Sanaol Questionnaire
Sanaol Questionnaire
Sanaol Questionnaire
Mock-up Questionnaire about Special Needs Education
1st Semester, A.Y. 2020-2021
Test I
A. Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully and encircle letter of the correct
answer. (1point each)
Prepared by:
A. Developmental Disability C. Sensory Disability
B. Intellectual Disability D. Mental Health and Emotional
6. Individuals typically displays abnormal development that falls outside of cultural
norms and impact how an individual feels, acts, thinks, and perceives the objective
world. What type of disability is being discussed?
A. Developmental Disability C. Sensory Disability
B. Intellectual Disability D. Mental Health and Emotional
7. Defects impeding the growth and development of a single or multiple parts of the
human body and exhibits behavioural problems, convulsions, inability to move and
communication difficulties. What type of disability is being discussed?
A. Developmental Disability C. Sensory Disability
B. Intellectual Disability D. Mental Health and Emotional
Column A
______1. It is a reduced ability to see to a degree that causes problem for they
do not have access to glasses or contact lens.
______4. Involves problems with general mental abilities that affect intellectual and
adaptive functioning.
Prepared by:
______5. An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or
health factors.
Column B
A. Autism Spectrum Disorder
B. Blindness. C. Deafness
D. Emotional Disturbance
E. Intellectual Disability
F. Orthopedic Impairment
G. Specific Learning Disability
H. Visual Impairment
Test II. True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
Prepared by:
_________ 9.
_________ 10.
__________ 1. The first step of special needs education process where students with
disabilities undergo minimal intervention.
__________ 2. This is where students with severe cognitive challenges and certain
physical abilities are placed.
__________ 3. Students with special needs are mended within the learners with
varying abilities.
__________ 4. Best for students who need an around the clock care beyond the
capability of their community can offer.
__________ 5. This is where students who struggle in reading, writing, or speech are
__________ 6. Students with similar educational needs are placed in a particular
Prepared by:
IV. Essay Type: Answer the following essay questions in at least 3 to 5 sentences. (5
points each)
Level: Exemplary Satisfactory Average Developing Beginning
Information Answers are Answers are Answers are Answers are not Answers are
and Content comprehensive, accurate and comprehensive comprehensive partial or
accurate, and complete. and accurate, yet or completely incomplete.
complete. Key Key points incomplet. Key stated. Key Key points are
ideas are clearly are stated and points are points are not clear.
stated, explained, supported. addressed and addressed but not
and well supported. well-supported.
Analysis and Uses convincing Uses relevant Uses partly Uses irrelevant Uses faculty
Evidence and compelling evidence or irrelevant evidence or analysis; lacks
evidence or example/s to evidence or example/s to of control
example/s to support the example/s to support the within the
support the analysis; support the analysis. idea; no
analysis; develops analysis; evidence or
develops essay essay develops essay example/s
thoughtfully and coherently. properly. used.
Prepared by:
Prepared by:
V. Illustration: Inside the box illustrate how inclusive education differs from
exclusive education. (10points)
Criteria for scoring:
Content ................................................................................... maximum of
o Accurate and reflects
o complete understanding of the topic
Presentation ........................................................................... maximum of 3
o Neat, organized, logical, creative, and original
Mechanic ……............................................................................ maximum of 2
o Free of spelling, grammar, and Punctuation error
Prepared by: