UCI Rule 2.16.027
UCI Rule 2.16.027
UCI Rule 2.16.027
be suspended automatically should it fail to arrange the additional guarantee within one month of the
date of the decision imposing the fine and shall remain suspended for as long as it fails to do so.
The UCI may not be held liable for the inadequacy of the bank guarantee.
2.16.026 The guarantee shall be valid from 1 January of the registration year until 31 March of the following year.
2.16.027 1§ The UCI shall draw on the bank guarantee in favour of the creditor mentioned in the second
paragraph of article 2.16.023 except in the event that the claim is clearly unfounded. The pro-
fessional continental team shall be notified of the creditor's claim and the call on the guarantee.
For any call on the bank guarantee, the UCI shall draw, in addition to the amount claimed by
the creditor, the sum of CHF 500 as costs. This sum shall be applied for each creditor who calls
up the bank guarantee, up to a maximum of CHF 15,000 per bank guarantee. In case of pay-
ment by UCI of a seized amount from a bank guarantee, all bank fees are exclusively at the
expense of the beneficiary.
The creditor shall not be actually paid until one month has elapsed from the time the sum was
allocated from the guarantee. If, in the interim, the professional continental team files a written
objection to the payment of the money to the creditor, the UCI shall pay the sum at issue into a
special account and shall subsequently distribute it in accordance with any agreement reached
between the parties or according to an enforceable judicial or arbitral ruling.
2§ Should the creditor fail to take proceedings against the paying agent before the body stated in
his contract or such body as he may consider competent on other grounds within three months
of the date of his call on the guarantee, the paying agent may call on the UCI to release the
funds in his favour.
The funds shall be released should the creditor fail to take proceedings within one month of the
despatch of notice by the UCI or to submit proof to the UCI of such proceedings within the fol-
lowing fifteen days. Should the body before which proceedings are taken declare itself not com-
petent to rule the creditor shall resubmit his claim within one month of being informed of the
decision. Should this not be the case the paying agent may call on the UCI to release the funds
in his favour. The funds shall be released should the creditor fail to take further proceedings
within one month of the despatch of notice by the UCI or to submit proof to the UCI of such pro-
ceedings within the following fifteen days.
2.16.028 Should the claim exceed an amount equivalent to three months of contractual benefits and the con-
ditions for payment be fulfilled, only an instalment amounting to three months of contractual bene-
fits may be paid initially. The acknowledged balance of the debt may be paid from the main guaran-
tee should that guarantee not have been exhausted by the end of its period of validity. Should there
be more than one creditor, the balance available under the guarantee shall be shared proportionally
amongst them.
2.16.029 The UCI may call up the bank guarantee if fees, expenses, indemnities, fines and penalties or
charges imposed by or in accordance with UCI regulations or related to their application remain
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