The hidraw driver provides a raw interface to USB and Bluetooth Human
Interface Devices (HIDs). It differs from hiddev in that reports sent and
received are not parsed by the HID parser, but are sent to and received from
the device unmodified.
Hidraw uses a dynamic major number, meaning that udev should be relied on to
create hidraw device nodes. Udev will typically create the device nodes
directly under /dev (eg: /dev/hidraw0). As this location is distribution-
and udev rule-dependent, applications should use libudev to locate hidraw
devices attached to the system. There is a tutorial on libudev with a
working example at:
read() will read a queued report received from the HID device. On USB
devices, the reports read using read() are the reports sent from the device
on the INTERRUPT IN endpoint. By default, read() will block until there is
a report available to be read. read() can be made non-blocking, by passing
the O_NONBLOCK flag to open(), or by setting the O_NONBLOCK flag using
On a device which uses numbered reports, the first byte of the returned data
will be the report number; the report data follows, beginning in the second
byte. For devices which do not use numbered reports, the report data
will begin at the first byte.
The write() function will write a report to the device. For USB devices, if
the device has an INTERRUPT OUT endpoint, the report will be sent on that
endpoint. If it does not, the report will be sent over the control endpoint,
using a SET_REPORT transfer.
The first byte of the buffer passed to write() should be set to the report
number. If the device does not use numbered reports, the first byte should
be set to 0. The report data itself should begin at the second byte.
Hidraw supports the following ioctls:
In samples/, find hid-example.c, which shows examples of read(), write(),
and all the ioctls for hidraw. The code may be used by anyone for any
purpose, and can serve as a starting point for developing applications using
Document by:
Alan Ott <alan@signal11.us>, Signal 11 Software