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Introducing MASC: A Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition

Article  in  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders · August 2006

DOI: 10.1007/s10803-006-0107-0 · Source: PubMed

432 5,044

10 authors, including:

Isabel Dziobek Elke Kalbe

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin University of Cologne


Jason Hassenstab Jan K. Woike

Washington University in St. Louis Max Planck Institute for Human Development


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J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636
DOI 10.1007/s10803-006-0107-0


Introducing MASC: A Movie for the Assessment of Social

Isabel Dziobek Æ Stefan Fleck Æ Elke Kalbe Æ
Kimberley Rogers Æ Jason Hassenstab Æ
Matthias Brand Æ Josef Kessler Æ Jan K. Woike Æ
Oliver T. Wolf Æ Antonio Convit

Published online: 6 June 2006

 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006

Abstract In the present study we introduce a sensitive social cognition. A Receiver Operating Characteristic
video-based test for the evaluation of subtle mindreading (ROC) analysis for the mindreading tests identified the
difficulties: the Movie for the Assessment of Social Cog- MASC as discriminating the diagnostic groups most
nition (MASC). This new mindreading tool involves accurately. Issues pertaining to the multidimensionality of
watching a short film and answering questions referring to the social cognition construct are discussed.
the actors’ mental states. A group of adults with Asperger
syndrome (n = 19) and well-matched control subjects Keywords Asperger syndrome Æ Theory of Mind Æ
(n = 20) were administered the MASC and three other Mindreading Æ Naturalistic test formats Æ Emotion
mindreading tools as part of a broader neuropsychological recognition
testing session. Compared to control subjects, Asperger
individuals exhibited marked and selective difficulties in The ability to attribute mental states to oneself and others is
referred to as social cognition or theory of mind. Making
social cognitive inferences is crucial for successful social
I. Dziobek (&) Æ J. Hassenstab Æ A. Convit
Center for Brain Health, New York University School of interactions because they mediate an understanding of the
Medicine, New York, NY, USA dispositions and intentions of others and lead to the correct
e-mail: dziobi01@med.nyu.edu prediction of behavior (Brothers, 1990). Individuals diag-
nosed with the neurodevelopmental disorder Asperger
E. Kalbe Æ J. Kessler
Department of Neurology, University Clinic Cologne, Cologne, syndrome (AS) have core, often selective, deficits in
Germany inferring others’ mental states (Baron-Cohen, 1995; Jolliffe
& Baron-Cohen, 1999). In the DSM-IV, Asperger syn-
O. T. Wolf Æ I. Dziobek drome is listed among the pervasive developmental disor-
Department of Psychology, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld,
Germany ders (PDD) and characterized as a condition with
impairments in social interactions and the presence of
S. Fleck restricted interests and behaviors (American Psychiatric
Department of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, University of Association, 1994). In accordance with Hans Asperger
Cologne, Cologne, Germany
(1944), who first described the clinical picture, a diagnosis
M. Brand of AS requires the patient to not display a general delay in
Department of Physiological Psychology, University of language or cognitive development (American Psychiatric
Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany Association, 1994), representing the essential difference to
K. Rogers autism. Despite persisting debates as to whether Asperger
Department of Psychology at the Graduate Center of City syndrome is qualitatively different from a more high-
University of New York (CUNY), New York, NY, USA functioning form of autism (HFA; Howlin, 2003; Klin &
Volkmar, 1997), most authors regard Asperger syndrome
J. K. Woike
Department of Psychological Methodology, Ruhr-University of as belonging to the autism spectrum, based on the large
Bochum, Bochum, Germany amount of shared diagnostic features (Volkmar, Klin,

624 J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636

Schultz, Rubin, & Bronen, 2000; Wing, 1997). Conse- story comprehension tasks as tools for the assessment of
quently, we also included, when relevant, work in autism social cognition.
spectrum disorders. When referring to individuals on the Tasks that involve processing stimuli extracted from real
autism spectrum in this manuscript, we have purposely life contexts are likely more ‘‘pure.’’ For example, Baron-
avoided ‘‘person first’’ language (i.e. individuals with Cohen’s ‘‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’’ test involves
autism) and instead used the term autism descriptively (i.e. inferring other persons’ mental states from a photograph of
autistic individuals) in order to reflect language preferences only their eye region (Baron-Cohen, Jolliffe, Mortimore, &
within the autism community. Robertson, 1997; Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Hill, Raste,
The social cognitive deficits seen in autism spectrum & Plumb, 2001a). In both the original and the revised
disorders have received considerable attention over the last version, the test showed significant differences in mind-
decade, since they are likely a key contributor to the broad reading abilities between high-functioning adults on the
social impairments observed in affected individuals. Early autism spectrum and control subjects. Other investigators,
research in autistic children has used ‘‘first-order false- using a similar task, have confirmed these findings
belief’’ tasks, which involve an understanding that others (Kleinman, Marciano, & Ault, 2001). Studies have also
may have different mental states from themselves and may demonstrated problems among able individuals on the
therefore hold a false belief (Wimmer & Perner, 1983). autism spectrum in their ability to infer mental states from
While unaffected children pass first- and second-order vocal recordings (Kleinman et al., 2001; Loveland, Tunali-
tasks by the age of three and six respectively, numerous Kotoski, Chen, Brelsford & Ortegon, 1995; Rutherford,
studies have demonstrated that autistic children have dif- Baron-Cohen, & Wheelwright, 2002).
ficulties in shifting their perspective to judge other peoples’ Recently, advanced tests have been developed using
simple mental states (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Frith, 1985; video in an effort to increase test sensitivity and approx-
Pilowsky, Yirmiya, Arbelle, & Mozes, 2000; Reed & imate the demands of everyday life social cognition.
Peterson, 1990). A variety of other tasks, such as tests of The ‘‘Awkward Moment Test’’ (Heavey, Phillips, Baron-
deception (Baron-Cohen, 1992), recognition of faux pas Cohen, & Rutter, 2000) and the ‘‘Empathic Accuracy Par-
(Baron-Cohen, O’Riordan, Stone, Jones, & Plaisted, 1999), adigm’’ (Roeyers, Buysse, Ponnet, & Pichal, 2001) are most
or comprehension of intentions in communication (Happé, relevant to the present report. In the Awkward Moment Test,
1993), have demonstrated similar mindreading difficulties. Heavey et al. (2000) showed high functioning autistic and
For higher functioning autistic adults, however, most of Asperger adults and controls seven film excerpts taken from
these tests do not pose a big enough challenge. For television commercials. For each film excerpt, subjects were
example, several authors have reported that their patient required to answer one question on a character’s mental
groups succeeded on first- and second-order false belief state and one non-social question. The results revealed
tasks (Bowler, 1992; Happé, 1994; Jolliffe & Baron-Cohen, significant differences between the two groups in their
1999; Ozonoff, Rogers, & Pennington, 1991). This is in ability to mentalise. What complicates the interpretation of
contrast with clear problems in social cognition apparent in these data is that the affected group also scored significantly
everyday life and has led to the development of more lower on the control questions, which may reflect the
advanced tests in recent years. difference in IQ that was observed between groups.
A first step was undertaken by Happé (1994), who Roeyers et al. (2001) developed another video-based
assessed story comprehension in a group of higher instrument, the Empathic Accuracy Paradigm. The test
functioning autistic adults. Her ‘‘Strange Stories Task’’ requires the subject to judge the feelings and thoughts of
requires subjects to make inferences about the mental states two characters that have unknowingly been filmed previ-
of story characters, using concepts such as double bluff, ously during a one-on-one conversation. The standard used
mistakes, irony, or white lie. This initial study found clear for correct responses is more objective than in other tests
group effects, but also a relationship between verbal IQ and because they are directly matched to the target character’s
theory of mind, which led the author to conclude the two actual subjective experience, as assessed by an interview
measures would be interdependent. Using modified ver- immediately after the hidden filming. This test has proven
sions of Happé’s original task, other studies later also sensitive in differentiating high-functioning individuals
found mindreading difficulties in higher functioning adults with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) from con-
with autism spectrum disorders (Jolliffe & Baron-Cohen, trol subjects. Although the test has numerous items, the
1999; Kaland et al., 2002). In the latter study, however, mental states to be inferred are narrow in range (e.g.
Kaland, reported a significant correlation between verbal complex emotions or classical theory of mind concepts are
IQ and mentalising performance among Asperger individ- missing). This is likely a result of the situation filmed: two
uals. Overall, these associations between intelligence and strangers left at their own device for about 10 min waiting
mentalising ability raise questions about the usefulness of for a board game experiment to begin. In addition, the rate

J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636 625

of correct mental state answers is very low for both the in the study. AS individuals were recruited through local
affected and the control group, perhaps reflecting the dif- support groups or were referred by specialized clinicians.
ficulty in matching mental states in the relative absence of Every subject underwent an extensive videotaped diag-
an eventful context. nostic interview. Based on this videotaped interview, a
The present report describes the development of another diagnosis of AS was made using Diagnostic Statistical
naturalistic, video-based instrument for the assessment of Manual, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) criteria (American Psy-
social cognition. The Movie for the Assessment of Social chiatric Association, 1994). Diagnostic discrepancies
Cognition (MASC) requires study subjects to make infer- were resolved by consensus of one psychiatrist and two
ences about video characters’ mental states. Realization of psychologists. We also utilized the Autism Diagnostic
the test entailed the development of a script, the shoot of the Interview—Revised (ADI-R; Lord, Rutter & Le Couteur,
actual movie with actors and a professional camera team, 1994) in 16 of the 19 Asperger subjects with available
and post processing of the film material with subsequent parental informants. The ADI-R is a valid and reliable
test-formatting. The de novo design gave us a greater level semi-structured interview used for the diagnosis of autism.
of control over the generation of mental states to be inferred. The instrument contains an algorithm for the diagnosis of
The test considers different mental state modalities autism as a result of probes regarding social, communica-
(thoughts, emotions, intentions) with positive, negative, and tion, and restricted-repetitive behavior domains corre-
neutral valence (Kalbe et al., in preparation). We deliber- sponding to the different diagnostic criteria. For each of the
ately varied the extent and quality of language, gestures, and three domains, a separate score is derived by summing up
facial expressions involved across items. We also adopted the items pertaining to it.
classical social cognition concepts such as false belief, faux Two subjects were excluded from the study, one because
pas, metaphor, or sarcasm to allow for a broad range of the ADI-R revealed a delay in language and another failed
mental states to be displayed. Although the items vary in to meet diagnostic criteria based on the taped interview. All
difficulty, the test was designed to be challenging so as to analyses and reported results are only for those 19 indi-
detect even subtle difficulties in social understanding. In this viduals with a clear diagnosis of AS who have no reported
first use of the MASC, we chose to restrict the affected group language delay.
studied to Asperger individuals because these individuals With a mean estimated Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
typically present only subtle impairments in social cogni- (WAIS) full scale IQ of 122 (SD = 6.1, range = 111–134),
tion, without any intellectual deficits. We excluded subjects and a mean of 16.7 years of education (SD = 1.7,
that met diagnosis of high-functioning autism (HFA) range = 12–18) the group represented an exceptionally
because several studies seem to indicate a lesser degree of high-functioning sample. To assess intellectual function-
social cognitive impairments in Asperger individuals rela- ing, the Shipley Institute of Living Scale (Prado & Taub,
tive to HFA individuals (Jolliffe & Baron-Cohen, 1999; 1966) was utilized, comprising a vocabulary and an
Dyck, Ferguson, & Shochet, 2001; Ozonoff et al., 1991). abstract thinking test. Based on a sum of the raw scores of
Consequently, we studied a homogeneous and able sample the tests, the WAIS full scale IQ was estimated using
to assess the test’s sensitivity. To minimize confounds, the published methods (Zachary, Paulson, & Gorsuch, 1985).
control group was chosen to not significantly differ from the A group of 20 healthy neurotypical control subjects (18
affected group in age, gender, education, or IQ. men and 2 women, mean age = 39.9, SD = 12.6), chosen
In addition to the MASC, all participants received three to match the patient group as closely as possible with
state-of-the-art tests of social understanding as part of a respect to age, gender, IQ, and education, also participated
broader neuropsychological battery. The inclusion of in the study. Individuals in the control group were healthy
already established social cognition tests would help to volunteers participating in ongoing studies of normal aging
further ascertain the MASC’s characteristics and it’s and dementia at the NYU Center for Brain Health and had
validity. We expected the MASC to clearly differentiate a mean IQ of 124 (SD = 6.3, range = 108–139) and a mean
between diagnostic groups and, because of the pure char- of 16.8 (SD = 1.4, range = 14–19) years of education.
acter of the measure, we expected it to be independent of IQ. To exclude individuals with conditions that could sig-
nificantly impact on their functional ability, all subjects
underwent medical (including blood work and EKG),
Method neurologic, psychiatric, and neuroradiologic (MRI) exam-
inations. Any present or prior evidence of significant neu-
Participants rologic or medical disease lead to exclusion from the study.
In addition, for participants of both groups the Autism
Twenty-one Asperger adults (AS; 19 men and 2 women, Spectrum Quotient (AQ; Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright,
mean age = 41.6, SD = 10.4, range = 25–62) participated Skinner, Martin, & Clubley, 2001b) was administered to

626 J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636

assess the amount of autistic traits in any one individual. The MASC requires study subjects to watch a 15 min
The control group’s mean AQ score was 15 (SD = 6, movie about four characters getting together for a dinner
range = 6–30) and the AS group’s mean score was 38 party. The video is paused 46 times and questions con-
(SD = 5, range = 28–46), with the latter being well above cerning the characters’ feelings, thoughts, and intentions
the suggested cutoff of 32. Two individuals of the AS are asked.
group scored below the cutoff. However, both individuals
Theoretical Considerations
were clearly identified as having Asperger syndrome after
administration of the ADI-R as well as the videotaped
In this new test, we aimed at operationalizing social cog-
diagnostic interview.
nition through video, approximating social interactions the
The demographic characteristics of the participant
way they actually happen in everyday life. The storyline of
groups are shown in Table 1. Comparisons between groups
the video was designed to be simple. Distracting stimuli,
for age, education, and IQ were non-significant, whereas
such as music or additional characters, were avoided. The
they were highly significant for the AQ (p < .001) (see
featured characters (Sandra, Betty, Michael, and Cliff)
Table 1).
have very different motives for partaking in an evening of
All participants gave informed written consent and the
cooking, dining, and playing a board game. Each develops
research protocol was approved by the IRB of the New
her/his own dynamics with each of the other characters.
York University School of Medicine.
Friendship and dating issues are the predominant themes
Measures throughout the movie. Each of the characters displays
stable characteristics (traits) that are different from one
We administered the MASC, shortened versions of the another (e.g. outgoing, timid, selfish) and in the course of
Strange Stories Task (Happé, 1994) and the Reading the the evening experiences different situations that elicit
Mind in the Eyes Test (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001a), and a emotions and mental states such as anger, affection,
basic emotion recognition task (Ekman & Friesen, 1971) to gratefulness, jealousy, fear, ambition, embarrassment, or
all participants. Furthermore, an extensive neuropsycho- disgust. The relationships between the characters were that
logical test battery was given, entailing tests assessing of either strangers or friends, to vary the amount of inti-
attention, memory, and executive functions. macy their interactions are based on and thus represent
different social reference systems on which mental state
The MASC inferences have to be made. In the design of the script,
varying levels of complexity were considered in creating
The MASC was developed in collaboration with the Max scenes that involve the interaction of two, three, or four
Planck Institute for Neurological Research in Cologne, characters. A description of one scene with its subsequent
Germany and exists in the same format in English and in question is given in the Appendix.
German language. The German version is currently used to Not only did the de novo design enable us to adopt
assess social cognition in schizophrenia (Kalbe et al., in traditional social cognition concepts such as first and
preparation). second order false belief, deception, faux pas, persuasion,

Table 1 Mean scores (M), medians (MD), standard deviations (SD), and ranges of the demographic characteristics of both groups
Age Education Vocabulary Abstract thinking WAIS IQ AQ

Asperger (n = 19)
M 41.6 16.7 35.3 35.1 122 37.8
MD 41 18 37 34 121 39
SD 10.4 1.7 3.7 3.1 6 4.9
Range 25–62 12–18 28–40 28–40 111–134 28–46
Control (n = 20)
M 39.9 16.8 36.5 35.7 124 15.4
MD 42.5 17 37.5 35 124 14.5
SD 12.6 1.4 2.5 4.1 6 6.4
Range 22–60 14–19 32–40 24–40 108–139 6–30
p Value .63 a .98b .37b .27b .34a < .001b
t Test
Mann–Whitney U test

J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636 627

metaphor, sarcasm, or irony, it also gave us the opportunity Michael is romantically interested in Sandra, Betty wants
to implement for the first time a more multidimensional to be a good friend to Sandra), as well as sub-needs that
approach. It allowed us to ensure proper coverage of vary within a character in different situations (e.g. being
sub-divisions of different mental state modalities, valence, polite, getting back at somebody). These needs represent a
and degrees of language involvement in the social foundation for the characters’ mental states which have to
cognition process. be appreciated by the study subjects. Through the specific
The different mental state modalities that were taken implementation of ambiguity between basic and sub-needs
into consideration are ‘‘emotions,’’ ‘‘thoughts,’’ and (e.g. Michael gets back at Sandra although he wants to date
‘‘intentions’’ (Kalbe, Brand, Fleck, & Kessler, 2002). her), we created items that pose particularly challenging
Questions were implemented in the format of: ‘‘What is demands on social cognitive functioning.
Sandra feeling?’’ ‘‘What is Michael thinking?’’ or ‘‘What We attached great importance to a high quality technical
is Betty’s intention?’’ Of these mental state modalities, the production in shooting the movie. A trained team com-
category ‘‘emotion’’ comprises 17 items, the category posed of a professional cameraman, sound engineer, and
‘‘thought’’ 7 items, and the category ‘‘intention’’ 18 items. four actors belonging to a long standing theatre group
To allow the assessment of emotional mental state accompanied by their director, helped accomplish this goal
items of different valence (positive, negative, neutral), we within a three-day shoot. The raw material of the film was
designed scenes in which the characters express negative captured from Digital Video (DV) to a digital format on a
feelings like disgust, anger, or fear, as well as positive computer and cutting, light-, and sound post-processing
emotions like joy or affection. Of the 17 emotional mental was done by a film editor using the software ‘‘Final Cut’’
state items, 13 are of negative valence, 2 of positive valence, and ‘‘Quick Time Pro.’’ The video was then saved as an
and 2 are neutral. These frequencies approximate distribu- MPEG file format and was cut into 46 segments that rep-
tions previously considered by others (e.g. Ekman, 1999). resent the individual items of the test. The segments and
In addition to the above mentioned mental state their subsequent questions, as well as the instructions, were
modalities, some of the items varied as to their conversa- inserted into a ‘‘PowerPoint’’ presentation that can be
tional content. Specifically, items were designed to be shown on a regular PC or notebook.
verbal (19 items) or non-verbal (16 items), with the verbal The original version of the movie was produced in
items to be taken literally (10 items) or not literally (those Dortmund, Germany with German speaking actors. For the
containing figurative speech and other aspects of prag- English version the script was translated into English by a
matics, 9 items). The non-verbal category provided items language professional and the 15 min film material that
to assess the recognition of facial expressions (6 items), as went into the test was dubbed by a team of sound and
well as a broader category that requires the interpretation of theatre professionals in a sound studio. In several sessions
body language and gestures (10 items). Single items may with each character being voiced-over separately, voices
cover more than one domain, e.g. item 5 pertains to both and all background sounds were recorded and processed in
the mental state category ‘‘intentions’’ and the conversa- ‘‘ProTool.’’ After merging the picture file with the new
tional category ‘‘figurative speech.’’ sound track, the film was formatted in the same way as the
A more detailed discussion on the multidimensional German version. Study participants are informed about the
features of the test is beyond the scope of this paper and dubbing before the test administration. However, post
will be reported on elsewhere. experimental questioning revealed that the dubbing was in
no case reported as interfering and in most cases reported
Development and Realization as not remarked upon.

The storyline of the MASC is based on a script developed Administration

by the first two authors. The writing process followed
guidelines provided by Field, Meyer, and Witte (2001) on The MASC is administered by a tester who controls the
the development of screenplays. Among other steps, it presentation of the test’s slides. The testing starts with a
involved designing characters, the plot, and a final dialogue slide instructing the subjects that they are going to watch a
form. For the purpose of creating a mindreading tool, it 15 min film and that they should try to understand what the
was important to develop ‘‘whole’’ characters. This characters are feeling and thinking. The tester navigates
required that, for each character, a careful detailing of their through several slides containing instructions and then
‘‘worlds,’’ including background information such as pro- through the entire test using the mouse or space bar. As
fession, lifestyle, hobbies, family history, self-assessment, part of the first slides, the four characters are introduced in
personality traits, and needs be created. We assigned basic the form of photographs and names. After that, participants
needs that do not vary over the course of the video (e.g. are instructed that the film shows these four people getting

628 J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636

together for a Saturday evening and that the movie will be Strange Stories Task
stopped at various points and questions will be asked.
Subjects are told to try to imagine what the characters are The test material was comprised of eight theory of mind
thinking or feeling at the very moment the film is stopped. stories and two control stories of Happé’s (1994) original
Following the instructions, the 46 video segments are Strange Stories Task. Subjects were asked to read, on
presented, each followed by a question in the same format separate pages, short passages of text and to answer a
(e.g. ‘‘What is Betty feeling/thinking/intending to do?’’). question that was presented on a subsequent page for each
Subjects are instructed to respond verbally to each ques- passage. For the theory of mind questions, subjects were
tion. We chose an open-answer format for this first study to required to infer a character’s mental state whereas the
minimize correct answers through guessing and to collect control questions were asked for the interpretation of
qualitative data that will be analyzed and reported on physical events. The theory of mind stories concerned two
elsewhere (Fleck et al., in preparation). Administration of examples of double bluff, persuasion, irony, and white lie.
the MASC takes approximately 45 min. Scoring was done using a detailed rating scheme that was
We recently completed a multiple-choice format for the communicated personally to the authors by Happé and
test (Fleck et al., in preparation). The incorrect answers which was in parts outlined previously (Happé, Winner &
that were given in the present study were used as models to Brownell, 1998). Answers were scored 2 if they were fully
construct distractor answers. Specifically, the multiple- and explicitly correct, 1 if they were partially or implicitly
choice format allows differentiation of three different types correct and 0 if they were incorrect. Because judging
of mistakes that reflect (1) mental state inferences that are whether an answer is correct or not involves subjectivity, a
‘‘insufficient’’ and (2) ‘‘too excessive’’. In addition, one second rater independently scored the stories for five
type of distractor answer reflects (3) non-mental state patients and five control subjects. The consistency (ICCs)
inferences (i.e., physical causation). This more user- for the 10 ratings was .99 (1.0 for the AS group and .93 for
friendly version of the MASC is also available to other the control group), indicating a high degree of concordance.
researchers, by request to the corresponding author.
Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test
The revised version of the Reading the Mind in the Eyes
All responses are recorded on audio tape and scored later, Test (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001a) involves inferring the
using a standardized scoring key that provides several mental state of a person just from the information conveyed
examples for correct and incorrect answers for each item. in photographs of that person’s eyes. Baron-Cohen’s task
The scoring key was derived following a two-step proce- was shortened to include 24 of the original 40 items. Par-
dure. First, the final version of the video was judged on ticipants were asked to pick for each pair of eyes one out of
agreement between how mental states were intended in the four mental state descriptors (e.g. interested, hostile),
script and how the actual mental states were depicted by where these descriptors varied with each item. They were
the characters. Only if there was agreement was the item also instructed to indicate the gender of the person in the
included in the final test format. As a next step, preliminary picture to control for deficits in general face or social
data was collected from 30 healthy control subjects and perception. The test was scored by adding up the number of
items were tested for feasibility. None of the 46 items mental state and gender attributions correctly identified.
initially chosen had to be rejected.
Correct responses are scored as one point, and incorrect Basic Emotion Recognition
responses as zero points. An overall score as well as the
different sub-component scores are derived. In the present To test the ability of judging emotions expressed in faces,
study, all ratings were done by the first author. To ascertain participants were given a series of 28 pictures of facial
the reliability of the scoring, a second rater independently affect by Ekman and Friesen (1971). With each face, a
scored the video-test for five patients and five control wordlist of six basic emotional states (happiness, sadness,
subjects. The consistency (ICCs) for the 10 ratings was .99 fear, disgust, anger, surprise), intermixed with the word
(.98 for the AS group and .94 for the control group), ‘‘neutral’’ was displayed in random order and the subject
indicating high interrater reliability. Examples of scoring was required to choose the one word that they considered
criteria for one item are given in the Appendix. to best describe what the person in the photo was feeling.
To control for memory and general comprehension The criterion measure was again ascertained by totaling the
effects, four control questions are asked following the video- number of items correctly identified.
test presentation (e.g. which beverages did the characters We chose to add this facial emotion recognition test to
drink?). These questions are scored as one, .5, or zero points. the battery of social cognition measures because emotions

J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636 629

are considered a more structured subset of mental states quantified by calculating the area under the curve (AUC).
and the recognition of emotions from facial cues is a key An AUC of .50 indicates that a test’s diagnostic perfor-
mindreading element. mance is equal to chance, whereas an AUC of 1.0 indicates
perfect diagnostic performance. In addition, Pearson cor-
Executive Functions, Attention, Visual Processing, relations were used to assess associations between the
and Memory administered measures.

To control for possible confounds from other areas of

neuropsychological functioning, a variety of measures Results
were applied. Specifically, to test executive functions, the
Stroop Test (Stroop, 1935), a verbal fluency test (Horn, MASC
1962), and the Trail Making Test (Reitan & Wolfson,
1993) were administered. The Digit Symbol Substitution The difference in correct mental state inferences for the
Test (Wechsler, 1955) was used to assess attention and the MASC was highly significant (Mann–Whitney: U = 9.5,
digit span forward and backward (Wechsler, 1987) to p < .001), indicating greater difficulties in the Asperger
assess short-term and working memory. In addition, the group. There was no difference, however, between the two
subtests Logical Memory and Visual Reproduction from groups for the control questions (Mann–Whitney: U = 189,
the Wechsler Memory Scale—Revised (Wechsler, 1987) p = .94).The results on the MASC and the other social
were used to test verbal and visual declarative memory. To cognition tests are shown in Table 2.
control for visual processing deficits, a mental rotation test
and a spatial visualization test were given (Horn, 1962). Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test

Procedure There was a highly significant difference between the

groups in the number of mental states correctly ascribed
All participants were tested individually at the Center for (Mann–Whitney: U = 58, p < .001), with the control
Brain Health, NYU School of Medicine in a quiet room by group showing better performance than the Asperger
trained examiners. Because participants of the control group group. In line with Baron-Cohen (Baron-Cohen et al.,
were recruited from different ongoing studies, part of their 1997; Baron-Cohen et al., 2001a), we did not find a
cognitive testing was done in conjunction with these difference for the groups in the gender control task (Mann–
research agendas. However, all social cognition tests and Whitney: U = 189, p = .97).
most of the other neuropsychological measures were
administered as part of a separate cognitive session and Basic Emotion Recognition
were given in the same order the AS group received them in.
The t test examining between-group differences on the
Statistical Analysis Emotion Recognition task yielded a significant t value
(t = 3.2, p < .01). The analysis showed that the Asperger
The data were analyzed using the Statistical Program for individuals performed more poorly than the control group
Social Sciences version 11.0 (SPSS, Chicago, Ill) and in identifying basic emotions from photographs.
MedCalc version 7.2 (MedCalc, Mariakerke, Belgium). All
variables were tested for normal distribution with the Strange Stories Task
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Where appropriate, indepen-
dent t tests were used to test for between-group differences. The Mann–Whitney U testing for between-group differ-
Because the data for most measures were not normally ences on the Strange Stories Task yielded significant dif-
distributed, we conducted non parametric Mann–Whitney ferences for the number of correct mental justifications
U tests to assess group differences. (Mann–Whitney: U = 126, p < .05), but not for the
We applied Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) number of correct physical justifications (Mann–Whitney:
curves for the social cognition measures to test for classi- U = 179, p .77).
fication accuracy. ROC curves entail plotting the balance
between the sensitivity and specificity of a test while sys- Executive Functions, Attention, Visual Processing,
tematically moving the cut score across its full range of and Memory
values. In a ROC curve plot, the diagonal line demonstrates
the ‘‘random ROC,’’ which reflects a test with zero None of the above listed tests yielded significant between-
discriminating power. The accuracy of the ROC curve is group effects.

630 J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636

Table 2 Performance of the AS group and control group on the MASC, the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test, basic emotion recognition, and
the Strange Stories Task
Max. scores: MASC Reading the Mind in the Emotion Recognition Strange Stories Task
Test questions Control questions Eyes task Gender task Identified Mental stories Physical stories
46 4 24 24 28 16 4

Asperger (n = 19)
M 24.4 3.9 16.1 22.5 22.6 14.2 3.8
MD 26 4 15 23 23 15 4
SD 5.9 .2 3.1 .8 2.6 2.7 .5
Range 13–33 3–4 10–21 21–24 16–27 7–16 2–4
Control (n = 20)
M 34.8 3.9 20.0 22.4 25.3c 15.7 3.9
MD 35 4 20 23 26 16 4
SD 2.7 .1 1.8 1.2 2.1 .5 .2
Range 30–39 3.5–4 15–23 19–24 21–28 15–16 3–4
p Value <.001b .94b <.001b .97b <.01a .04b .77b
t test
Mann–Whitney U test
Six controls were missing this test, due to its later inclusion in the test battery

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curves recognition task in the control group (r = .72, p < .01). It
is interesting to note that these were the only significant
ROC curves determined the relative value of the four social associations between the social cognition measures, possi-
cognition measures in their ability to make a diagnostic bly indicating that the MASC shares features with these two
group distinction. The area under the ROC curves for the mentalising tests, whereas this is not the case between the
social cognition measures were .98 for the MASC, .86 for other three social cognition measures. To further validate
the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test, .79 for the emotion the MASC, we performed correlation analyses between all
recognition test, and .65 for the Strange Stories Task (see the social cognition tests and the score of the ADI-R social
Fig. 1).
Pairwise comparisons of the areas under the ROC curves 1.0
identified the MASC as significantly more accurate in
discriminating the AS group from the control group than
the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (D = .13, p < .05), 0.8
the emotion recognition test (D = .19, p < .05), and the
Strange Stories Task (D = .31, p < .01).


To assess relationships between intelligence and mental- 0.4

ising abilities, correlation analyses were performed (see Eyes
Table 3). Among the individuals in the AS group there was Faces
a significant correlation between the vocabulary test and 0.2 Stories
Random ROC
the Strange Stories Task (r = .48, p < .05). In the control
group, we observed associations between the abstract
thinking test and the basic emotion recognition task 0.0
(r = .63, p < .05). There were no significant associations 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

between the MASC and any of the IQ measures for either 1 - Specificity
group. Fig. 1 ROC curves for all social cognition measures (MASC,
Intercorrelations of the social cognition measures Eyes = Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test, Faces = basic emotion
recognition test, Stories = Strange Stories Task) and a reference curve
revealed a significant association between the MASC and
depicting a system making random predictions (Random ROC). Areas
the Strange Stories Task (r = .47, p < .05) in the AS under the curve were, in the order listed, 0.98, 0.86, 0.79, and 0.65,
group, and between the MASC and the basic emotion respectively

J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636 631

Table 3 Intercorrelations between social cognition tests (Eyes = Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test, Faces = basic emotion recognition test,
Stories = Strange Stories Task) and correlations with Shipley IQ measures
Age IQ measures ADI-Rb Social cognition measures
Vocabulary Abstract thinking Estimated WAIS IQ Social domain Eyes Faces Stories

Asperger (n = 19)
MASC .159 .183 .201 .117 ).533*** ).273 ).078 .471*
Eyes .311 .374 ).150 .278 ).080 .375 .043
Faces .401 .405 ).353 .255 ).197 .036
Stories .052 .479* .224 .193 ).285
Control (n = 20)
MASC ).198 .285 .251 .006 .078 .715** .272
Eyes ).080 .059 ).245 ).173 ).353 .189
Facesa ).175 .331 .631* .470 .328
Stories .214 .089 .223 .216
Six controls were missing this test, due to its later inclusion in the test battery
Four Asperger individuals were missing the ADI-R, due to unavailable parental informants
*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .1

domain for the Asperger individuals. We observed a trend group’s mean scores for the first and second administration
towards statistical significance for the relationship between were 34 (SD = 2.3) and 35 (SD = 2.7), respectively and
the MASC and the ADI-R (r = ).53, p < .1). The other the AS group’s mean scores were 21.4 (SD = 6.5) and 24
social cognition tests had much lower levels of associations. (SD = 5.1), respectively. We computed intraclass correla-
All relationships are listed in Table 3. tion coefficients (ICCs) and observed high agreement be-
We also ran correlations between the MASC and the tween administrations for the whole sample (ICC = .97)
other neuropsychological tests administered and did not and also for the groups individually (AS: ICC = .92 and
find any significant associations in the AS group for either NC: ICC = .89).
one of the executive functions, attention, visual processing,
or memory variables. However, for the control group, we
observed associations between the MASC and both delayed Discussion
paragraph recall (p < .05) and the spatial visualization test
(p < .05). In the present study we introduced the MASC, a new tool for
the assessment of mindreading abilities in individuals with a
MASC Internal Consistency diagnosis of Asperger syndrome. Asperger and control
participants were administered the MASC and three addi-
Internal consistency was assessed by calculation of Cron- tional tests of social cognitive functioning as part of a neu-
bach’s alpha, which revealed highly satisfactory values. A ropsychological test battery. Overall the results confirmed a
value of alpha = 0.70 or above is considered to be selective impairment of social inferring in the affected
acceptable (Nunnally, 1978). Alpha was 0.84 for the total group. IQ, executive function, memory, attention, and visual
scale, with the range in internal consistency, as measured processing were not different between the study groups.
by alpha if item deleted, being 0.82 to 0.84. This alpha if The MASC proved to be sensitive in detecting mind-
item deleted statistic indicated that removal of any item reading difficulties in the AS group. The test required sub-
would result in a lower alpha for the MASC, thus indi- jects to attribute mental states to movie characters in an
cating the utility of all items. everyday life relevant context. All mentalising tests sepa-
rated the two groups. However, comparisons of the areas
MASC Test–Retest Reliability under the ROC curves demonstrated that the MASC was the
superior test in discriminating the AS group from the control
Five Asperger individuals and 5 control subjects were group. Furthermore, the MASC was the only test that
asked to come back for a second administration of the showed a trend towards statistical significance for a negative
MASC to establish the test–retest reliability. The second association with the social domain of the ADI-R, indicating
administration took place one to 12 months after the first that the more severely an individual is affected, the poorer is
one, with an average interval of 4.6 months for the AS the performance on the MASC. Our de novo design of the
group and 3.6 months for the control group. The control MASC allows for a very broad range of mental states tested,

632 J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636

including traditional theory of mind concepts. The obser- study the between-group difference was less pronounced
vation of convergent results with two other social cognition than for the other social cognition measures. In addition,
tests, as well as the associations between the ADI-R, pro- the Strange Stories Task was the only test of social
vides evidence for the validity of the new video-test. understanding that showed associations with verbal IQ,
In line with Baron-Cohen et al.’s findings (2001a), our corroborating findings from Kaland et al. (2002) and
Asperger subjects performed less well than control subjects identifying story comprehension as a less pure format for
on the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test. In addition, we assessing social cognition.
also found that our AS group was impaired on the basic We found no differences between our groups for neu-
emotion recognition task. There has been a lack of con- ropsychological measures of executive functions, attention,
sensus as to whether AS individuals have deficits in the memory, visual processing, or IQ. Furthermore we found
recognition of basic emotions from facial stimuli; with no associations between these neuropsychological mea-
negative (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, & Jolliffe, 1997; sures and MASC scores among the AS group. These results
Prior, Dahlstrom, & Squires, 1990) and positive reports are of considerable importance given discussions about the
(Macdonald et al., 1989; Njiokiktjien et al., 2001; Scott, ‘‘pureness’’ of video formats in the assessment of social
1985). In an earlier study that, like the current study, used cognition. Although video formats such as the MASC
both the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test and a simple approximate everyday social interactions more adequately
emotion recognition task, Baron-Cohen et al. (1997) found than static pictures or story formats, it has been argued
HFA and AS individuals impaired on the first, but not the legitimately that they also involve executive functions and
latter test. However, in that study he utilized an easier central coherence and hence are not ‘‘pure’’ social cogni-
emotion recognition task (two choices) rather than the tion tasks (Baron-Cohen et al., 1997; Heavey et al., 2000;
seven choices (six basic emotional and a neutral mental Roeyers et al., 2001). In research involving individuals on
state) of the present study. In fact, Baron-Cohen’s task was the autism spectrum, even more attention needs to be
so easy that members of both groups scored ceiling. brought to this argument because central coherence and
Given the importance of understanding facial expres- executive functions have been reported as impaired in
sions in social interactions, and considering the numerous affected individuals (Frith & Happé, 1994; Hughes,
reports describing atypical face processing in autism spec- Russell, & Robbins, 1994). When designing the MASC, we
trum disorders (e.g. Hobson, Ouston, & Lee, 1988; Pelphrey tried to minimize demands on executive functions and
et al., 2002; Teunisse & de Gelder, 2003), it would be central coherence. We accomplished this by avoiding
important to ascertain the exact nature of the deficits. One of distracting or prompting stimuli such as music, direct
the more critical questions to answer will be whether autistic camerawork, a complete or targeted storyline, and fast
conditions involve deficits in the visuospatial aspects of face changing scenes that existing TV clips so often present
perception (i.e. less expressive areas of face are centers of with. We also implemented control questions to consider
attention such as mouth rather than the eyes) or rather def- confounds. However, these questions proved too easy and
icits in the interpretation of expression (i.e. lack of mental resulted in ceiling performance by both groups. We agree
state concepts) (see also Grossman, Klin, Carter, & Volk- with Heavey et al. (2000) that control questions, in order to
mar, 2000). To clarify this issue future research should control for executive functions and central coherence,
systematically control all three variable dimensions: com- should be formulated in a way so as to be inferential and
plexity of mental states (basic emotions versus complex involve the recollection and integration of film information
mental states), part of face (e.g. eye region versus mouth without demanding social understanding required by the
region), and answer format (e.g. two-choice versus multi- test questions. We plan to implement more challenging
ple-choice format). Although this study was not designed to control questions in the near future. However, at this point
address this issue directly, we found hints of a basic we have to rely on results from the additional neuropsy-
impairment in the interpretation of facial expressions. We chological measures administered that seem to indicate that
found no significant differences in the area under the ROC performance on the MASC is largely independent of other
curves for the emotion recognition task and the Reading the cognitive areas.
Mind in the Eyes Test and one possible implication of this We found the MASC to be a reliable instrument. Not
result might be that more basic difficulties with the recog- only did the test prove to have high interrater reliability and
nition of simple emotions underlie the problems seen in the internal consistency, the results also seem to be highly
more complex mental state inferences required in the stable over time. Given that none of the subjects that were
Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test. asked to come back to take the MASC again underwent any
Our finding that AS individuals are impaired on the kind of social cognitive intervention since their first visit
Strange Stories Task is consistent with Happé’s (1994) the consistency over time qualifies the MASC as a potential
observations in able autistic adults. However, in the present tool to monitor treatment efforts.

J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636 633

Intercorrelations of the social cognition measures control group, and a trend between the stories task and
revealed that there were no associations between the the Empathic Accuracy Paradigm in the PDD group, with
Strange Stories Task, the Reading the Mind in the Eyes reverse associations not having occurred.
Test and the basic emotion recognition test, suggesting that In the present study, we observed differing associations
the tests may assess different aspects of social cognition. between abstract thinking and facial emotion recognition
The important implication from these results is that social for the two groups. In the control group, the abstract
cognition is a multifaceted construct. thinking subtest of the Shipley Institute of Living Scale
We found that performance on the MASC was associ- was found to be positively related to emotional face rec-
ated with performance on the Strange Stories Task in the ognition. This may indicate that neurotypical individuals
AS group and with performance in the basic emotion rec- use similar cognitive capacities for face ‘‘decoding’’ as for
ognition test in the control group. This seems to support the abstract concept formation, which has the specific com-
idea that the MASC may, in part, measure similar functions ponent skills of cognitive flexibility, attention to detail, and
as the two other mindreading tests. These results are not analysis and synthesis (Zachary et al., 1985). Although the
unexpected given that the MASC was designed to cover AS individuals were as proficient on abstract concept for-
some of the conceptual areas covered by those tests. mation as the control group, they do not seem to apply
Namely, the MASC was constructed so as to incorporate these cognitive skills to face stimuli. This may, again, reflect
classical social cognition concepts and pragmatic language differences in processing strategies in AS individuals.
items such as sarcasm, false belief, or deception that are Another correlation with opposite patterns for the two
also covered by the Strange Stories Task. Similarly, the groups was observed for the Reading the Mind in the Eyes
MASC contains items that require the subject to read, test and the emotional face recognition. Although the
relatively independent of context, facial expressions in individual results were not significant, the magnitude of
order to correctly identify a character’s mental state, thus the difference between the groups (Control: r = .)353,
mirroring the basic emotion recognition task. However, it Asperger: r = .375) warrants a cautious interpretation. It
is interesting to note that the relationships between both the seems possible that for neurotypical controls the different
MASC and the Strange Stories Task and the MASC and stimuli formats of the two tasks (whole face versus eye
the emotion recognition test are different for the AS and the region only) caused the varying performance. While trying
control group. Although speculative at this point, it is to decode a whole face with abstract and analytical
possible that while unaffected individuals rely heavily on thinking abilities (the aforementioned association between
facial cues in appreciating others’ mental states (which abstract thinking and face recognition), the information
explains the association between the facial emotion rec- provided by only the eye region might simply be too lim-
ognition test and the MASC in the control group), a core ited to use such strategy (the abstract thinking subtest was
impairment in reading facial expressions accompanying not found to be related to the Reading the Mind in the Eyes
AS requires individuals to use compensatory strategies test). In that case, control subjects might rely on intuition or
such as interpreting verbally communicated information ‘‘gut-feeling’’ to perform the task. Thus, a negative asso-
(which explains the association between the Strange Sto- ciation between tasks could be reflective of these different
ries Task and the MASC in the AS group). Findings from processing strategies (abstract thinking versus intuition). In
a study by Grossman et al. (2000) can, in part, be seen as a contrast to controls, who are expert face readers, for AS
corroboration of this assumption. The authors found a individuals task format might not be of relevance. Their
group of AS children to be impaired in their ability to innate difficulty in processing faces and facial features
recognize simple facial emotions only when faces were might be an all-determining factor for task performance.
paired with mismatching emotional words. There were no This may prevent more subtle effects of task format from
differences from a control group when faces were paired showing an effect in the AS group.
with matching or irrelevant words. The authors interpreted We believe that the MASC is an important addition to
the results as indicator for a bias towards visual-verbal over the available instruments to assess social cognition. With
visual-affective information in the AS individuals (words that being said, there are some issues about the MASC that
over faces). Also in line with this argument are results from deserve further discussion. First, all four featured charac-
a study using the Empathic Accuracy Paradigm (Roeyers ters of the MASC are of roughly the same age: in their mid-
et al., 2001), a video-based instrument similar to the thirties. Age serves here as a context in which mental state
MASC. In their research, the investigators used this test attributions are to be made. Since the appropriateness of
along with a stories task and an eye photographs task in a certain behaviors has changed over the last decades (e.g.
group of adults with PDD. Intercorrelations of these tests men offering help with the cooking) and use of language
showed a significant association between the eye photo- may vary with different generations, it is likely that the
graphs task and the Empathic Accuracy Paradigm in the social interactions depicted in the test are more easily

634 J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636

understood by individuals of the same age group. For the

groups reported here age is not likely to be a concern since
the characters’ age mirrors closely the mean age of our
subjects. In addition, we did not find any associations be-
tween age and social cognitive performance in the MASC.
However, future video tests should consider involving
characters of a wider age range.
Another possible issue of concern for the MASC is that
it is relatively time consuming. Due to the open answer
format, a test session requires 45 min for completion and
the subsequent scoring requires a trained rater who is
familiar with the scoring procedure and scoring key.
However, the recently completed multiple-choice format of
the test (Fleck et al., in preparation) has shorter adminis-
tration times (approximately 30 min) and automated
scoring. Picture 1 Cliff is the first one to arrive at Sandra’s house for the
dinner party. He and Sandra seem to enjoy themselves when Cliff is
There are a number of other possible research avenues telling about his vacation in Sweden (Printed with permission)
that the MASC will help explore. Differences in response
patterns within individuals with AS and cross-cultural
effects on social cognitive functioning are only two of
them. In future work, we plan to add a direct brain
assessment utilizing MRI. By relating scores of subcom-
ponents obtained with the MASC to volumes of brain
structures thought to be involved in social cognition, we
will be in a good position to contribute towards identifying
the brain underpinnings of social cognitive impairments.


Very able AS individuals were found to have selective

impairments in social cognition. Out of four measures of
social understanding used, the newly developed video-test
the MASC had the greatest sensitivity in differentiating AS Picture 2 When Michael arrives, he dominates the conversation,
individuals from control subjects. Intercorrelations of the directing his speech to Sandra alone (Printed with permission)
social cognition measures point to a possible multidimensi-
onality of the cognitive construct and also suggested atypical
social processing strategies for AS individuals. Future
research is needed to address these questions in more detail.

Acknowledgments This research was funded by a grant from the

National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAR). It was completed
partially toward the first author’s Ph.D. dissertation at the University
Bielefeld, which was supported with a training grant by the
Cusanuswerk, Germany. The development of the MASC was, in part,
supported by the Max-Planck-Institute for Neurological Research and
Köln Fortune, Cologne, Germany. We are grateful to the participants
and their families for volunteering for the study and we thank the
great number of people who donated their time and dedication to the
project. Our special thanks goes to Jonathan Bepler.

Picture 3 Slightly annoyed by Michael’s bragging story, Sandra
Example scene and scoring criteria: shortly looks in Cliff’s direction and then asks Michael: ‘‘Tell me,
Scene 20: have you ever been to Sweden?’’ (Printed with permission)

J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 36:623–636 635

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