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Balanced Growth Theory

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The two important categories of theories of development propounded

by the2 developmental economists are:

• (i) The theory of balanced growth

• (ii) The theory of unbalanced growth

3 The basic proposition of balanced growth theory is that-
• There must be harmonious or simultaneous development of all the sectors
• Holistic development in the economy
The propounders of the balanced growth theories suggested that-
• The investment must take place simultaneously in all the sectors of development-
• Agriculture and Industry
• Between domestic and export sector
• Between social and economic overhead

In order to facilitate balanced development

The idea of balanced growth theory

The advocates of the balanced growth strategy suggest that-
• No single strategy will take us to towards the attainment of the goal of economic development
• Not only the strategy to be changed from time to time as the situation may require
• But it may be necessary sometimes to strike a balance between the alternative strategies

The balanced growth theory emphasizes on-

• The investment in a proportionate manner in all the sectors of development
• Goal of holistic development is achieved
• Some of the definitions of balanced growth given by different protagonists are follows:
• According to P L Samuelson, “Balanced Growth implies growth in every wind of capital stock at constant rates.”
5 of Benjamin Higgins “a wave of capital investment in a number of industries is called Balanced
• In the words
• To W.A. Lewis “in development programmes, all sectors of economy should grow simultaneously so as to keep a
proper balance between industry and agriculture and between production for home consumption and production
for exports.”
• According to C.P. Kindleberger“balanced growth implies that the investment takes place simultaneously in all
sectors or industries at once, more or less along the lines of the slogan.You cannot do anything until you can do
• Alak Ghosh said “planning with balanced growth indicates that all sectors of the economy will expand in same
proportions, so that consumption, investment and income will grow at the same rates.”
• R F Harrod viewed “balanced growth aims at equality between growth rate of income, growth rate of output and
growth rate of natural resources.”
• Advocated “big push” theory
• Which emphasizes that a “big push” or a large comprehensive investment is
needed in order to overcome the obstacle to development in an underdeveloped
• The theory states that-
• Investing in “bit by bit” or in piecemeal will not enable an economy to successfully
be on the development path
• Rather preferably a minimum amount of investment is necessary for enabling an
economy to successfully be in the development and growth path
• The key factor of development is “indivisibility”
• Indivisibility of inputs, outputs or processes lead to increasing returns
• Social overhead capitals such as power, transport and communication have greater indivisibility feature and are
indirectly productive and have a long gestation period
• Cannot be imported rather internally generated
• Installations require a ‘sizable initial lump’ of investment
The social overhead capital is characterized by four indivisibilities:
• (i) irreversible in time
• (ii) minimum durability
• (iii) long gestation period
• (iv) irreducible minimum industry mix of different kinds of public utilities
These indivisibility characteristics of social overhead capital are key to production process
• Also advocated for indivisibility in demand and supply of saving in order to keep the market
dynamic and vibrant
• Big-push investment in various types of industries will create multiple cross-cutting demands
for each other industries product
• Unless there is assurance that the necessary complementary investment will occur, any single
investment project may be considered too risky to be undertaken at all
• The indivisibility of demand requires setting up of interdependent industries
• Stress is the upon supply of saving
• A high quantum of investment requires a high volume of savings
• The underdeveloped economies savings are low because of low income
• To reduce the gap between income and expenditure, the rate of saving should be created
The application of Rosenstein Rodan’s big push theory in under developed countries

• High minimum quantum of investment requires a high volume of saving
• Which is difficult of achieve in low income underdeveloped countries
• The way out of the vicious circle is to have first an increase in income and to provide
mechanisms which assure that savings are higher

Requires balance in three major sector-balance between-

• social overheads (SOCs) and directly productive activities (DPAs)
• consumers’ goods industries and producers’ goods industries and
• oriental and vertical balance within consumer goods sector
• Based on proposition of unlimited supply of labour
Like the classical economists, he believed that-
• In underdeveloped economies supply of labour is unlimited at a subsistence wage rate
• The economic development takes place-
• When these surplus labour are withdrawn from the “subsistence sector” and
• Placed in “capitalist sector” through capital accumulation

• In other words,
• Transfer of labour from the labour surplus agriculture sector to the industry sector will
promote the balanced development of both the sectors
The key to economic development in Lewis’ model is-
• Capital formation
• When the capitalist use a part of its surplus in reinvestment for creation of new capital
• Leads to increase in employment and productivity
In the process-
• The capitalist draws labour from the subsistence sector and
• This reinvestment of profit continues till entire surplus is absorbed

Profits and their reinvestment have great importance in economic growth

The important components of Lewis theory are:

• (I) role of technology in development

• (ii) role of private capitalist in development process
• (iii) role of government
• (iv) role of bank credit
• According to Lewis
• This13growth process will not continue forever

But will come to a halt for the following reasons-

• Growth of capitalist sector will reduce the surplus labour in subsistence sector
• Resulting in rise in wage of labour in capitalist sector
• Further result in fall in the capitalist surplus
• It will reduce capital formation and
• reverse the expansionary process.
• Believes that the underdeveloped countries are suffering from the vicious circle of poverty,
which is detrimental to economic development in these countries

• “a circular constellation of forces, tending to act and react upon one another in such a way as
to keep a country in a state of poverty”
• This vicious circle of poverty adversely affects the accumulation of capital in economically
underdeveloped countries
• If this vicious circle of poverty is broken then development will follow
• “the expansion of market can be realized only through a process of balanced growth, where
people in different countries, working with new and better tools, become each other’s
• Principle of balanced growth needs-
• a balance between different sectors of the economy during the process of economic
growth and development
• These are:
• (i) balance between agriculture and industry
• (ii) balance between domestic and foreign trade
• (iii) balanced between demand and supply factors
Some of the benefits of balance growth are as follows:
• (i) balanced growth can better promote equitable and balanced regional development
• (ii) balanced growth can pare the way for division of labour and thus can raise the
specialization and productivity of labour force
• (iii) when there is balanced growth of both agriculture and industrial sector, it will lead to
creation of social over head capital for the effective growth of all these sectoral activities
• (iv) it will boost foreign trade as expansion of both internal and external markets of the
product of an economy will to a great extent promote foreign trade
• (v) it will lead to better utilization of both natural and human resources of an economy
• Merits of the Balanced Growth theory
• (i) emphasized that all the sectors should develop simultaneously and no sector will be discriminated.
• 17it will promote balanced regional development
• (ii) create external economies
• The benefits created in one sector will push investment in the other sector and will provide boost to the new
industries from the existing industries
• (iii) create social overhead capital
• When different industries develop simultaneously, the investment is called for in social overhead capital for the
promotion of various sectors
• (iv) reduce the dependence of underdeveloped countries on the foreign countries
• The principle of balanced growth leads to enlarge the extent of the market and external economies
• This process will lead to self-generating economies and as a result, there is less dependence on foreign countries
• Criticisms of Balanced Growth Theory
• According to Singer “balanced growth can neither solve the problem of underdeveloped
countries, not do they have sufficient resources to achieve balanced growth”
• Some of the criticisms of balanced growth theory are as follows:
• (i) The balanced growth theory is more suitable to developed countries than developing
• The developed countries can effectively implement balanced growth process as they possess
sufficient resources, technology and entrepreneurs
• (ii) One of the drawbacks of the balanced growth theory is disproportionality in the factors of
production due to deficiency of capital and surplus manpower.
• In many of the developing countries too much of labour is employed against too little
capital.This disproportionality will create many hurdles in the path of development

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