, Pakistani activist, March 2018
it is a tool of repression against human rights
defenders and civil society. The threat of
By obtaining access to someone’s Gmail or
constant surveillance is a psychological burden
Facebook account or by installing spyware on
to many, as well as a practical risk to all.
their devices attackers get access to a broad
range of information. They are able to snoop In this report, we detail how these tactics
into private conversations and find material are currently being used in Pakistan to
that can be used to persecute, threaten, silence a prominent activist in the country
discredit or intimidate the target. Access to a and how, alongside the impersonation and
target’s personal accounts can also reveal their infiltration of social media groups, these cyber
social, professional and personal networks, attacks reinforce long-running operations
exposing their friends, families and colleagues, with the objective to stifle dissent.
not to mention the sensitive information
about human rights issues and violations on
which the targets are working. In the case
of spyware, computers or mobile devices
may in essence become wiretaps, revealing
confidential and intimate conversations
and interactions and all but nullifying the
possibility of privacy or confidentiality.
09 12 2016 04 12 2017
Early evidence of cyber attacks targeting Diep Saeeda takes the case
human rights defenders in Punjab to the Lahore High Court
01 02 2018
02 12 2017 Sana Halimi offers supposed information about Raza Khan but sends
Raza Khan disappears a document that appears to contain an unidentified malware
19 10 2017 01 01 2018
Mahrukh Zman contacts another human On Facebook Messanger, Sana Halimi sends
rights defender who cannot be named a link to an app on a fake Google Play Store that is actually
for security reasons an Android phone malware, “StealthAgent” (see section 6.2)
05 12 2017
16 12 2016 Sana Halimi reconnects with
Diep Saeeda receives Diep Saeeda sending a link to
first messages from Sana Halimi a fake Facebook page (see section 4.1)
02 03 2018
Diep Saeeda receives an email containing malware sent by purported government officials
that prospects a visit by the Minister of Education to discuss Raza’s disappearance
27 02 2018
Mahrukh Zman sends the paper again
23 02 2018
Mahrukh Zman sends a research paper which
is in fact a known malware called Crimson
16 12 2016 02 12 2017
Diep Saeeda receives Raza Khan disappears
first messages from Sana Halimi
04 12 2017
Diep Saeeda with the support of Asma Jahangir takes the case to
the Lahore High Court. Diep’s public statement about Raza Khan
compromise her phone and computer.
3 We acknowledge that many of the names used throughout this report are common names and there may be genuine
profiles under these names but the evidence we have gathered suggests the profiles highlighted here are, in fact, fake.
4 This is exemplified by the fact that the profiles we mention in this report had befriended hundreds of activist profiles
and have registered to numerous thematic Facebook groups.
05 12 2017
Sana Halimi reconnects with Diep Saeeda
sending a link to a fake Facebook page
The image shows examples of groups that What makes this new contact attempt
“Sana Halimi” was subscribed to at the time even more concerning is that it includes
of writing. Subscribing to and infiltrating what appears to be a Facebook sign-in link
thematic groups is another tactic used by (see the above picture), which is actually
these fake profiles to build the illusion of a phishing page. While the link connects
shared interests, accumulate trust, as well to a page which looks identical to a legitimate
as to discover potential further targets. Facebook login page, it is instead a clone
designed to steal any credentials that are
3 Several months after the initial attempts entered (you can read more about this
to engage Diep Saeeda via Facebook particular attack in section 6.1 of this report).
Messenger, the profile of “Sana Halimi”
suddenly re-connected with Diep on 5
December 2017. This timing was very
suspicious – taking place only a couple
of days after Raza Khan disappeared –
and seemed to be connected to Diep’s
public statements about Raza.
01 01 2018 01 02 2018
Sana Halimi sends a link to an app on a fake Google Play Store Sana Halimi offers supposed information about Raza Khan
that is actually an Android phone malware, StealthAgent
4 When Diep once again did not The 2018 “photo frames” link in
respond to these messages or the the above screenshot redirects to a
phishing attempt, the operators of webpage which mimics the Google
the “Sana Halimi” profile continued Play Store, but which automatically
messaging Diep, making opaque prompts a download to an Android
remarks about the disappearance Application Package (APK).
of Raza Khan. On 1 January 2018,
they attempted a second attack, APKs are used to distribute applications
sending yet another malicious link, for phones that use the Android
New Year’s Eve picture app. the APK was in fact carrying the spyware
StealthAgent for mobile phones (you can
read more about this particular
attack in section 6.2 of this report).
01 02 2018
Sana Halimi sends a document that appears
to contain an unidentified malware
11 02 2018
Asma Jahangir dies.
15 02 2018 02 2018
Diep Saeeda receives a message by another New attempts to contact Diep Saeeda’s through
suspicious profile, Mahrukh Zman the fake Mahrukh Zman Facebook profile
7 A renewed attempt was made in late
February 2018 with another fake Facebook
profile, appearing to belong to a woman
from Lahore named Mahrukh Zman (or
Zaman). Besides Diep Saeeda, this profile
befriended numerous human rights
defenders, journalists and scholars from
Pakistan. Amnesty International also
As the attempts to obtain Diep Saeeda’s
observed how this fake Facebook profile was
personal files through the fake Sana
previously used to conduct attacks against
Halimi profile failed, Diep Saeeda was
others, as detailed later in this report.
then repeatedly approached with different
emails that attempted to lure her into There is additional evidence supporting
opening malicious links and attachments the conclusion that the Facebook profile of
with the objective of infecting her personal Mahrukh Zman is a fake account created with
computer with spyware. These spearphishing the specific purpose of facilitating the attacks
attacks against Diep Saeeda continue at that we have documented throughout this
the time of writing, with malicious emails report. The Facebook profile was created in
received as recently as 16 April 2018. 2016 and is scarcely maintained. While it has
so far accumulated more than 100 friends,
its activity has mostly been limited to sharing
other Facebook users’ posts and a few links.
08 01 2018
Mahrukh Zman visits Diep Saeda again
09 12 2017
Mahrukh Zman visits Diep Saeda for the first time
8 The account displays a profile picture 9 Diep Saeeda was not familiar with the
which has been widely available online since 6
person that visited her under the name of
as early as 2012 and no other pictures of the
Mahrukh Zaman on 9 December 2017. This
same woman are posted on the Facebook “Mahrukh” told Diep Saeeda that she was
account. All of these factors suggest that a student at a local university and claimed
the account for Mahrukh Zman is fake. to be researching religious issues. It is not
unusual for Diep Saeeda to receive visits like
However, a person using the same name this, particularly from students. Per security
– Mahrukh Zman – also visited Diep protocol, all visitors to her office need to
Saeeda in person twice at her office in sign in with their name and phone number.
December 2017 and January 2018, the Interestingly, “Mahrukh” did leave a phone
first visit coming only a few days after the number, but instead of her own, she wrote
disappearance of Raza Khan. Immediately down Diep Saeeda’s phone number.
following the first visit, Mahrukh Zman
sent a Facebook friend request to Diep 10 On 8 January 2018, Mahrukh paid
Saeeda, who did not immediately respond. Diep another visit. However, this
After the second visit in January, Mahrukh time around, she just left a scribble
Zman again tried to connect to Diep instead of a phone number.
Saeeda using Facebook and, shortly
after that, she accepted the request.
15 02 2018
Mahrukh Zman befriends
Diep Saeda on Facebook
11 A few weeks after Diep Saeeda accepted 13 At this point, wary of the previous attempted
Mahrukh Zman’s friend request on attacks delivered by Sana Halimi, Diep Saeeda
Facebook – following their second meeting did not open these files. Later she received two
– the Mahrukh Zman Facebook profile further emails carrying the same malware. The
initiated a conversation using Facebook first one, delivered on 2 March 2018, appeared
Messenger, restating her interest in having to be from government officials, providing
Diep Saeeda review her work and asking information about a supposed upcoming visit
Diep Saeeda to share her email address of the Minister of Education to the Institute
(note: until that point, Diep Saeeda had for Peace and Secular Studies (IPSS, an
only received failed attempted attacks organization that Diep Saeeda founded),
directly through Facebook Messenger). specifically to discuss the disappearance of Raza
Khan. This email contained Google Drive links
Directly after Diep only replied with hosting files called “Programe- Chief Minister and
12 her email address, Mahrukh Zman Education Minister Punjab Visit to IPSS Lahor.rar”11,
sent her two emails sharing Google “Chief Minister and Education Minister Punjab Visit to
Drive links pointing to three files called IPSS Lahor.scr”12 and “Chief Minister and Education
“PDF.scr” , “Research Report.xls” and
8 9
Minister Punjab Visit to IPSS Lahor-PDF.scr”13.
“Research Paper – Mahrukh Zaman.scr” . 10
02 03 2018
Diep Saeeda receives an email containing malware
sent by purported government officials
23 02 2018
Mahrukh Zman sends a research paper which
is in fact a known malware called Crimson
The second and most recently While all these emails might appear
documented email, delivered on 16 to be unconnected, they all show
April 2018, appeared to originate similarities and suggest that they might
from another student of a university have been sent by the same attackers.
in Lahore asking Diep Saeeda for Firstly, all the emails contain links to files
tuition. In this case the attackers also hosted on Google Drive, and all of these
sent Google Drive links pointing to files are Windows malware disguised
files called “Education” 14
as Microsoft Office documents. More
and “education documents.scr” . 15
importantly, all the files sent in the
various emails Diep Saeeda received
belong to the same malware family,
commonly known as Crimson; a custom-
developed spyware. (You can read more
about this in section 6.4 of this report.)
infiltration and impersonation, the
attackers were gathering information
on the meetings and work of
different organizations in Pakistan.
The targeting of Diep Saeeda with
For example, see this conversation
phishing and spyware attacks is not
between the fake Mahrukh Zman
an isolated case. During the course of
profile and an activist who we cannot
Amnesty International’s investigation, we
name for security reasons.
uncovered many cases of human rights
defenders from Pakistan experiencing
15 Interestingly, when Amnesty International
similar threats and receiving similar
engaged the Mahrukh Zman profile over
malicious emails and messages.16
chat and asked for their profession,
Some were identical, coming from
the attackers responded claiming to
the same fake Facebook profiles.
work at the Human Rights Commission
of Pakistan. This again shows the
Among others, the “Mahrukh Zman”
targeted nature of these attacks: a
Facebook profile was found to be
human rights defender would be
actively pursuing many people involved
inclined to trust someone working for
in Pakistani civil society. In some cases,
a national human rights commission.
like that of Diep Saeeda, the profile was
being used to deliver malware attacks.
16 Amnesty International researchers have been in contact with a number of activists experiencing similar threats
in Pakistan; however, for security reasons, we cannot provide further details in this report.
described by
described by
described by
attackers served by
REPORT: Project M
which mentions
REPORT: Operation Transparent Tribe
Faisal Hanif
page crea
ted by
Asim Liaquat
6.1 20
that looks almost identical to the real
Facebook page. The only indication a user
would have that the page is fake would
be the suspicious web address, which the
average user would be unlikely to notice.
17 the [.] annotation is intentionally placed here to prevent accidental visits to the malicious website
21 Seemingly hoping to harvest further 22 What the creator was apparently not
credentials from targets who fell victim aware of is that, within the code for its
to the fraudulent Facebook login page, login page, Google maintains hidden
the site would then redirect to a site at lines of code that store details of all the
secure-google.azurewebsites[.]net, which
Google accounts that were previously
is a fake Google login page designed logged in to from the same computer.
to steal credentials for Gmail accounts. Google does this to facilitate the process
of selecting multiple Google accounts
However, in creating the fake from the same computer, in cases
Google login page, the attacker where a user owns several accounts
made a crucial error that helped or is using a shared computer.
us to uncover their identity.
23 24
As the attacker did not delete those 23 As highlighted in the excerpt of the page
lines of code in the fake version, source, the creator appears to have
the Google phishing page that was used three different email accounts.
sent to Diep Saeeda retained inside The most revealing detail is the name
the page source a list of all the Sardar Asim Khan, associated with the
Google accounts that the creator had email account
apparently previously used from their
computer. This means that we found, 24 When we searched online for this
within the code of the phishing page, particular name, a few results are
18 Sardar Asim Khan, YouTube Account, DDOS attack by using Botnets, 13 May 2017,
25 At the very bottom of the description We also found an account for Asim
of this YouTube video, the uploader, Liaquat on StackOverflow, a very popular
Sardar Asim Khan, added a website used by programmers and
link to a Facebook profile. software engineers to ask questions
and receive help on specific technical
26 This Facebook profile indeed belongs to questions. Between August and September
someone named Asim Khan from Pakistan. 2017, Asim Liaquat asked questions on
The person calling himself Asim Khan StackOverflow that Amnesty International
is clearly interested in programming considers relevant to this investigation.
and computer security; in fact, many
of his Facebook posts are links to
hacking tools and tutorials.
and web applications by providing while Asim Khan was browsing through
19 The [.] annotation is intentionally placed here to prevent accidental visits to the malicious website
20 Footnote: The Firebase database was openly accessible at
cloned from the legitimate Google site,
and also carries the page source records
of previously used Google accounts.
Of particular interest, this page included the
email address
which also appeared in the Google
phishing pages shown earlier.
21 The [.] annotation is intentionally placed here to prevent accidental visits to the malicious website
22 Hash of the file: 3b4b8f807986d1edcadcf42ef2090fe32136e5a5
31 In another page similar to the one sent to 33 This server publicly exposes a page that
Diep, the attackers used the same copy23 shows details of the configuration of the
of StealthAgent sent to Diep but under running Apache webserver,25 revealing that
a different name and made to look like Server 1 is actually configured as a “reverse
a horoscope application: “horoscope. proxy” to the IP address
apk” instead of “newyear.apk”. (hereinafter “Server 2”), a server seemingly
located in France and also provided by
32 All of these copies of StealthAgent OVH. This is shown in the screenshot:
communicate with a Command & Control while we browsed to the IP of Server 1,
server, seemingly located in Canada, at the SERVER_NAME and SERVER_ADDR
the IP address (hereinafter is actually the IP address of Server 2.
“Server 1”). This IP address is assigned
to the French hosting company OVH and A reverse proxy is a server that is configured
has been “sub-delegated” (or re-assigned) to “mediate” the exchange of data between
by OVH to a “Private Customer” in Lahore, a client and a server. It re-transmits the request
Pakistan, as shown in the screenshot.24 originating from a visitor to the actual website
and carries back the response to the client.
In this way, Server 1 appears to be the There might be several reasons for this
Command & Control when in reality particular configuration; it is most commonly
Server 2 is. In this case, Server 2 is used to mask the location of the actual
the server actually responding with Command & Control server and thwart
instructions for StealthAgent and investigations and security analysts.
receiving the data stolen from infected
devices. The screenshot shows Server 35 When visiting the homepage of
extract configuration details for its a line of HTML code that directly
36 Looking at the registration information 404 page instead of the control panel
of Server 2 ( we find interface. This indicates the the contents
that it is assigned to OVH and it is also of the web directory had been wiped or
sub-delegated to an address in Lahore, the server reconfigured. Shortly afterwards
but in this case the registration reveals this server and the other reverse proxies
also the identity of the owner . 26
went offline and have not reappeared.
38 More interestingly, the website of
SuperInnovative also advertises among its CONNECTION
available products a “Phone Monitoring
Application”, which describes more or
less the same functionality as the Android
spyware that we observed being used to
target Diep Saeeda, and which they call
Pure StealthAgent (as in the “StealthAgent”
mentioned in the login page of Server 2).
StealthAgent resembles in functionality, and
The website of SuperInnovative lists partially in code structure, another more
a number of individuals supposedly common off-the-shelf Android spyware
working for the company. called TheOneSpy.28 TheOneSpy is produced
by a company called Ox-I-Gen, and is
This information suggests a direct
publicly advertised as a tool for parental
connection between SuperInnovative and the
control and domestic surveillance.
StealthAgent Android spyware that was sent
to Diep Saeeda, and that SuperInnovative TheOneSpy is commercially available to just
may have been the developers of about anyone willing to pay the licensing
the spyware used by the attackers in cost. A fully-fledged stealthy spyware for
campaigns against activists in Pakistan. mobile phones, it is advertised for parental
control, employee monitoring, as well as
From the numerous direct similarities between The similarities between StealthAgent
the two spyware samples, we conclude that and TheOneSpy as well as the direct
there is a strong direct connection between connections between several employees of
TheOneSpy and StealthAgent, which likely SuperInnovative and the creator and owner of
continued as a separate development effort TheOneSpy suggest to us that StealthAgent
after the initial creation. (You can read more may have been originally created by the same
details on the similarities between TheOneSpy developers or at least the two companies
and StealthAgent in the Appendices.) started the development of their respective
products from the same code base.
and log passwords;
Activate and record audio
malware used in the attacks against and network protocol (procedures) used by
Diep Saeeda and other Pakistani human the copies of Crimson we have observed being
rights defenders belongs to a family of used against members of Pakistan’s civil society
malware generally called Crimson. The match those described in these earlier reports.
33 Please see statement by Contabo on these findings in “Notification letters and responses”.
particular IP addresses and suggested files before they were deleted or hidden.
Palo Alto Networks note in their report that the files from
34 Palo Alto, Tracking Subaat: Targeted Phishing Attack Leads to Threat Actor’s Repository, 27 October 2017,
Palo Alto, ProjectM: Link Found Between Pakistani Actor and Operation Transparent Tribe, 25 March 2016,
35 JaromirHorejsi (@JaromirHorejsi), Tweet dated 8 August 2017,
36 JAMESWT (@JAMESWT_MHT), Tweet dated 8 August 2017,
37 Guido Not CISSP® (@0x7fff9), Tweet dated 8 August 2017,
The configured Command & Control The document begins by naming two
server located at IP address people, one of which is Zahid Rasheed, as
was assigned a domain name of members of a “Team Cyber Security”, and by the hosting proceeds with a rather intriguing description
company Contabo GmbH, suggesting that of the daily tasks of this particular team:
this particular copy of Crimson was likely “We scan network on daily basis to check open
generated on that same server.41 We are port or any outbound connection into our network,
therefore confident that the owners of then we communicate with twitter and FB team
the website also had access captains for any new Anti Army or Fake accounts
to recognized Crimson infrastructure as well of COAS/DG ISPR. Check DG’s Facebook page
as tools to build Crimson malware. security and Past 24 hour activity. We are working
on different target accounts to trace their IP
46 However, the most revealing file at the
Addresses or to compromise their accounts.
time hosted on is one called
We check different new site to see if there are any
“zahidskills.docx”. This document appears to
Anti Army content on it, so we try to take them down
provide an overview of the skills of members of
or at least trace the administrator. Increasing likes/
the Pakistani military cyber security team, their
followers and viral content on SM-Team request.
daily tasks as well as their particular expertise.
We Scan ISPR/PakArmy Website on Weekly basis
to find vulnerabilities or any type of errors.
Explore and test new exploits on cyber security
and to stay up to date with latest techniques.”
If authentic, this document suggests that it 48 Documents written with Microsoft Office
was created by individuals who are working normally retain some metadata, or
for a team that is conducting both defensive “properties”, that record useful information
as well as offensive operations, particularly in such as who created the document,
retaliation to those critical of the Pakistan Army. and when it was created or last edited.44
Interestingly this extract specifically mentions This particular document’s metadata
some military-related acronyms, including: reveals that it was created on 24 July 2017
COAS: Chief of Army Staff42 by a user named
of a company called Innovative Technology
Network (ITN) registered in the UK.46 This
information also appears in the LinkedIn
profile of Faisal Hanif, which as of March
Throughout the course of our investigation 50 In 2016, the antivirus company Symantec
into the connections between the published a technical description of a
attacks that we observed, particularly spyware for BlackBerry phones which they
all those received by Diep Saeeda, we identified as BBOS.StealthGenie. Among
identified indications that the creators of others, they identify as
StealthAgent have been in contact with one of the domains to which such spyware
the operators of the Crimson attacks. was configured to extract stolen data. Note
that the word “fanee” was also found in
Faisal Hanif’s Facebook account located 52 Furthermore, when the cyber security company
at,further Proofpoint published its report Operation
suggesting his connection with the domain. Transparent Tribe,50 which documents Crimson
attacks, Proofpoint provided a screenshot
51 For this same domain,, we they obtained from one of the developers of
find other records on VirusTotal, including a Windows malware used by the attackers.
a number of other malicious files.48
In this screenshot, the developer of the
One of these files is called spy.jar, and appears Windows malware “Beendoor”, detailed in
to be yet another copy of a BlackBerry spyware, the Proofpoint report, is chatting with Sajid
which contains references to the IP address Iqbal, an employee of SuperInnovative, This IP address, owned by further suggesting that for quite some time
the German company Contabo GmbH, was there has been a connection between
previously documented by TrendMicro in its the operators of the Crimson attacks
report Operation C-Major,49 which details attacks and the developers of StealthAgent.
conducted by the operators of the Crimson. Such
overlap of network infrastructure, while it could
also be coincidental, generally is suggestive
of a potential connection between the two.
48 VirusTotal,
49 Trend Micro, Operation C-Major: Information Theft Campaign Targets Military Personnel in India, March 2016,
50 Proofpoint, Operation Transparent Tribe,
International human rights law and standards Furthermore, in 2014 the UN General
establish and protect the right to defend human Assembly, in adopting resolution 68/181
rights as an autonomous and independent specifically on women human rights
right. The Declaration on the Right and defenders, acknowledged that:
Responsibilities of Individuals, Groups, “Women of all ages who engage in the
and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect promotion and protection of all human rights
Universally Recognised Human Rights and and fundamental freedoms and all people
Fundamental Freedoms – commonly known who engage in the defence of the rights of
as the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders women and gender equality, individually and
– recognizes this right and develops provisions in association with others, play an important
contained in international instruments such role, at the local, national, regional and
as the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, international levels, in the promotion and
the International Covenant on Economic, Social protection of human rights, in accordance with
and Cultural Rights, and the International the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to
Promote and Protect Universally Recognized
The Declaration on Human Rights Defenders
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.”
also establishes that states bear the
ultimate responsibility to protect human
rights defenders, to prevent and effectively
address allegations of human rights violations
and abuses committed against them and
related to their human rights work, and to
ensure that they can carry out their work
in a safe and enabling environment.51
51 Article 2 of the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote
and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, UN Doc. A/RES/53/144 (1998).
This report documents how a network While the unlawful surveillance that human
of fake social media accounts is being rights defenders are subjected to is not a new
used to infiltrate the activist communities phenomenon, the ubiquity and availability of
in Pakistan and use the work of human digital tools such as those used against Diep
rights defenders against them – luring them Saeeda and others in this report demonstrate
into giving away their Facebook or Google that the digital threats against human
log‑in credentials or downloading malicious rights defenders are quickly multiplying.
software that can spy on them through their
phones and computers. This report also Intimidating civil society in this way is
tells the story of one woman, a courageous dangerous for us all. We each rely on human
human rights defender standing up for rights defenders to advance our human
peace and freedom in her community and rights and demand that governments respect
country – and who, because of that, has them, as well as to strive for accountability
become the target of a well‑orchestrated when they don’t. When civil society is
and relentless surveillance campaign. silenced, all of our human rights are at risk.
Its functionality is limited and it appears to only be able to collect some basic information from the
infected computer and details of any identified antivirus software running on the computer. The
code reveals the particular process names that this malware module looks out for, including the
names of some well-known antivirus software packages:
This downloader would then check whether the main module is installed on the infected system
and currently running. If the main module is not present, the downloader would then initiate a
TCP connection to the Command & Control server configured in this snippet of code:
udlt Delete other modules and download and execute ‘remove user’ module
The text file can normally be found in the same folder in which the keylogger
executable file is stored. In recent variants this is %ProgramData%\
Luire\. The text file would later be uploaded by the main malware module
to the Command & Control server upon request by the operators.
This routine makes use of the DriveInfo.GetDrives54 .NET API to retrieve a list of
currently mounted drives. For each available drive, it will check whether it is ready
to access and whether it is a removable USB drive. If so, it will invoke a saveFiles
function which will walk through all files stored on the drive and store copies of
them in a local folder normally located at %ProgramData%\Bras\Data\
this.warlzmsthrRuning = true;
DriveInfo[] drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives();
DriveInfo[] array = drives;
for (inti = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
DriveInfodriveInfo = array[i];
if (driveInfo.IsReady && driveInfo.DriveType == DriveType.Removable)
this.warlzmsthrRuning = false;
The Android malware used by this attacker is capable of collecting a large amount of
information from compromised devices. The following are some of the supported features:
Read a list of installed applications.
Collect metadata about the device, network and SIM card.
Retrieve all sent and received SMS messages.
Retrieve contact lists.
Extract saved photos, videos and audio.
Retrieve GPS location data.
Record phone calls.
Record audio when an SMS-based trigger is received.
We have not seen this actor using exploits to elevate privileges on the target devices. Instead they
rely on users accepting a large number of permissions when installing the malicious application,
providing the spyware extensive access to stored data and information on the status of the device:
android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION android.permission.READ_SMS
android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS
android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO
android.permission.CALL_PHONE android.permission.SEND_SMS
android.permission.CAMERA android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS
android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD android.permission.VIBRATE
android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
android.permission.INTERNET android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
android.permission.PROCESS_INCOMING_CALLS android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS
android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS android.permission.WRITE_SMS
The malware code has references to the collection of Viber, WhatsApp, Skype,
and Gmail application data but this functionality is not implemented in the
samples that we have observed. TheOneSpy has significantly more capabilities to
collect application-specific data from social media and messaging applications.
It appears that both tools have been developed from a common codebase.
The malware communicates using a simple JSON-based protocol over HTTP. There is no ability
for the operators to send arbitrary commands to the device, or to download and execute new code.
The malware checks-in to the C&C server when the application starts by sending a JSON POST
request containing the IMEI number (a unique 15-digit identifier) of the device.
The C&C server responds with what appears to be configuration data for the malware.
The samples we have seen do not appear to read or use the configuration data from this response.
This endpoint receives textual data uploaded from the device such as SMS messages,
call logs and location data. This data is first read and queued in a SQLite database on the
device. Every 10 seconds the PostData task is run to check for and upload any queued
data. The data is then deleted from this SQLite database after a successful upload.
Specific metadata is provided for each of the different categories of uploads. These
categories are CR (recorded calls), GL (photos), VD (videos), and AU (audio recordings).
this.mMessage = currentMessage.getDisplayMessageBody();
if (this.mMessage.contains(“StartMicBug”) ||
this.mMessage.contains(“M@ic8k”)) {
int duration =
(this.mMessage.indexOf(“:”) + 1, this.mMessage.length()).replaceAll(“ “, “”));
if (duration == 2 || duration == 5 || duration == 15 || duration == 30) {
Util.Log(“Record mic for “ + duration + “ min”);
recordMic(context, duration);
Phishing Domains
Crimson Installers
Crimson Keylogger
09 May 2018
Dear Mr Klaba,
I am writing to you in relation to a report that Amnesty intends to publish shortly. The report outlines the findings of
Amnesty International on the digital threats and attacks faced by human rights defenders and civil society in
Pakistan. Amnesty International has uncovered targeting of individuals using malicious surveillance technologies and
malware. The report provides evidence on who is involved with these attacks and the techniques they are using to
try and gain access to both personal and professional information of Pakistani human rights defenders.
This is a formal notification letter to inform you that you have been named in our report. To be clear Amnesty
International does not make any allegations against you in our report. There is no comment made in relation to the
safety of your servers or your due diligence processes. Amnesty International routinely notifies companies and
individuals named in reports we publish regardless of the extent of their involvement. I have provided a summary of
our report findings (in relation to OVH) below and annexed extracts from our report at the end of this letter (Annex
A). As you are aware we first emailed you on 07 May 2018 informing you that Amnesty International had identified
malicious infrastructure that is being used to deliver and operate Android malware. We requested that you take action
and shutdown services that are connected to this abuse (Annex B). As of today, we have not received a response to
that email.
Our investigations have revealed that some of the targeted malware samples we have collected communicate with an
OVH server located in Canada. This server is acting as a reverse proxy for the actual Command and Control server
which is also an OVH server, located in France. The malware in question is called ‘StealthAgent’. StealthAgent is a
custom-built Android spyware.
According to registration records in the RIPE database, we found that the OVH Command and Control server in
question is registered to a private individual in Pakistan.
We have uncovered additional OVH servers from internet scan data which are also acting as reverse proxies for the
French Command and Control server. Although there can be many reasons for this particular reverse proxy server
configuration – we note that it is most commonly used to mask the location of the actual Control & Command server
and thwart investigations and security analysts.
We invite you to provide us with any comments or clarification that you may have on the information contained in
this letter. We intend to publish our findings and your response in our report. To enable us to consider incorporating
this into the report, please respond by email to Mr Sherif Elsayed-Ali ( by 12pm on
Monday, 14th May 2018.
Company Registration: 01606776 Registered in England and Wales
Yours sincerely,
09 May 2018
Dear Mr Herpich,
I am writing to you in relation to a report that Amnesty International intends to publish shortly. The report outlines
the findings of Amnesty International on the digital threats and attacks faced by human rights defenders and civil
society in Pakistan. Amnesty International has uncovered targeting of individuals using malicious surveillance
technologies and malware. The report provides evidence on who is involved with these attacks and the techniques
they are using to try and gain access to both personal and professional information of Pakistani human rights
On anuary , we first contacted you in relation to this matter and informed you on anuary that
one of your servers was being used for malware attacks targeting human rights defenders in Pakistan and asked to
work with you to ensure that this malware communication is halted. These emails are annexed to this letter (Annex
A). As the emails show the malware campaign continued on other Contabo GmbH servers after the previous ones
were shut down - this was detected by Amnesty International. As you are aware the last email we sent to you was
on the 07 May 2018 requesting that further servers are shut down due to malware communication (Annex B).
This is a formal notification letter to inform you that you have been named in our report. To be clear Amnesty
International does not make any allegations against you in our report. There is no comment made in relation to the
safety of your servers or your due diligence processes. Amnesty International routinely notifies companies
and individuals named in reports we publish regardless of the extent of their involvement. I have provided a
summary of our report findings (in relation to Contabo GmbH) below and annexed extracts from our report at the
end of this letter (Annex C).
To summarise, our investigations have revealed that some of the targeted malware samples we have collected
connect back to a set of Command and Control servers leased from Contabo GmbH. The malware in question is
called Crimson. Crimson is a spyware tool which allows an attacker to perform extensive and long-term digital
surveillance after gaining access to a device According to our analysis, the attackers we have identified managed
to continue using your services since at least 2016.
In our report, we note that attackers identified by other private sector reports using this specific ‘Crimson
RAT’ malware are found to ‘favour’ Contabo GmbH to run their malicious infrastructure. We also list a number of
Contabo GmbH servers that we identify as currently hosting Crimson RAT Command & Controls.
We invite you to provide us with any comments or clarification that you may have on the information contained in
this letter. We intend to publish this letter and your response in our report. To enable us to consider incorporating
Company Registration: 01606776 Registered
this into the report, please respond by email to Mr Sherif Elsayed-Ali ( in England
by 12pm onand Wales
Monday, 14th May 2018.
Yours sincerely,
Contabo does not allow or tolerate the misuse of servers for abuse,
as stated in our TOS. All VPS and dedicated servers we provide are
so‑called “root” servers, i.e. the customer receives full control over them,
We are very sympathetic to Amnesty’s cause and have worked together with Amnesty
in the past in order to remove malware from a small number of severs in our network
that had been affected. The same is true for the current case, we are in the process
of completely removing the infected or purposely infected servers from our network
‑ at the moment of this writing we cannot be sure if the affected servers have been
hacked. The number of affected servers represents a tiny fraction of our network.
Evidence of these threats and attacks is deeply concerning in the already perilous situation for human rights
defenders in Pakistan - a country where activists working amongst a myriad of issues are harassed, attacked and
even disappear on a regular basis. Amnesty International believes that your involvement in these attacks has directly
threatened the safety and security of the individuals targeted. In our report Amnesty International calls on the
Government of Pakistan to fully investigate the allegations made in our report.
We invite you to provide us with any comments or clarification that you may have on the information contained in
this letter. We intend to publish this letter and your response in our report. To enable us to consider incorporating
this into the report, please respond by email to Mr Sherif Elsayed-Ali ( by 12pm on
Monday, 14th May 2018.
Yours sincerely,
Hi *,
Thanks for the query. I received few notification this morning that some of online devices causing this type of
unethical disturbance which are associated to my name.
I have investigated all of my online devices and found some of them was compromised and hacked by some
anonymous hacker. I have reported all the suspicious devices to data center and asked to block and shutdown
the devices @ 11/05/2018 14:07 until we clear that by offline investigation.
We are investigating the reported devices to find the traces if we are able to find any clue about hacker. As this
activity is not that simple to find the traces so it may take few days.
I will will be able to update you situation once we completed the investigation.
Attached please find a formal notification letter to inform you that you have been named in a forthcoming Amnesty International
report regarding targeted digital attacks against human rights defenders in Pakistan.
We invite you to provide us with any comments or clarification that you may have on the information contained in this letter. We
intend to publish this letter and your response in our report. To enable us to consider incorporating this into the report, please
respond by email to Mr Sherif Elsayed-Ali ( by 12pm on Monday, 14th May 2018.
Joshua Franco
Joshua Franco
Amnesty International
This email has been sent by Amnesty International Limited (a company registered in England and Wales limited by
guarantee, number 01606776 with a registered office at 1 Easton St, London WC1X 0DW). Internet
communications are not secure and therefore Amnesty International does not accept legal responsibility for the
contents of this message. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose or rely on the information in
this e-mail. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those
of Amnesty International unless specifically stated. Electronic communications including email might be monitored
by Amnesty International for operational or business reasons..
Faisal Hanif
SENT TO OX-I-GEN VIA EMAIL ON 11 MAY 2018 Peter Benenson House, 1 Easton Street
London WC!X 0DW, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)20 7413 5500 F: +44 (0)20 7956 1157
E: W:
11 May 2018
Dear Mr Javed
I am writing to you in relation to a report that Amnesty intends to publish shortly. The report outlines the findings of
Amnesty International on the digital threats and attacks faced by human rights defenders and civil society in
Pakistan. Amnesty International has uncovered targeting of individuals using malicious surveillance technologies and
malware. The report provides evidence on who is involved with these attacks and the techniques they are using to
try and gain access to both personal and professional information of Pakistani human rights defenders.
This is a formal notification letter to inform you that Ox-i-Gen has been named in our report. Amnesty International
concludes that there is a connection between Ox-i-Gen and another company 'Superlnnovative'. The report presents
the similarities between Ox-i-Gen's product 'TheOneSpy' and a malware used to target human rights defenders in
Pakistan named 'StealthAgent' (which Amnesty believes was created by 'Superlnnovative').
Amnesty International believe this may have occurred because both malwares were created by the same developers
or that Ox-i-Gen shared an early version of their product with 'Superlnnovative'. Our report concludes that it is likely
that Superlnnovative used 'TheOneSpy' to create a 'customized alternative version', which has been seen in
surveillance operations used to target persons in Pakistan.
We note in our report that you worked at 'Vopium' the same company as Superlnnovative founder - Faisal Hanif. We
believe that you have a long-standing relation with Faisal Hanif and this could be why there are links between his
spyware 'StealthAgent' and 'TheOneSpy'.
Evidence of these threats and attacks is deeply concerning in the already perilous situation for human rights
defenders in Pakistan - a country where activists working amongst a myriad of issues are harassed, attacked and
even disappear on a regular basis. In our report Amnesty International calls on the Government of Pakistan to fully
investigate the allegations made.
We invite you to provide us with any comments or clarification that you may have on the information contained in
this letter. We intend to publish this letter and your response in our report. To enable us to consider incorporating
this into the report, please respond by email to Mr Sherif Elsayed-Ali ( by 12pm on
Monday, 14th May 2018.
Yours sincerely,
I object again, we are the independent company and we don’t know where from you
have got the news. I will sue you in the court of law because there is an element of
deformation in your report, that is totally fact less and lacking with proofs. We are not
doing a hidden or secret business. We are openly selling a product that protect
children from online predators, prevents social media addiction; make parents to stay
update about kids inappropriate use of internet such as watching carnal content and
plenty of others.
TheOneSpy is purely parenting control software product that we provide parents that
have no time to look after their kids and teens online activities via cell phone devices.
On the other hands, the rise and the rise in social media dangers and online predators
such as cyber bullies, stalkers, sexual predators and child abusers. TheOneSpy has
taken a step and believe in the world that is fair, equal, and free from online predators.
Moreover, there is no link between Ox-i-Gen INC and your introduced
“SuperInnovative. You can read our blogs that convincingly inform the reader
about parenting, parenting tips and how to use TheOneSpy parenting software.
Anyhow, if digital parenting is the crime, then we are doing this crime! The third
allegation that you have put on us is that I have worked in “Vopium” with Faisal Hanif.
I object further and let me tell, yes I have worked at “Vopium” but I don’t know about
Mr. Faisal Hanif. Because, May there is time difference that we have worked in the
same company, but not at the same time period.
“We are the part of the Human rights defenders because we are doing an online
social work by selling parental control software and you can further read our website
disclaimer. That’s all I want to say and clarify about my business. We deeply
concerned about your allegations
allegations that
that are
are hurting,
hurting, but
but we
we have
have right
right to
to defend
defend our
our self
and you should take care what you are going to say someone who has no idea that
allegations you have made. In the end, I must draw your attention that we are doing
business about patenting software. However, if you are one of those parents who are
insecure about their children digital safety, we will be at your service. It would be an
honor that you yourself test our product. However, if you think our product has
misused and someone has purchased our license online and then has used to spy on
someone that is the part of Pakistani human rights defenders.
Then I would appreciate your efforts in the way that you can point out someone that
has involved in breaching someone’s privacy in the name of digital parenting. We
would like to track the culprit having your piece of assistance. Furthermore, we are
great admirers of the AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL that always come up with the facts
and stats about such activities. We assure you, we would like to work together and
reveal the faces that use the parental control software for spying on someone’s
privacy and breaching private information of both personal and professional
information of Pakistani human rights defenders. It’s our moral responsibility to work
with your shoulder to shoulder. Let us join your piece of investigation to unveil the
truth that allegations and assumptions that you have made against us are not true.
Best Regards.
From: *
Sent: Friday, 11 May 2018 4:47 PM
Amnesty International Subject: Amnesty International Notification Letter 73
Attached please find a formal notification letter to inform you that your company,
Amnesty International also believe that there is a connection between Superlnnovative and other operators who have
targeted human rights defenders in Pakistan using a different spyware named 'Crimson'.
Evidence of these threats and attacks is deeply concerning in the already perilous situation for human rights
defenders in Pakistan - a country where activists working amongst a myriad of issues are harassed, attacked and
even disappear on a regular basis. Amnesty International believes that your involvement in these attacks has directly
threatened the safety and security of the individuals targeted. In our report Amnesty International calls on the
Government of Pakistan to fully investigate the allegations made.
We invite you to provide us with any comments or clarification that you may have on the information contained in
this letter. We intend to publish this letter and your response in our report. To enable us to consider incorporating
this into the report, please respond by email to Mr Sherif Elsayed-Ali ( by 12pm on
Monday, 14th May 2018.
Yours sincerely,
We also note that you ask for advice on how to write some code for an Android application that "secretly forwards
received SMS to another phone number and delete the sent SMS from inbox".
In addition, we disclose that an email address linked to you,, was included in the
source code of a fake Google Play Store page. This page was used to lure targets into downloading a custom
Android malware tool known as "StealthAgent". This malware link was sent to our human rights defender in
Evidence of these threats and attacks is deeply concerning in the already perilous situation for human rights
defenders in Pakistan - a country where activists working amongst a myriad of issues are harassed, attacked and
even disappear on a regular basis. Amnesty international cannot prove that you were directly involved in the targeting
of the human rights defender named in the report, but it appears likely that you were involved in the development of
the phishing pages. Amnesty International believes that your involvement in these attacks has directly threatened
the safety and security of the individuals targeted. In our report Amnesty International calls on the Government of
Pakistan to fully investigate the allegations made.
We invite you to provide us with any comments or clarification that you may have on the information contained in
this letter. We intend to publish our findings and may include part or all of your response in our report. To enable us
to consider incorporating this into the report, please respond by email to Mr Sherif Elsayed-Ali
( by 12pm on Monday, 14th May 2018.
Yours sincerely,
Evidence of these threats and attacks is deeply concerning in the already perilous situation for human rights
defenders in Pakistan - a country where activists working amongst a myriad of issues are harassed, attacked and
even disappear on a regular basis. In our report Amnesty International calls on the Government of Pakistan to fully
investigate the allegations made in our report.
We invite you to provide us with any comments or clarification that you may have on the information contained in
this letter. We intend to publish this letter and your response in our report. To enable us to consider incorporating
this into the report, please respond by email to Mr Sherif Elsayed-Ali ( by 12pm on
Monday, 14th May 2018.
Yours sincerely,