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India and Geopolitics

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Praker Bandimutt


Geopolitics is a method of political analysis, popular in Central Europe

during the first half of the 20th cent. that emphasized the role played by
geography in international relations. Geopolitical theorists stress that natural
political boundaries and access to important waterways are vital to a nation's
survival. The term was first used (1916) by Rudolf Kjeflen, a Swedish political
scientist, and was later borrowed by Karl Haushofer, a German geographer and
follower of Friedrich Ratzel. Haushofer founded (1922) the Institute of
Geopolitics in Munich, from which he proceeded to publicize geopolitical ideas,
including Sir Walford J. Mackinder's theory of a European �heartland� central to
world domination. Haushofer's writings found favor with the Nazi leadership, and
his ideas were used to justify German expansion during the Nazi era. Many
expansionist justifications, including the American �manifest destiny� as well as
the German Lebensraum, are based on geopolitical considerations. Geopolitics is
different from political geography, a branch of geography concerned with the
relationship between politics and the environment.
One just has to look at what South Asia comprises of and where it is
situated in the world, it becomes apparent why this area has acquired a vital
position in the world at the end of the 20th century. The eight countries �
Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Maldives
- that constitute South Asia are a zone of fire. China is situated in the north of
this zone, Russia is on the North and West, the Middle East, Balkans and Europe
are on the West, and the Indian Ocean on the South.� The Indian Ocean connects the
Atlantic and the Pacific oceans.�

Classical Geopolitics

Geopolitics is concerned with how geographical factors, including

territory, population, strategic location, and natural resource endowments, as
modified by economics and technology, affect the relations between states and the
struggle for world domination. Classical geopolitics was a manifestation of
interimperialist rivalry and emerged around the time of the Spanish�American War
and the Boer War. It constituted the core ideology of U.S. overseas expansion
articulated in Alfred Thayer Mahan�s Influence of Sea Power upon History (1890),
Frederick Jackson Turner�s �The Frontier in American History� (1893), and Brooks
Adams�s The New Empire (1902)�as well as in Theodore Roosevelt�s �Rough-Rider�
policies. The term �geopolitics� itself was coined in 1899 by the Swedish
political scientist Rudolf Kjell�n, after which it quickly emerged as a systematic
area of study. The three foremost geopolitical theorists in the key period from
the Treaty of Versailles through the Second World War, were Halford Mackinder in
Britain, Karl Haushofer in Germany, and Nicholas John Spykman in the United
States. Geopolitics is concerned with how geographical factors, including
territory, population, strategic location, and natural resource endowments, as
modified by economics and technology, affect the relations between states and the
struggle for world domination. Classical geopolitics was a manifestation of
interimperialist rivalry and emerged around the time of the Spanish�American War
and the Boer War. It constituted the core ideology of U.S. overseas expansion
articulated in Alfred Thayer Mahan�s Influence of Sea Power upon History (1890),
Frederick Jackson Turner�s �The Frontier in American History� (1893), and Brooks
Adams�s The New Empire (1902)�as well as in Theodore Roosevelt�s �Rough-Rider�
policies. The term �geopolitics� itself was coined in 1899 by the Swedish
political scientist Rudolf Kjell�n, after which it quickly emerged as a systematic
area of study. The three foremost geopolitical theorists in the key period from
the Treaty of Versailles through the Second World War, were Halford Mackinder in
Britain, Karl Haushofer in Germany, and Nicholas John Spykman in the United
States pursue different grand strategies at different times with different
degrees of success. Why? Why select one grand strategy (an integrated,
multidimensional approach to security) and not another? Why not deal with all
threats in the same manner? And why, once selected, do some strategies succeed and
provide security (i.e., territorial integrity, political independence, economic
viability, environmental sustainability, and social cohesion) while others fail?
The Geographical Pivot of History is a book published in the Geographical Journal
and written by Sir Halford Mackinder, who is the founder of the school of
�Geopolitics may be defined, crudely, as the influence of geography upon
politics: how distance and terrain and climate affect the affairs of states and
men. Because of geography, for example, Athens was a thalassocracy - a sea empire
- whereas Sparta was a land power.�

Mackinder summarised his theory in Democratic Ideals and Reality (1919) thus:
Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; (Eurasia)
Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; (Eurasia and Africa)
Who rules the World Island commands the World.

Eighteenth-century Britain, as an island, enjoyed the freedom of the seas;

eighteenth-century Prussia was ringed by foes on all sides. One of the US's
current great advantages is that, in contrast to Prussia then or Russia today, it
has no great powers on its borders.
Here's how the Heartland Theory would apply to Iraq: Get a globe and put
your finger on Iraq. Notice how your finger is resting right in the middle, the
"heartland," of the Middle East, halfway between Egypt and Pakistan. In 1904,
British geographer Mackinder placed his finger on Eastern Europe and declared that
to be the "pivot area" or "heartland" of Europe. He declared: "Who commands
Eastern Europe commands the heartland; who rules the heartland commands the world
island; and who rules the world-island commands the world." (By world-island, he
meant the Euro-Asian-African landmass.)
Did anyone buy the Heartland Theory? Yes. Napoleon understood it even
before Mackinder was born. That is why he attacked czarist Russia. Moreover,
Kaiser Wilhelm II, Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin and three generations of the
world's foremost military strategists embraced it as gospel and acted upon it.
Even now, the United States is steering NATO's drive into Mackinder's Heartland
with the addition to its ranks of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. The essential element
in the Heartland Theory is simply "being there." There have been two great shifts
in the international balance of power over the past 500 years. The first was the
rise of Western Europe, which by the late 17th century had become the richest,
most dynamic and expansionist part of the globe. The second was the rise of the
United States of America, which between the Civil War and World War I became the
single most important country in the world. Right now a trend of equal magnitude
is taking places�the rise of Asia, led by China, which will fundamentally reshape
the international landscape in the next few decades. For America, whether it is
preserving jobs or security, recognizing and adapting to this new world order is
Today in the beginning of the 21st century; the question might be
rephrased: "What is the purpose of international affairs?" and the answer: "To
keep the Americans in, the Americans out, and the Americans down." The United
States, as the world�s only superpower, provides the only game in town. How a
nation plays this new game depends on what it needs most and wants most.
"I confess that countries are pieces on a chessboard," said Lord Curzon,
viceroy of India in 1898, "upon which is being played out a great game for the
domination of the world." Zbigniew Brzezinski, adviser to several presidents and
a guru admired by the Bush team, has written virtually those same words. In his
book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, he
writes that the key to dominating the world is central Asia, with its strategic
position between competing powers and immense oil and gas wealth. "To put it in
terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires," he
writes, one of "the grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy" is "to keep the
barbarians from coming together".


The first person to mention "the Middle East" in print seems to have been
General Sir Thomas Gordon, a British intelligence officer and director of the
Imperial Bank of Persia. In an article published in 1900, Gordon, who was
concerned with protecting British-ruled India from Russian threats, located it in
Persia, or present-day Iran, and Afghanistan. Two years later, an US naval
historian, Captain Alfred Mahan, also referred to the Middle East in an article
entitled The Persian Gulf and International Relations. Despite Gordon's earlier
article, Mahan is usually credited with coining the term, and as an enthusiastic
advocate of sea power, he centered his Middle East on the Gulf and its coasts.
The term was brought into popular usage by a series of 20 articles that
appeared in the Times in 1902 and 1903 under the heading The Middle Eastern
Question. Written by Valentine Chirol, head of paper's foreign department, the
articles expanded Mahan's concept of the Middle East to include all land and sea
approaches to India - Persia, the Persian Gulf, Iraq, the east coast of Arabia,
Afghanistan, and Tibet. Wherever the Middle East may actually be, the common
thread in all these early debates was how to control it in order to safeguard
India, the jewel in Britain's imperial crown. This set a pattern that continues
even today: there is nothing within the Middle East, as generally conceived, that
binds it together. Yes, it has oil, Islam and the Arabic language, but there are
major sources of oil and important centers of Islam outside it too. It is not a
region in its own right but a concept devised to suit the policies of outsiders,
and it changes shape according to their strategic interests.
The word "middle" was used initially to distinguish the region from the
"far" east - India and beyond - and the "near" east - the lands of the eastern
Mediterranean sometimes also known as the Levant. By the end of the first world
war, however, the distinction between "near" and "middle" was becoming blurred, at
least in the minds of British policy-makers. The war had brought the collapse of
the Ottoman empire and the rise of Arab nationalism. Britain had gained control
over Palestine, Transjordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and its strategic interests
were changing. Protecting the route to India was still a vital concern, but there
was also a growing awareness of the importance of oil.
The analysis of Asian security dynamics is a growth field of late. Many
observers characterize schools of thought on the region�s future in terms of a
debate between the �optimists� and the �pessimists� (as with the dialogue on
nuclear proliferation). Optimists point to economic growth and interdependence,
and the spread of democracy as reasons to believe that 21st century Asia will be
more peaceful than was 20th century Asia. Pessimists, however, envisage rampant
anarchy and conflict, sometimes characterized as a move �back to the future.� It
is likely, however, that if the future holds in store calm and prosperity the
traditional tools of military force projection will be of minimal utility. On the
other hand, if we do see the emergence of rife instability, these tools may well
play a major role in bringing about such a circumstance, and perhaps even in
making it worse.
It would seem that the �post-post colonialist� era for Asia entails a more
autonomous system than during the cold war, with security dynamics being driven
more by indigenous actors and a somewhat reduced US role. In many ways the
existence of contested nation-states, political-military conflict, and economic
interdependence and cooperation make the region of Asia a serviceable, and perhaps
even the best, microcosm of the world as a whole. The South Asian region today is
particularly vulnerable to conflict. It has a higher absolute poverty rate than
sub-Saharan Africa, abundant transnational ethnic groups, sectarian disputes,
terrorist groups, nuclearized powers, massive migration and refugee problems,
narcotics trafficking, disputed borders, resource disputes, and rampant political
corruption .

India during Colonial times

Currently there is the longest cold war which precedes the cold war of the
20th century after the rise of communism. Russian expansion to the east to the
pacific by the 1700 triggered the Europeans to expand worldwide. By the 1800
Europeans (British) had the southern end of the Asian landmass under their
control. Russians had expanded towards the central Asia and consolidated by 1900.
By the 1900 the British and the Russians were locked in the central Asia for
control and influence. By 2000 the Russian empire had receded back to its position
in 1800. The Asian landmass has been in the eyes of the Europeans even before
America was born. After the dependence of oil for the growth of the modern economy
after 1900s the MiddleEast and central Asia have taken a new role in geo-politics.
Central Asia has become the center stage of the 21st century and is right in
India's backyard. Hence Kashmir takes a prominent place in the Indian geopolitical
Two people invoked Lord Curzon ideas to define India's new standing in the
world. The first was Henry Kissinger, a former American Secretary of State who was
talking about India's role in the region stretching from Aden to Singapore. The
second was none other than the former External Affairs Minister, Jaswant Singh.
Lord George Nathaniel Curzon, Viceroy of India (1898- 1905) and British Foreign
Secretary (1919-24), might only be mentioned in our text books as the man who
partitioned Bengal. But within the foreign policy elite, he is recalled as the man
who outlined the grandest of the strategic visions for India. Why should the
imperialist vision of Lord Curzon - outlined nearly a century ago for British
India - be of any significance to New Delhi's foreign policy? Some diplomatists
suggest that the political context might have changed, but geography has not. If
geography is destiny, India has a pivotal role in the Indian Ocean and its
littoral, irrespective of who rules New Delhi.
In his book `The Place of India in the Empire', published in 1909, Lord
Curzon talks of India's geopolitical significance. ``On the West, India must
exercise a predominant influence over the destinies of Persia and Afghanistan; on
the north, it can veto any rival in Tibet; on the north-east and last it can exert
great pressure upon China, and it is one of the guardians of the autonomous
existence of Siam,'' he wrote.
However, much one might dream about India's strategic future, this is not
the kind of role India can play now. Nor is the world going to parcel out the
Indian Ocean littoral to India. New Delhi can, however, significantly contribute
towards the advancement of the region through political cooperation with other
great powers. That precisely is what Mr. Kissinger was talking about when he
referred to the ``parallel interests'' of India and the United States from Aden to
Singapore. These shared interests include energy security, safeguarding the sea
lanes, political stability, economic modernization and religious moderation.

Lord Curzon's emphasis on the value of fixing boundaries, conceived in the

context of expanding empires, remains very relevant for India. Settled boundaries
can make India's frontiers into zones of economic cooperation rather than bones of
political contention. The assessment that ``frontiers, which have so frequently
and recently been the cause of war, are capable of being converted into the
instruments and evidences of peace'' is even more true in a globalizing world. By
leaving territorial and boundary disputes with its key neighbors - Pakistan and
China - unresolved for so long, India has tied itself down. Lord Curzon seems to
have been aware of the tendency to avoid boundary settlements. ``In Asia,'' he
wrote, ``there has always been a strong instinctive aversion to the acceptance of
fixed boundaries arising partly from the nomadic habits of the people, partly from
the dislike of precise arrangements that is typical of the oriental mind, but more
still from the idea that in the vicissitudes of fortune more is to be expected
from an unsettled than from a settled frontier.'' Can India take Lord Curzon's
advice on frontiers and seek a final resolution of the Kashmir problem with
Pakistan and the boundary dispute with China?

Almost 90 years before Samuel Huntington wrote his famous essay on the
impending clash of civilizations and later developed it into a book with the same
title, and decades before even the Hindu nationalism and organizations were
formally organized in 1925 in India, Bipin Chandra Pal, a Hindu nationalist leader
of India's freedom movement, had foreseen this clash among various civilizations
and predicted that Hindu civilization will side with the Judeo-Christian West in
its war against Islamic and Chinese civilizations.
Pal's essays and articles written almost a century ago make fascinating
reading. A genuine thinker and visionary, Pal propounded his theories despite the
fact that he considered the West as the greatest danger to humanity and was a
great admirer of Islam's spiritual values. He thought that Islam was going to
conquer large parts of the world, through its power of propaganda and not through
war. He considered this inevitable. He was, however, scared of Islam's political
manipulation. He foresaw the dangers of political Islam, which he considered an
aberration. For, in his view, Islam is not only "extra-territorial" in its
ideology, but also "extra-political".
In a collection of his essays entitled "Nationality and Empire", Pal writes
under the sub-head Pan-Islamism and Pan-Mongolianism: "This Pan-European
combination [that we now call the West] will be a very serious menace to the non-
European world. It will be bound to come into serious conflict with both Pan-
Islamism and Pan-Mongolianism. If Europe can settle her internal jealousies
betimes, she will be able to dominate easily both the Islamic and the Mongolian
world. Nothing will prevent in that case the parceling out of the Muslim lands on
the one side, and of China on the other. But that is not very likely. It will
take, at least, as long a time for the European chancelleries to forget their past
jealousies and present rivalries, as it will take for China, now that she has
awakened from the sleep of ages, to put her own house in order and organize her
leviathan strength to hold her own against the entire world.
"The same thing is likely to happen in the Islamic world also; and the fall
of Turkey in Europe will hasten this combination. It will not be an organized
confederacy like that of China and Japan, but a far more dangerous, because more
subtle, combination of the hearts of countless hordes who hold nothing so dear,
neither land nor life, as their religion. And the real strength of this Pan-
Islamic outburst will come from Egypt and India [which then included present-day
Pakistan and Bangladesh], where it will be safe from the crushing weight of the
Pan-European confederacy. England will not allow her European confederates to
interfere with her own domestic affairs; such interference would break up the
confederation at once. She will have to settle this Pan-Islamic problem, so far as
it may affect her own dominions, herself."
Then describing where the danger for India will come from, Pal writes under
the title "Our Real Danger". "And it is just here that our safety from this
possible Pan-European combination also lies. Because of the British connection,
India will have nothing to fear from any possible combination of the European
powers. The same is also true of Egypt, though perhaps in a lesser degree. Our
real menace will come not from Europe but from Asia, not from Pan-Europeanism but
from Pan-Islamism and Pan-Mongolianism. These dangers are, however, common, both
to India and Egypt and Great Britain. To provide against it, Great Britain will
have to find and work out a satisfactory and permanent settlement of the Indian
and the Egyptian problem, and we, on our part, will have also to come to some
rational compromise with her. British statesmanship must recognize the urgent and
absolute need of fully satisfying the demands of Indian and Egyptian nationalism,
and India and Egypt will have to frankly accept the British connection - which is
different from British subjection - as a necessary condition of their national
life and freedom. To wantonly seek to break up this connection, while it will only
hurt Great Britain, may positively kill every chance and possibility of either
Indian or Egyptian nationalism ever realizing itself."
Predicting and pleading the need for the alliance of the West and India,
Pal writes under the sub-head "Our True Safety":
"Indian nationalism in any case, has, I think, really no fear of being
permanently opposed or crippled by Great Britain. On the contrary, the British
connection can alone offer its effective protection against both the Pan-Islamic
and the Pan-Mongolianism menace. As long as we had to consider Great Britain alone
or any other European Power for the matter of that, while thinking of the future
of Indian nationalism, the problem was comparatively simple and easy. But now we
have to think if China on the one hand, and of the new Pan-Islamic danger on the
other. The 60 millions of Mohammedans in India, if inspired with Pan-Islamic
aspirations, joined to the Islamic principalities and powers that stand both to
our West and our northwest, may easily put an end to all our nationalist
aspirations, almost at any moment, if the present British connection be severed.
"The four-hundred millions of the Chinese empire can, not only gain an easy
footing in India, but once that footing is gained, they are the only people under
the sun who can hold us down by sheer superior physical force. There are no other
people who can do this. This awakening of China is, therefore, a very serious
menace - in the present condition of our country, without an organized and trained
army and a powerful navy of our own - to the maintenance of any isolated, though
sovereign, independence of the Indian people. Even if we are able to gain it, we
shall never be able to keep it, in the face of this Pan-Islamic and Pan-Mongolian
menace. And when one considers these terrible possibilities of the world situation
as it is slowly evolving before one's eyes, one is forced to recognize the
absolute need of keeping up the British connection in the interest of Indian
nationalism itself, for the very simple and sufficient reason that there is
absolutely much greater chance of this nationalism fully realizing itself with
rather than without this connection."


Praker Bandimutt

Geopolitics is a method of political analysis, popular in Central Europe during

the first half of the 20th century that emphasized the role played by geography in
international relations.

Post Independence India

AT the time of independence Sir Olaf Caroe, ICS (Indian Civil Service), who was
Secretary in the External Affairs Department; served the Ministry of External
Affairs (MEA). Olaf Caroe belonged to a distinguished band of Foreign Secretaries
who thought afar and left a legacy. Unlike Mortimer Durand and Henry McMahon, his
impact was not in the realm of action but in the realm of strategic thinking. When
Caroe emphasised to a colleague in London, on September 13, 1945, the "concept of
India and [the] centre of [an] Asiatic System" he articulated a concept which lay
at the core of Nehru's vision. "In the modern world it is inevitable for India to
be the centre of affairs of Asia." Caroe wrote on August 18, 1944: "All who look
forward to the emergence of India as a Great Power must assume and work for her
unity." He was a true friend of India whom Nehru woefully wronged.
Caroe told the Study Group in 1941: "It was clear that with India on the threshold
of greater industrialisation and increasing world importance, wider and fuller
education was necessary on technological grounds to meet the rising demands for
labour capable of efficient work with modern machinery in all forms." He wanted to
publicise the "certainty that India would be the centre of (the Indian Ocean)
One of the things Partition of India did was to push India away from China
in a very fundamental sense -- not in terms of economic strategy, for both went
different ways and made big mistakes -- but in that India became internally
balanced. Once British India was partitioned, India became surrounded by a lot of
small states, and India got internally balanced, and it was always very difficult
to get out of that quagmire which India got into. Geographically, India is a
peninsula with a huge seacoast and two hostile neighbors to the north and to the
west. The seacoast touching the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean
puts India at the centre of the major sea routes carrying energy from Gulf region
to South Asia and South East Asia, Japan, Australia and possibly China. Commerce,
manufactured goods and raw material is carried towards Europe, Middle East and
Africa from these countries. It�s the second busiest sea route of the world
(quoting 1999 statistics), hence this makes Indian Ocean vitally important to the
US, which is the sole super power and guardian of the world order. One Indian
study states that the power vacuum in that ocean in this century can only be
filled by India, China or Japan either by "complete pre-eminence or by a mutual
stand-off". One analyst suggests that anybody who controls the Indian Ocean will
become a superpower in the new century.
If the 19th century was the century of the Atlantic and the 20th century of
the century of the Pacific, then, as the calculations of India and some other
countries go, the 21st century will be the century of the Indian Ocean. This is
not speculation, but there is actually an organization of 14 countries, called the
Indian Ocean Rim - Association for Regional Co-operation (IOR - ARC) which has
been formed since 1997 with the aim of defining economic cooperation among the
member countries. The thesis that whoever controls the Indian Ocean will control
the passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans in the 21st century and
hence the world envisages a geopolitical role for the IOR-ARC which will
eventually include all the 35 countries and island nations around the Indian
What this reveals is that geopolitics is not static and unchanging; far
from it, it is extremely dynamic. In 1971, when the last full scale war in South
Asia was fought and Bangladesh was carved out of the-then Pakistan, the
geopolitics of South Asia presented itself within the context of the bipolar
division of the world. Today, geopolitics presents itself in a very different way,
in the context of the unipolar world of the US and the multipolar world desired by
other big powers. But if we begin from the premise that the 21st century must
belong to the people who will take the centre-stage and defeat the big powers and
their dreams to dominate the world, we have to examine the geopolitics in a
radically different way. India is home to nearly 1 billion people. To that large
number, if you add 140 million people of Pakistan, 125 million people of
Bangladesh and another 75 million from the other five countries, we have nearly a
quarter of the world�s population living in this region at this time.
Without controlling the Indian Ocean, no one can conquer the world. India
considers itself as a regional power in the Indian Ocean region. India wants to be
recognised as a power, if not for any other reason, but for the size of its
population. By 2010, India will have first-rate consumers. Who does not want to
conquer India and South Asia? With the push for a market oriented economy in the
countries of South Asia � from Bangladesh to Pakistan, from Nepal to Sri Lanka,
this region is a giant big market, a giant reservoir of labour force, a giant
source of raw materials and so on.
In the 1940�s, South Asia, the Middle East, etc., were places of extreme
tension where people were rising up against colonial rule for national liberation.
The US policy of containment was formulated in that period on the basis of the
theory that any country which had national liberation would go towards communism.
The US welcomed the creation of Pakistan and went on to make Pakistan its centre
for containing communism in South Asia at that time.
India�s geopolitics is to keep South Asia divided, become the most
important power and come to terms with other powers � possibly China, the US,
Russia. It is keeping its options open towards the United Europe.� The next war
for the re-division of the world will inevitably have India as an active player.
Within that, all the big powers are very keen to see that India does not renew
Geo-political goals of the western major powers have been total domination
of the Eurasian landmass, securing the oil resources and extending the covert
empire for the new century and maybe even the millennium. For a long time US is
aware of global role of Asia in world economy and a strong united Asia after the
world war in 1945 was a threat to domination of western powers. In the 1890s,
France, under the brilliant political leadership of Foreign Minister Gabriel
Hanataux, was attempting to forge a Eurasian alliance with Germany, Russia and
Meiji Japan. The idea was to link continental Europe with Japan and China through
a series of large overland infrastructure projects, beginning with the Trans-
Siberian Railroad. Through treaties covering key areas of economic and security
matters, Hanataux hoped to create a zone of prosperity, built on a foundation of
rapid economic growth and extensive trade. Such a political-economic common
interest alliance threatened the imperial hegemony of Great Britain. At the turn
of the 20th century, Britain looked to the United States (as its English-speaking
ally) to join in sabotaging the Hanataux plan. Through the Spanish-American War of
1898 and the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, Britain and her American junior partner
(by then led by Henry Stimson's old mentor Teddy Roosevelt) managed to disrupt the
French-German-Russian-Japanese economic axis. Two world wars and the Great
Depression were the consequences of that interference.
By the 1970s the seeds of rivalry were planted in the Asian landmass with
the alignment of China and Pakistan with US on one side and Russia and India on
the other side. After the cold war from 1991; the seeds of revision list policies
of China and Pakistan which was put in by US during cold war; have continued to
create a momentum of confrontation. In the long run a continent scale war could
bring Asia down for total domination by non-Asians in the world. The current
campaign after 9/11 including the war in Afghanistan and Iraq is seen as the road
to full domination on the Eurasian landmass and power to thwart any future raising
Z Brezinski in a recent speech at World Affairs Council in 2003 feels that
India will disintegrate because of its excessive demographic diversity and future
animosity with the Islamic ummah. This confirms the plan discussed in this
document; to push a powerful Islamic political center in the sub-continent as long
as possible so that the Indian state crumbles and then create sufficient fissures
inside India so that more than one regional political center comes inside India.
The future animosity with Islamic Ummah has been laid for a long time and renewed
due to the policies in the last 30 years of the cold war. This has been
deliberate; looking at the long-term geo-political force of history in the last
few centuries.

Islam and geopolitics

Geopolitics was to owe its resurrection as an explicit, even official,

doctrine of U.S. foreign policy in the 1970s to the influence of Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger. Faced with the debacle in Vietnam and the need to restore
U.S. power in the context of a growing imperial crisis, Kissinger and President
Nixon reached out to the concept of geopolitics. A massive attempt was therefore
made in the 1980s and �90s to reconstitute overall U.S. hegemony, especially the
position of the United States in the Persian Gulf. The signal event was the Carter
Doctrine, issued by President Carter in his State of the Union speech in January
1980, in which he declared that, �An attempt by any outside force to gain control
of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests
of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means
necessary, including military force.� Modeled after the Monroe Doctrine, the
Carter Doctrine was meant to extend the umbrella of direct U.S. military hegemony
over the Persian Gulf.
Middle east is of vital importance to US and its long time strategy. One of
the western dilemmas to fulfill the Islamic aspirations is how to accommodate the
political Sunni Islam to counter the threat of Shia Islam. Political Islam is
trying to find legitimacy in any country for stability of the middle east which is
crucial to the oil economy of the west. There is a sense of desperation since this
has not materialized in the last two decades. Bernard Lewis the world's leading
authorities on the Middle East discusses the eclipse of the Middle East in their
last three centuries in power and how their decline is still felt to this day. The
biggest weakness of the Islamic countries is their geo-political location. For
many centuries, the world of Islam was in the forefront of human achievement--the
foremost military and economic power in the world, the leader in the arts and
sciences of civilization.
Christian Europe, a remote land beyond its northwestern frontier, was seen
as an outer darkness of barbarism and unbelief from which there was nothing to
learn or to fear. And then everything changed, as the previously despised West won
victory after victory, first in the battlefield and the marketplace, then in
almost every aspect of public and even private life. In his [Bernard Lewis] three
essays Conquest, Expulsion, Discovery he examines how the Islamic world was
transgressed from conquers to conquered. Lewis bases the expansion on three
significant areas weaponry; education and navigation.
Quote from a reviewer: �Without a core state the Muslims can never restore
their dignity in the world and be equal partners with other civilizations. It is
only a core Muslim state that could address the paradox of geopolitics in the
interest of international peace and security.� And the only country that fits that
status is Turkey because as observed by Huntington it has history, population,
middle level economic development, national coherence, military tradition and
competence to be the core state of Islam. So long as Turkey continues to define
itself as a secular state leadership of Islam is denied to it.
West may have explored the idea that Pakistan with support from Saudi
Arabia financially could be a candidate during the 1980s but on the condition that
non-Muslim India is not going to challenge the legitimacy of the sub-continent
political Islam. To cause the change and have India weakened and possibly broken
in the long term the west has tacitly supported an aggressive Kashmir policy of
Pakistan. This makes sure that non-Muslim political center in the Indian
ocean/sub-continent is weak and does not get recognition. From a historical
perspective and global perspective the major powers of the world do not want a
non-Muslim or a non-Chinese political power or a core state to be recognized in
Asia at all. This means they do not want a non-Muslim India to be recognized as a
major power if they can help it. They also want to reduce India�s influence in the
southern part of the Eurasian continent and totally eliminate it as a single
political entity if possible. This suits the western powers [Anglo-Saxons] without
much problem for their geo-political goal because this reduces the number of
players in Asia and they could manipulate smaller nations.
White house and administration strategy in the new strategic document for
the problems facing Islam in 2003: Carl Rove (advisor to President GWBush in 2003)
argued, 'Islam was one of the world's great empires' which had 'never
reconciled... to the loss of power and dominion'. In response, he said, 'the
United States should recognize that, although it cannot expect to be loved, it can
enforce respect'.
This probably requires that an Islamic nation with a political center with
WMD capability be propped up and given a UNSC seat and work for the interest of
the western power. But this requires India not be in the strategic location with
such military power. Hence there is a long-term plan to undermine the power of
India from inside and from outside using Kashmir and other Islamic subversive
activities. Kashmir may have come as a opportunity and not really sought before
but has become important now since it is seen as pinning the Indian ambition and
expansion down.
There are foreign policy strategists in Washington who have sought for
decades to turn militant Islam into a tool of policy. This is not a flight of
critical fancy: it is a well documented fact; it is not challenged as an
accusation, but it is not unduly admitted either. The strategy of effective
support for Islamic ambitions in pursuit of short-term political or military
objectives has helped turn Islamic radicalism into a truly global phenomenon. The
underlying assumption was that militant Muslims could be used and eventually
discarded�like Diem, Noriega, the Shah, and the Contras: CIA�s �Operation Cyclone�
poured over $4 billion into setting up training centers where young fanatics were
sent to learn terrorist skills. The assumption all along has been that the Islamic
genie could be controlled. For the ensuing two decades, in the conflicts that
inevitably define the line between Islam and its neighbors, Washington almost
invariably supported the Muslims�most notably in Bosnia and Kosovo. By January
1996, Jacob Heilbrunn and Michael Lind of The New Republic approvingly wrote of
the U.S. role as the leader of Muslim nations from the Persian Gulf to the
Balkans, with the Ottoman lands becoming �the heart of a third American empire�
(Jacob Heilbrunn and Michael Lind, �The Third American Empire,� The New York
Times, January 2, 1996).
Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnian Muslim leader proudly proclaimed in his �Islamic
Declaration� (1974; republished 1990) that �there can be no peace or coexistence
between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic societies and political institutions�:
�The Islamic movement should and must start taking power as soon as it is morally
and numerically strong enough not only to overthrow the existing non-Islamic power
structure, but also to build a great Islamic federation spreading from Morocco to
Indonesia, from tropical Africa to Central Asia.� America's crusade is not against
Muslim state power, per se in the War on Terror after 9/11. In fact, the latter is
supported, in numerous Muslim states, by Washington, simply because of the
submission of autocratic Muslim leaders to the American diktat. In its current
construct, the perceived threat to the US emanates from a diffuse force, not
contained within the geographical boundaries of the state. The afflatus for the
struggle against American imperialism does not arise from narrow nationalism, but
the universal Islamic principle of justice and a concomitant jihad to that end.
Consequently, American policy concentrates against the pristine impulse of Islam,
and seeks to mould the Islamic identity to conform to American interests. Changing
the textbooks in Islamic nations is to mould the Islamic identity of the future
The January 2 2004 edition of the Times ran an editorial entitled "The New
Great Game in Asia," which began: "While few have noticed, Central Asia has again
emerged as a murky battle ground among big powers...." It continued, "Western
experts believe the largely untapped oil and natural gas riches of the Caspian Sea
countries could make that region the Persian Gulf of the next century."
It would be difficult, the editorial warned, for the US to prevail in the
struggle for dominance in the new Caspian Sea states of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and
Turkmenistan. Russia, Turkey, Iran and China all have historic interests and
claims in the region. And they have been joined by Japan in a scramble to develop
new oil and gas pipelines. "But," adds the Times, "the resources justify the
attempt." Here, for once, the Times let slip the veil of humanitarianism and
exposed the basic driving force behind American interventions around the world --
the striving of US business to grab natural resources and extract super profits
from the domination of foreign economies.
The authors asserted that the major aim of the American military deployment
in Bosnia was to exert US dominance in the Middle East, transforming the strategic
region from the Balkans to the Persian Gulf into a virtual US protectorate:
"Instead of seeing Bosnia as the eastern frontier of NATO, we should view the
Balkans as the western frontier of America's rapidly expanding sphere of influence
in the Middle East."
The article documents the thrust of American military power into the Middle
East, site of the world's largest oil reserves. Shortly after the 1979 Iranian
revolution, President Carter formulated the so-called Carter Doctrine, which
designated the Persian Gulf as "vital" to US interests and established a Rapid
Deployment Force to answer any threat to American imperialist interests there.
This force was subsequently upgraded by the Reagan administration into the United
States Central Command. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the US-led invasion
of Iraq in the gulf war enabled Washington to massively increase its geopolitical
and military presence in the Middle East, establishing a permanent military
presence in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States and creating the US Navy's Fifth
Fleet to police the Persian Gulf.

The Third American Empire," in The New York Times, 2 Jan 96 stated:
"In a recent opinion piece in The New York Times, Jacob Heilbrunn and
Michael Lind of the New Republic editorial staff argue that the American
commitment to the Islamic connection is so strong that the US design is to make
the Islamic world part of a new American empire and that American support of the
Bosnian Muslims is part of the implementation of this plan."

In order to gather support for an interventionist foreign policy in the

post-Cold War era, the present American leadership has had to formulate a foreign
policy that would combine the promotion of American national interests with the
messianic perception of morality, democracy, and human rights-and do this in a
convincing way, as they did during the Cold War.
The Soviet Union�s disintegration resulted in a geopolitical vacuum in
central-eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Central Asia. American governments have
not resisted the temptation to fill this vacuum and consolidate the gains of Cold
War victory. For the United States, Eurasia is clearly the trophy of its victory
in the Cold War. More importantly, its global primacy, according to its leading
geopolitician, Zbigniew Brzezinski, will be directly dependent on how effectively
its preponderance on the Eurasian continent is sustained. Brzezinski [in "Out of
Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the Twenty-First Century"] advocates a more
forward policy around the Russian periphery. He claims that the area, which
extends from the Adriatic to the border of the Chinese province of Sinkiang, and
from the Persian Gulf to the Russian-Kazahk frontier, will be raven by ethnic
conflict and weapons of mass destruction-�a whirlpool of violence.�

Geopolitics in the twenty-first century

It was the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 that was to constitute the sea
change for the U.S. Empire. The U.S. assault on Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War,
following Iraq�s invasion of Kuwait, was made possible by the erosion of the
balance of power in the Middle East in the wake of the weakening of Soviet power.
At the same time, the Soviet meltdown and signs of its possible breakup
constituted one of the chief reasons why the United States refrained from invading
and occupying Iraq during the Gulf War. Geopolitical uncertainties associated with
the collapse of the Soviet bloc were such that Washington could not afford to pin
down large numbers of troops in the Middle East. Nor could it risk the possibility
that an invasion and occupation of Iraq might serve to revive Soviet concerns
about U.S. imperialism, and thus delay or reverse the massive changes then
occurring in that country. The Soviet Union�s demise came only months later in the
summer of 1991.
The �new world order� that followed was soon dubbed a �unipolar world� with
the United States as the sole superpower. The Department of Defense lost no time
in initiating a strategic review known as the Defense Planning Guidance, directed
by Paul Wolfowitz then undersecretary of defense for policy. Parts of this
classified report, leaked to the press in 1992, stated in Spykman-like language
that �Our strategy [after the fall of the Soviet Union] must refocus on precluding
the emergence of any potential future global competitor.� Wolfowitz also took a
leaf from the Heartland doctrine, arguing that �Russia will remain the strongest
military power in Eurasia and the only power in the world with the capability of
destroying the United States.�25 The Defense Planning Guidance proposed a global
geopolitical goal for the United States of permanent military hegemony through
preemptive actions
In May 2004, Alan Larson, under secretary of state for economic, business,
and agricultural affairs, issued a report entitled �Geopolitics of Oil and Natural
Gas,� which declared that �it is almost an axiom in the petroleum business that
oil and gas are most often found in countries with challenging political regimes
or difficult physical geography.� Here the geopolitics of oil and natural gas was
seen as creating vital U.S. strategic interests in the Persian Gulf, Russia and
the Caspian Sea basin, West Africa, and Venezuela. The new geopolitics shares with
classical geopolitics the aim of world domination, but entails a strategic shift
aimed in particular at south-central Eurasia. �The purpose of the war in Iraq,�
according to Michael Klare, �is to redraw the geopolitical map of Eurasia to
insure and embed U.S. power and dominance in the region vis-�-vis...other
potential competitors� such as Russia, China, the European Community, Japan, and
even India. �The U.S. elites have concluded that the European and East Asian
rimlands of Eurasia are securely in American hands or [are] less important, or
both. The new center of geopolitical competition, as they see it, is south-central
Eurasia, encompassing the Persian Gulf area, which possesses two-thirds of the
world�s oil, the Caspian Sea basin, which has a large chunk of what�s left, and
the surrounding countries of Central Asia. This is the new center of world
struggle and conflict, and the Bush administration is determined that the United
States shall dominate and control this critical area.�
Concerning political realism, the most basic post-Cold War geopolitical
aims of the US refer to: controlling Eurasia as well as the energy resources in
the Middle East and Central Asia; containing China; and attempting to prevent the
creation of local powers in regional subsystems, especially if they are hostile to
American interests.
What the realists are searching for is a way to implement these aims.
Realists, such as David Abshire, director of the Center for Strategic and
International Studies in Washington, have argued in favor of a flexible and
selective international interventionism, according to which the US would get
involved only in cases when its strictly defined vital interests are at stake.
Proponents of this �selective engagement� argue that the United States should
engage itself abroad, in places like Eurasia, in order to maintain a balance of
power and avert a great power war.
Other realists, however, argue that the US should choose and impose any
strategy it wishes, since it is the only superpower left in the world. Some have
even spoken openly in favor of the establishment of an �American empire.�
According to this school of thought, the US should not just be primus inter pares;
it should be primus souls. Consequently, the US must �maintain the primacy with
which it emerged from the Cold War.� The objective for primacy is not merely to
preserve peace among the great powers but to preserve US supremacy by politically,
economically, and militarily outdistancing any global challenge.
Another reason for US to look at India is energy needs and India is close
to some of the largest energy resources in the world but US want to control those
regions. The US government sees similarities with India � one, the nature of
source of energy, coal is similar. The other is the diverse nature of markets �
India offers a lot of smaller vehicles that can be used for fuel-cell technology �
more effectively than just cars in the US. The other countries that form a part of
this vision are Japan, Canada, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Italy and the UK. The
reason they have decided to work with India is the vast scientific and research
talent pool that the country offers.
��We don�t want India to get up and then start identifying viability for
fuel cell, we want it to be part of use while the technology is being evolved.
Also, Indian scientists have done phenomenon work in working on fuel cell,�� said
an official of the US government who took part in discussions of the working
group. This is a very indirect way to make sure that India does not threaten the
oil supply for US and the west and are encouraging alternative fuel inside India.
An India with a growing energy needs is a direct threat to US interest in the
Middle East and central Asia. Some policy makers may even classify India as a
major threat to US dominance in the world due to clash of energy needs or more
precise the control of energy needs.
Paul Wolfowitz � D Defense Secretary quoted in an Asian security
�And I think that the importance of India is just enormous. I think in fact
the improvements actually began to be fair in the last administration and they�ve
been continued strongly in this one. I think that as much as one would like to not
have this be true, it remains the fact that our relationship with India seems to
constantly have the conflict with Pakistan keep emerging as major part of it. I�m
happy to say in that regard I think progress has been made between those two
countries in the last few months and clearly that will be a big contribution to
the peace in the whole region if that can be advanced. In the meantime in any case
our bilateral relationship with India in its own right is enormously important
both in the defense relationship but also more broadly in the economic and
technology relationship, and I think it is important to make sure that we approach
India in a larger context and not have them feel that they�re simply an appendage
of a disagreement with Pakistan�

Pakistan was seen and even now seen as a bridge to bring China closer to
the Middle East. Based on a well equipped workforce, Pakistan could take part in
the rapidly evolving "outsourcing" opportunities that are changing the global
production system. On the other track, Pakistan could become the hub of north-
south and east-west commerce. The north-south track could link Central Asia,
including Afghanistan with India and points beyond. The east-west track could
connect the western parts of China with the Arabian Sea through the ports of
Karachi and Gwadar. These two tracks will cross in Pakistan and bring enormous
benefits to the country according to its strategic community.
U.S. geopolitical strategy accepts no bounds short of Brzezinski�s �global
supremacy.� It thus reflects what Mackinder called the tendency to a �single
World-Empire.� So brazen has this new geopolitics now become among today�s empire
enthusiasts that Atlantic Monthly correspondent Robert Kaplan began his recent
book, Imperial Grunts, by celebrating the Pentagon�s global military map of five
�unified commands� in terms of its �uncanny resemblance� to a map �drawn in 1931
for the German military by Professor Karl Haushofer, a leading figure of
Some critics like to say American foreign policy is discernible only in
retrospect. Even so, such opinion could be taken as a left-handed compliment for a
nation that has done rather well in defending itself and its allies in the
previous century, and now, at the beginning of the 21st century. Though it might
be too early to put a name to the Grand Strategy US is employing with regard to
Iraq, just "being there" suggests that its strategy aligns quite nicely with the
Heartland Theory put forth in 1904 by Sir Halford John Mackinder, one of the great
military strategists of the 20th century.
Just being there is enough. The essential element in the Heartland Theory
is simply "being there." Properly applied, being there means Iraqi oil revenue
cannot go to al-Qaeda. Being there means the Iraqis can choose whatever government
they want, as long as it does not support terrorism. Being there means
interdicting the radical Islamists' lines of communication that run across the
Middle East from Cairo to Islamabad, Pakistan. Sir Halford John Mackinder (1861 �
1947) who is said to be the inspiration for Bush�s ultra-hawkish Deputy Secretary
of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz. Mackinder�s Heartland theory is taught at the Pentagon
and I found this in an article about Mackinder in an edition of Parameters the US
Army War College Quarterly:
�One of the reasons that Mackinder is being resurrected yet again is
because policymakers are searching for ways to conceptualize and deal with the
heart of his Heartland�Central Asia and the Caspian Sea�which is a region that has
the potential to become a major source of great-power contention in the new
century. Some analysts estimate that the fossil fuels in the region will transform
it into a �new Saudi Arabia� in the coming decades.� (Parameters, Summer 2000)
The geostrategic problem for the USA is that it is separated from the great
land mass that contains most of the world�s population, markets and resources. The
solution is occupation.
In the Indian Ocean region, the rise of India will play a key role in the
gradual integration of the various lands and peoples of this basin. Whether in the
Arabian Sea or the Bay of Bengal, this trend�while still nascent�is already
evident. The long-term result will be a more prosperous and globally more
influential region. India�s rise in the Indian Ocean also will have important
implications for the West and China. Perhaps most significantly, New Delhi�s
ascent suggests strongly that the ongoing reordering of the asymmetric
relationship between the West and Asia will be centered as much in the Indian
Ocean as in East Asia. It was in the IO, moreover, that the effects of Western
power first made themselves manifest in the centuries after 1500. On one hand, it
would therefore not be surprising if it were here that the Western tide first
receded. On the other, India�s role will for a long time to come be no longer in
opposition to the United States but in cooperation with it.
India also is no longer geopolitically contained in South Asia, as it was
in the Cold War, when its alignment with the Soviet Union caused the United States
and China, with the help of Pakistan, to contain India. Finally, the sea change in
Indian-U.S. relations, especially since 9/11, has made it easier for India to
enter into close political and security cooperation with America�s friends and
allies in the Asia-Pacific. The nature and implications of India�s strategic goals
and behavior however, will be felt globally�at the United Nations, in places as
distant as Europe and Latin America, and within international economic
institutions. It also will be manifest on the continent of Asia, from Afghanistan
through Central Asia to Japan. Finally, and most of all, the rise of India will
have consequences in the broad belt of nations from South Africa to Australia that
constitute the Indian Ocean littoral and region.


- Michael Klare, �The New Geopolitics,� Monthly Review, vol. 55, no. 3
(July�August 2003), 51�56. The phrase �economic taproot of imperialism� is taken
from John Hobson�s classic 1902 work Imperialism: A Study (Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan Press, 1965), 71.
- Franz Neumann, Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1942), 147.
- Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660�1783
(London: Sampson, Low, Marston, 1890); Brooks Adams, The New Empire (London:
Macmillan, 1902); Frederick Jackson Turner, The Frontier in History (New York:
Henry Holt and Co., 1921). The Turner book contains his original 1893 article and
his 1896 Atlantic Monthly analysis in which he extended the argument to encompass
the need for U.S. overseas expansion�see The Frontier in History, 219.
- Halford Mackinder, �The Geographical Pivot of History,� Geographical Journal,
vol. 23, no. 4 (April 1904), 421�44.
- Halford Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality (New York: Henry Holt and Co.,
1919), 1�2.
- Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality, 179�81. For the evolution of
Mackinder�s economic views see Bernard Semmel, Imperialism and Social Reform
(Garden City, New York: Anchor Books, 1960), 157�68.
- Halford Mackinder, �The Round World and the Winning of the Peace,� Foreign
Affairs, vol. 21, no. 4, (July 1943), 601.
- Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality, 186.
- Brian W. Blouet, Halford Mackinder (College Station: Texas A&M University
Press, 1987), 172�77.
- Ratzel quoted in Robert Strausz-Hup�, Geopolitics: The Struggle for Space and
Power (New York: G.P. Putnam�s Sons, 1942), 31.
- Strausz-Hup�, Geopolitics, 66, 227; Neumann, Behemoth, 156�60.
- Haushofer quoted in Strauz-Hup�, Geopolitics, 152; Neumann, Behemoth, 144.
- Derwent Whittlesey, �Haushofer: Geopoliticians,� in Edward Mead Earle, ed.,
Makers of Modern Strategy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948), 388�411;
German Strategy of World Conquest (New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1942),
70�78; Andreas Dorpalen, The World of General Haushofer (New York: Farrar &
Rinehart, 1942), 70�78; David Thomas Murphy, The Heroic Earth: Geopolitical
Thought in Weimar Germany, 1918�1933 (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press,
1997); Saul B. Cohen, Geopolitics in the World System (New York: Rowman and
Littlefield, 2003), 21�22.
- Nicholas John Spykman, The Geography of the Peace (New York: Harcourt, Brace
and Co., 1944), 43.
- Nicholas John Spykman, America�s Strategy in World Politics (New York:
Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1942), 19, 458�60.
- Spykman, Geography of the Peace, 57.
- Noam Chomsky, �The Cold War and the Superpowers,� Monthly Review, vol. 33, no.
6 (November 1981), 1�10; Neil Smith, American Empire: Roosevelt�s Geographer and
the Prelude to Globalizaton (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003),
- Smith, American Empire, 287, 329.
- Mackinder, �The Round World and the Winning of the Peace,� 598.

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