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50 Arctic Encounters

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Arctic Encounters

d 1 00 E nco unt e r
1-4 A lost young bear, deer, or elk (MM 318-322) with an injury. The animal’s parent is within 1d4 miles.
5-7 2d4 penguins (Use vulture on MM 339, but without a flying speed) slide past on their bellies. If followed,
they continue sliding until they reach a group of 1d100+20 singing penguins. They are unafraid of people.
8-9 A flock of hundreds of white birds appears overhead. They drop 1d20+8 shiny feathers below them
as they fly. The feathers are each worth 3 sp. If the flock is attacked, it vanishes in a flash of light.
10 A brightly colored natural hot spring. Spending at least 10 minutes in the hot spring gives a creature
1d4 temporary hit points until the end of its next short or long rest. There is a 50% chance that there
are 1d6+4 friendly baboons (MM 318) resting inside the hot spring when the party arrives.
11-12 A jackalope, a creature like a rabbit with antlers, (Use badger on MM 318) stares at the party and
mimics any words spoken by creatures within 50 feet with uncanny accuracy. If approached, it runs.
13-15 2 natives that only speak an obscure regional dialect and cannot read or write. They attempt to warn
the party of danger ahead. (Unless stated otherwise, use commoner on MM 345 for humanoids)
16-19 1d4+2 native whalers (Use tribal warrior on MM 350) trading Oil and Meat (See PHB 152 & 158). They
do not accept money for their goods, only trades. They value weapons at 3 times their normal price.
20 A small structure in the snow with a lit fireplace and food cooking inside. The owner returns in 2d20
minutes. Roll 1d4 to determine the race of the owner. 1- Dwarf, 2- Human, 3- Halfling, 4- Gnome.
21-23 An uncivilized arctic dwarf (Use thug on MM 350) who only speaks dwarven brewing a special mead
out of the falling snow. He has been drinking the brew and has disadvantage on perception rolls.
24-26 Fresh tracks from 1d4+4 humanoids spattered with occasional drips of blood. The tracks lead to a small
encampment with a deer cooking above a fire. If approached, the humanoids offer to share a meal.
27-28 A sled covered in snow with no signs of an owner or sled-animals. In the back is an explorer’s pack.
29 2d6 gnomes having a snowball fight in a superbly-crafted battlefield of 1d6+1 snow structures.
30 A hand-sized chunk of blue ice that glows faintly from within and does not melt unless heated by fire.
31-34 A 20 foot tall rock carven into the shape of a dragon. It is warm to the touch, and melts snow atop it.
35-39 A frozen river makes a natural pathway allowing easy travel for 1d10+2 miles through the landscape.
40 A chill wind passes that seems to howl the name of a party member. 1d8 hours later it happens again.
41-44 Weather, such as fog, heavy snowfall, or a blizzard reduces vision to 20 feet for 1d6+2 hours.
45-49 2d4+2 feet of snow falls in one day. This turns normal terrain outside into difficult terrain and makes
overland travel difficult. Creatures who are indoors for this period of time are snowed in.
50 The ground begins to shake, causing an avalanche that risks burying the party in 1d4+3 rounds.
51-53 A small, dark cloud travels over the land, booming out with thunder and occasionally striking a tall
structure or tree with a bolt of lightning. It is an air elemental (MM 124) that can cast lightning bolt.
54-55 A section of ground beneath the party cracks, revealing a frozen lake for 1 mile around them. The lake
is difficult terrain, and can give way underfoot, sending a creature into the cold water below.
56-57 A crevasse opens beneath 1d4 party members, and each must make a DC 13 Dexterity save or be
restrained at the bottom of a 60-foot-deep crevasse and take 2d4 bludgeoning damage from the fall.
58-59 A icy chasm half a mile deep, 10 miles long, and 300 feet across blocks the party's path.
60 A massive dark blue glacier 1 mile wide moves 5 feet every minute, crushing a swath of land underneath
it. There is a 50% chance that a small village of natives lays 1d4 miles away in the path of the glacier.
61-63 A pillar of black ice that freezes solid any object that touches it. A DC 11 Perception check reveals a
tiny bird frozen to the top. A creature that touches it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw
or take 3d4 cold damage. A creature that is reduced to 0 hit points by this cold damage is frozen solid.
64-67 A 12-foot tall axe of a frost giant, stuck firmly into the ground. A DC 25 Strength check can remove it.
68-69 A tunnel 15 feet in diameter that continues 1d6 miles into the ice. At its deepest point is the corpse
of a human holding a torch and a scroll of spare the dying. A ruby worth 10 gp is in a pouch at its side.
70 A somewhat primitive-looking humanoid trapped inside a block of ice, their eyes glow with an inner
light, and they have tattoos across their skin. If they are freed from the ice, the figure awakens.
71-73 A well preserved dead body laying 1d4 feet under the ice. It has 2d8 gp or a random common magic
item on its person. Roll 1d4 to determine the race of the body. 1- Dwarf, 2- Human, 3- Elf, 4- Goliath.
74-76 The remains of a failed dwarven expedition. A journal and 1d4+2 weeks of rations lay in the wreckage.
77 A ghostly figure appears in the distance, staring at a party member, then disappears into the snow.
78-79 2d6 zombies (MM 316) encased in ice from the waist down, rendering them immobile. They grab
and bite at any creature that enters their reach, but are otherwise harmless.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten
Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual,
Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
d 100 E ncount e r All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards
80 An angry frost giant (MM 155) encased of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of
the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use
in a glacier. It is stunned and has full of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the
cover as long as it remains in the ice. express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
81 An aurora appears in the sky, bright and
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA
visible, no matter what time of day. 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat
82-83 A massive, broken shard of ice floats in 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The
the air sideways, as if to point the way. Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
84 A tree where 2 birds made of ice make a
nest. If the birds are disturbed the tree
awakens (MM 317) and the birds flee.
85 A box made of ice filled with 2d20 lbs
of fish. Next to the box is fishing tackle
and a bucket of worms (See PHB 151).
86 Bloody humanoid hands press up against
and scratch at the ice below the party.
87 A large spectral wolf appears on a rock
50 feet away. The fog near it also takes
the shape of a pack of wolves. Howling
seems to come from all directions,
frightening animals and people alike.
88 A goliath berserker (MM 344) whose
traveling companion is a winter wolf (MM
340). They are hunting an abominable
yeti (MM 306) by following its foul scent.
89 A carven face made of ice. If a glowing
chunk of ice (Encounter 30) is placed in
its forehead, it awakens and speaks.
90 A delicate crystal flower worth 2d8+8 gp.
91 2 tusks sticking out of a huge mound of
snow. If disturbed, the mound shakes off
the snow, revealing itself as a mammoth
(MM 332). It then falls back asleep.
92 The howl of a strange beast echoes out
across the tundra. It is a yeti (MM 305).
93 A lamp post lit by a continual flame spell.
94 The remains of an ancient battlefield,
with d100+20 frozen corpses and an
equal number of rusty swords.
95 A cheerful gnome building clockwork toys.
96 A giant elk (MM 325) that seems to be
trailed by an aurora when it moves.
97 A dwarf with a trained polar bear (MM
334), making masterful ice sculptures.
98 An altar to an ancient god. If an offering
worth 10 gp is made, the altar begins to
glow, and the party is blessed with good
weather for 1d10+3 days.
99 An ancient stone ruin partially buried
under the ice and snow. Inside it is an
elven scholar translating magical runes.
00 An adult white dragon (MM 101) flies
several hundred feet overhead. A trail of
snow falls beneath it where it flies.

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