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Gpucc: An Open-Source GPGPU Compiler

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gpucc: An Open-Source GPGPU Compiler

Jingyue Wu Artem Belevich Eli Bendersky Mark Heffernan Chris Leary

Jacques Pienaar Bjarke Roune Rob Springer Xuetian Weng Robert Hundt
Google, Inc., USA

Abstract 1. Introduction
Graphics Processing Units have emerged as powerful accel- Graphics Processing Units (GPU), such as NVIDIA’s Tesla
erators for massively parallel, numerically intensive work- cards or AMD’s FirePro cards, have emerged as power-
loads. The two dominant software models for these devices ful accelerators for massively parallel, numerically inten-
are NVIDIA’s CUDA and the cross-platform OpenCL stan- sive workloads, which are often found in High Performance
dard. Until now, there has not been a fully open-source com- Computing (HPC). Recent advances in Machine Learning,
piler targeting the CUDA environment, hampering general specifically Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and their appli-
compiler and architecture research and making deployment cations, made GPUs appealing for large-scale datacenter op-
difficult in datacenter or supercomputer environments. erators, such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon.
In this paper, we present gpucc, an LLVM-based, fully Similar to HPC codes, DNNs perform very large matrix-
open-source, CUDA compatible compiler for high perfor- matrix and matrix-vector multiplies, as well as convolutions,
mance computing. It performs various general and CUDA- which map well onto GPUs with their enormous computa-
specific optimizations to generate high performance code. tional power.
The Clang-based frontend supports modern language fea- The two dominant programming models for GPUs are
tures such as those in C++11 and C++14. Compile time is NVIDIA’s CUDA [29] and OpenCL [30], which is sup-
8% faster than NVIDIA’s toolchain (nvcc) and it reduces ported on many platforms, including NVIDIA’s. Both mod-
compile time by up to 2.4x for pathological compilations els are supported by vendor provided, proprietary develop-
(>100 secs), which tend to dominate build times in paral- ment environments. While NVIDIA has previously open-
lel build environments. Compared to nvcc, gpucc’s runtime sourced their NVPTX code generator [4] for LLVM, encour-
performance is on par for several open-source benchmarks, aging language and compiler development, there is currently
such as Rodinia (0.8% faster), SHOC (0.5% slower), or Ten- no viable open-source CUDA compiler implementation that
sor (3.7% faster). It outperforms nvcc on internal large-scale would approach performance and/or functionality of the pro-
end-to-end benchmarks by up to 51.0%, with a geometric prietary CUDA toolchain.
mean of 22.9%. As a result, almost no meaningful, reproducible research
on compiler-based optimizations and productivity work for
Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.4 [Programming CUDA can be found. Many of the benefits that other open-
Languages]: Processors—Code generation, Compilers, Op- source toolchains have brought to CPU environments can-
timization not be materialized for GPU environments. Given the im-
portance of these platforms and the size of the industry and
General Terms Languages, Performance academic communities, this appears to be a very large lost
Keywords GPU, compiler, optimization But this is not just a problem for general com-
piler research. Datacenter operators also try to avoid
vendor-provided binaries as much as possible, specifically
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pose these risks for both the build and deployment environ-
Mixed mode input
ments. file
Performance. Compilers are tuned towards a common set
Clang CUDA
of benchmarks, such as SPEC. However, these benchmarks frontend
might not be representative of important workloads in the
datacenter. Being able to tune the compiler heuristics for Device IR
specific workloads will inevitably lead to better perfor-

Device code generator

mance. While these gains might be in the low percentage
Host IR
range, at the scale of datacenters or supercomputers every IR optimizer
percent matters and can correspond to millions of dollars
saved. NVPTX code
Binary dependencies. Allowing vendor-provided binaries
into the datacenter would lead to massive binary dependen-
cies – updating a core library would require that all depen- Host code
dent vendor binaries would have to be updated as well, all at
the same time. This is intractable in general and impossible
when vendors go out of business. component
Host compiler
Bug turnaround times. Vendors serve many customers and Contributions
have complicated release processes. Correspondingly, iden- of this paper

tifying and fixing a bug in the toolchain typically take from Fat binary
weeks to months. Having the compiler available in source
can drastically speed up this turnaround time. Figure 1: Overview of the compilation flow and execution
Modern language features. Languages like C++ evolve. of a mixed mode input file containing CPU and GPU code.
Organizations might support more modern language stan-
dards or incompatible source environments which both
might conflict with the subset of language features supported
by proprietary compilers. This can and does make compli- 2. Overview
cated source sandboxing necessary. In this section, we will provide an overview of the system
In this paper, we present gpucc, a fully functional, open- architecture and the compilation flow of gpucc.
source, high performance, CUDA-compatible toolchain, The standard compilation of CUDA C/C++ programs
based on LLVM [23] and Clang [1]. We developed, tuned, consists of compiling functions that run on the device into
and augmented several general and CUDA-specific opti- a virtual ISA format dubbed PTX [28]. The PTX code is
mization passes. As a result, compared to nvcc, we are able then compiled at runtime by the driver to the low-level ma-
to beat runtime performance for our end-to-end benchmarks chine instruction set called SASS (Shader ASSembler) that
by up to 51.0% with a geometric mean of 22.9% and on par executes natively on NVIDIA GPU hardware.
with several open-source benchmarks. Compile time is 8% One key design challenge for gpucc is to compile mixed
faster on average (geometric mean of compile times) and is code. Unlike the OpenCL programming mode which re-
improved by up to 2.4x on pathological cases (>100 secs). quires host code (code running on CPU) and device code
The compiler fully supports modern language features, such (code running on GPU) to be separated, CUDA mixes host
as C++11 and C++14. Our main contributions are: and device code in the same compilation unit (C++ source
file) with a special invocation syntax (<<<...>>>) that allows
• We developed and describe in detail gpucc, the first fully host code to invoke device code. Compiling mixed code dif-
functional and completely open-source GPGPU compiler fers from traditional C++ compilation as two different archi-
targeting CUDA. tectures are targeted simultaneously.
• We identify and detail a key set of optimizations that are
essential to generating efficient GPU code. With these 2.1 Separate Compilation v.s. Dual-Mode Compilation
optimizations, gpucc produces code that performs as One possible approach to compile mixed-mode source files
well as or better than NVIDIA’s proprietary compiler is separate compilation, which is adopted by nvcc and an
nvcc on a diverse set of public and internal benchmarks. early version of gpucc. This approach requires a compo-
nent called the splitter that filters the mixed-mode code
In the remainder of the paper, we describe the compiler into source code required for the host (CPU) and the de-
architecture in §2, optimizations in §3, evaluation results in vice (GPU). The splitter does this by performing source-to-
§4, and related work in §5. source translation using Clang’s tooling library [2]. The host

struct S {};
string literal. At runtime, the PTX assembly is JIT-compiled
and executed by the CUDA driver.1
template <typename T>
__global__ void kernel (T *x) {} 2.2 Clang CUDA Frontend

template <typename T>

Given a mixed-mode input file, the Clang CUDA frontend
void host(T *x) { (henceforth referred to as the frontend) parses the input file
kernel <<<1, 2>>>(x); twice, once for host compilation and the other for device
} compilation. The generated host IR and device IR are then
int main () { passed to the following host and device compilation.
S s; To perform dual-mode parsing, the frontend needs to dis-
host (&s); tinguish what code should be compiled for CPU and what
} should be compiled for GPU. The frontend does that lever-
aging function type qualifiers, a CUDA extension that indi-
Figure 2: A mixed-mode code example that demonstrates cates whether a function is executed on the host or device. A
template instantiation across host and device boundary. function declared with the __host__ attribute or with no at-
tributes (for compatibility with C++) is executed on the host.
The __device__ and __global__ attribute declare a device
and device source code are then compiled separately and fi- function. The __global__ attribute additionally declares a
nally merged into a fat binary. kernel, an entry to device code that can be launched via
However, separate compilation has two major disadvan- <<<...>>> from host code.
tages. First, the source-to-source translation it relies on is Unlike compiling a source file that contains only one lan-
fragile. For example, C++ templates are a significant com- guage, the frontend also need to be aware of the differences
plication for splitting a mixed-mode input file. Declara- between the CUDA and C++ languages; otherwise, when
tions which should be compiled for the device are explic- parsing the input for one target, the frontend would stum-
itly marked as __device__ or __global__ but emitting only ble on the code written for the other target. Below are the
functions and variables with these attributes is insufficient major differences between the two languages.
due to interdependencies between templatized host and de-
Target-specific predefined macros. A mixed-mode input
vice code. Specifically, templates can use compile time eval-
can include headers that rely on target-specific macros pre-
uated host functions to perform partial specialization, such
defined by the preprocessor, such as __SSE__ defined on x86
as in Figure 2. As we perform source translation, these host
and __PTX__ defined on NVPTX. To preprocess these target-
functions would need to be retained. However, these retained
specific macros, gpucc simultaneously predefines both host-
host functions may use builtins (e.g., __builtin_rdtsc())
and device-specific macros. This approach allows the fron-
that are only available to the host. Therefore, the source-to-
tend to expand macros before its semantic analysis can dis-
source translation needs to remove calls to device-specific
tinguish what code is compiled for host or device. Defining
builtins from the retained host functions.
both sets of macros simultaneously causes no conflicts, be-
The second disadvantage is that separate compilation re-
cause CUDA and C++ agree on all overlapping macros, most
quires unnecessary compilation time. Specifically, using this
of which are related to sizes and limits of data types.
approach, gpucc has to parse source code four times – twice
The only macro that is predefined differently is
to filter the input into host and device source code and then
__CUDA_ARCH__. In device mode, the frontend sets
twice when we compile them.
__CUDA_ARCH__ to indicate the compute capability of
To overcome the above two disadvantages, the latest ver-
the device targeted. This macro can be used by the pro-
sion of gpucc adopts the idea of dual-mode compilation. In-
grammer to generate different code sequences for different
stead of generating two intermediate source files, its frontend
device (e.g., to use atomic instructions on GPUs that
directly emits LLVM IR for the host and device avoiding
support it) as well as to distinguish between host and device
the source-to-source translation. Also, template instantiation
compilation. For example, programmers use this facility to
is no longer an issue because gpucc now has the complete
execute different code in __host__ __device__ functions
translation unit which includes information about template
depending on whether the function is being executed on the
instantiation on both host and device sides.
host or device.
Figure 1 shows the architecture of gpucc with dual-mode
compilation. The Clang CUDA frontend (§2.2) preprocesses Compiler builtins. Some compiler builtins are target-
and parses the input mixed-mode source file in two modes, specific. For example, __builtin_rdtsc() is only available
one generating LLVM IR for the host and the other for the during compilation targeting x86, and __ldg() is only avail-
device. The resultant device IR is optimized and lowered to 1 We are also experimenting compiling PTX to SASS before program exe-
PTX assembly by the device generator (§2.3). Then, the host cution and embedding the SASS directly into the resultant binary. This can
code generator (§2.4) injects the PTX to the host IR as a save the run time spent on JIT compilation.

Callee __global__ void kernel (arg1 , arg2) { ... }
Host Device Global
Host yes no only kernel launch int main () {
Device last resort yes no ...
kernel <<<grid , block >>>(arg1 , arg2);
Global last resort yes no
return 0;
Table 1: Requirements of function calls. A function with
__host__ __device__ is treated as a host function in host (a) original input
mode and as a device function in device mode. const char* __ptx =
". visible . entry kernel (\n"
" . param .u64 arg1 ,\n"
" . param .u64 arg2\n"
able on GPU. A mixed-mode input may use builtins that are ...;
specific for host and device targets, so the frontend needs to
be aware of multiple compilation targets. __cuda_fatbin_wrapper = {... , __ptx , ...}

Language features. Some language features (e.g., thread- void __cuda_module_ctor () {

local storage, exceptions, and target-specific inline assem- __cudaRegisterFatBinary ( __cuda_fatbin_wrapper );
__cudaRegisterFunctions ( kernel_stub , " kernel ");
bly) are not supported during device-side compilation, but }
the frontend still needs to be able to parse host code that
uses them. Dual-mode compilation needs to suppress er- void kernel_stub (arg1 , arg2) {
rors/warnings based on the target of the code where the issue cudaSetupArgument (arg1 , ...);
cudaSetupArgument (arg2 , ...);
is found. For example, when processing the input in device cudaLaunch ( kernel_stub );
mode, the frontend will not produce any errors about thread- }
local storage variable used in a host function, even though
they are not supported by the current target. int main () {
Function calls. Because functions can be executed on dif- cudaConfigureCall (grid , block , 0, nullptr );
ferent targets, some function calls are disallowed. Table 1 kernel_stub ();
return 0;
shows what types of function calls are allowed and disal- }
lowed in host and device mode.
In general, callees that match current compilation mode (b) host IR
are preferred, but it is possible for a device function to call a
host function if there is no suitable alternative with a device Figure 3: Host code generation.
attribute. This approach allows the device code to use a
larger subset of host software without having to modify it by the frontend, producing a “fat” binary containing both
to explicitly add target attributes. For example, the Thrust host and embedded device code.
library calls functions declared in STL headers. If a device
function calls a function that has both a device version and 2.4 Host Code Generator
a host version, gpucc still prefers the device version as the
The host code generator injects the PTX to the host IR,
and inserts CUDA runtime API calls2 to load and launch
2.3 Device Code Generator the CUDA kernels in the injected PTX. Figure 3b shows an
example of how the generated host code looks like. Note
The device code generator compiles the device IR generated that the actual code is in LLVM IR; we show C++ here for
by the frontend down to PTX. There are two submodules: clarity. The host code generator wraps the PTX in a global
The LLVM IR optimizer runs a series of general and GPU- struct called __cuda_fatbin_wrapper. It also inserts a static
specific optimizations on the input IR, and passes the op- initializer called __cuda_module_ctor that loads the PTX
timized IR to the NVPTX code generator. The IR optimizer from __cuda_fatbin_wrapper and registers all the kernels
heavily influences the quality of the generated PTX, and thus using __cudaRegisterFunctions. For each CUDA kernel,
is crucial to producing high performing PTX for GPU ap- it generates a kernel stub that prepares the arguments of
plications. The specific optimizations performed by the IR the kernel (using cudaSetupArgument) and then launches the
optimizer will be discussed in §3. kernel. The only parameter of cudaLaunch is the address
The NVPTX code generator is the PTX code generator that of the kernel stub which __cuda_module_ctor binds to the
was contributed to LLVM by NVIDIA. It translates LLVM kernel name.
IR to PTX which is compiled by NVIDIA’s driver to SASS. 2 Besides the CUDA runtime API, gpucc can target a new host runtime
The PTX produced by the device code generator is in- named StreamExecutor, which we will also open-source. StreamExecutor
jected as string literal constants into the host IR generated presents the user with a fluent C++ API with which to orchestrate data

3. Optimizations Memory space Attribute Type qualifier
shared .shared __shared__
This section describes some of gpucc’s key IR-level opti-
global .global __global__
mizations. When we started building gpucc, it used LLVM’s local .local N/A
-O3 optimization pipeline, which had been well tuned to constant .const __constant__
CPUs but totally oblivious to the quirks of GPUs. Com-
pared with our initial state, the optimizations described in Table 2: Representation of memory spaces in PTX and
this section resulted in a nearly 50x improvement in code CUDA. Column attribute shows the memory space at-
performance. §4.3 will detail how each individual optimiza- tributes PTX’s ld and st instructions can optionally take.
tion impacts performance. Column type qualifier shows the CUDA type qualifiers that
All these optimizations are implemented on and have programmers can use to annotate a variable residing in each
been open-sourced to the LLVM compiler. Four of these memory space.
optimizations and analyses (§3.2, §3.3, §3.4, and §3.5) are
added as new passes in LLVM; two of them (§3.1) are exist-
ing optimizations tuned for CUDA programs; the remaining
one (§3.6) is an existing optimization originally designed for 1 __shared__ float a [1024];
other architectures and now enabled by us in gpucc. 2 float *p = a;
3 float *end = a + 1024;
3.1 Loop Unrolling and Function Inlining 4 while (p != end) {
5 float v = *p;
Loop unrolling and function inlining are critical for gpucc’s 6 ... // use "v"
performance. Jumps and function calls are more expensive 7 ++p;
on common GPUs than on CPUs due to single-instruction 8 }
multiple-thread execution, no out-of-order execution, and
the pass-in-memory calling convention. Besides reducing Figure 4: A CUDA example that involves a pointer induction
jumps and function calls, loop unrolling and function inlin- variable. gpucc is able to prove that p in Line 5 points to
ing can expose more opportunities to Constant Propagation shared memory.
and Scalar Replacement of Aggregates (SROA) which pro-
motes stack variables to registers. SROA removes the signif-
icant cost of accessing stack variables and has been observed
to speed up some kernels by over 10x. tions to its users. As a result, the NVPTX code generator can
gpucc increases the function inlining threshold to 1100, emit a load/store from a specific memory space if memory
which we select based on the overall effects on our bench- space inference proves that the address resides in that space.
marks. The programmers can also use #pragma unroll and We implemented memory space inference using a
__forceinline__ to force gpucc to unroll a loop and inline fixed-point data-flow analysis (Algorithm 1). gpucc runs
a function respectively. In our benchmarks, such annotations Propagate on each function for each memory space MS .
benefit both nvcc and gpucc. It first assumes all derived pointers (via pointer arithmetic)
point to MS . Then, it iteratively reverts that assumption for
3.2 Inferring Memory Spaces pointers derived from another one that is not guaranteed in
CUDA C/C++ includes memory space designation as vari- MS . In the end, GS and AS combined contains all pointers
able type qualifers (Table 2). Knowing the space of a mem- in the memory space MS .
ory access allows gpucc to emit faster PTX loads and stores. This algorithm handles pointer induction variables which
For example, a load from shared memory can be translated depend on themselves. For example, p in Figure 4 is initially
to ld.shared which is roughly 10% faster than a generic ld assumed shared, and then remains shared because its in-
on an NVIDIA Tesla K40c. coming values are either a (guaranteed shared) or derived
Unfortunately, type qualifiers only apply to variable dec- from p itself.
larations so gpucc must infer the space of a pointer derived
(via pointer arithmetic) from a variable. For example, al- 3.3 Memory-Space Alias Analysis
though p in Figure 4 is not directly type-qualified, it can be
Besides enabling fast loads and stores (§3.2), knowing the
proven to point to shared memory so programmers expect
space of a memory access also benefits alias analysis be-
gpucc to emit ld.shared.f32 for Line 5.
cause memory spaces are logically disjoint. To leverage this
We address this challenge using an IR-level optimiza-
feature, we add a memory-space alias analysis to gpucc that
tion called memory space inference. This optimization prop-
reports two pointers from different memory spaces as not
agates the annotated memory spaces from variable declara-
aliasing. This new alias analysis makes dead store elimina-
transfers and computations. It supports both CUDA and OpenCL. Its CUDA tion more effective, and consequently speeds up the lavaMD
support is built on top of the CUDA Driver API. benchmark in Rodinia by 5x.

+2)*n. (b+2)*n could be replaced with (b+1)*n+n which
Algorithm 1: Memory space inference.
takes only one extra add instruction.
Input : a function F and a memory space MS
Output: a set of pointers guaranteed in MS • Not leveraging addressing modes. PTX ISA supports
Propagate(F, MS ) the var+offset addressing mode where var is a register
GS ← ∅ // guaranteed in MS and offset is a 32-bit immediate. If p8 is only used
foreach pointer P used in F do by load/store instructions, we could reassociate p8 to
// P can be a global variable, argument, or (c+(b+2)*n)*4+8 so that the operation +8 can be folded
instruction. into addressing.
if P is guaranteed in MS then
GS ← GS ∪ {P }
AS ← ∅ // assumed in MS To attack these two sources of inefficiency, gpucc per-
foreach instruction I ∈ F that returns a pointer do forms three major optimizations:
if I is derived from other pointers then
AS ← AS ∪ {I} • Pointer arithmetic reassociation (§3.4.1) extracts con-
while true do stant offsets from pointer arithmetic, making them easier
foreach I ∈ F that does pointer arithmetic, pointer to be folded to the addressing mode var+offset.
cast or PHI do • Straight-line strength reduction (§3.4.2) and global reas-
foreach source S of I do
if S ∈/ GS and S ∈/ AS then
sociation (§3.4.3) exploit partial redundancy in straight-
AS ← AS − {I} line code and rewrite complex expressions into equiva-
break lent but cheaper ones. They together address the partial
if nothing has changed in this iteraion then redundancy issue.
return GS ∪ AS The end result of these optimizations is Figure 5d. Every pi
except p0 take at most one instruction. Even better, p1, p2,
p4, p5, p7, and p8 can be folded into addressing modes (thus
free) if they are only used in loads or stores.
3.4 Straight-Line Scalar Optimizations
This subsection describes gpucc’s straight-line scalar op- 3.4.1 Pointer Arithmetic Reassociation
timizations. Their common feature is simplifying partially The goal of pointer arithmetic reassociation (PAR) is to fold
redundant expressions that perform integer or pointer arith- more computation into addressing modes. Doing that is hard
metic. For example, gpucc can rewrite (b+1)*n as b*n+n if because the expression that computes an address might not
b*n is already computed by its dominators. be originally associated in a form that NVPTX’s address
These optimizations are particularly useful for HPC pro- folding matches.
grams that often access arrays, e.g., matrix multiplication, In contrast to x86, which supports many sophisticated
dot product, and back propagation. These programs usu- addressing modes, the only supported nontrivial addressing
ally have unrolled loops (either unrolled manually by pro- mode is reg+immOff where reg is a register and immOff is a
grammers or automatically by compilers) that walk through constant byte offset. This addressing mode can be leveraged
an array with a fixed access pattern. The expressions that to fold pointer arithmetic that adds or subtracts an integer
compute the indices or pointer addresses of these accesses constant.
are often partially redundant. While we initially designed To leverage the addressing mode reg+immOff, PAR tries
and implemented these optimizations for CUDA, some of to extract an additive integer constant from the expression of
them have been adopted by other backends in LLVM such a pointer address. It works by reassociating the expression
as AMDGPU, PowerPC and ARM64. that computes the address into the sum of a variable part
Figure 6 shows a running example that we will use and a constant offset. After that, the NVPTX codegen can
throughout this subsection. This example loads a 3x3 sub- fold the constant offset into the addressing mode reg+immOff
matrix at indices (b,c) in the array a. The nested loops are via simple pattern matching.
fully unrolled to Figure 5a. Without straight-line optimiza- Another benefit of PAR is that extracting constant offsets
tions, gpucc would emit very inefficient code by naı̈vely can often promote better Common Subexpression Elimina-
following the source code. For example, gpucc would com- tion (CSE). For example, PAR transforms p1 in Figure 5a to
pute p8 in the as-is order, which is suboptimal for two major &a[c+b*n]+1, and CSE further optimizes that into &p0[1].
reasons. After that, the NVPTX codegen folds p1 in a subsequent
load instruction as ld.f32 [%rd1+4] where %rd1 represents
• Partial redundancy. This computation order doesn’t the value of p0. Figure 5b shows the end result of applying
eliminate the partial redundancy between (b+1)*n and (b PAR and CSE to the running example.

x0 = b*n;
p0 = &a[c + b *n]; p0 = &a[c+b*n]; p0 = &a[c+x0 ]; p0 = &a[c+b*n];
p1 = &a[c+1+ b *n]; p1 = &p0 [1]; p1 = &p0 [1]; p1 = &p0 [1];
p2 = &a[c+2+ b *n]; p2 = &p0 [2]; p2 = &p0 [2]; p2 = &p0 [2];

x1 = x0+n;
p3 = &a[c +(b+1)*n]; p3 = &a[c+(b+1)*n]; p3 = &a[c+x1 ]; p3 = &p0[n];
p4 = &a[c+1+(b+1)*n]; p4 = &p3 [1]; p4 = &p3 [1]; p4 = &p3 [1];
p5 = &a[c+2+(b+1)*n]; p5 = &p3 [2]; p5 = &p3 [2]; p5 = &p3 [2];

x2 = x1+n;
p6 = &a[c +(b+2)*n]; p6 = &a[c+(b+2)*n]; p6 = &a[c+x2 ]; p6 = &p3[n];
p7 = &a[c+1+(b+2)*n]; p7 = &p6 [1]; p7 = &p6 [1]; p7 = &p6 [1];
p8 = &a[c+2+(b+2)*n]; p8 = &p6 [2]; p8 = &p6 [2]; p8 = &p6 [2];

(a) after unrolling (b) after PAR+CSE (c) after SLSR (d) global reassociation

Figure 5: Straight-line scalar optimizations.

x1 or x2 from one add and one multiply to only one add. The
# pragma unroll for (long x = 0; x < 3; ++x) {
# pragma unroll for (long y = 0; y < 3; ++y) { end result of SLSR is Figure 5c, one more step closer to our
float *p = &a[(c + y) + (b + x) * n]; desired end result (Figure 5d).
... // load from p The transformations in Table 3 are likely beneficial but
aggressive in some cases. The transformed code is likely bet-
ter for two reasons. First, C1-C0 is often 1 or -1, so y=x+s
or y=x-s which takes only one PTX instruction to compute.
Figure 6: The running example for straight-line scalar opti- Second, even if C1-C0 is neither 1 nor -1, the cost of com-
mizations. puting (C1-C0)*s is likely amortized because a loop usually
accesses an array with a fixed stride. However, one caveat is
x = (b+C0)*s; x = b+C0*s; x = &b[C0*s]; that these transformations introduce extra dependencies and
y = (b+C1)*s; y = b+C1*s; y = &b[C1*s]; may hurt instruction-level parallelism. For NVIDIA’s Tesla
y = x+(C1 -C0)*s K40 GPUs, this issue is secondary to the number of instruc-
tions, because the hardware isn’t pipelined and each warp
Table 3: Strength reduction forms and replacements. has at most two integer function units running simultane-
ously. If needed, SLSR will perform some cost analysis to
3.4.2 Straight-Line Strength Reduction make smarter decisions.

Straight-Line Strength Reduction (SLSR) reduces the com-

plexity of operations along dominator paths. It implements
3.4.3 Global Reassociation
some ideas of SSAPRE [22] and handles more strength re-
duction candidates. The goal of SLSR is similar to that of Global reassociation reorders the operands of a commutative
loop strength reduction [14], but SLSR targets dominator expression to promote better redundancy elimination. The
paths instead of loops. idea is similar to the reassociation algorithm in Enhanced
SLSR works by identifying strength reduction candidates Scalar Replacement [13], but our algorithm is more compile-
in certain forms and making replacements for candidates time efficient – its time complexity is linear in program size.
in the same form. The current implementation of SLSR Global reassociation has the same goal as “local” reas-
works on three forms shown in Table 3 where b and s are sociation [8] implemented in LLVM’s Reassociate pass.
integer variables, and C0 and C1 are integer constants. For However, the two approaches are different. Local reassoci-
all the three forms, if x dominates y, SLSR can rewrite y as ation transforms each expression individually according to
x+(C1-C0)*s. some rankings that imprecisely reflect how values are asso-
For example, Figure 5b contains the following expres- ciated in other expressions. In contrast, global reassociation
sions that fit in Form 1 in Table 3. transforms an expression according to how the operands are
actually associated in its dominators. Therefore, global re-
x0 = b * n;
association tends to select forms that expose more CSE op-
x1 = (b + 1) * n;
x2 = (b + 2) * n; portunities. On the downside, global reassociation is more
expensive because it makes decisions on global information.
Applying the replacement rule, SLSR simplifies x1 and x2 to The following program slice from Figure 5c demonstrates
x0+n and x1+n respectively, reducing the cost of computing the benefit of global reassociation over local reassociation.

j0 = c + x0; p = &a[i]; p = &a[i];
x1 = x0 + n; if (b) if (b)
j1 = c + x1; if (b) u = *p; u = *p;
u = a[i]; q = &a[i+j]; q = &p[j];
if (c) if (c) if (c)
Local reassociation favors grouping values that are not de- v = a[i+j]; v = *q; v = *q;
rived from other values, because non-derived values are
more likely to be reused. Therefore, it chooses to reassoci- (a) original (b) speculative (c) straight-line opti-
ate j1=c+x0+n to (c+n)+x0 since x0 is derived from b and n execution mizations
(Figure 5c). This does not lead to further optimization in this Figure 7: An example showing how speculative execution
case. Global reassociation instead chooses to associate c and hoists instructions and promotes straight-line scalar opti-
x0 first, because it observes that they are associated before in mizations. Speculative execution transforms Figure a to Fig-
j0. The resultant code (c+x0)+n is further CSE’ed to j0+n, ure b, and then straight-line scalar optimizations further op-
which costs only one add instruction. timize it to Figure c.

Algorithm 2: Global reassociation.

Data: dominators(E) maintains a list of observed
instructions that compute E most once; it is also safe because pre-order traversal guaran-
Input : the original program P and a schedule S tees that an instruction not dominating the current one will
Output: the specialized program
not dominate any instruction yet to be traversed either.
GlobalReassociation(F )
Similar to handling commutative integer operations,
foreach instruction I in pre-order of domtree(F ) do
// + is used to represent any commutative operator. global reassociation also considers pointer arithmetic in-
if I = a + b then structions. For example, Algorithm 2 transforms p3 in Fig-
E ← expr(I) ure 5c to &a[j0+n]. Noticing that &a[j0] is already available
dominators[E] ← dominators[E] + I as p0, global reassociation further simplifies p3 to &p0[n]
if I = (a + b) + c and a + b is used only once then (Figure 5d).
E1 ← expr(a + c)
D ← ClosestMatchingDom(E1 , I)
3.5 Speculative Execution
if D 6= nil then
Rewrite I to D + b One limitation of straight-line scalar optimizations (§3.4) is
else that they are unable to optimize instructions not dominating
E2 ← expr(b + c) one or another (e.g., &a[i] and &a[i+j] in Figure 7a).
D ← ClosestMatchingDom(E2 , I) To address this limitation, we added an IR-level optimiza-
if D 6= nil then tion to gpucc called speculative execution. It hoists side-
Rewrite I to D + a effect free instructions from conditional basic blocks, so that
ClosestMatchingDom(E, I) they dominate more instructions and are consequently more
D ← dominators[E] likely to be optimized by straight-line scalar optimizations.
while D 6= ∅ and ¬dominate(D, I) do For example, after speculative execution hoists p=&a[i] and
popback(D) q=&a[i+j] out of the conditional basic blocks (Figure 7b), q
if D = ∅ then is dominated by p and can be optimized by global reassocia-
return nil tion (§3.4.3) to q=&p[j] (Figure 7c). gpucc limits the num-
return back(D) ber of instructions hoisted, and this threshold is currently
selected based on the overall effects on our benchmarks.
Algorithm 2 shows the pseudo-code of our global reas- Another benefit of speculative execution is promoting
sociation algorithm for integer adds. It is dominator-based predication. Traditionally, compilers translate branches with
and runs in linear time to program size. The key data struc- conditional jumps. However, because jumps are expensive,
ture is a map called dominators that maps each expression common SIMD processors provide another execution model
E to a stack of observed instructions that compute E. The called predication. For example, all instruction on NVIDIA
algorithm scans the instructions in pre-order of the dom- GPUs have an optional predicate. A predicated instruction
inator tree. Therefore, when it calls ClosestMatchingDom is only executed when its predicate is true at runtime. With
(E, I), all the dominators of I that compute E are already this support, NVIDIA’s driver tends to translate a small con-
observed and present in dominators[E]. To find the closest ditional basic block to predicated instructions. This avoids
dominator, the function ClosestMatchingDom keeps popping jumps and the resultant straight-line code is more flexible
instructions out of dominators[E] until the top of the stack for instruction scheduling. Speculative execution can hoist
dominates I. This pruning guarantees the algorithm runs in instructions from conditional basic blocks, rendering the re-
linear time, because every instruction is pushed or popped at mainder smaller and more likely to trigger predication.

3.6 Bypassing 64-Bit Divisions
Some of our internal end-to-end benchmarks frequently use 50%

speedup vs nvcc
64-bit integer divides for computing array indices in GPU
code. However, 64-bit integer divides are very slow on
NVIDIA GPUs. NVIDIA GPUs do not have a divide unit so 30%
the operation is performed using a sequence of other arith- 20%
metic instructions. The length of this sequence increases su- 10%
perlinearly with the width of the divide. For example, a 64-
bit divide requires approximately 70 machine instructions ic1 ic2 nlp1 nlp2 mnist
compared to approximately 20 machine instructions for a
32-bit divide. Figure 8: gpucc vs nvcc on end-to-end benchmarks. Each
Many of the 64-bit divides in our benchmarks have a di- bar shows the relative speedup of the gpucc version of a
visor and dividend which fit in 32-bits at runtime. Lever- benchmark. The higher the bar is, the better gpucc performs
aging this insight, gpucc provides a fast path for this com- on that benchmark.
mon case. For each 64-bit divide operation gpucc emits code
which checks whether the divide can be performed within
32-bits. If so, a much faster 32-bit divide is used to compute
the result. 4.1 Runtime Performance Comparison
Emitting fast running GPU code is a key goal for gpucc. To
evaluate the performance of gpucc-compiled code, we com-
4. Evaluation pile each benchmark using gpucc and nvcc, and compare
We evaluate gpucc on five key end-to-end benchmarks used the total GPU execution times (measured using nvprof) of
internally and three open-source benchmark suites. both versions. For comparison, we measure relative speedup
nvcc time
The five end-to-end benchmarks are from multiple do- in percent using the formula ( gpucc time − 1) × 100%.
mains of machine learning: ic1 and ic2 are for image clas- End-to-end benchmarks. Figure 8 shows that gpucc gener-
sification, nlp1 and nlp2 are for natural language process- ates faster code than nvcc on all the five end-to-end bench-
ing, and mnist is for handwritten digit recognition. These marks by 10.0%-51.0% with a geometric mean of 22.9%.
end-to-end benchmarks exercise a large amount of CUDA gpucc outperforms nvcc on these benchmarks mainly be-
code. For example, ic2 invokes 59 custom CUDA kernels. cause of bypassing 64-bit divides (§3.6), which nvcc lacks,
The three open-source benchmark suites are: and better straight-line scalar optimizations (§3.4).
Rodinia: 15 benchmarks from Rodinia 3.0. Rodinia [11] Open-source benchmarks. gpucc is on par with nvcc
benchmarks are reduced from real world applications tar- on open-source benchmarks. Figure 9 shows the perfor-
geting GPU systems from multiple domains such as data- mance comparison between gpucc and nvcc on Rodinia,
mining and medical imaging. SHOC, and Tensor. Overall, gpucc is on par with nvcc
SHOC: 10 benchmarks from SHOC 1.1.4. SHOC [15] con- on all the three benchmark suites. The relative speedups
tains a diverse set of scientific computing benchmarks. range from -16.0% (for algebraic in Tensor) to 17.7%
(for convolution in Tensor). The geometric mean relative
Tensor: 15 micro-benchmarks that exercise the Tensor [5] speedups of Rodinia, SHOC, and Tensor are 0.8%, -0.5%,
module in Eigen 3.0, an open-source C++ template library and 3.7%, respectively.
for linear algebra. This module contains over 18,000 lines of
heavily-templatized CUDA code.
We omitted SHOC’s DeviceMemory, qtclustering, 4.2 Compilation Time
rnd, and spmv, and Rodinia’s hybridsort, kmeans, Compile time is another important metric to measure
leukocyte, and mumergpu, because our implementation gpucc’s quality. gpucc is 8% faster than nvcc on average
has not yet supported texture memory. We also excluded Ro- (geometric mean of ratio of compilation time per transla-
dinia’s backprop due to licensing constraints. tion unit) and significantly outperforms nvcc on the more
Our evaluation machine has an Intel Xeon E5-2690 v2 complicated/template-heavy files. For example, one compi-
and an NVIDIA Tesla K40c. The baseline compiler for lation unit from our benchmark suite takes 263.1s to compile
our comparison is nvcc 7.0, the latest stable release of with nvcc while gpucc takes 109.8s (2.4x faster compila-
NVIDIA’s commercial compiler at time of this writing. tion). In parallel build systems, the longest compile time of a
In comparison to nvcc, the remainder of this section file dominates the total compile time. The effect of reducing
analyzes runtime performance (§4.1), compile time perfor- the compile time of the pathological cases therefore results
mance (§4.2), and the cumulative effects of the optimiza- in an even larger decrease in compilation time in parallel
tions (§3) on the benchmarks (§4.3). build systems and improves user experience.

15% Tensor
Rodinia geomean
SHOC geomean
10% Tensor geomean
speedup vs nvcc






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Figure 9: gpucc vs nvcc on open-source benchmarks. Each bar shows the relative speedup of the gpucc version of a
benchmark. Bars with the same pattern represent benchmarks from the same benchmark suite. We also display the geometric
mean speedup of each benchmark suite using a dashed horizontal line.

The compilation times reported are for gpucc’s separate IU MSI SL AA bypass
compilation mode (§2.1). Separate compilation spends on 5%
geomean speedup vs nvcc

average 34.7% of compile time performing splitting which 0%

will not be needed once the integration is done. Hence, -5%
gpucc users could get additional speedups in compilation -10%
4.3 Effects of Optimizations
-25% Rodinia
In this section, we describe the effects of gpucc’s optimiza- -30% SHOC
tions (detailed in §3) on our evaluated benchmarks. This Tensor
evaluation provides a guideline of how pervasive and im-
pactful each optimization is in general.
For the end-to-end benchmarks, the most impactful Figure 10: Cumulative effects on open-source benchmarks
optimizations are loop unrolling and function inlining from increasing the inlining and unrolling thresholds (IU),
(§3.1). Adding necessary source code annotations (such inferring memory space (MSI), speculative execution and
as #pragma unroll) and adjusting thresholds anecdotally straight-line optimizations (SL), memory-space alias anal-
sped up multiple benchmarks by over 10x. Other significant ysis (AA), and bypassing 64-bit divides (bypass).
speedups include: memory space inference (§3.2) sped up
ic1 by over 3x; straight-line scalar optimizations (§3.4) sped
up ic1 by 28.3%; bypassing 64-bit divides (§3.6) sped up All optimizations except bypassing 64-bit divides (§3.6)
ic2 by 50.0% and nlp1 and nlp2 by approximately 15%. have an observable impact on at least one of the three bench-
The effects on the open-source benchmarks are shown in mark suites. Bypassing 64-bit divides has no impact on these
Figure 10. We enabled the optimizations described in §3 one suites because they don’t use 64-bit divides. Since the effects
by one to evaluate the effect of each optimization. We merge are measured as geometric-mean speedups across all bench-
speculative execution and straight-line scalar optimizations marks in a suite, the impact to individual benchmarks can
for this evaluation because they are inter-dependent (§3.5). be higher than the geometric mean. For example, although

speculative execution and straight-line scalar optimizations torizes memory accesses. Han et al. [19] reduces branch
speed up Tensor by an average of only 5%, they speeds up divergence using iteration delaying and branch distribution
its contraction benchmark by 22.0%. which appear to be implemented as source-to-source trans-
One interesting observation is that function inlining formations. Fauzia [17] uses instrumentation to find non-
slightly regressed Rodinia. The reason for that is the dwt2d coalesced memory references and offers a PTX-level opti-
benchmark is register-intensive. While function inlining re- mization technique. Porple [12] uses a small configuration
duces the number of instructions, it can unfortunately in- language to specify memory placement of objects and com-
crease the register pressure. bines it with an auto-tuner to achieve high performance.
Several publications address optimization work for dif-
ferent programming models and input languages. [20] de-
5. Related Work
scribes Sponge, a compilation framework for streaming lan-
We are unaware of other fully functional open-source com- guages. [27] describes a C++11 compiler and runtime sys-
pilers targeting CUDA. In the absence of such infrastruc- tem that allows compiling C++ STL functions directly to
ture, much of the GPU related architecture research has GPUs. Similar work for C++14 is PACXX in [18]. Both of
been conducted using simulators, such as GPGPUSIM [7]. these C++ approaches don’t detail optimizations and only
The micro-architectural details for a given GPU architecture evaluate microbenchmarks.
were determined via micro-benchmarking [33]. This type of Some publications target optimizations at the CUDA
analysis can inform compiler heuristics, but we did not use source level. G-ADAPT [26] is an input-adaptive, cross-
it in this effort. input predictive modeling technique that allows predicting
Several compiler infrastructures address different ab- near optimal CUDA program configurations. APR, a recur-
straction levels, stages of the compilation, or attempt to cross sive parallel repackaging optimization technique is detailed
compile to different target platforms. None of these allow in [34]. It operates at the CUDA source level and achieves
compilation from CUDA to PTX. Ocelot [16] is a dynamic impressive performance for their benchmarks.
compiler which accepts PTX as input and uses LLVM as The importance of SASS-level optimizations has been
a backend and code generator to target several CPU plat- demonstrated by Tan [32], detailing non-reproducible work
forms. As such, its input (PTX) is the output of our compiler. done at NVIDIA, and Nervana [3], showing the benefits of
It does not perform the important high-level transforma- reverse engineered SASS. Both efforts target peak perfor-
tions during compilation from CUDA to PTX, and we there- mance of matrix multiply kernels. We do not perform SASS-
fore expect the resulting performance to remain sub-optimal. level optimizations, as the SASS specification is not publicly
MCUDA [31] is a source-to-source compiler and a runtime available.
component. It accepts CUDA kernels as input and translates
them to run efficiently on multi-core CPUs. OpenMPC [24]
is another source-to-source compiler for automatic transla- 6. Conclusion
tion of OpenMP applications to CUDA. POCL [21] accepts We have presented gpucc, an open-source, high perfor-
OpenCL as input and uses LLVM to target CPUs such as mance CUDA compiler. We have detailed its system ar-
x86, Power, or ARM. chitecture and optimizations that are essential to producing
There have been several attempts at using higher-level high-performing GPU code. Our results show that gpucc
domain-specific languages (DSLs) to generate CUDA ker- produces code that is faster than or on par with nvcc, has
nels. Liquid Metal [6] translated input written in the Lime comparable or better compile times, and supports modern
language and generates code for co-execution on GPUs, language features. The concepts and insights presented in
CPUs, and FPGAs. The Delite framework [9] uses embed- this paper are general and apply, with modifications, to
ded DSLs to target specific domains and generates code for other architectures and programming models as well, such
GPUs and CPUs. Similar to the infrastructures mentioned as OpenCL. We believe gpucc will enable meaningful, re-
above, these approaches do not target the full CUDA com- producible compiler and architecture research and can help
pilation flow and are unlikely to have as fine-tuned an opti- make deployment of GPUs in restricted and controlled envi-
mization pipeline as described in this paper. ronments easier.
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publications, and most of them appear to be based on source-
to-source or PTX-level transformations to work around the
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