Contemporary Dance
Contemporary Dance
Contemporary Dance
Contemporary dance is a dance performance genre that developed
during the mid twentieth century and has since grown to become one
of the dominant genres for formally trained dancers throughout the
world, with particularly strong popularity in the U.S. and Europe.
Contemporary dance draws on both classical ballet and modern dance,
whereas postmodern dance was a direct and opposite response to
modern dance. Merce Cunningham is considered to be the first
choreographer to "develop an independent attitude towards modern
dance" and defy the ideas that were established by it. In 1944
Cunningham accompanied his dance with music by John Cage, who
observed that Cunningham's dance "no longer relies on linear
elements (...) nor does it rely on a movement towards and away from
climax. As in abstract painting, it is assumed that an element (a
movement, a sound, a change of light) is in and of itself expressive;
what it communicates is in large part determined by the observer
themselves." Cunningham formed the Merce Cunningham Dance
Company in 1953 and went on to create more than one hundred and
fifty works for the company, many of which have been performed
internationally by ballet and modern dance companies.