Flappy Bird: Team Name: The Brainy Fools
Flappy Bird: Team Name: The Brainy Fools
Flappy Bird: Team Name: The Brainy Fools
We choose game for our first software project. Actually game is entertaining for anybody and in
leisure time we can spend our time nicely by playing game. The flappy bird game implemented
for only desktop.
Non-functional – We can keep the bird playing by pressing mouse and move it in the space of
2D Animation
Objective Selection
We create a bird object which is flying until any collision occurred and the bird is flying in the
wall objectives which are begin from top and bottom of the screen.
Moving Wall
The wall moving on and it will come randomly in size and distances. The bird is flying in the
middle of the wall.
Collision Detection
When the bird touch the anywhere of a wall it cause a collision. Collision detection is one of
important task of the game. If the bird touch any wall (pipes) the game will end.
Moving Background
The picture used as background image is moving on analogously. We used two same image
which are coming one after another regularly.
Score Counting
Score counting is the interesting for user. By the score the player knows his/her performance. If
the bird cross a pipe without collision or not fall in ground his/her score increment one.
Types of model:
We used evolutionary model in our project. In this way, we accomplish work in a iterative way.
Evolutionary Model
Figure 1: Evolutionary Process Model
Project Team
Team Name: The Brainy Fools
Task Deadline
Table 02: Actual Timeline Table
Task Deadline
Req1 = 2D Animation
Language: JAVA
Future Direction
We will add more feature to the game and will change the bird and background scenery
according to user choice. The status and the history will be saved and we show a graph where
user can see his total performance whether it increasing or decreasing.
LOC - Line of code in the whole project. The Total number of code lines in whole project.
NCLOC - Non-comment line of code. The line which are not commented and this code
accomplish our objective.
CLOC - Comment line of code. The line of code which are not working to calculate output.
Density of Comments - It means the number of comment line proportion to average code.
Average LOC in a Class - The average number of line of code in each class.
LOC 970
CLOC 192
Average LOC 88
Density of Comments 19.8%
Design Level
Package: Package in Java is a mechanism to encapsulate a group of classes, sub packages and
Class: A class, in the context of Java are templates that are used to create objects, and to define
object data types and methods.
1. HomePage
2. MenuPanel
3. GamePanel
4. GameFrame
5. MainBird
6. BirdImage
7. WallImage
8. About
9. Help
10. MenuPage
11. Settings
• Static Variable Percentage : 1.022%
• Methods per class: 7
LOC addition and deletion
Figure 3: Collaboration of Al Adnan Sami Figure 4: Collaboration of Moonmoon Das
We choice the project to gain proper knowledge to make desktop application. It increased our
knowledge for Object Oriented Language (JAVA).Getting experience java GUI. The another
important issue is, it’s a game application and it will be recreation for all.