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Vol. 56, Number 11


20 | Transformer
selection and sizing
Selecting and sizing elec-
trical distribution trans-
formers is fundamental for
electrical designers and

26 | How to correctly size a transformer

ON THE COVER: Froedtert & Medical College of Wis-
Engineers must make informed decisions regard-
ing the proper transformer sizing selection, electri-
cal and mechanical requirements and impacts to
consin Center for Advanced Care maximizes efficiency
the electrical system under different operating and
and expandability while simultaneously supporting cut-
loading conditions
ting-edge medicine. Courtesy: Steinkamp Photography

36 | Analyzing NEC 2017 changes

NEWS &BUSINESS Several changes to the 2017 edition of NFPA 70:
National Electrical Code should be noted
5 | Viewpoint
Codes and standards keep the wheels turning
42 | Case study:
7 | Research Energy-efficient
Lighting in office buildings clean rooms
Designers formulated
several energy-saving
BUILDING SOLUTIONS strategies that can be
implemented into the
8 | Advances in building automation HVAC system design of a pharmaceutical-grade
Building automation has seen a tremendous clean room suite
amount of advancement and is changing not only
how buildings are managed and operated, but also
how they interact with the grid ENGINEERING INSIGHTS
51 | New Products for Engineers
14 | Commissioning lighting
occupancy sensors 52 | Lab, research facility design
Installing lighting occupancy sensors and commis- Learn tips on how to design labs and research
sioning the devices have many benefits, including facilities — some of the most high-tech buildings
reducing operational and maintenance costs around

CONSULTING-SPECIFYING ENGINEER (ISSN 0892-5046, Vol. 56, No. 11, GST #123397457) is published 11x per year, monthly except in February, by CFE Media, LLC, 3010 Highland
Parkway, Suite #325 Downers Grove, IL 60515. Jim Langhenry, Group Publisher/Co-Founder; Steve Rourke CEO/COO/Co-Founder. CONSULTING-SPECIFYING ENGINEER copyright 2019 by CFE Media, LLC. All
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AMARA ROZGUS, Editor-in-Chief/Content Strategy Leader
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Codes and standards

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keep the wheels turning

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JERRY BAUERS, PE, Unlike a hamster wheel, on which the rodent goes
Vice President, NV5, Kansas City, Mo.
MICHAEL CHOW, PE, CEM, CxA, LEED AP BD+C, nowhere, codes and standards can take engineers
Principal, Metro CD Engineering LLC, Columbus, Ohio
TOM DIVINE, PE, anywhere and everywhere
Senior Electrical Engineer, Johnston, LLC, Houston

Energy Modeling Wizard, TLC Engineering Solutions, he most complex part about specify a system, the building mar-
Brentwood, Tenn.
reaching the Consulting-Speci- ket would be flooded with haphaz-
Vice President, Electrical Engineer, fying Engineer audience is that ard designs, inefficient systems and
CannonDesign, Grand Island, N.Y.
the brand has to be all things unsafe products.
Mechanical Engineer, GRAEF, Milwaukee to all people. Some audience members And the top articles that have been
JOSHUA D. GREENE, PE, want only fire and life safety topics. published by Consulting-Specifying
Associate Principal, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Others need all things energy efficien- Engineer this year include mostly

Waltham, Mass.
cy. Some manag-
Principal, Arup, Washington, D.C. ers want a broad
DANNA JENSEN, PE, LEED AP BD+C, swath of topics to
Codes, standards, guidelines
Principal, Certus, Carrollton, Texas
help educate their and regulations truly keep the

President, Koffel Associates Inc., Columbia, Md. younger team
WILLIAM KOSIK, PE, CEM, LEED AP BD+C, BEMP, members. wheels of engineering running.
Senior Energy Engineer, Oak Park Ill.
And much like
KENNETH KUTSMEDA, PE, LEED AP, Amara Rozgus, Editor-in-Chief
Engineering Manager, Jacobs, Philadelphia any other medi-
SARA LAPPANO, PE, LC, LEED AP, um, anything
Managing Principal, Integral Group, Washington, D.C.
goes. Print magazines are in high codes- or standards-related articles.
Director of Building Performance, Mortenson, Minneapolis demand. Webcasts and education Best practices, insights on new code
DAVID LOWREY, are a necessity for most profession- versions or “how to specify” with a
Chief Fire Marshal, Boulder (Colo.) Fire Rescue als. Bite-sized lists of topical articles particular code or standard flooded
Principal, DLR Group, Cleveland
and resources, like in a newsletter, are the top 10 articles of 2019.
BRIAN MARTIN, PE, easily digested. The associations that function as
Senior Electrical Technologist, Jacobs, Portland, Ore. What, then, is really the “best” con- code-governing bodies have their
CEO and Co-Founder, UNIFI Labs Inc., Las Vegas
tent? What’s most important for a pro- work cut out for them. Codes typical-
fessional with 35 years of experience? ly are on a three-year cycle, with sev-
Principal/Senior Electrical Engineer, Page, Austin, Texas What does someone with 10 years in eral revisions, comment periods and
GREGORY QUINN, PE, NCEES, LEED AP, the consulting engineering world need committee discussions held during
Principal, Health Care Market Leader,
Affiliated Engineers Inc., Madison, Wis. to know? The answer is, “It depends.” that time. These organizations should
BRIAN A. RENER, PE, LEED AP, The No. 1 topic requested in be lauded for keeping up-to-date ver-
Principal, Electrical Discipline Leader, SmithGroup, Chicago
all Consulting-Specifying Engineer sions available to engineers, author-
Vice President, CCJM Engineers Ltd., Chicago research studies is codes and stan- ities having jurisdiction and others
RANDY SCHRECENGOST, PE, CEM, dards. Whether we’ve surveyed allied with the building and engineer-
Austin Operations Group Manager/Senior Mechanical
Engineer, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
lighting designers, automation and ing field.
controls experts or mechanical engi- If you’ve been trying to figure out
Project Manager/Mechanical Engineer, neers, the answer never changes. how to jump-start your career for 2020,
Smith Seckman Reid, Houston
Codes, standards, guidelines and get off the hamster wheel. Consider
Senior Associate, Environmental Systems Design, Chicago regulations truly keep the wheels gaining a deeper understanding of codes
MARIO VECCHIARELLO, PE, CEM, GBE, of engineering running. Without and standards, and how they affect
Senior Vice President, CDM Smith Inc., Boston
these playbooks for how to design or building design and construction. cse
Senior Electrical Engineer and Acoustics Engineer,
IMEG Corp., Rock Island, Ill.
Campus Energy Market Leader, MEP Associates, Verona, Wis.
Vice President, WSP USA, Orlando, Fla.
Lead Electrical Engineer, McGuire Engineers Inc., Chicago
www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 5
You drive your accomplishments and dictate your career success, and those achievements
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Performance HVAC,
controls specifications
Don't know 5%
Never 1%

Lighting in office buildings

44% wo-thirds of engineers spec- 3. Design coordination: When spec-
ify, design or make prod- ifying lighting for office buildings, the
uct selections for office architect has the most impact on design
Rarely buildings, according to the Con- (91%), followed by contractors (63%)
sulting-Specifying Engineer 2019 Light- and the electrical engineer (58%).
ing & Lighting Controls Study — and 4. Challenges: Inadequate budgets
Figure 1: Eighty-three percent of
82% of these engineers are responsi- (62%), the speed of project delivery
firms always or frequently write ble for determining the requirements/ (49%) and frequent changes to codes,
performance HVAC and controls writing the lighting specifications for regulations and standards (43%) are
specifications, which restricts text these projects. Below are five lighting and the top challenges engineers face when
to stating the performance achieve- lighting controls findings as they relate to specifying lighting for office buildings.
ment required. Source: Consulting- office building projects: 5. Design factors: When compar-
Specifying Engineer 2019 HVAC & 1. Design value: Engineering firms ing lighting products for office buildings,
Building Automation Systems Study are specifying $708,900 annually, on engineers heavily weigh product quality,
average, in lighting and lighting con- energy efficiency, the manufacturer’s rep-
trol products for new and existing office utation and service support offerings. cse

$131,000: buildings, with 31% specifying more

age total dollar amount of build-
ing automation systems specified
than $1 million.
2. Specifications: For office build-
ings, performance lighting specifi-
M More
Access the full 2019 Lighting & Lighting
annually for new and existing build- cations are written 73% of the time, Controls Study at www.csemag.com/
ings. Source: Consulting-Specifying followed by prescriptive (70%) and research. Amanda Pelliccione is the research
Engineer 2019 Lighting & Lighting open: alternate or substitute (67%). director at CFE Media.
Controls Study
Top 10 lighting technologies specified
64% of engineers report
building owners and contractors
in office buildings

(electrical, HVAC, etc.) as having sig- LED 92%

nificant impact on fire and life safety Occupancy sensor 92%
design projects. Source: Consulting-
Specifying Engineer 2019 Fire & Life Multilevel lighting or dimming 71%
Safety Study
Daylight harvesting 65%

42% of engineers are

responsible for selecting the brand
Building automation
systems (BAS)
Scheduling 46%

of electrical or power systems

Addressable lighting 45%
included in specifications. Source:
Consulting-Specifying Engineer Plug-load controls 38%
2019 Electrical & Power Study
T5, T8 or T12 (any size) 35%

More research Demand-response lighting 34%

Consulting-Specifying Engineer
covers several research topics each Figure 2: LEDs, occupancy sensors, multilevel lighting or dimming and daylight
year. All reports are available at harvesting are the most common types of lights, lighting systems or controls
www.csemag.com/research. currently being specified into office buildings. Source: Consulting-Specifying

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 7

By Julianne Laue, PE, LEED AP BD+C, BEMP, BEAP, Mortenson, Minneapolis

Advances in
building automation
Building automation has seen a tremendous amount of advancement and is
changing not only how buildings are managed and operated, but also how
they interact with the grid

he original functionality of a build- become technically savvy and incorporate data ana-
ing automation system was to keep a lytics into BAS designs and think beyond buildings
building climate within a specified to harness possibilities from utility providers.
range. With advances in technology,
the BAS can now control temperature, Functionality upgrades
control building pressurization, regulate humidi- In the early 1900s, a BAS was simple. If you scour
ty, optimize lighting, monitor performance, indi- the internet looking for the beginning of BAS, you’ll
cate device failures, provide access control, control find some great stories of the potential first BAS
shading devices and provide alarms in the event of installations. All in all, the basics are as simple as a
malfunction. As technology advanc- lightbulb connected to a thermostat. The lightbulb

L Learning es, the BAS of old is now more

agile and intelligent and capable of
would turn on when the temperature registered
below a setpoint, signaling workers to shovel more
OBJECTIVES managing business success factors coal into a boiler. The original intent was to make life
• Understand the core function beyond energy consumption and easier for the person operating the building.
and basics of building comfort. Around the 1960s, engineers progressed to
automation systems. Buildings built in 2020 and pneumatic controls and in the 21st century to direct
• Be able to discuss advanced beyond will be built to building digital and wireless controls. Energy codes, sustain-
automation for energy efficiency codes that are up to 50% more effi- ability rating systems and sustainability commit-
and occupant health and
wellness. cient than when ASHRAE 90.1: ments have increased the demand for better BAS.
Energy Standard for Buildings Even with need for better systems, the items a
• Appreciate how modern BAS are
business integrators. Except Low-Rise Residential Build- BAS controls have largely remained unchanged. The
ings was first issued in 1975; they core function of the BAS has typically been to con-
• Recognize the relationship
between smart buildings and will operate with computing per- trol heating, ventilation and air conditioning equip-
smart grids. formance that has increased 1 tril- ment to maintain temperature control in buildings.
lionfold since 1956 and they will These traditional systems control heating and cool-
have technology that can virtually ensure the No. ing plants, air side systems for fresh air delivery and
1 complaint of building occupants (comfort) will space temperature and humidity. Many BAS also
be nonexistent. New buildings will be smart, con- can integrate with lighting controls, security and
nected, healthy and secure. Smart buildings are the fire alarm systems, but many times these systems
way of the future and without modern BAS, this remain separate. What is controlled and how it is
would not be feasible. controlled can largely depend on when the systems
Modern advances in building automation, dig- were installed.
ital technology and the “internet of things” have Older buildings are limited by the technol-
made it easy for new and remodeled buildings to ogy and design drivers of the age they were built.
be smart, energy efficient and healthy. It can be dif- Depending on when they were built, the building
ficult for new and existing buildings to capitalize may have had control only at the equipment level.
on these opportunities as BAS technology is chang- In these buildings, there are controls available that
ing rapidly and requires today’s engineers to under- only control individual pieces of equipment and
stand the basic capabilities and functions of a BAS, they may not be able to be seen by a centralized

8 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

Figure 1: Froedtert & Medical College of Wis-
consin Center for Advanced Care maximizes
efficiency and expandability while simultane-
ously supporting cutting-edge medicine. Having
integrated and energy-efficient buildings are
a priority. Building automation advancements
and integrations were extensively studied and
incorporated within the facilities to provide
healthy and energy-efficient spaces. Courtesy:
Steinkamp Photography

control system or BAS. Additionally, these build-

ings may have pneumatic or analog controls, which
lack the ability to provide tight control of comfort
As older buildings continue to age, their func-
tionality may be unable to meet the needs of a ten-
ant and they can develop problems that are difficult
to solve due to difficulty in acquiring parts. If an
older building does have some level of automation,
it may still have a significant problem in the fact
that an older BAS operates off proprietary proto-
cols making modifications, expansion or integra-
tion into a newer system difficult.
In buildings built during the late 1980s and
beyond, the improvements in central computing
gave way to distributed digital computers (essen-
tially process controllers) located on equipment
(equipment controllers), allowing communica-
tion back to a central system. By 1995, the central
controller began to communicate with the inter- web-based, have graphics that are easy for the user
net, allowing for remote or web-based control of to understand and allow for data analytics and fault
systems. detection.
Also during this period, proprietary protocols
evolved to open protocols such as BACnet. The Current BAS options
incorporation of BACnet into BAS allows for the With the increase in computing performance,
open communication between multiple pieces of advancements in technology and increased demand
equipment on a centralized or head end system. for energy-efficient and healthy buildings, most
By allowing all the communication between indi- new buildings now employ state-of-the-art BAS
vidual pieces of equipment, temperature control is technologies and leverage analytics platforms that
improved, energy efficiency is increased, operating ride on top of the equipment and BAS. These sys-
and maintenance costs are lowered and indoor air tems can perform complex analytics by integrating
quality is improved. At a minimum, the controls are multiple automation systems, metering systems,

Figure 2: This shows the business case for integrated, smart solutions. Smart grids connected to smart buildings to
increase sales, reduce costs and meet sustainability goals. Courtesy: Mortenson

www.csemag.com CONSULTING-SPECIFYING ENGINEER December 2019 • 9


lighting controls, process controls, security, access and monetize, standards like ASHRAE 55: Thermal
control and other app-based smart devices. Environmental Conditions for Human Occupan-
The biggest challenge in designing new build- cy and ASHRAE 62.1: Ventilation for Acceptable
ings is being educated about new advancements and Indoor Air Quality set a baseline. With the increase
being able to scrutinize the different systems avail- in wellness standards that companies use to attract
able for clients. New buildings should be designed and retain employees, it is increasingly important to
as future thinking, with flexibility built in. This be able to verify that occupied buildings are healthy
allows for future adoption of new technology and buildings.
expandability of systems. Using a BAS to maintain a healthy building and
trend and verify wellness metrics is common for new
buildings. This is most important in hospital designs.

Future of buildings
In an article on BAS in hospitals, Neil Lorenzi writes
“With patient satisfaction and healthy outcomes
more closely tied to reimbursement, hospitals are

50% 1 trillion Zero

seeking ways to improve the overall patient expe-
rience and building performance is critical to that
mission.” High patient satisfaction doesn’t happen
Reduction in Increase in comput- Occupant
without a state-of-the-art BAS.
energy consump- ing performance complaints about
tion since 1975 since 1956 comfort Equipment control
By integrating equipment controllers into a
Figure 3: Expec- Energy/cost conservation along with occupant centralized BAS building, operators can optimize
tations of build- comfort and productivity are two of the largest HVAC efficiency and improve control. Examples
ing performance drivers of advancement in modern BAS. By provid- of this include using economizers for free cool-
for the future of ing improved equipment control, real-time moni- ing, resetting boiler temperature setpoints based on
buildings includes toring, trend logging and fault detection building outdoor air temperature and optimizing building
the integration operators are better equipped to control how the start/stop times, which allows for night and week-
of smart building buildings are operated, which decreases energy use end setbacks. Occupancy sensors can be integrat-
automation sys- and increases occupant satisfaction. These systems, ed into ventilation systems to optimized ventilation
tem technologies coupled with strategic metering and data analytics, rates, further reducing energy and improving IAQ,
and internet of can further generate success stories around energy, as well as control lighting. Carbon dioxide and vola-
things integra- carbon or climate goals, as well as wellness goals tile organic compound sensors can further optimize
tors. Courtesy: (such as air quality or quality of daylighting) that a ventilation rates and occupant health.
Mortenson company may have. By providing improved equipment control and
visualization into system operations, facilities can
Climate and comfort see lower maintenance costs and potentially length-
Reducing cost or saving money via energy con- en equipment life. Alarms and trend logs can sig-
servation is a benefit of an optimized BAS. It is nal facility operators before they cause discomfort
typically used to help justify the increased costs to building occupants and escalate into bigger,
associated with a more complex system. However, more costly problems that could result in equip-
there are other reasons for a com- ment failure.
pany to track energy usage and
reduce consumption. Many com- Metering and submetering
panies have strategic goals around Metering and submetering
energy conservation, carbon equipment that uses energy and
reduction and/or climate impacts. integrating the data into a BAS
To track and validate consump- can provide additional insight into
tion and conservation it is help-
ful to have automated systems to
perform and track complex cal- Figure 4: There are limitations
culations. Further, the analytics of pneumatic control systems.
provided by an analytics platform On this 1980s thermostat, the
can identify potential areas for setpoint temperature is 80°F.
improvement that otherwise may The actual room temperature is
not have been found. 70°F. The current systems can-
While wellness and human not meet the desired setpoints.
comfort can be difficult to track Courtesy: Mortenson

10 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

optimizing a building. To really get into energy con-
servation, the old saying “you can’t manage what
you don’t measure” applies. Typically, metering is
done in two ways — whole building and/or end use.
Whole building metering is helpful when utilities
haven’t provided smart meters. They can measure
whole building use in real-time and in user spec-
ified intervals (each second, minute, 15 minutes,
etc.). End-use meters get into real-time use of ener-
gy on a break-out level such as lighting, fans, water
heaters and plug loads. Many buildings that have Figure 5: This shows
employed end-use meters have used the data to the various building automation
impact tenant behavior through energy conserva- control levels. At the base are individual
tion competitions. equipment controllers. These can be stand alone,
At Mortenson, the competition was on a floor- smart or may need to be connected and controlled by a
by-floor level in the headquarters campus. Every building automation system. The equipment controllers can be
electrical panel on every floor was analyzed and integrated into a functional head end or BAS for building level con-
submetered to most accurately calculate the ener- trol. With strong equipment controls and BAS, an analytics platform
gy consumption on each floor of the building. Each can be used to perform complex data analytics to further optimize
floor was then provided with educational materi- building performance. Courtesy: Mortenson
als similar to the Energy Star Bring Your Green to
Work program.
The end result was a 12.9% reduction in ener-
gy use over a three-month period. All savings were
attributed to the behavioral changed made by the
occupants. An important part of metering and sub-
metering is to understand the purpose of the data
collection before you start to collect it. This avoids
installing equipment and gathering data that you
can’t or won’t use. Information that is accurate and
useful will improve operations, cut costs and pro-
vide the best experience for occupants.
One of the things that happens when data are
gathered and analyzed is that additional data are gen-
erated and one can end up with “paralysis by anal-
ysis.” Harnessing data and generating meaningful
analytics is complicated. Data can be expensive to
acquire and use, and data have little value on their
own. It is only as good as the insight it delivers.
There are companies that specialize in providing
data analytics platforms for buildings. These com-
panies design easy-to-use automation software that
can visualize and analyze real-time information for Figure 6: The example data provided by an analytics platform indi-
multiple applications and can provide metrics on cates the baseline load of the building as well as how the building is
energy, maintenance, productivity and even prod- performing on weekends versus weekdays. Courtesy: Mortenson
uct quality. These systems are intended to integrate
beyond the BAS and can tie into manufacturing,
product quality, financial tracking, etc. Success- control multiple building systems (HVAC, lights,
ful analytics uncover new business insights capable plug loads, elevators, etc.). They use that connec-
of driving real value and greater business perfor- tivity to communicate and automate to generate
mance. Equipment controls and a BAS are just two greater efficiency, security and comfort while sav-
things that an analytics platform can use. ing money. Smart buildings have a modern BAS.
Many smart buildings are designed around the
Smart buildings phenomena of “electrification of everything” and
Smart buildings are those buildings that have transition to 100% renewable energy. These build-
leveraged data and real-time information to opti- ings are better positioned for the future of the elec-
mize energy consumption. They have leveraged IoT trical grid. Incorporation of technologies such as
connectivity, sensors and the cloud to monitor and heat pumps, electric vehicles and other electric

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 11


autonomous vehicles) that aided in everyday living.

They lived in perfectly climate controlled, healthy
buildings in the sky. We are on the cusp of being
in “the future” portrayed in that cartoon, but The
Jetsons had robots and artificial intelligence. The
automation systems used today continue to rely on
human interaction and interpretation.
As an example, fault detections and alarms still
rely on humans to take action and much of our data
still needs human interpretation. The technology
that limits or eliminates the need for human inter-
pretation is machine learning and artificial intel-
ligence. These technologies are rapidly evolving
and some aspects are being integrated in BAS algo-
rithms, but it is happening gradually.
Figure 7: The use of submetered data can influence human behavior In today’s increasingly connected world, the
to reduce energy consumption, as shown in this example of the com- IoT communicates but is not independently intel-
pany headquarters floor-by-floor competition. Courtesy: Mortenson ligent. Current systems typically rely on “after the
fact” reporting: analyze the past, make a change
and hope the test works in the future. If the results
technologies are on the rise and their increased of the change don’t meet expectations a different
incorporation could increase U.S. electricity con- change is made and the process is repeated.
sumption by nearly 40% by midcentury, according In ML and AI, a machine collects the building
to a National Renewable Energy Laboratory report. management system and analytics platform data
This need to electrify everything has complica- and combines them into increasingly robust data
tions for the electric grid and creates an increased sets. These data sets are large and contain more
demand for a smart grid. In a traditional grid scenar- information than a human brain can process. Cur-
io energy flows from the utility to the end user. It is a rent ML protocols for BMS use the robust data sets
one-way transmission. A smart grid allows for many and combine them in a way that allows operators
great improvements, but at a baseline one of those to schedule equipment based on better data. This
things is the ability to have two-way transmission. is what is known as a supervised ML system, and
A smart grid is on the utility side of the meter. while it is not a fully automated system, it is more
It involves the transmission lines, substations and vigorous than the current “after the fact” reporting.
transformers required to deliver power from the Additional benefits of the ML/AI integration
plant to the users. Smart grids allow for real-time include: the ability to use multiple data sets to fore-
energy usage and real-time energy pricing and can cast and operate the building off weather predic-
help building operators further manage usage cost, tions, establishing better coordination of complex
and manage when to use energy and when to gener- systems (combining HVAC, lighting, ventilation
ate on their own through renewable energy. Smart and occupancy) and improved fault detection (opti-
grids are continually evolving and smart buildings mized continuous commissioning).
and BAS need to evolve with it to optimize perfor- In the most succinct terms, the core function
mance on both sides of the meter. and intent for BAS is to keep humans comfortable,
The smart grid will need smart buildings to talk healthy and safe. The business purpose of the BAS
to for ultimate success. Utilities have committed to is to save money and improve productivity. Using
being more connected to their customers, but to be advancements at an equipment level, an automation
truly successful, they need their customers to con- level and at an integration level, the BAS is a busi-
nect to them in a different way. Most of today’s ness tool in addition to an energy and comfort tool.
smart grid integrations end with the utility provid- When smart technology is applied to BAS and
ing a smart meter. It is a start, but only a start and those advancements are in sync with smart technol-
it needs building designs to advance. When a smart ogy from power providers, new business insights
building is connected to a smart grid, there is mutu- can be uncovered. These insights can drive real
al benefit for both the building owner and power business and environmental value and greater busi-
provider. ness performance. cse

What’s next Julianne Laue is director of building performance

The Jetsons — the 1960s TV cartoon — family at Mortenson. She is a member of the Consulting-
lived in the future and they had amazing contrap- Specifying Engineer editorial advisory board and
tions (smartwatches, video phones, drones, robots, was a 2012 40 Under 40 winner.

12 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

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By Michael Chow, PE, CEM, CxA, LEED AP BD+C, Metro CD Engineering, Columbus, Ohio

Commissioning lighting
occupancy sensors
Installing lighting occupancy sensors and commissioning the devices have
many benefits, including reducing operational and maintenance costs

any of us have seen Figure 1: An occupancy sensor
or personally expe- with dual technology (passive
rienced a person infrared and ultrasonic) is shown.
frantically waving The button with the light bulb
their arms in circu- image is pressed as a manual on
lar motions when the lighting turns or off to control the lighting fix-
off in a space controlled by an occu- tures manually. Courtesy: Metro
pancy sensor. While this may seem CD Engineering
comical at first, users in these spac-
es tend to get frustrated at the occu-
pancy sensor and override it to avoid Vacancy sensors should provide
being left in the dark. Occupancy greater energy savings than occu-
sensors then get a bad rap. Why did pancy sensors because they give the
the occupancy sensor fail to keep the lights on? occupant a choice of whether to turn on the light-
Lighting uses approximately 20% of the total ing fixtures. For example, if there is enough ambient
energy consumed in commercial buildings, accord- light in an office with windows for daylight entering
ing to the U.S. Department of Energy. There is great through the windows, the occupant may choose not to
potential for energy savings by reducing the lighting turn on the lights at all. Conversely, with an occupancy
levels or turning the lighting off when not needed. sensor, the lighting fixtures will turn on automatically
Occupancy and vacancy sensors are devices that regardless of how much daylight is in the room.
use sensors to detect when a space is This article will use the term “occupancy sen-

L Learning unoccupied and accordingly automat-

ically turn off (or dim) the lighting
sors,” which can be either occupancy or vacan-
cy sensors depending upon the owner’s project
OBJECTIVES fixtures. This saves energy by turning requirements.
• Learn energy codes and the lighting off in a space or room if it Studies have shown that adding occupancy light-
standards related to lighting and is not occupied. The device can turn ing controls can reduce lighting energy use 10% to
occupancy sensors.
the lighting fixtures on automatically 90% or more, depending on the use of the space in
• Understand the commissioning upon detecting the presence of occu- which the sensors are installed, according to the
process for lighting and lighting
pants and thus is referred to as an U.S. Department of Energy (see Table 1).
occupancy sensor. One study conducted by the U.S. Department of
• Know the role of the
Vacancy sensors are like occu- Energy on a university campus found that install-
commissioning authority in the
design of lighting systems. pancy sensors and use similar sen- ing wired occupancy sensors to control lighting in
sor technology. However, vacancy more than 200 rooms in 10 buildings provided an
sensors require the occupant to turn annual cost savings of about $14,000 with a simple
the lighting fixtures on in a room or space by press- payback of 4.2 years.
ing a manual switch, which typically is integral to Occupancy sensors are also mandated by ener-
the motion sensor. See Figure 1 for an example of a gy codes. ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 and 2013:
wall-mounted vacancy sensor with dual technology Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise
(passive infrared and ultrasonic). The button with Residential Buildings requires that lighting auto-
the light bulb is pressed as a manual on to turn on matically turn off or be reduced in output in spaces/
the lighting fixtures manually. areas such as conference rooms, classrooms, break-

14 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

‘ Lighting uses approximately 20%
of the total energy consumed in
commercial buildings, according to

the U.S. Department of Energy.

rooms, storage rooms, private offices, etc., with a

30-minute maximum timeout setting, both for new
construction and for major retrofits. Occupancy
sensors help achieve this requirement.
It is important to understand occupancy sensors
need to be commissioned to realize these savings
in practice.

Commissioning guidelines
How does an engineer or commissioning agent
commission occupancy sensors lighting controls?
Fortunately, there are guidelines and processes:
ASHRAE Guideline 0-2019: The Commissioning
Process and ASHRAE Standard 202-2018: Commis-
sioning Process for Buildings and Systems; the ACG
(AABC Commissioning Group) Commissioning
Guideline; and IES DG-29-11: The Commissioning
Process Applied to Lighting and Control Systems.
The IES Lighting Handbook defines commis-
sioning of lighting systems as “a systematic process
that ensures that all elements of the lighting con-
trol system perform interactively and continuous- Figure 2: Ohio Northern University’s James Lehr Kennedy Engineer-
ly according to documented design intent and the ing Building has increased laboratory space and an abundance of
needs of the building owner.” natural daylight in the building. Courtesy: Tara Grove, Metro CD
Energy codes and U.S. Green Building Coun- Engineering
cil LEED certification have made commissioning
of lighting controls a requirement. Standard 90.1
requires functional testing of lighting controls and Table 1: Occupancy sensor savings
systems. Room type Occupancy sensory lighting energy savings
IES DG-29-11 breaks down the commission-
Breakroom 29%
ing of lighting control systems into the following
phases: Classroom 40% to 46%
Conference room 45%
• Pre-design. Corridor 30% to 80%
• Design. Office, open 10%
• Construction.
Office, private 13% to 50%
• Occupancy and operations.
Restroom 30% to 90%

The pre-design phase is when the commission- Storage area 45% to 80%
ing team is formed and is led by the commission- Warehouse 35% to 54%
ing authority. The commissioning team, consisting
of the construction manager, subcontractors and Table 1: The table shows typical savings by room type when using
lighting engineer/designer, creates the commission- occupancy sensors. Courtesy: U.S. Department of Energy
ing plan, develops the owner’s project requirements
and provides procedures to identify and track issues
during the commissioning process. • Occupancy sensors shall be used to turn off
The OPR should include performance require- lighting when a space/area is unoccupied. The
ments for lighting control systems. For example, a sensors should be set for a maximum 30-min-
section of the OPR for occupancy sensors may state: ute timeout to shut off lighting.

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 15


• Occupancy sensors shall use vacancy mode A BOD to achieve this OPR may state: “Vacan-
to turn lighting on in enclosed private offices cy sensors using passive infrared and ultrason-
with automatic off. ic, self-adaptive technologies shall be used in all
private enclosed office. Sensors shall turn the
• Occupancy sensors shall integrate with the lighting off within five minutes after an office is
heating, ventilation and air conditioning sys- unoccupied.”
tem and the building automation system in Typically, the contractual design phases of a
private offices to turn off lighting when unoc- project consist of schematic design, design devel-
cupied and provide code minimum ventila- opment, construction documentation, construc-
tion levels. tion administration and final punch list.
The schematic design contains an outline of
• Daylighting harvest sensors shall be installed the lighting control system to fulfill the OPR. The
in all open office areas. Daylighting controls design development phase includes detailed draw-
shall dim the lighting automatically to main- ings and specifications.
tain a minimum of 30 foot-candles measured The construction documentation incorporates
at the desktop height above finished floor. commissioning in the specifications. It is high-
ly recommended that the commissioning specifi-
In the design phase, the design engineer should cations be incorporated no later than the design
complete the basis of design that explains the con- development phase. The specifications would be
cepts that the engineer will employ to achieve the updated in the construction documents phase.
performance requirements of the OPR. For exam- The specifications include lighting controls
ple, suppose the OPR states: “Vacancy sensors shall to be tested and roles and responsibilities of the
be used in all enclosed private offices.” commissioning authority and the contractor(s).
Including these items helps reduce or even elim-
inate conflicts and issues during commissioning
tasks such as functional testing. For example, a
commissioning specification may state, “The con-
tractor shall notify the commissioning agent in
writing at least 14 days in advance of all pre-func-
tional testing.”
The commissioning authority reviews the light-
ing control design documents to check compli-
ance with the OPR and the commissioning plan.
For example, the commissioning authority may
check that occupancy sensors are located correctly
in each space/area. Another example includes ver-
ification that occupancy sensors are located more
than 6 to 8 feet from HVAC diffusers (especially
for sensors that use microphonics).
Here are some typical occupancy sensor design
items that should be reviewed by the commission-
ing authority:

• Occupancy sensors are not allowed to control

lighting fixtures in electrical rooms as stated
in the NFPA 70: National Electrical Code.\

• Time delay setting of occupancy sensors stat-

ed in the specifications shall match the OPR.
How long should the lighting fixtures stay
on once no motion is detected? The less time
the lighting fixtures stay on, the higher the
Figure 3: The 105,000-square-foot, $30 million, three-story James savings will be. The commissioning author-
Lehr Kennedy Engineering Building at Ohio Northern University, ity should discuss this with the owner and the
Ada, Ohio, was completed in fall 2019. The new facility in allows design team. With LED lighting now the stan-
more engineering student enrollment, increases laboratory space dard and with frequent switching of LED light-
and encourages student-faculty collaboration. Courtesy: Tara Grove, ing fixtures having little effect on the longevity
Metro CD Engineering of LED light sources, time delay settings should

16 • December 2019 CONSULTING-SPECIFYING ENGINEER www.csemag.com

CASE STUDY: University lighting system commissioned

hio Northern University’s 105,000-square-foot, to the door and can result in the lighting in her office
$30 million, three-story James Lehr Kenne- to turn on when people walk past the door, but do not
dy Engineering Building was completed in fall enter the office.
2019. The new facility in Ada, Ohio, allows more engi- The incorrect location of the occupancy sensor has
neering student enrollment, increases laboratory space resulted in the lighting in the room to turn off while the
and encourages student-faculty collaboration. Student occupant is completing tasks at her desk. The occupant
input resulted in an abundance of natural daylight in the has tried waving her arms, but the lighting remained off.
new building. The facility has daylighting harvest sensors, The sensor’s self-adapting technology usually recalibrates
vacancy sensors and high-effica- the sensitivity of the sensor when

cy LED lighting. The building it detects someone waving their
is seeking U.S. Green Building The commissioning arms, but in this case, since her
Council LEED-NC v3 certification. seated position was not with-
The commissioning of the authority needs to in the sensor’s minor movement
occupancy sensors was done coverage, the sensor could not
ensure the design keep the lights on.
post-occupancy to allow the
occupancy sensors with self- intent of the occupancy The occupancy sensor is being
adapting technology to adjust to relocated where shown on Fig-
the use of the building. This usu- sensors is met during ure 4 and this should fix the issue
ally takes about a week for the the commissioning of the lights turning off when the
sensors to automatically adjust occupant is working at her desk.

to the use of the rooms and process. It is critical that the design
spaces. engineer show the occupancy
The commissioning authority sensors in the correct location.
found issues with some of the installed occupancy sen- Most sensor manufacturers will provide no-cost evalua-
sors. These ceiling-mounted sensors were not installed tions of an engineer’s design to ensure major and minor
where there are shown on the construction drawings. coverage motions are correct. The installing contractor
This led to sensors not performing as designed and should be instructed before construction to ensure the
resulted in the room occupants “waving their arms” to sensors are installed where shown on the construction
keep the artificial lighting on. drawings to eliminate sensor issues. The commissioning
Figure 4 shows a private office, Room 109D, with authority needs to ensure the design intent of the occu-
the ceiling-mounted occupancy sensor labeled “OS3” pancy sensors is met during the commissioning process.
in the room. The sensor
is placed too far away
from the desk to detect
minor motion such as
the occupant using a
computer while seated
at her desk. The sensor
also is placed too close

Figure 4: A partial
first-floor lighting plan
showing the case study
private office with
design location of occu-
pancy sensor and actual
installed location of sen-
sor. Courtesy: Metro CD

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 17


be 15 minutes or less. National Electrical Manufactur-
ers Association guidelines recommend a 15-minute time
delay. However, you may want to start with a 10-minute
delay for greater energy savings and adjust to a longer time
delay if occupants request it (refer to the U.S. Department
of Energy).


– Sensors should not be installed within 5 feet of HVAC sup-

ply diffusers.

– For enclosed spaces, locate a wall-mounted sensor where it

will not be blocked when the door is open.

– Do not install sensors on an angled or inclined ceiling as

they typically do not perform well when positioned at an

– Verify that the type of sensor used will sense both minor
and major movement.

– Restrooms should typically use ceiling-mounted ultrason-

ic sensors to detect movements in the stalls. Many lighting
engineers/designers may use just one wall sensor to detect
movement when an occupant enters a restroom, but this
sensor may not detect an occupant in a restroom stall. It
is good practice to have adequate lighting in restrooms in
an unoccupied mode should the lighting be turned off at
inappropriate times.

– Ceiling height should be considered when placing a sensor.

Most sensors should not be installed with ceiling heights
over 15 feet.

The commissioning authority always notifies the design team

of issues discovered during the review of the documents. The
design team should then reply formally to the commissioning
authority’s comments and resolve all issues.
Fully adjustable 2.5W LED lamps The construction administration phase involves training of
the facility personnel on the operation and maintenance of the
Up to 54’ on-center spacing lighting and control system. A good example of a training pro-
gram includes explanation on how occupancy sensors can be
Architectural low-profile design modified (e.g., change from occupancy to vacancy mode).
Also included in this phase is performance testing. For light-
Surface & recessed configurations ing control systems, the commissioning authority, electrical
contractor, operators, manufacturer representatives and other
Includes single- & double-face panels stakeholders are typically present for the testing. A sample par-
tial performance test for occupancy sensors may include verifi-
Optional remote capability cation that the lighting fixtures in a space turn on within 3 feet of
entering a space in a private office.
The commissioning authority maintains an issues log that
begins at the pre-design phase. The log includes details of each
issue and who is responsible to resolve each issue one.
A systems manual, with specified sections provided by the
construction manager, is handed by the commissioning team
to the owner at the project turnover. The systems manual pro-
2% !/ !0%(/3$%$.!*+3 !/.%! 52 +*0$!+,!.-
input #5 at www.csemag.com/information 18  December 2019 CONSULTING-SPECIFYING ENGINEER
ation and maintenance of the lighting controls. Also ule controls must be programmed to turn the lights
included are record drawings, submittals (shop draw- off. And photocontrol systems must reduce light lev-
ings), the issues log, the OPR and BOD, as well as els produced by the electric lighting based on the
operations and maintenance manuals. Training amount of usable daylight in the space as specified.
should always include a review of the systems man- Standard 90.1-2010 requires a commissioning
ual and its use in normal operation of the building. authority be engaged that is not involved in the design
The occupancy and operations phase begin at or construction team. The commissioning authori-
substantial completion. This includes providing ty verifies that the lighting controls are adjusted, pro-
completion of any deferred testing and training as grammed and functioning in accordance with the
well as maintaining the systems manual. design and the manufacturer’s installation instruc-
The commissioning requirements of Standard tions. The commissioning authority then submits doc-
90.1-2010 require that the construction documents umentation certifying that the lighting systems are in
identify who will conduct and certify the testing. compliance with or exceed the performance require-
All specified lighting controls and associated soft- ments outlined for the project in the OPR.
ware must be calibrated, adjusted, programmed and Installing occupancy sensors and commissioning
assured to operate in accordance with construction the devices have many benefits, including reducing
documents and manufacturer installation instruc- operational and maintenance costs. And with prop-
tions. Specific requirements are identified for occu- erly designed and commissioned occupancy sensors,
pancy sensors, programmable schedule controls and it’s time to say goodbye to days of people frantically
photosensors. waving their arms when the lights turn off. cse
For example, at a minimum, the party conducting
the testing must confirm that the placement, sensi- Michael Chow is the founder and president of Metro
tivity and timeout settings for any installed occupan- CD Engineering. He holds a BSEE from Ohio North-
cy sensors provide acceptable performance — for ern University and is the current chair of the univer-
example, the lights must turn off only after the space sity’s engineering advisory board. He is a member of
is vacated and must turn on only when the space is the Consulting-Specifying Engineer editorial advi-
occupied. Time switches and programmable sched- sory board and is a 2009 40 Under 40 winner.

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By Robert Sander and Mario Caraveo, NV5, Las Vegas

selection and sizing
Selecting and sizing electrical distribution transformers is fundamental
for electrical designers and engineers

n the United States, transformers are gov- phase delta primary to wye secondary step-down
erned by the NFPA 70: National Electrical type transformers. Industry standard sizes for
Code; in this case, the latest version of the 480- to 120/208-volt wye transformers are com-
code published in 2017 will be used. Trans- monly 15, 30, 45, 75, 112.5, 225, 300 and 500
formers are fundamental components in kilovolt-amperes.
many different commercial, industrial and res- There are also single-phase 277-or 480-volt
idential electrical systems. They allow for the transformer sizes available at 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 25,
working voltage to either be “stepped” up or down. 37.5, 50, 75 and 100 kilovolt-amperes. This is not
Transformers are able “step” voltage a comprehensive list, but illustrates the variety and

L Learning up or down by using the magnetic

field produced passively by the cur-
range that is commercially available.
In general, three-phase transformers are the
OBJECTIVES rent carrying windings. most commonly used for electrical designer appli-
• Learn design concepts for The most basic version this con- cation and selection. Single-phase transformers
selecting and sizing electrical cept can be illustrated by two cop- tend to be used for special applications or voltages.
per loops of different size, one inside An example may be unit equipment that specifical-
• Review the codes and of the other with no contact. If one ly requires 240 volts single-phase where the service
considerations associated with
transformer design. of these loops has current passing voltage is 120/208 volts wye three-phase. For a spe-
through, it then an induced voltage cial case like this, it is common to only provide a
• Evaluate a case study profile to
highlight best practices. is seen at the terminals of the other single-phase transformer for the equipment because
loop. The voltage and current in the there won’t be a multitude of loads served by it.
second loop is proportional to the When a single-phase transformer is used for gener-
voltage and current associated with the first loop. al distribution, it can cause phase imbalances when
The amount of loops or wind- using a three-phase utility. Oth-
ings can be changed to create a erwise, if a property is served by
variety of voltages to work with. single-phase and a transformer
Transformer windings are is used (e.g., for isolation) then a
made of aluminum or cop- single-phase transformer would
per. Aluminum is the com- be appropriate.
mon selection because it is less All transformers are required
expensive while offering simi- to have a nameplate with the
lar electrical characteristics to
copper. Aluminum is lighter in
weight than copper, but is typi- Figure 1: This harmonic miti-
cally larger in physical size. gating transformer does not
Power distribution trans- have vibration-isolation pads.
former power rating sizes are Typically, these are noted dur-
standardized throughout the ing inspection by authorities
industry. The most common having jurisdiction or field
type of application within a observations by engineer.
commercial facility are three- Courtesy: NV5

20 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

information described in NEC 450.11(A)(1-8).
This information includes the name of manufac-
turer, rated kilovolt-amperes, frequency, primary
and secondary voltages, impedance of transform-
ers 25 kilovolt-amperes or larger, required clear-
ances for transformers with ventilating openings,
amount and kind of insulating liquid where used.
For dry-type transformers, temperature class for
the insulat ion system.

Transformer sizing
The first step to sizing a transformer is to deter-
mine the load that will be served, either at the branch
circuit, feeder or service level. This starts with esti-
mating or calculating the demand load using
NEC Article 220 and then applying and applicable
demand factors. Based on the types of loads served,
demand factors will reduce the calculated load to Figure 2: A sample nameplate from a 1,500 kilovolt-amperes dry-
determine appropriate sizing of the transformer. ‘ type transformer lists all parameters related to the transformer
This calculated design load represents the base construction and capabilities. Courtesy: NV5
load or starting point for transformer sizing. Once
Figure 3: This is a
you have determined the base load, depending
sample K-factor
on the type of project, a few considerations will
transformer name-
need to be made when determining the final size
plate. Note that the
of the transformer. These considerations include
K-factor is clearly
the future flexibility, available physical space, cost
identified. Courtesy:
and project type.
Future capacity or expansion for a property
is one of the most crucial considerations for siz-
ing. This is important because both an under-
sized and an oversized transformer operate at
lower efficiencies and could cause degrading dam-
age to equipment over time. It is crucial to under-
stand the owner’s intended use for the facility. and can be incorporated with minimal structur-
There are instances where the property is not like- al coordination. These considerations should be
ly to expand and as such, owners may not require evaluated before the addition of a transformer to
capacity for future loads or equipment. an existing electrical system. Typically, it is easier,
However, some owners may not use their in terms of cost and coordination, to accommodate
space to full capacity at project completion (e.g., a larger-sized transformer in a new construction
a pharmaceutical lab filled to half occupancy) and structure, but a remodeling project may prove to be
it would be prudent to allow capacity for future more costly and require more coordination.
expansion at the transformer. Such considerations Lastly and important for an owner to consider,
for expandability should be discussed and coordi- is the transformer’s cost. Usually, the larger the size
nated by the design consultant with ownership to of the transformer, the higher the equipment and
suit their needs. installation cost. Often, for larger transformer sizes,
Additionally, depending on the project type they can also incur additional design and structural
(e.g., new construction, tenant improvement, costs. For example, a 225 kilovolt-amperes dry-type
remodel) there may not be physical space for transformer placed at an upper floor and typical-
expansion. The addition of a transformer to an ly weighs 2,000 to 4,000 pounds and would require
existing property can be costly dependent on loca- structural engineers and architects to consider the
tion and size. The location of an added transform- weight and additional bracing needed to support
er requires coordination for ventilation, spacing the equipment load.
for code-required clearances and may require In general, as with most other aspects of elec-
structural bracing. Furthermore, transformers trical engineering, it is best to be conservative and
produce excess heat that the mechanical engineer oversize at the early stages of a project until fur-
must evaluate existing systems to determine if they ther design development and final determination
will support sufficient cooling. is made considering all the preceding items. It is
Another consideration is the weight; some worth noting that it is easier to downsize a trans-
smaller transformers weigh less than 1,000 pounds former later in design, for coordination purposes,

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 21

rather than upsize the transformer after the pre- Types of transformers
liminary stages of design. Once a transformer size is determined, consid-
Information regarding transformer installation er the application of and types of loads that will be
is found in the NEC, Article 450. Article 450.3(A) served by the transformer. In commercial design,
and (B) provide tables for maximum rating or set- there are a few commonly used types of transformers
ting of overcurrent protection for transformers with characteristics as described below:
with voltages for both, equal to/less than and larger Dry-type transformers use ambient air to cool
than 1,000 volts. The numbers given in the tables the core and windings. These transformers tend to be
are percentages of the transformer-rated current larger than liquid-filled transformers, but are gener-
which is derived by taking the transformer’s kilo- ally less expensive in materials and installation costs.
volt-ampere rating and dividing it by the voltage of The two commonly used dry-type transform-
the feeder. ers are encapsulated and ventilated. Nonventilated
Needless to say, the primary and secondary or encapsulated are sealed completely with surface
feeders of a transformer will have different current area cooling, suited for wash-down areas and cor-
requirements corresponding to their voltage with rosive, combustible or other harmful conditions.
one exception — transformers used for power iso- Ventilated dry-type transformers are made with
lation. Primary protection allows an engineer to openings that allow air to move through the inside,
make a simpler design, but using a combination of are larger in dimension, use different insulation
single and secondary protection allows for greater materials and contain an enclosure for the wind-
flexibility in the use of a transformer’s current rat- ings providing physical protection for the equip-
ing. One could use the full rating of a transformer ment and for personnel.
as long as the feeders are still adequately protected Liquid-insulated transformers use liquid for
according to these tables. cooling and to act as an insulator for the cores.

CASE STUDY: Manufacturing facility electrical design

n equipment manufactur- a 70/30 split of 277/480 volts (single- be served from a 75 kilovolt-amperes
ing company has procured an and three-phase) and 120/208 volts transformer based on the next standard
existing building with 277/480- (single- and three-phase), respectively. size of transformer and the calculated
volt wye service to open a new office From this information and criteria, the connected load. However, the owner’s
for its business. The company manu- connected load power allowances are requirements are to account for at
factures and tests specialized, sensitive determined: least 20% growth for future. Once the
electronic equipment for the health growth amount of 1.2 for the office
care industry. It is opening a new loca- • Offices
Of (120/208 volts): 10 volt- space is factored in, we arrive at 84
tion for its operations and plans to use amperes/square feet x 14,000 kilovolt-amperes. This connected load
80% of the space and power capacity square feet = 70 kilovolt-amperes will need to be serviced by the next
with a requirement to allow for at least standard size, 112.5 kilovolt-amperes.
20% growth in the next few years. • Laboratory (120/208 volts): 25 The laboratory space requires
Project scope consists of standard volt-amperes/square feet x 8,000 115.2 kilovolt-amperes (with the 20%
commercial office space as well as a square feet = 96 kilovolt-amperes growth included) and will require a 225
portion of laboratory and manufactur- kilovolt-amperes transformer. Manu-
ing. The owner’s required power allow- • Manufacturing (277/480 volts): 20 facturing will similarly require a 1,000
ances are: 10 volt-amperes per square volt-amperes/square feet x 120,000 kilovolt-amperes transformer to service
feet for office, 25 volt-amperes per square feet x 0.7 = 1,680 kilovolt- its 864 kilovolt-amperes (with growth
square feet for lab and 20 volt-amperes amperes accounted) connected load at 120/208
per square feet for manufacturing areas. volt distribution.
Upon receiving floor plans, the areas • Manufacturing (120/208 volts): 20 Now that loads are accounted for,
are 14,000 square feet of office, 8,000 volt-amperes/square feet x 120,000 general locations in the building can
square feet of lab and 120,000 square square feet x 0.3 = 720 kilovolt- be considered. There are many means
feet of manufacturing. amperes and methods to determine appropriate
Lastly, all office and lab spaces will transformer locations and distribution,
need 120 and 208 volts single-phase The next stage is to select trans- so one design philosophy described
distribution, manufacturing requires former capacity sizes. Office spaces can here. The building layout is rectangular.

22 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

Mineral oil and bio-based oils are the most com-
monly used liquids. Liquid-insulated transformers
allow better cooling that translates to a more com-
pact transformer than a dry type.
However, these transformers require period-
‘ Once a transformer size is determined,
consider the application of and types of
ic oil analysis, but are considered less costly for loads that will be served by the transformer.
repairs. Bio-based oils are less flammable and are
environmentally friendly in the case of a leak. In commercial design, there are a few

Less flammable is considered for liquids with a
fire point of not less than 300°C. Exterior pad- commonly used types of transformers.
mounted utility transformers are typically used
with mineral oil and are considered combustible.
For transformers less than 35 kilovolts, indoor Oil-insulated transformers must be installed in a
installations may require minimal requirements transformer vault per NEC 450.26 when indoors.
such as an automatic sprinkler system or liquid
containment area with no combustibles stored Special applications
inside the room. K-rated and harmonic mitigating transform-
NEC 450.23 covers the requirements for ers typically are used for harmonic, nonlinear
indoor and outdoor installations for these liq- loads such as computer/servers with switch-mode
uid-insulated types. Additionally, nonflammable power supplies, gaming slot machines, LED light-
fluid-insulated transformers that use a dielectric ing, motors or variable frequency drives. HMTs can
fluid that is nonflammable require a transform- be used to correct the harmonic issues generated by
er vault to be installed indoors per NEC 450.24. the nonlinear loads.

Overall dimensions are 200 feet wide turing floor and will allow the load to
by 655 feet long, with a second story at be split for the manufacturing area to
the building front that will house offices 360 kilovolt-amperes, allowing two 500
and laboratory spaces. kilovolt-amperes transformers to service
Because the labs and offices reside either end of the manufacturing area.
in the same area, consolidation of the These loads are only rough esti-
lab and office loads to one transformer mates, but allow the design team to
are considered. This will give a com- prepare and allocate floor space. Once
bined connected load of 166 kilovolt- demand factors (if any) are applied,
amperes that can be serviced by a 225 the sizes may be revisited and sized
kilovolt-amperes transformer. accordingly.
One larger combined transformer Lastly, the specification of the trans-
allows for space and cost savings. formers is considered. Because this is
Instead of two rooms at either side of an indoor and controlled environment,
the building with associated feeders, dry-type ventilated transformers will
the single larger transformer can be be used. To reduce cost, the windings
centrally located. In this scenario, with for the transformers will be aluminum
the labs and offices on two floors that instead of copper. At the office and
are relatively small, the transformer is Figure 4: In contrast to harmonic miti- labs, harmonic mitigating transform-
placed at grade level to avoid potential gating transformer without vibration- ers are considered due to the sensitive
structural impacts. isolation pads, dry-type transformers nature of the equipment in the facility.
are shown with pads. Courtesy: NV5
Distribution for the manufacturing This selection also will help increase
floor requires additional consideration. power quality and reduce inefficiencies,
With the 120/208 volt demand spread run and assuming somewhat uniform in the form of harmonics, introduced
throughout the floor space, transform- distribution, two locations are planned from the multitude of AC/DC power
ers must be arranged to avoid exces- — one at 200 feet down and another at supply transformers common to mod-
sive voltage drop. With a 600-foot-long 400 feet. This will cover the manufac- ern computers and electronics.

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 23

Dry-type transformers installed indoors
require at least 12 inches of separation
heat in the transformer coils. HMTs suppress or
reduce the effects of these odd harmonics, in par-
ticular the third harmonic that is additive on the
neutral conductor.
from combustible material for transformers Transformer design considerations
rated less than 112.5 kilovolt-amperes, Location: An important factor to consider is
physical location of the transformer. The type of

per NEC 450.21(A). environment/building material where the trans-
former is located and the surrounding occupan-
cies or rooms adjacent to the transformer should
K-rated transformers, on the other hand, do not be considered.
mitigate harmonics, but rather allow for a more For example, an oil-insulated transformer
robust system to tolerate the harmonics. Transform- installed indoors requires spill containment areas
er failure from harmonics are caused by excessive that are typically more costly. Specifically, for oil-
and/or constant overheating of the coils leading to a insulated transformers, a vault room would be
faster degradation of the coils’ insulation. Electrical required by NEC Article 450.26, unless at least
systems with excessive harmonics can cause elec- one of six exceptions are met. There are advantag-
tronic components to fail due to a distorted sinu- es and disadvantages for using a transformer vault
soidal wave. depending on any number of variables, however
The major difference between K-rated trans- they require special attention and tend to add sig-
formers and HMTs is that K-rated transformers are nificant cost, which should be taken into consider-
built to handle the stresses and strain of nonlinear ation. Although they are not governed by the same
loads depending on the level. Meanwhile, HMTs building construction regulations mandated by the
are physically constructed in such a way to reduce NEC, utility companies commonly use oil-insulat-
or mitigate harmonic currents from downstream ed transformers.
devices to keep disruptive currents from traveling Additionally, when locating a transformer, con-
electrically upstream of the transformer. sider its physical location in the building and the
Most electronic equipment nowadays is pow- area it is intended to serve and distribute power to.
ered by switch mode power supplies. SMSPs con- A 277/480 volt-delta transformer is better suited
vert sinusoidal alternating current to constant for longer runs on medium-sized buildings due to
direct current using rectifiers and capacitors that voltage drop. To avoid sizing larger feeders for lon-
draw short and sharp bursts of current, which alter ger runs, it’s better to use a higher voltage to dis-
the original AC sinusoidal wave. This altered wave tribute power as needed.
is now a nonlinear load and has odd harmonics that A 120/208 volt-wye is common for nonindus-
can become harmful to the transformer by increas- trial applications at the branch circuit level, but
ing the current in the windings resulting in excess the lower voltage makes it subprime for long-
distance distribution. Medium-voltage proper-
ties, where the voltage-to-ground is 1,000 volts
Table 1: Transformer efficiency or more, carry power from clusters of buildings
Single-phase Three-phase throughout the site.
Kilovolt-amperes % Kilovolt-amperes % Noise: Noise also should be considered,
depending on the type of building occupancy.
15 97.70 15 97.89
The constant vibrations from the transformer may
25 98.00 30 98.23
cause an undesirable audible hum for the client or
37.5 98.20 45 98.40 occupants. In a hotel tower occupancy, for exam-
50 98.30 75 98.60 ple, transformer rooms in the upper floors where
75 98.50 112.5 98.74 guestrooms are located may need sound-proofing
100 98.60 150 98.83
or acoustical treatment to mitigate noise from the
electrical space.
167 98.70 225 98.94
This room treatment may be avoidable if the
250 98.80 300 99.02 transformers are placed at grade level or on the
333 98.90 500 99.14 roof in a location that gives adequate separation
750 99.23 from the transformers and guests. Another solu-
1,000 99.28 tion could be to provide vibration-isolation pads
that reduce the noise to a level acceptable to the cli-
Table 1: The efficiency of a low-voltage dry-type distribution trans- ent. An acoustical engineer or consultant may be
formers is governed by the Department of Energy. Courtesy: NV5 involved to assist with this noise mitigation.

24 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

Not all projects will follow the exact Robert Sander is an electrical engineer
methodology as described here, but may at NV5. He has experience in electrical
expand to make further considerations. design of high-rise hospitality and PV.
No two properties are the same and as
such, no two projects will be the same. Mario Caraveo is an electrical design-
It is the responsibility of the design er at NV5. Experience includes electrical
engineer to make the appropriate deci- design for commercial offices, retail, hos-
sions and consult with their client to pitality, industrial, mixed-use, residential
suit their needs. cse and health care.

Figure 5: An example of a pad-mounted

oil-insulated 300 kilovolt-amperes trans-
former is installed outdoors on a dedi-
cated equipment pad. Courtesy: NV5

There room construction is required

to meet requirements as outlined in
NEC Article 450 Part II. Specifically,
dry-type transformers installed indoors
require at least 12 inches of separation
from combustible material for trans-
formers rated less than 112.5 kilo-
volt-amperes, per NEC 450.21(A). For
dry-type transformers larger than 112.5
kilovolt-amperes, the room requires a
fire-resistant construction of at least one
hour per NEC 250.21(B).
However, there is an exception that
commonly applies: those with Class
155 or higher and completely encap-
sulated except ventilation openings
do not need to be located in one-hour
rated rooms. Figure 1 represents one of
these transformers; as such, the room it
resides in does not require a one-hour
fire-resistant rating.

Energy-efficiency requirements
Energy efficiency for dry-type dis-
tribution transformers is governed by
the U.S. Department of Energy. As such,
compliant transformers are labeled
with DOE-2016 to mark their compli-
ance since Jan. 1, 2017. Dependent on
the capacity of the transformer and its
quantity of phases, the efficiencies range
from 97.0% to 98.9% using 35% of the
nameplate-rated load. In addition to
the DOE requiring their label for com-
mercially available transformers, many
authorities having jurisdiction require
transformers specified to meet these

December 2019  25
input #7 at www.csemag.com/information
By Zia Salami, Ph.D., CDM Smith, Charlotte, N.C.; Lilly Vang, CDM Smith, Raleigh, N.C.; and
Adrian Hendels, CDM Smith, Boca Raton, Fla.

How to correctly
size a transformer
Engineers must make informed decisions regarding the proper transformer
sizing selection, electrical and mechanical requirements and impacts to the
electrical system under different operating and loading conditions

transformer is a major component of the ideal location for the transformer required for a
an electrical distribution system with given installation.
the most impact on system perfor- An engineer must be aware of the limitations due
mance during steady-state (normal) to the selected location of a transformer. In general,
operation and during system distur- the kilovolt-ampere ratings are based on temperature
bances, such as a fault. Therefore, engineers must not to exceed 40°C ambient temperature (or ambient
ensure that the transformer is appropriately sized temperature of 30°C averaged over a 24-hour peri-
for the specific application and can supply adequate od, otherwise some decrease in life expectancy will
power to the loads under designed conditions and occur) and also installed below 3,300 feet at sea level.
standard guidelines. If any of these conditions are not met, transform-
Typical applications for such major equipment are er should be de-rated. In such case, transformer kilo-
industrial plants, commercial buildings, volt-ampere should be de-rated by 8% for each 10°C

L Learning hospitals, office buildings, shopping

centers, schools, apartment buildings,
above 40°C (when air-cooled for dry-type transform-
er) and also by 0.3% for every 330 feet over 3,300 feet
OBJECTIVES etc. The article is focused on dry-type altitude). More details for site consideration are dis-
• Learn major transformer transformer such as ventilated self- cussed in NFPA 70: National Electrical Code Articles
characteristics, application and
cooled, forced air-cooled, nonventilat- 450.8, 450.21 and 450.22.
ed self-cooled and sealed self-cooled
• Understand the major criteria
and approaches to determining
power transformers less than 30 mega- Voltage class
proper transformer size. volt amperes and 34.5 kilovolts. The voltage class typically is selected based on
In general, dry-type transformers available source voltage (e.g., utility source) and the
• Learn how to use electrical
power system software to are less flammable (i.e., containing no required load voltage, if the load is designed to oper-
perform simulations. liquids or oil) and carry less of a fire ate on a single- or three-phase system. The standard
hazard, making them better suited for rated high-voltage transformers are: 2,400, 4,160,
use in and near buildings. This type of transform- 4,800, 6,900, 7,200, 12,000, 13,200, 13,800, 23,000
er has a higher operating temperature and typically and 34,500 volts. The low-voltage side includes 208,
requires a larger footprint. Because dry-type trans- 480, 2,400 and 4,160.
formers require air for cooling, it is necessary to pro-
vide an adequately sized ventilation system for the Winding connection and impedance
heat generated by the transformer. Standard connection arrangements and termi-
The overall approach for sizing transformers nal marking are included in the standards for par-
and related system impact are similar for all types of ticular types of transformers in accordance with
transformer with different cooling classes. IEEE Standard C57.12.70. The most typical winding
(phase) connections for power transformers, includ-
Site location ing angular displacement between high- and low-
Careful consideration must be taken when select- voltage, is shown in Figure 1. Based on this standard,
ing the proper location for a transformer. Several the angular displacement of three-phase transform-
details, including transformer type, size, ventilation, ers with delta-delta or wye-wye connections shall be
atmospheric pressure, altitude, voltage level and 0 degrees and wye-delta or delta-wye connections
clearance will have a determining factor in selecting shall be 30 degrees.

26 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

Figure 1: The most
typical winding
(phase) connections
for power trans-
formers, including
angular displace-
ment between high-
and low-voltage are
shown. Courtesy:
CDM Smith

‘The grounding configuration

and scheme depends on the
overall neutral grounding

system in the facility.
In general, the selection of winding connections is
mainly based on the overall system design, required
system parameter (e.g., equipment short-circuit cur-
rent withstand capability) and especially the system
neutral grounding scheme. In addition, wye-connec-
tion can configure as one of the grounding types such
as open (ungrounded), solid (solidly grounded, no
intentional impedance in the neutral grounding path),
resistor (a resistor is used in the neutral grounding
path), reactor (a reactor is used in the neutral ground-
ing path) and few other less applicable options.
The grounding configuration and scheme
depends on the overall neutral grounding system in
the facility. A wye solidly grounded transformer (sec-
ondary) is a typical application in facilities for a low-
voltage system (e.g., 4.16 kilovolt:0.480 kilovolt).
In addition, Z (impedence, based on transformer
self-cooled kilovolt-ampere ratings) is typically shown Figure 2: The three-phase electrical distribution system ETAP model
on nameplate information that is attached to front or for a typical industrial facility, such as a water treatment plant, is
inside transformer enclosure. This value has a high shown. Courtesy: CDM Smith
impact on electrical distribution system parameters
such as voltage drop, available short circuit and inci-
dent energy. For example, choosing a higher impen- and low-side transformer voltage ratings. For instance,
dence transformer (i.e., from 5.5% to 7.5%) can lower %Z for transformer with high-voltage side less than 34.5
the available fault current allowing for equipment with kilovolts is between 5.5% and 7.5%. Note that the typi-
lower amperes interrupting ratings, as long as there cal %Z for 13.8 kilovolts (or less) on the high side and
are no issues with system voltage within a facility. 2.4 kilovolts (or less) on the low side is 5.75%.
ANSI C57.12.10 specifies typical impedance values Most industry power transformers are included
for transformers larger than 500 kilovolt-amperes. This in this voltage level range. For a transformer less or
value depends on kilovolt-ampere rating and also high- equal to 500 kilovolt-amperes, a typical %Z imped-

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 27

ance may vary between 2.3% and 5.2% based on the trical distribution systems, it is essential that the
voltage level. For instance, a 100 kilovolt-ampere transformer is sized correctly so that it can meet
transformer with 8.32 kilovolts (or less) on the high all applicable loading conditions. If it is under-
side has a typical value of 2.6% impedance. sized, it may create issues within electrical distri-
bution systems, including loss of loads. In general,
Transformer sizing for new systems transformer sizing can be performed based on two
Due to the critical role of transformers in elec- methods:

Table 1: Three-phase 4.16:0.480 kilovolt sizing with load factor 1

Loads for LV Rated Rated Rated Power Load Load
Voltage Efficiency ampere
XFMR horsepower kilowatts amperes factor factor descriptions
Motor, service
Motor 1 480 100 0.9 0.93 1 89.1
factor (SF)=1
Motor 2 480 50 0.9 0.93 1 44.5 Motor, SF=1
Motor 3 480 10 0.9 0.93 1 8.9 Motor, SF=1
Load 3 480 20 1 1 1 20.0
Load 4 480 40 1 1 1 40.0 Heater
Panel 1 480 200 1 1 1 166.3 Panel
Total All connected
kilovolt-ampere loads
Including load
20% reserve 443
Standard size
kilovolt-ampere 500

Table 1: The individual loads with their corresponding system parameters such as rated horsepower, power factor,
efficiency and a load factor of 1 are tabulated to determine the low-voltage transformer size. Courtesy: CDM Smith

Table 2: Three-phase 13.8:4.16 kilovolt sizing with load factor 1

Loads for ser- Rated Rated Rated Power Load Load
Voltage Efficiency VFD pf VFD eff ampere
vice XFMR horsepower kilowatts amperes factor factor descriptions
Pump No. 1 4,160 600 0.85 0.9 1 584.9 Motor, SF=1
Pump No. 2 4,160 250 0.85 0.95 1 230.9 Motor, SF=1
Motor with
Pump No. 3 4,160 600 0.85 0.9 0.95 0.97 1 539.5
Load 1 4,160 200 1 1 1 200.0 Heater
Load 2 4,160 100 1 1 1 100.0
LV XFMR 4,160 1 500.0 LV XFMR
Total kilovolt- All connected
ampere loads
20% reserve 2,486 Including load 2
Standard size
er kilovolt- 2,500
ampere rating

Table 2: The individual loads with their corresponding system parameters such as rated horsepower, power factor, effi-
ciency and a load factor of 1 are tabulated to determine the medium-voltage transformer size. Courtesy: CDM Smith
Note 1: Motor kilovolt-ampere with variable frequency drive: Motor kilovolt-ampere rating x (motor power factor/vari-
able frequency drive/VFD efficiency). Note that the difference kilovolt-ampere required ratings between two similar
600 horsepower motors (pumps No. 1 and 3), one with VFD (pump No. 3) and one direct connection. VFD improves sys-
tem efficiency in the system and consequently less required motor kilovolt-ampere when it is installed.
Note 2: 500 kilovolt-ampere LV XFMR has already included 20% margin. Courtesy: CDM Smith

28 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

• Connected load.
• Operating load.

In both cases, load growth and future facility modi-

fication and de-rating factors such as ambient temper-
ature and altitude should be considered. The growth
factor is typically based on each system design and
can vary; 110% to 130% is a reasonable range. In both
methods, the sizing is performed from the downstream
system to the main transformer (i.e., bottom up).
The difference between these two methods is to
determine a total connected kilovolt-ampere loads.
There are several considerations that will determine
which method to use, such as required design mar-
gin, project specification, cost, space availability and
impact on voltage drop and available fault current.
The electrical distribution system of a typical
industrial facility, such as a water treatment plants, is
shown in Figure 2. The task is to evaluate the size of
the new ventilated self-cooled transformer (or eval-
uate the size for the existing), based on its required
loads, using the two methods previously mentioned.
For sizing based on all connected loads, the con-
servative method, all connected loads are considered
regardless of their operating condition and system
function. The sizing is performed from the down-
stream transformer toward the main. As shown in Figure 3: Power (kilovolt-ampere) flow for each branch including
Figure 3, the downstream transformer (LV XFMR) percent voltage (of nominal rating) and fault current for the major
is three-phase at 4.16 to 0.480 kilovolts, and the main switchgear and motor control center is shown. Courtesy: CDM Smith
transformer (service XFMR) is three-phase 13.8 to
4.16 kilovolts supply to different type loads (e.g.,
motor loads, variable frequency drives, static loads,
distribution panel).
The individual loads with their corresponding
system parameters such as rated horsepower, power
factor, efficiency and load factor are tabulated in
Tables 1 and 2. Total kilovolt-ampere of the connect-
ed system is calculated including design margin and
then the next available standard size will be selected.
The typical standard size kilovolt-ampere for
three-phase transformer based on ANSI C57.12.00
typically range between 15 and 100,000 kva which
are based on the output of the transformer. The input
kilovolt-ampere is expected to be higher by 1% to 5%
(i.e., refers to transformer efficiency) due to trans-
former losses in its core and windings, dissipated as
heat. These flows for each transformer are shown in
Figures 3 and 4.
In general, unless specified, transformers should
not be overloaded and should be approved by the
manufacturer for any short-time overloading opera-
tion due to the lower ambient temperature.
The evaluation of data and kilovolt-ampere trans-
former selected size tableted in these tables are
confirmed and analyzed by performing load flow
analysis using ETAP electrical software. Power (kilo-
volt-ampere) flow for each branch including percent Figure 4: Power flow and short-circuit results for a system based on actual
voltage (of nominal rating) and fault current for the system operations were calculated using ETAP. Courtesy: CDM Smith

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 29

major switchgear and motor control center is shown flow for each branch including percent voltage and
in Figure 3. fault current are also shown for the major switch-
For sizing based on actual system operations, all gear and MCC.
connected loads will be considered based on their In addition, there are a few results that should
operating conditions (i.e., load factors). As with con- be noted when comparing Figures 3 and 4. First,
nected loads, the sizing is performed from the down- the connected loads method is a more conservative
stream transformer toward the main with the same approach when sizing the transformer and will pro-
process. Total kilovolt-ampere including design mar- vide better system voltage profile on the secondary
gin, load factors and the selected transformer size are side, but it generates and injects more fault current.
calculated and shown in Tables 3 and 4. This is mainly due to higher kilovolt-ampere trans-
The evaluation of the same system with differ- former rating and consequently higher short-circuit
ent transformer sizes is shown in Figure 4. Power injection to the system.

Table 3: Three-phase 4.16:0.480 kilovolt sizing with different load factor

Loads for LV Rated Rated Rated Power Load Load
Voltage Efficiency ampere
XFMR horsepower kilowatts amperes factor factor descriptions
Motor 1 480 100 0.9 0.93 0.85 75.7 Motor, SF=1
Motor 2 480 50 0.9 0.93 0.85 37.9 Motor, SF=1
Motor 3 480 10 0.9 0.93 0.85 7.6 Motor, SF=1
Load 3 480 20 1 1 0.6 12.0
Load 4 480 40 1 1 0.7 28.0 Heater
Panel 1 480 200 1 1 0.5 83.1 panel
244 Operating loads
Including load
20% reserve 293
Standard size
kilovolt-ampere 300

Table 3: The individual loads with their corresponding system parameters such as rated horsepower, power factor, effi-
ciency with different load factors are tabulated to determine the low-voltage transformer size. Courtesy: CDM Smith

Table 4: Three-phase 13.8:4.16 kilovolt sizing with different load factor

Loads for Rated Rated Rated Power Load Load
Voltage Efficiency VFD pf VFD eff ampere
service XFMR horsepower kilowatts amperes factor factor descriptions
Pump No. 1 4,160 600 0.85 0.9 0.8 467.9 Motor, SF=1
Pump No. 2 4,160 250 0.85 0.95 0.75 173.2 Motor, SF=1
Motor with
Pump No. 3 4,160 600 0.85 0.9 0.95 0.97 0.8 431.6
Load 1 4,160 200 1 1 0.7 140.0 Heater
Load 2 4,160 100 1 1 0.6 60.0
LV XFMR oper-
LV XFMR 4,160 1 244.0
ating loads
Total kilovolt- Operating
ampere loads
Including load
20% reserve 1,820
Standard size
kilovolt- 2,000
ampere rating

Table 4: The individual loads with their corresponding system parameters such as rated horsepower, power factor, effi-
ciency with different load factors are tabulated to determine the medium-voltage transformer size. Courtesy: CDM Smith

30 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com


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input #8 at www.csemag.com/information
Codes and standards for transformers
The following technical codes and standards are applicable to and should be considered when selecting and
evaluating the overall performance of a transformer, specifically dry-type power transformers:

% Dry-Type Transformers for %$ "

 General off a Dry-Type Transformer Coil.
General Applications. Requirements for Dry-Type Distribution
%$ "
  Guide for Test
and Power Transformers, Including Those
%$ "
 IEEE Guide for Procedures for Thermal Evaluation of
with Solid-Cast and/or Resin Encapsulat-
Transformer Impulse Tests. Insulation Systems for Solid-Cast and Res-
ed Windings.
in-Encapsulated Power and Distribution
%$ "
  IEEE Standard
%$ "
 Requirements Transformers.
Terminology for Power and Distribution
for Ventilated Dry-Type Power Transform-
Transformers. %$ "
 IEEE Standard
ers, 501 Kilovolt-Amperes and Larger,
for General Requirements for Liquid-
%$ "

 IEEE Stan- Three-Phase, with High-Voltage 601 to
Immersed Distribution, Power and Regu-
dard for Standard Terminal Markings and 34 500 Volts, Low-Voltage 208Y/120 to
lating Transformers.
Connections for Distribution and Power 4160 Volts.
Transformers. %$ "
%$ "
Test Code for Dry-Type Distribution and
%$ "
 IEEE Guide ers — Used in Unit Installations, Includ-
Power Transformers.
for Dry-Type Transformer Through-Fault ing Unit Substations — Conformance
Current Duration. Standard. %$ "
 IEEE Recom-
mended Practice for Establishing Liq-
%$ "
 IEEE Guide for %$ "
 Standard Test
uid-Filled and Dry-Type Power and
Loading Dry-Type Distribution and Power Procedure for Thermal Evaluation off Insu-
Distribution Transformer Capability When
Transformers. lation Systems for Ventilated Dry-Type
Supplying Nonsinusoidal Load Currents.
Power and Distribution Transformers.
$! $"! Arti-
cle 450, Transformers and Transformer %$ "
 Guide for
Vaults. Conducting a Transient Voltage Analysis

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input #9 at www.csemag.com/information
Second, typical power transformers are Transformers play a critical role in ensuring
equipped with fixed taps (i.e., two 2.5% taps above proper power system operation. They should be
rated voltage and two 2.5% taps below rated volt- carefully sized and selected when designing and
age) that are designed to adjust the transformer analyzing electrical distribution system to pro-
voltage at the primary or secondary side. There- vide reliable and safe power system operation.
fore, it is recommended to use this capability to The proper transformer sizing should consider
increase (or decrease) system voltage if needed. applicable de-rating factors such as ambient tem-
For instance, voltage at the MCC bus in Figure 4 perature and altitude and, in addition, impacts
can be increased by 2.5% or 5% if desired. Howev- on electrical distribution system voltage and fault
er, a system designer should be careful not to solve current contribution. cse
one issue (i.e., system voltage profile) and simul-
taneously create another issue (i.e., injecting more
fault current by increasing system voltage). In addi-
tion to fixed taps, transformer could be equipped Zia Salami is a subject matter expert in electrical
with automatic load tap changer which provide power systems at CDM Smith. Salami has more than
wider range typically -10% to +10% of the wind- 20 years of industry and academic experience in elec-
ing kilovolt with smaller step (0.625%) to adjust trical power systems and has served in several roles
and control the bus voltage based on desired volt- as an advisory engineer, consultant and academic
age value. professor.
It is also important to point out that a K-factor
rated transformer is recommended to size the trans- Lilly Vang is a junior electrical engineer at CDM
former due to heat generation if the facility contains Smith, where she focuses on electrical power system
high harmonic generating sources, typically more design and analysis.
than 15% total harmonic distortion. The K-factor
will determine how much a transformer should be Adrian Hendels is a junior electrical engineer at CDM
de-rated or oversized to handle such a system. Refer Smith, where he focuses on electrical power system
to ANSI/IEEE C57.110 for more details. design and analysis.

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By Vahik Davoudi, PE, LEED AP BD+C, Arup, Los Angeles

NEC 2017 changes
Several changes to the 2017 edition of NFPA 70:
National Electrical Code should be noted

he 2017 edition of NFPA 70: National along with 666 editorial comments to the first draft.
Electrical Code went through exten- Subsequently, 1,513 public comments were submit-
sive changes as part of the three-year ted that resulted in 559 second revisions to the sec-
code cycle to incorporate revisions ond draft of NEC.
resulting from the public inputs and
public comments. Every code cycle, the NFPA New articles added to NEC
goes through rigorous efforts to update NFPA 70 There were nine new articles proposed for this
— to keep up with new technologies and trends code cycle, but only five new articles were adapted
in the electrical industry — while maintaining the and included in the 2017 NEC:
goal of facilitating the safe installation of electrical
wiring and equipment. • Article 425: Fixed Resistance and Electrode
The 2017 NEC revision pro- Industrial Process Heating Equipment: Pres-

L Learning cess itself was changed during this

code cycle in an attempt to improve
ents needed regulations for industry.

OBJECTIVES the overall process. In general, there • Article 691: Large-Scale Photovoltaic Electric
• Understand the revision process are two public meetings held for the Supply Stations: Addresses the requirements for
for NFPA 70. NEC revision process during each large-scale PV systems (5 megawatts or higher)
• Review a general analysis of code cycle. The first public meeting generation capability that are solely connected
changes to the 2017 edition of now known as “first draft,” replac- to the utility grid.
NFPA 70. ing “report and proposals,” is held
• Learn about the implications of when all suggested changes to NEC
some revisions on the design of are discussed. The suggested changes
electrical systems. now known as “public inputs,” replac-
ing “proposals,” that were acted upon
favorably resulted in first revisions to the “first draft”
of the 2017 NEC.
The second public meeting now known as “sec-
ond draft,” replacing “report and comments,” is held
when all comments are heard. The new comments
now known as “public comments,” replacing “sug-
gested comments” that were successful resulted in
“second revisions” to the second draft.
After the two meetings, appeals were heard and
voting for acceptance of the 2017 NEC took place
at the NFPA Annual Conference & Expo in June
2016, which then paved the way for NFPA Standards
Council to issue the 2017 NEC by August 2016.
According to NFPA, there were 4,012 public inputs
submitted recommending changes to the 2017 edi- Figure 1: A primary current injection testing
tion of the NEC that resulted to 1,235 first revisions wiring diagram is shown. Courtesy: Arup

36 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

Figure 2: The addition of new sub- cations. Generally, these devices are
section into 2017 edition of the located between the circuit break-
National Electrical Code to clarify er and the load and are self-powered
the requirements for a permanent with a protective relay and a con-
switching means for emergency tactor to open the circuit when the
systems that rely on a single ground fault exceeds 5 milliamperes.
alternate source of power. Shown Branch-circuit, feeder and ser-
here is a generator quick-connect vice load calculations: Section
switchboard Courtesy: Schneider 220.12 — Lighting Loads for Speci-
Electric fied Occupancies. Exception No. 1
of Section 220.12 was introduced in
2014 NEC, which allowed lighting
• Article 706: Energy Storage Sys- loads to be calculated based on ener-
tems: Addresses the require- gy code adopted by local authorities
ments for ESS operating at more while meeting three listed condi-
than 50 volts alternating current tions. New exception No. 2 added
or 60 volts direct current that to 2017 NEC expands this allowance
can operate independently or where an energy code is adopted and
interactive with power produc- that energy code specifies an overall
tion sources. lighting density of less than 1.2 volt-
amperes/square foot. It permits the
• Article 710: Stand-Alone Sys- unit lighting loads in Table 220.12
tems: Addresses the requirements for power for office and bank areas within the building to be
production sources operating in stand-alone reduced by 1 volt-amperes/square foot.
mode that are not connected to the grid.

• Article 712: Direct Current Microgrids:

Addresses requirements for independent ener-
gy distribution networks that allow the use of
power from DC sources to DC loads.
‘ The 2017 National Electrical Code
revision process itself was changed during
this code cycle in an attempt to improve
Top 10 code changes

Branch circuits — general provisions: Sec- the overall process.
tion 210.8(B) — Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupt-
er Protection for Personnel, Other than Dwelling
Units. The GFCI requirements for receptacles Article 220 provides specific requirements for
at commercial and industrial applications have calculating branch-circuit, feeder and service loads.
been expanded to require ground fault protec- The title and scope were revised somewhat to
tion for circuits beyond 15 and 20 amperes at 125- enhance clarity of what is covered by the article and
volt applications. The code now mandates that at to emphasis on calculating loads in this article and
“other than dwelling units” all single-phase recep- deferring the branch circuit and conductor sizes to
tacles rated 150 volts to ground or less and up to Articles 210 and 215. The recent changes that allow
50 amperes shall be equipped with GFCI devices. lighting loads to be calculated using adopted energy
Whereas three-phase receptacles rated 150 volts codes are significant steps in the right direction to
to ground or less and up to 100 amperes require reduce the electrical service size and thereby cost of
GFCI protection devices. equipment. Hopefully, the type of occupancies list-
The Class “A” GFCI devices, which are designed ed in exception No. 2 will expand in the near future
to trip when the current to ground exceeds 4 to 6 to avoid having many buildings or tenants with
milliamperes, have been critical safety features that oversized service.
have reduced the number of injuries and fatalities Services — Service Equipment Overcurrent
due to electrical shock since their inclusion into the Protection: Section 230.95(C), Ground-Fault Pro-
1968 NEC. Major equipment manufacturers pro- tection of Equipment — Performance Testing. The
vide single-phase GFCI circuit breakers through performance testing requirement for ground-fault
50 to 60 amperes, but nothing higher and certain- protection system has been modified to ensure the
ly they have no three-phase GFCI circuit breakers. testing is conducted by a qualified person(s) using a
There are some alternate UL listed products avail- test process of primary current injection and that
able in the market that could be considered to pro- a written record of this testing is available to the
vide GFCI protection to people for higher ampere authority having jurisdiction. This requirement
rating single-phase and three-phase circuit appli- also affects feeders listed under Section 215-10.

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 37


The addition of testing requirements was the with energy reduction maintenance switch has to
result of many failures due to ground-fault protec- be considered.
tion systems that were improperly connected and Overcurrent Protection — Circuit Breakers:
did not function properly to provide the intend- Section 240.87 — Arc Energy Reduction. The sub-
ed protection. The addition of testing by qualified section (B), which covers requirements for reduc-
persons and proper documentation of test results ing clearing time on breakers rated 1,200 amperes or
and making it readily available to AHJ for review more, describes three new permissible methods. Two
should eliminate all the concerns related to GFPE. of the three new means involve using an “instanta-
Overcurrent Protection — Fuses: Section neous trip setting” or “instantaneous override” that is
240.67 — Arc Energy Reduction. The code expands less than the available arcing current, while the third
the requirement for arc energy reduction where option allows “an approved equivalent means.”
fuses rated 1,200 amperes or higher are installed. This section was originally added to 2011 NEC
This requirement will become effective Jan. 1, 2020. to reduce incident energy for circuit breakers rated
This is similar to Section 240.87 that was added to 1,200 amperes and higher to limit the arc-flash
the 2011 NEC to reduce incident energy for circuit energy. The new methods of reducing arc flash
breakers rated 1,200 amperes and higher. energy required under 2017 NEC at first glance
This new requirement will reduce incident offer substantial savings compared to the ones list-
energy to which an electrical worker or mainte- ed under 2014 NEC by using trip unit with arc flash
nance personnel could be exposed when work- reduction switch, which may not be the case for
ing on the load side of an overcurrent device — in many situations.
this case, fusible switches. Unfortunately, no man- Now, instead of an expensive trip unit with arc
ufacturers have developed fusible switches with flash reduction switch, a standard instantaneous
an energy-reducing maintenance switching fea- adjustment dial could be used, if the breaker’s fixed
ture with local status indicator, like what is avail- instantaneous override or instantaneous trip setting
able in the market for circuit breakers. This will can be set below the calculated available arcing cur-
impact the installation costs where in lieu of a rent. However, unlike the four methods listed under
low-cost fuse, a more expensive circuit breaker 2014 NEC, the two new methods have performance

Overview of changes throughout NEC

Some of the most notable changes reconditioning the electrical equip- • New Section 210.11(C)(4) requires
impacting 2017 edition of NFPA 70: ment including the date of the recon- at least one 20-ampere rated branch
National Electrical Code are: ditioning. circuit to supply dwelling unit garage
• All definitions that appeared in two or • New Section 110.26(A)(4) addresses 125-volt receptacle outlet(s).
more articles have been relocated to access and space clearances required • New Section 210.71 requires a
Article 100. for equipment that by installation minimum number of receptacles to
• New requirements have been added instructions or function is located in a be installed in meeting rooms not
for the use of calibrated tightening “limited access location.” exceeding 1,000 square feet.
torque tools for electrical connections, • The migration from 600 volts to • Revisions made to the acceptable
where a torque value is indicated on 1,000 volts that started with 2014 grounding electrode system for a
equipment or listed in installation NEC continues, all relative to the cur- separately derived system listed under
manual by the manufacturer. rent trends in the electrical industry. Section 250.30(A)(4). The metal water
• New labeling requirements, such as These changes have been primarily piping and structural metal grounding
detailed arc flash hazard warning on in response to renewable energy sys- electrodes are no longer mandatory
equipment to help assess electrical tems that operate over 600 volts and and now any of the building or struc-
risks, have been added per Section the NEC lacked requirements to safely ture grounding electrodes described
110.16(B). cover these systems. at Section 250.52(A) can be used as
• New and revised provisions for arc- the grounding electrode for sepa-
• New Section 110.21(A)(2) requires rately derived system. As a matter of
reconditioned equipment to be fault circuit interrupter and ground-
fault circuit interrupter protection to fact, the water pipe and the structural
marked with the name, trademark or metal frame per Section 250.68(C) are
other descriptive marking, identify- improve electrical and fire safety at
homes have been addressed per Sec- not considered grounding electrodes
ing the organization responsible for but rather are conductors extending
tions 210.12 (C) and (D).

38 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

requirements to demonstrate the effectiveness of this
procedure. There has to be a short-circuit, coordi-
nation and arc-flash study prepared for verification
that indeed the breaker settings can be set below the
calculated available arcing current. The use of low-
er-cost breakers with standard instantaneous adjust-
ment dial may be economical for some projects,
however for larger complex buildings the addition-
al cost for studies could easily wipe out any sav-
ings expected depending on the number of breakers
Health Care Facilities — Essential Electrical
Systems, Sources of Power: Section 517.30(B)(2) —
Types of Power Sources — Fuel Cell Systems. Accord-
ing to the new subsection, a battery system is no
longer permitted as an alternate source of power, while
the fuel cell systems will be permitted as the alternate
source for a health care facility, provided that they:

• Meet the requirements for fuel cell

systems in Article 692.
Figure 3: Devices like this emergency lighting
• Meet the redundancy requirement. branch circuit transfer relay will now be evaluat-
ed to the performance and construction require-
• Meet the 10-second rule. ments that is applied to traditional emergency
transfer switches for use on branch circuits rated
• Meet the fuel supply requirements. up to 20 amperes. Courtesy: Ecoflex Solutions

the grounding electrode connection. • The surge protection device require- • The recent developments and growth
• Revisions made to Section 310.15(B) ments have been expanded beyond in the renewable power systems gen-
(3)(c) requires a minimum of 7/8 inch emergency power systems to include eration and storage technologies have
clearance from the roof surface for protection for specific elevators, criti- resulted to significant changes to the
raceways and cables or else they will cal operations power systems and for existing Article 690 along with addi-
be subject to 60°F temperature adder. industrial machinery per Sections tion of four new articles 691, 706, 710
The old temperature adder table has 620.51(E), 645.18 and 670.6. and 712, all mentioned earlier.
been removed. • New requirements added throughout • The short-circuit current rating of the
• Revisions made to Section 406.12 the NEC involving the documentation transfer equipment, based on the
expand the list of spaces requiring the of the available short-circuit current specific overcurrent protective device
use of tamper-resistant 125- and 250- at specific types of equipment (e.g., type and settings protecting the trans-
volt, nonlocking 15- and 20-ampere motor control centers, air condition- fer equipment, shall be field marked
receptacles. ing equipment, elevators, industrial on the exterior of the transfer equip-
machinery and industrial control pan- ment per Sections 700.5(E), 701.5 (D)
• New Section 422.6 requires that all els) and the date the short-circuit and 702.5.
appliances operating at 50 volts or current calculation was performed.
more to be listed. • New Section 725.144 has been added
The documentation for the calculation to address requirements for types
• All battery management equipment required for the short-circuit current of Class 2 and 3 cables for transmis-
and batteries, except lead-acid, must marking must be made available to sion of data and power to connected
be listed per Section 480.3. the owner and to anyone maintain- devices. This is commonly referred to
• Electrical metallic tubing is no longer ing or operating the facility and more as power over Ethernet and is becom-
allowed for installation in Class 1, Divi- importantly to the authority having ing very popular for many applications
sion 2 areas per Section 501.10(B)(1). jurisdiction. such as circuiting for LED lighting.

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 39


• Have a connection for a portable diesel be available for the duration of the maintenance or
generator. repair. The permanent switching means to connect
a portable or temporary alternate source of power
• Are listed for emergency system use. shall comply with five provisions listed in the code.
It shall be permissible to use manual switching
The fuel cell systems will now be permitted to to switch from the permanent source of power to
serve all or part of an essential electrical system. the portable or temporary alternate source of power
The requirements for sources of power for essen- and to use the switching means for connection of a
tial electrical system of a health care facility was load bank.
located at article 517.35 of NEC 2014, which as a There was a statement at the end of section
minimum required two independent sources of 700.4(B) of 2014 NEC that said, “A portable or tem-
power — a normal power source and one or more porary alternate source shall be available whenever
alternate power sources for use when the normal the emergency generator is out of service for major
power source is interrupted. For the 2017 NEC, the maintenance or repair.” However, there were no
requirements for two independent sources of power prescriptive requirements provided for this require-
and an alternate source of power for the essen- ment in 2014 NEC, causing confusion, which
tial electrical system for health care facilities were resulted in the addition of new subsection into 2017
revised and relocated to article 517.30. The most NEC to clarify the requirements for a permanent
notable change was the addition of fuel cell systems switching means for emergency systems that rely
to the list of acceptable sources of alternate power. on a single alternate source of power.
Emergency Systems — Tests and Maintenance: Emergency System — Circuit Wiring: Section
Section 700.3(F) — Temporary Source of Power for 700.10(D) — Fire Protection. According to modi-
Maintenance or Repair of the Alternate Source of fied subsection (D), emergency systems shall meet
Power. According to the new subsection (F), if the the additional requirements in (D)(1) through (D)
emergency system relies on a single alternate source (3) in the following occupancies:
of power, which will be disabled for maintenance
or repair, the emergency system shall include per- • Assembly occupancies for not less than
manent switching means to connect a portable or 1,000 persons.
temporary alternate source of power, which shall
• Buildings above 75 feet in height.

• Health care occupancies where persons are not

capable of self-preservation.

• Educational occupancies with more

than 300 occupants.

The subsection 700.10(D) in 2017 NEC was

expanded by adding Health care and Educational
occupancies to the requirements for fire protection
of emergency system feeders in addition to high-rise
buildings and buildings with high occupancy loads.
All efforts shall be made at the engineering, design-
ing, plan review and construction stages of a project
for the protection of emergency circuits in Health
care and other listed occupancies from damage due
to a fire. The fire protection methods employed
shall provide a minimum two-hour fire rating for
the emergency cables or raceways and contain only
emergency wiring circuits as required.
Emergency Systems — Control of Emergency
Lighting Circuits: Section 700.25 — Branch Circuit
Emergency Lighting Transfer Switch. A new defini-
tion along with provisions and requirements have
Figure 4: Part IV was added to Article 705 of the 2017 edition of the been added to the 2017 edition as part of the rea-
National Electrical Code to address all the issues related to microgrid son to introduce the new branch-circuit emergency
systems as an interconnected electric power production source. This lighting transfer switches into the code. Emergen-
shows a microgrid distribution plan. Courtesy: Arup cy lighting loads supplied by branch circuits rated

40 • December 2019 CONSULTING-SPECIFYING ENGINEER www.csemag.com

at not greater than 20 amperes shall be permit- tionally islanded systems” and “stand-alone systems”
ted to be transferred from the normal branch cir- have been getting a lot of recognition in recent years
cuit to an emergency branch circuit using a listed as a way to reduce energy usage, lower cost and,
branch circuit emergency lighting transfer switch. more importantly, add resiliency against the loss of
The mechanically held requirement of 700.5(C) shall utility power. Microgrids are small wiring systems
not apply to listed branch circuit emergency lighting consisting of generation, energy storage and load(s)
transfer switches. or any combination thereof that shall be permitted
Section 700.25, along with its definition to disconnect from the primary source of power
described in section 700.2, were added to ensure or other interconnected electric power production
code compliant devices under UL 1008 standards sources and operate as a separate microgrid system.
are used. These devices will now be evaluated to the The 2014 NEC did not clearly address the
performance and construction requirements that is installation of microgrid systems and a new Part IV
applied to traditional emergency transfer switches was added to Article 705 of 2017 NEC to address
for use on branch circuits rated up to 20 amperes. all the issues related to microgrid systems as an
In the past there were no clear definition or require- interconnected electric power production source.
ments stated in the code and over the years auto- The code changes/additions are in response to the
matic load control relays have been used to transfer recent developments in microgrid systems indus-
emergency lighting loads from the normal supply try to further develop a flexible and efficient elec-
to an emergency supply even though this is not in tric grid, by enabling the integration of growing
compliance with section 700.26. The addition of deployments of renewable sources of energy such
section 700.24 to 2011 NEC did not clearly address as solar and wind and distributed energy resources
the issue, but now the addition of 700.26 in the such as combined heat and power, energy storage
2017 NEC shall eliminate any misunderstanding of and demand response. cse
the code intent.
Interconnected Electric Power Production Vahik Davoudi is an associate principal at Arup. He
Sources: Article 705, Part IV — Microgrid Systems. is an expert at codes and energy standards with more
The microgrid systems also referred to as “inten- than 30 years of experience in the building industry.

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Sponsored by: Schneider Electric Sponsored by: SPX Technologies Sponsored by: Lutron

By David B. Korzuch Jr., PE; and Christopher J. Barbieri, PE, CRB, Philadelphia

clean rooms
Designers formulated several energy-saving strategies that can be implement-
ed into the HVAC system design of a pharmaceutical-grade clean room suite

eating, ventilation and air condition- with corporate sustainability goals, will be the man-
ing systems account for a large per- date for the industry moving forward.
centage of the total energy use in a
typical commercial building. Func- Energy codes
tionally intensive buildings, such as Energy codes are adopted at a local or state level.
pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturing These codes establish minimum energy-efficien-
facilities, consume much more energy per square cy requirements and other baseline requirements
foot and often take exception to energy-efficient related to building construction. The Internation-
building codes that typically apply to the design of al Energy Conservation Code is the most wide-
commercial buildings. ly adopted energy code in the United States. The
The average commercial office building built IECC establishes a baseline for energy efficiency by
after 2000 has an average energy use intensity of setting performance standards and requirements
81.4 Btu/square foot (257 kilowatt hours/square for the building envelope as well as the mechanical,
meter) The average pharmaceutical plant has an electrical and plumbing systems (in both residential
EUI of 1,210 Btu/square foot (3,819 kilowatt hours/ and commercial settings). ASHRAE Standard 90.1:
square meter). This is due to the fact that these Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise
types of facilities consume energy to Residential Buildings has been the benchmark for
maintain clean room environments, commercial building codes for the past few decades
L Learning to power production equipment and and is often adopted as code through the IECC.
OBJECTIVES to power large utility generation The IECC contains three basic options or
• Learn about the energy-efficient equipment. approaches for commercial buildings:
design strategies that should An increasing number of proj-
be considered for a clean room ects have attention focused on ener- • Meet the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1.
HVAC system. gy reduction initiatives, such as
• Understand the energy use of green building certification and cli- • Meet IECC prescriptive provisions.
each clean room design strategy ent-mandated energy benchmarks.
and how each one compares to
a traditional design approach.
These are structured around corpo- • Meet IECC total building performance
rate goals and strategies for sustain- provisions.
• Evaluate the most common
HVAC system design
ability and reduced carbon footprint.
approaches to consider for It’s no surprise that energy reduction In the past, there has been debate over the appli-
maintaining a clean room requirements similar to the design of cability of energy codes developed for commercial
environment. commercial buildings are unavoid- buildings as they relate to more industrial facilities.
able and must be accomplished using As states have adopted green building and ener-
atypical strategies that take engineers, designers and gy codes, industrial facilities are generally directly
clients out of their realm of comfort. included and fall under the jurisdiction of the code.
Overdesigning and oversizing mechanical sys- There has been a rapid progression and devel-
tems will directly result in higher capital and oper- opment of energy codes and standards since 2010.
ating costs as well as facilities with higher carbon Selective compliance and questions over code appli-
footprints. Increased emphasis on total building cability will become a distant memory as energy
performance and energy code compliance, coupled codes are further refined.

42 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

Figure 1: An open clean room design was programmed for flexibility to allow for future reconfiguration of low wall
return chases and high-efficiency particulate air supply terminals. Courtesy: CRB

According to Pacific Northwest National Labo-

ratory, the three most recent editions of the IECC
and ASHRAE 90.1 have the potential to generate
almost a 30% reduction in energy use compared
to codes a decade ago. Their analysis, published
in 2016, forecasts that energy codes will save U.S.
homes and businesses $126 billion between 2012
and 2040. These savings correspond to 841 million
tons of avoided carbon dioxide emissions, which
equate to the annual emissions of 245 coal power
The new challenge for the design engineer is
advocating for the application of cost-effective
design practices and technologies that minimize
energy consumption and carbon footprint without
compromising the critical environmental parame-
ters of industrial facilities.

HVAC design Figure 2: A model clean room facility

The design of HVAC systems to serve pharma- is used as the basis of this study (approximately 3,600 square feet).
ceutical and biotechnology facilities is completely
custom and is uniquely dependent upon the specif-
ic manufacturing process, raw materials and drug implement energy-saving strategies that align with
product as well as the project sponsor/client specif- the scheme of the facility.
ic standards and requirements. Some clean rooms The facility presented in this case study consists
require very strict temperature and humidity con- of approximately 3,600 square feet of clean room
trol based on raw material or drug product require- space consisting of ISO-7, ISO-8 and common cir-
ments while other clean rooms require high levels culation corridor. The study compares four dif-
of air containment or air filtration to protect the ferent approaches, which are all common among
product from personnel or vice versa. Some clean engineers and designers for an HVAC system
rooms require all of the above as well as active pres- design of clean room spaces. The study assumes
surization controls. identically configured central plants serving the
Therefore, not all clean room facilities are the HVAC system for each model and provides the fol-
same. Each project’s HVAC system requirements are lowing central utilities for the purpose of this com-
unique and must be custom engineered in detail to parative analysis:

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 43


• An air-cooled chiller with distribution pump CASE 1: 100% outside air unit
to serve a chilled water-cooling coil. A once-through air system that provides 100%
outside air to the clean room environment typi-
• Natural gas-fired steam boiler to serve steam cally is required when the designer wants a sys-
heating and direct steam injection humidifica- tem to serve suites where a biosafety level must
tion requirements. be contained or where segregation is necessary to
prevent cross-contamination between products
• Natural-gas fired hot-water boiler to serve or processes. A once-through system design is
heating hot water requirements of the air usually required as a result of suite pressurization
systems. relationships, dust extraction or fume contain-
ment needs or process equipment requirements.
The four cases evaluated in this study each The design used in this case study consists of
assume that the space will be maintained at 68°F a central station air handling unit with cooling,
plus or minus 2°F and relative humidity is con- heating, dehumidification and humidification
trolled between 30% and 60%. Each air system of capabilities that provides filtered, preconditioned
this study has its own purpose for supporting a outside air directly to the clean room environ-
clean room environment and is described in fur- ment. An exhaust system also has been provid-
ther detail. ed in the analysis to remove air directly from the
Table 1: Fan sizing comparison by system type
Return/exhaust Outside
Supply fan data fan data air
Air system type Room(s) area
Motor Motor
Flow rates Flow rates Flow rates
sizes sizes
3,575 square
100% outside air unit All 13,800 cfm 30 hp 13,800 cfm 10 hp 13,800 cfm
MUA-1 (primary unit) - - 600 cfm 1 hp 600 cfm 1 hp 600 cfm
1,070 square
AHU-1 (secondary unit) nonclassified) 2,150 cfm 3 hp - - -
AHU-2 (secondary unit) Grade C areas 575 square feet 4,250 cfm 10 hp - - -
1,930 square
AHU-3 (secondary unit) Grade D areas 8,950 cfm 20 hp - - -
1,070 square 100 to
AHU-1 (unit with economizer) CNC Corridor 2,200 cfm 3 hp 2,200 cfm 2 hp
feet 2,200 cfm
150 to
AHU-2 (unit with economizer) Grade C areas 575 square feet 3,450 cfm 7.5 hp 3,450 cfm 3 hp
3,450 cfm
1,930 square 400 to
AHU-3 (unit with economizer) Grade D areas 8,200 cfm 20 hp 8,200 cfm 7.5 hp
feet 8,200 cfm
MUA-1 (primary unit) - - 3,700 cfm 5 hp 3,700 cfm 5 hp 3,700 cfm
FFU room 1 1,070 square
CNC corridor 2,150 cfm 0.390 kW - - -
(five fan-powered HEPAs) feet
FFU room 2
Grade C airlock 175 square feet 1,025 cfm 0.156 kW - - -
(two fan-powered HEPAs)
FFU room 3 Grade C
400 square feet 2,350 cfm 0.390 kW - - -
(five fan-powered HEPAs) clean room
FFU room 4
Grade D air lock 240 square feet 1,000 cfm 0.156 kW - - -
(two fan-powered HEPAs)
FFU room 5 Grade D 1,690 square
7,050 cfm 1.092 kW - - -
(14 fan-powered HEPAs) Clean room feet

Table 1: This evaluates a traditional HVAC system approach for the design of the clean room suite compared to several
alternative designs that emphasize energy performance optimization and compliance with the latest energy-efficient
building codes. Courtesy: CRB

44 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

suite or from process equipment within the suite.
The air handler is typically a custom unit with
multirow heating and cooling coils using steam
and chilled water, respectively, for temperature and
humidity control. The fans require higher motor
horsepower ratings to accommodate the necessary
supply airflow rates of the clean room suite(s). This
is due to higher air-change rates inside the clean
rooms. The larger fans need to overcome higher
static pressures from high-efficiency particulate air
and ultralow particulate air filtration.
These types of systems are extremely ener-
gy-intensive and are usually designed to include
provisions for energy recovery to comply with
international codes and ASHRAE standards.

CASE 2: Primary 100% outside air

unit with secondary recirculation units Figure 3: This schematic diagram of the air system design is associated
A primary/secondary air system is a tradition- with case 1 and case 2 of this study. Courtesy: David Korzuch, CRB
al approach for clean room HVAC system design
and consists of a 100% outside air primary unit for
preconditioning makeup air to multiple recircula-
tion-type secondary units. This design allows for a
smaller 100% outside air unit, which provides only
enough air to maintain the ventilation and pressur-
ization requirements of the secondary units.
Most facilities that have multiple clean room
suites designed for multiproduct or campaign pro-
duction use this approach for their HVAC system
design. The secondary units contain smaller coils
and fans that are designed to meet the specific tem-
perature/humidity requirements and air-change
rates of the individual clean room suites.

CASE 3: Recirculation units with

enthalpy-based economizers
Dedicated, recirculation-type units with mod-
ulating (0% to 100%) enthalpy-based outdoor air
economizers are being used for the clean room
environment due to the advancement of direct dig-
ital control technology. HVAC systems for clean
room environments operate best under constant
conditions. Once the designer introduces modulat-
ing technologies for energy optimization, such as
the dampers required of an economizer, the clean Figure 4: A schematic diagram of the air system design is associated
room suite risks controllability of pressurization with case 3 and case 4 of this study. Courtesy: David Korzuch, CRB
and temperature/humidity excursions.
However, due to the advancement of DDC tech-
nology for HVAC controls, systems are now pro- CASE 4: Fan-filter modules with
grammed with complex algorithms capable of a makeup air system
maintaining temperature, humidity and pressurization Fan-powered HEPA filter modules are very
while compensating for modulating sequences relat- popular in clean room environments and use ener-
ed to fan speed, temperature reset strategy and outside gy-efficient electronically commutated motors
air control. If the designer must meet more strin- to maintain the air-change requirements of the
gent energy conservation goals, such as U.S. Green suites. The once-through air system for this con-
Building Council LEED or more recent versions of figuration, which is more commonly referred to
ASHRAE 90.1, then economizers may be considered as a makeup air unit, would provide precondi-
mandatory in the clean room’s HVAC system. tioned outside air to the fan-powered HEPA mod-

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 45


ules. This design allows for a MAU that provides It also should be noted that these types of sys-
enough outdoor air to maintain the ventilation, tems are notorious for having balancing issues
pressurization and cooling air requirements of the and it may be difficult to meet pressurization
clean room suite. requirements if plenums are not properly sealed
Fan-powered HEPA modules would either be or balanced.
directly ducted or pull air from a common dis-
tribution plenum to serve the suites. The MAU Study results, achieving
would provide enough air to overcome any fan energy efficiency

This study produced comparative energy mod-
eling calculations of four different air-system
If the designer must meet more design approaches and how they relate to a model
clean room environment. Modeling was conduct-
stringent energy conservation goals, ed using a third-party computer-based program to
perform an 8,760-hour energy simulation to deter-
then fan-powered HEPA modules with a mine the energy consumption of each case.
The study has concluded that airflow rates
MAU should be considered for the design remain relatively constant among different design
strategies due to the mandated air change require-

of a clean room’s HVAC system. ments of the facility; however, fan motor efficien-
cy and air delivery method for conditioning the
clean room environment is very different in each
motor heat gain and other sensible heat gains model and proves to be where the majority of ener-
within the space. If spaces have a larger latent gy usage occurs within each design strategy.
heat gain (typically from a wet process), then Fan energy and space conditioning typically
this HVAC system design is not ideal considering account for about 47% of energy use in pharma-
dehumidification is provided by the MAU and is ceutical manufacturing facilities. Therefore, even
not directly controlled for each suite. small reductions in the required air-change rates
If the designer must meet more stringent energy can garner large energy-saving opportunities over
conservation goals, such as LEED or more recent the annual energy usage profile of the facility.
versions of ASHRAE 90.1, then fan-powered HEPA As shown in Table 1, each system’s total supply
modules with a MAU should be considered for the flow rate is relatively equivalent; however, varying
design of a clean room’s HVAC system. the air delivery and conditioning methods across
each case presents opportunities for energy-con-
Table 2: Annual cost analysis scious design. The model shows that case No. 4
provides the greatest amount of energy savings
due to the extremely efficient ECM fan motors that
HVAC COMPONENT ANNUAL COSTS maintain the required air-change rates within the
Air system fans $26,483 $21,465 $24,729 $7,299 The MAU only requires two 5-horsepower fans
to deliver the optimal amount of outside air to the
Cooling $24,598 $8,477 $3,224 $10,733
clean room environment for space conditioning;
Heating $29,103 $1,818 $964 $10,246 the designer must be careful to properly size the
MAU for conditioning the heat gains and heat loss-
HVAC subtotal $80,184 $31,761 $28,917 $28,279 es in the spaces to ensure space temperature and
relative humidity can be maintained. The designer
must also account for pressurization air gains and
Lights $1,098 $1,098 $1,098 $1,098 losses into the clean room suites, as the MAU and
associated exhaust fan will need to maintain the
Electric equipment $4,814 $4,814 $4,814 $4,814 required pressurization of the facility, which hasn’t
Non-HVAC subtotal $5,912 $5,912 $5,912 $5,912
been factored into this analysis.
It should be noted that this type of system
GRAND TOTAL $86,096 $37,672 $34,829 $34,191 design doesn’t work well for large clean room areas
with lots of separate rooms at different pressuriza-
Table 2: The case study presents 12 months of estimated energy per- tion levels. In addition, this type of design could
formance data and garnered energy use on a dollar-per-square-foot require more maintenance due to a large quantity
basis that can be used as a conceptual tool by designers and engi- of fan filter units.
neers to aid in the development of more energy-efficient clean room The second alternative in pursuit of a more
facilities. Courtesy: CRB energy-conscious HVAC design is a traditional

46 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com


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Table 3: Annual cost analysis use reduces significantly when considering the use
per square foot by case of economizers of case No. 3 compared with the
primary/secondary system of case No. 2; however,
CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 CASE 4 the designer must be aware that the facility’s pres-
surization strategy could be jeopardized with the
introduction of air-side economizers. Water-side
Air system fans $7.408 $6.004 $6.917 $2.042 economizers may be a better alternative to comply
with energy code and are typically preferred over
Cooling $6.881 $2.371 $0.902 $3.002
air-side economizers when designing clean room
Heating $8.141 $0.509 $0.270 $2.866 HVAC systems.
Twelve months of energy data based on the
HVAC subtotal $22.429 $8.884 $8.089 $7.910 simulated energy model were compiled and the
estimated energy use of each HVAC system design
NON-HVAC COMPONENT ANNUAL COSTS PER SQUARE FOOT are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 shows
Lights $0.307 $0.307 $0.307 $0.307 component costs based on an average electric rate
of $0.973 kilowatt hours and an average natural
$1.347 $1.347 $1.347 $1.347 gas rate of $10.13/mille cubic feet.
Table 3 summarizes the component costs in an
Non-HVAC estimated dollar per square foot metric that can
$1.654 $1.654 $1.654 $1.654
subtotal be extrapolated and used by designers looking to
baseline the annual energy use of a clean room
GRAND TOTAL $24.083 $10.538 $9.742 $9.564
facility based on HVAC system type.

Table 3: This summarizes the component costs in an estimated dollar Best approach and recommendations
per square foot metric that can be extrapolated and used by design- As with all building design, energy efficien-
ers looking to baseline the annual energy use of a clean room facility cy needs to be evaluated at the beginning of the
based on HVAC system type. Courtesy: CRB design process. The approach should be a col-
laborative one that involves the design and con-

struction teams. Thoughtful consideration should
be applied to developing key building attributes.
A methodical approach to the overall This needs to be discussed early in the design pro-
cess due to the major impact they can have on the
building design can have a significant overall building energy consumption and more
specifically, the HVAC systems.
A methodical approach to the overall building
impact on reducing the HVAC loads and design can have a significant impact on reducing
the HVAC loads and the overall energy consump-

the overall energy consumption. tion. Slight changes in key attributes, such as glaz-
ing types and amounts, can be easily be modeled
in various design platforms showing real-time
primary and secondary air system strategy, which impact of the design decisions.
is identified as case No. 2. The designer using this Another key aspect for the design process is
system must ensure the design meets the latest ver- defining meaningful and measurable energy per-
sion of energy code, which may now require alter- formance benchmarks and setting project-specific
native design methods, such as HVAC systems with goals. With clearly defined goals, the design team
0% to 100% economizer controls, to be considered. can develop energy-saving strategies for the vari-
If economizers are considered for a clean room ous building systems.
facility, the designer would need to carefully iden- When approaching HVAC design for a clean
tify a design method for managing the economizer room application, the first step is documenting
system functionality and would need to provide a key performance parameters of the critical envi-
means to exhaust the necessary airflow from the ronment, such as cleanliness levels, temperature,
clean room during that mode of operation. There- humidity, pressurization and air changes per hour.
fore, the designer must be aware that this design The definition of these requirements is a vital ini-
strategy would likely result in more controls and tial step in the HVAC design process as it has the
equipment to achieve the economizer function. largest impact on system sizing and configuration
Case No. 3 shows the annual energy use of and the overall complexity of the facility.
three air handling systems with integrated econ- Often, the owners of the facility have estab-
omizers. The cost of heating and cooling energy lished ACH that are associated with their unit

48 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

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operations and the required cleanliness level. have design and code implications related to person-
Advocating for a risk-based approach and chal- nel safety, building safety and environmental impact.
lenging established practices will be the required Building codes, fire codes and adopted standards
paradigm shift for the design team moving for- will dictate the design of facilities using such mate-
ward. Without designers advocating for lower air- rials in their processes. In general, more stringent
change rates, many owners will remain averse to ventilation requirements will be the result of using
changing their guidelines despite energy and cost these materials and will take precedence over some
savings due to perceived risk. of the energy code requirements due to the impact
In addition, the design teams must challenge on life safety.
common misconceptions associated in the indus- A risk-based approach combined with analyti-
try with respect to the zoning of HVAC systems cal and economical models can assist the design
and the effectiveness of proper filtration. Unless team in determining the appropriate HVAC sys-
there is potential for free-floating viruses, pushing tem design that not only meets the critical design
for increased unit segregation with HVAC systems requirements of a facility, but also achieves an ener-
should only be considered in extreme situations. gy-efficient and code-compliant design. cse
Maintaining the status quo, using high ACH rates
and increasing the complexity of HVAC systems David B. Korzuch Jr. is a mechanical engineer at
to mitigate perceived risk directly correlates to CRB, focused on HVAC and mechanical system
increases in initial facility cost, ongoing operational design for current good manufacturing practice
costs and a carbon-intensive facility. manufacturing facilities, laboratories and central
Another key aspect for consideration when utility plants for the biotech and pharmaceutical
designing HVAC systems for clean rooms, although industries.
not the intent of this article, is understanding the
impact of hazardous raw materials, such as flam- Christopher J. Barbieri is a project manager and
mable, combustible liquids and potent compounds. the mechanical discipline lead at CRB, focused on
As a designer, it is vital to understand the quantities discipline specific and cross-functional strategic ini-
and types of materials used in the process, as they tiatives and tactical tasks for the company.

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www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 51


Lab, research facility design

Learn tips on how to design labs and research facilities —
some of the most high-tech buildings around

CSE: What’s the biggest trend George Isherwood: The biggest ers occur. The advancement in technolo-
in laboratory and research facility trend we are seeing is working through gy and funding availability is often driving
projects? the balance of energy efficiency with changes in the type of research being per-
equipment costs for the energy perfor- formed at any given time and changes
Kelley Cramm: Probably the biggest mance. Most, if not all, of our clients appear to be occurring more rapidly than
trend we’re seeing is an increased move have “green” plans until they realize the in the past.
toward open, modular laboratories. Open, increase in equipment costs.
modular labs accommodate changing Adam Judge: Most new facilities CSE: What future trends should
research over time and allow flexibility for we have seen in the past few years have engineers expect?
new equipment, researchers and evolving included large, shared open lab areas that
technology. They also improve collabora- catalyze collaboration and conversations Isherwood: Integration of the controls
tion between researchers from multiple among researchers. This collaboration throughout the projects are starting to
disciplines. encouraging concept is even spreading gain momentum in the industry. We are
To improve flexibility, many labs are outside the laboratory spaces and into the starting to see multiple trades starting to
using pre-wired and piped modular case- common area and circulation spaces, such work together to accomplish a more effi-
work with “plug and play” capability. The as open stairways and atria creating vis- cient system. Window shade controls are
utilities are supplied to a ceiling panel or ibility between different floors, areas or interfacing with lights that are interfac-
overhead service carrier and connected to departments. Often the primary inves- ing with temperature controls. There have
the casework from there. Utilities can be tigators are not all known at the time of been several challenges with integrating
distributed to every module with servic- design, so most laboratory spaces need to these systems and allowing them to not
es not initially needed valved and capped be designed to be flexible for adaptation only read into their system but adjust set-
above the ceiling or in the overhead ser- to future needs. points as well.
vice carrier. This allows flexibility for Iain Siery: Generally, I think advanced Siery: I am expecting continued and
changing needs with minimal disruption. therapeutic medicinal products research increasing pressure on projects due to
Bryan Floth: The biggest trend we’re and development are on the rise. This is overall cost. Today, we explore numer-
seeing within laboratory and research particularly true in Philadelphia, where ous approaches to managing the cost of
facility projects is designing for flexibil- several key advancements have been projects. This includes saving time by
ity. Advances in scientific research are made that are driving significant attention integrating the design and construction
accelerating in all areas. This has created to this space within life sciences. These process, as well as design approaches that
unprecedented demand for new and more projects have different drivers and require directly manage cost such a target value
sophisticated facilities that can accommo- specific expertise to create facilities that design/delivery. Finding the right balance
date state-of-the-art technology. The cost support clients in this field. of flexibility, speed of delivery and cost
to remodel facilities at the same rate can David Wilson: Providing flexibility in has been increasingly central to the suc-
be substantial. It’s forcing a lot of plan- the design of laboratory spaces and utili- cess of research laboratory projects. These
ning and designing to be more generic ties to allow for modifications to the lab- aspects can be at odds in many cases. In
and flexible, to better react to shifts in the oratory spaces on an individual basis as particular within the life sciences R&D
industry. research changes or changes in research- industry, speed to market is becoming

Kelley Cramm, PE, Bryan Floth, George

Associate/Mechanical Senior Project Vice President, Health
Technical Leader Manager Care/Laboratory Group
Henderson Engineers Burns & McDonnell Leader
Kansas City Kansas City, Mo. Peter Basso Associ-
ates Inc.
Troy, Mich.

52 • December 2019 consulting-specifying engineer www.csemag.com

more critical, so solutions to these chal-
lenges must continue to evolve.
Floth: Speed to market is critical for
lab and research facility projects today
and will continue to be critical in the
future. There is a growing expectation for
buildings to be designed and built fast-
er. Schedule, productivity and innova-
tion are always top of mind. Any scenario
in which the research associated with a
lot of these facilities is delayed can delay
the ability of the research organization to
meet market deadlines.
We’re incorporating lean principles
and management approaches into the
process to help meet expectations, deliv-
ering a high-quality, on-schedule proj-
ect. The purpose of the lean management
approach has two central components: a
fully integrated team approach to design
and delivery from the early stages of a
project, and the incorporation of lean
principles, processes and tools to attack
the sources of waste. Together these two
concepts can translate to big advantages
for an owner.
Cramm: I think an increased demand Figure 1: The University of South Florida Health Morsani College and Heart
for sustainability and reduced carbon foot- Institute is a new research and teaching facility designed to provide students
print will be the overarching trend. Labora- with a high-tech learning environment, a with an advanced research facility to
tories consume massive amounts of energy explore new heart disease treatments. Features include clinical teaching labo-
and water. This will drive changes to the ratories, large lecture halls, smaller classrooms and teaching labs and flexible
way we design labs and to the way users space. Courtesy: TLC Engineering Solutions
operate in the lab. We will see an increase
in the use of energy recovery, high-perfor-
mance fume hoods, occupancy-based set- CSE: What types of challenges containment to protect personnel. This
backs for lighting and ventilation, wind do you encounter for these types drives us to fully exhausted laborato-
responsive exhaust fan modulation and of projects that you might not face ries with systems that need to run 24/7.
improved ventilation effectiveness at lower on other types of structures? Another difference is the increased use of
air change rates. Users will be pushed to gases that create a flammability or asphyx-
use more efficient lab equipment — espe- Cramm: Density of power is one key iant hazard. These require specialized sys-
cially freezers — and to shut down lab difference. We’re seeing an increased use tems to mitigate the risk to human life and
equipment when not in use. of ultralow-temperature freezers and health.
Judge: I expect future projects to analytical instruments that come with Wilson: The challenge is designing
continue the trend of flexibility. This computers and printers attached. This utility and utility systems to be generic
may mean flexibility to adapt the design equipment demands more power than in nature but customized on a lab-by-lab
to different floor plan layouts, differ- most other occupancies. Spare circuits basis to meet the current research needs
ent equipment or other environmental to accommodate future growth and new of each individual space. Providing utility
requirements as researchers are recruited instruments are critical. Another key dif- systems for future use in each laboratory
during the design phase, during the con- ference is the hazards associated with may add additional upfront cost when ini-
struction phase or post-occupancy. laboratories and the resulting need for tially constructing the building but allows

Adam Judge, PE Iain Siery, PE David Wilson, PE,

Associate/Mechanical Senior Mechanical LEED AP
Project Engineer Engineer Senior Engineer
TLC Engineering CRB Dewberry
Solutions Philadelphia Raleigh, N.C.
Tampa, Fla.

www.csemag.com consulting-specifying engineer December 2019 • 53


for modifications to each laboratory on an individual basis and students in classrooms are more productive when com-
without affecting adjacent spaces and associated research fortable. Laboratories introduce harmful elements into that
occurring in each space. Long-term research can be lost if dis- environment that can affect both the safety of occupants and
ruptions to utility systems occurs due to shutdowns required the surrounding areas. The management of chemicals or other
to modify utility systems. harmful elements is what makes laboratories unique.
Floth: The biggest challenge is the complexity of these Siery: Specific design challenges include creating inspira-
projects. Science facilities require design that integrates spe- tional environments that balance scalable infrastructure, flex-
cialty building systems, utilities and equipment with the ible casework and utility distribution, constructability and
human element of a pleasant working environment. Each project cost and schedule drivers.
laboratory, clean room or research space has unique envi-
ronmental requirements, but all have a focus on efficiency, CSE: What are engineers doing to ensure such proj-
flexibility and safety at their core. Layered on top of that, ects meet challenges associated with emerging tech-
many facilities hope to attract grants and achieve other nologies?
unique certifications, requiring additional guidelines beyond
making the building code compliant. Cramm: Innovation and creativity are key to successful
Judge: Building in sufficient flexibility for changes in lab- laboratory design. The understanding that what’s happening
oratory spaces can be much more challenging than in other in the lab today will not be what’s happening in the future
types of buildings. Because laboratory equipment can often is critical. Engineers should never design a “purpose built”
vary widely in utility requirements, much more flexibili- laboratory. All systems and utilities need to be designed to
ty must be built in. In addition, with the governing energy be flexible enough to adapt to future changes in laboratory
efficiency codes become more stringent, laboratory facility equipment and evolving research. This means planning for
design often requires thinking out of the box to not only meet systems to be expandable and designing services using a mod-
energy code requirements, but often beat them to meet the ular planning approach. It also means sizing ducts and chases
sustainability goals of the project. to allow for additional airflow and providing plenty of spare
Isherwood: Most buildings are built with the intent of electrical circuits in panelboards to accommodate the inevi-
keeping the occupants comfortable. People working in offices table addition of laboratory equipment.
Floth: Having an integrated team is a game changer when
it comes to delivering facilities that meet challenges associated
with rapidly evolving technologies. Long before design begins,
our architects, engineers, planners, environmental specialists
and construction professionals work with clients to establish
requirements. This gets all stakeholders and involved parties on
the same page from day one. By interviewing lab stakeholders —
from director to technicians — our designers help shape facil-
ities’ physical and aesthetic goals and objectives. We carefully
analyze traffic flow, space needs, type and number of analyses,
standard testing methods, lab safety and equipment and regula-
tory requirements — a crucial first step in turning the vision of a
facility into steel, concrete and glass, utilities and systems.
Judge: Engineers need to get as good of an understanding
as possible of potential future plans for the laboratory spac-
Concrete, Brick or es. Considerations must be taken regarding ventilation, cool-
Glass Walls Won’t ing and exhaust, power requirements — including emergency
Stop This Occupant generator or uninterruptible power supply standby power —
water requirements, data requirements and chemical quantity
Interface limitations of potential future equipment and processes. The
design team must inform the owner of the assumptions and
limitations they must live with.
Siery: I am seeing significant emphasis on integrated solu-
Meet the newcomer to Distech Controls’ ECLYPSE Sky Ecosystem family: tions that bring the design and construction experts togeth-
The UNIWAVE Series er (design-build and design-assist) to improve overall project
schedule. Then these teams can more effectively leverage bud-
, Wireless wall-mounted interface and remote control get management strategies such as target value delivery to
, Advanced technology: BLE enabled, E-paper display ensure the project is successful.
, Easy to install, even for retrofit jobs
, Customizable interface CSE: Tell us about a recent project you’ve worked
on that’s innovative, large-scale or otherwise note-
The most modern wireless device series on the market. worthy.
input #14 at www.csemag.com/information
Visit www.distech-controls.com/UNIWAVE for a closer look
Floth: One recent project our team
was selected for is the NextGen Precision
Health Institute at the University of Mis-
souri. We’re providing architectural, master
planning and engineering design services
for the $220.8 million research facility. The
facility will aim to bring together indus-
try partners; engineering, medicine and
veterinary science students; and the fed-
eral government to pursue a collaborative
approach to personalized health care, sup-
ported by advanced technology. Construc-
tion for the 275,000-square-foot facility is
expected to be completed in October 2021.
Judge: Construction is nearing com-
pletion of the new 395,000-square-foot,
13-story University of South Florida Mor-
sani College of Medicine and Heart Institute
in the newly designated Water Street district
in downtown Tampa, Fla. TLC Engineering
Solutions teamed with architects HOK and
builder Skanska for this design-build project
with an estimated construction cost of $173
million. The project includes four classroom The WaterFurnace WC Modular Scroll Chiller is the
floors, including a 400-seat auditorium; perfect fit for commercial and industrial applications
three research laboratory floors; two shelled
and redefines the concept of flexibility. Our patented
floors for future laboratory space; three
shelled floors for future classroom, office 6-pipe header rack delivers simultaneous heating
or clinical space; and approximately 6,200 and cooling while accurately maintaining both
square feet of ground floor space shelled for temperature set points. The unique modular design
future tenants. allows the chiller to be installed and removed from
The project includes run-around the pipe rack without affecting the rest of the chiller
hydronic heat recovery loops to trans-
fer heat from incoming outside air to plant. The WaterFurnace commercial product line has
exhaust airstreams and reduce cooling grown to fit almost any commercial or industrial job—
demand, purchased from a district chilled whether it’s water source or geothermal, rooftop or
water plant. High-efficiency, low-flow chiller banks, small offices or large campuses.
fume hoods with automatic sash clos-
ers were specified to reduce outside air To learn more about our expanded commercial
requirements. High-efficiency, natural solutions, visit us at waterfurnace.com.
gas fired condensing boilers are used to
provide heating hot water and plate and
frame heat exchanger skids are used to
heat domestic hot water using heating hot The modular design of the detachable
pipe rack and the quick-turn latched
water as a heat source. cse
access panels allow for ease of service

M More
on each module without compromising
the rest of the system.

See www.csemag.com for additional
WaterFurnace is a registered trademark of WaterFurnace International, Inc.
!   ©2019 WaterFurnace International Inc.


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