Spardha Awards PDF
Spardha Awards PDF
Spardha Awards PDF
To develop awareness and sensitivity towards fellow human beings through Social Service.
To organize and conduct social service activities by students , leading to development of awareness ,
sensitivity and a spirit of volunteerism for promoting humane and one community feeling among IIT(BHU)
fraternity and surrounding areas.
The council believes that the inborn humane qualities already existent in every individual needs to be
nurtured and further developed there by blooming out with full potential to benefit the society as a whole.
These values and skills will be nourished to foster an all pervasive sense of social service amongst the
student’s fraternity, which will cater to the needs and challenges of our society.
This council is committed to developing and disseminating professional knowledge, encompassing
identifying the community problems at micro levels, critical analysis and drafting innovative solutions
,consequently contributing to overall responsive social welfare.
Creating awareness about various causes of diseases and their preventive measures.
Organizing activities contributing towards a healthy society such as medical camps, blood
donation camps etc. to create a sense of mutual cooperation across the spectra of fellow human
To ingrain in the minds of the students and the society the vedic ideology of “Healthy mind lives
in a healthy body”.
The social project club seeks to contribute to the human community through focused and rigorous
approaches on finding different roots and causes for the run-down of society and thereby forecasting its
impacts and remedial measures.
Increasing the cognizance of the students about the situations around Varanasi through data
generation and compilation.
Assignment of live social projects to the students dealing with disciplinary punishments as a tool
to enhance their moral conduct and in-turn making the society better and efficient.
Provision of social internships and related activities for enhancing the chances of potential
improvements, comprehensive root-cause analysis, thereby making them more experienced
towards real-life situations.