Case Yahoo
Case Yahoo
Case Yahoo
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Bogotá D.C
Case Yahoo!
Yahoo it is a global company of means with head office in the United States that possesses a
portal of Internet, a web directory and a series of such services like the popular e-mail Yahoo. Its
intention is "to be the most essential global service of Internet for consumers and business". It
was founded in January, 1994 by two postgraduates of the University of Stanford, Jerry Yang and
David Filo. Yahoo was constituted like company on March 2, 1995 and began to quote in bag on
April 12, 1996. The company has its corporate head office in Sunnyvale, California, the United
States. Yahoo! he was one of the pioneers of the initial age of Internet in the decade of 1990.
(NeoAttack, 2015).
Inside the most important facts in the company of Yahoo it was in 1994, newly formed the
company they began having many publicity linkage and they were provided with 80.000 visits a
day. In the year 1995, one year after its creation turned into the directory of search number 1 in
the world, that's why its creators decided to do a big marketing effort to say to the investors on
the benefit that it had in this moment the on-line publicity and as the "clicks" of the users might
take advantage. In 1999 something very important happened that it was its agreement with
Hewwlett Packard and later it happened with IBM; in the same year they already had 3.000
advertisers a day, obtaining a benefit of almost 50 millions and they took the decision to enter
international markets. From here on, between constant procurement and new business, everything
was up: the Yahoo creation! Mail, the opening of its area of games, the acquisition of GeoCities,
the premiere of Yahoo! Groups and Yahoo! Messenger. The previous thing was showing the
heyday that had the company in its best years. (Angel, 2002, p. 388-390).
With regard to what I am named like “the Yahoo fall!” it began falling down when in the world
there was the problem of the change of century, in the year 2000 the users began complaining
because they found unpleasant announcements, that's why it generated lost in the company and
they had to close some pages, its error was to have no support to protect the web sites of the
intruders and these were attacked by other persons, so the announcements were diminishing
increasingly and the investors began losing the patience, that's why Yahoo decided to receive a
tariff for its services, it would not be already free and this the consumers did not take it very well
either. In the same year 2000 its actions fell down 30 % and its weakness was to depend
completely on the publicity in line, so they decided to provide other quality services and generate
income with not free publicity. In the year 2001 it came Mister Terry Semel was nominated the
new CEO of the company. (Angel, 2002, p. 390-393). After a long period in which the actions
were not stopping rising and Yahoo it had turned into a machine of doing money, there came the
fall of the company, the loss of confidence of the investors in the new companies of Internet and
the consistent fall in Stock Exchange. Multitude of companies closed, many were ruined and
Yahoo suffered a hard economic reverse of the one that never went so far as to recover
With the arrival of the new CEO, Semel concluded that the Yahoo errors it was due to the fact
that they were not taken the decisions correctly and few ones were deciding them, that's why he
put two goals, the first age to improve I deposit them of the company and the second age to
expand the market. During the year 2000 and 2003 Semel promised to impel the company and
increased its operations, coming to the European continent where it made great investment in this
market, in the year 2004 acquired the company Kelko for a value for 319 million euros. Its
competitive advantage was based on the innovation and supply of new products to extend its
services briefcase, adding to this one, videos, games, photos, music, between others. Also they
did the personalization of the contents, where the persons could find what more he liked. Yahoo
acquired companies specializing in diverse topics to fulfill its target to offer quality services,
companies like Flickr, Musicmatch and Inktomi. One of its biggest challenges was in 1999 to
enter the Chinese market because they had problems with the political restrictions of the country,
in addition to which they did not know the Chinese market, which they were persons with low
income and the mobility was slow, also they faced the local market, the persons were distrusting
the western companies, that's why it was so difficult for Yahoo to be able to negotiate on the
Chinese market. Nevertheless they promised to know the Chinese market and to offer them
services and products in accordance with its needs, managing in the year 20001 to increase its
users to 22, 5 millions and for 2005 they were already 100 million users. (Angel, 2002, p. 394-
Inside the big Yahoo errors it was the loss of opportunities, for example after remaining behind
with its searcher, Yahoo suffered the second big blow to its business. The on-line publicity began
falling down. In 2007, Google passed of giant in this area on having bought the Startup of
management of publicity “DoubleClick”, a company that Yahoo decided not to acquire a few
years earlier. One year earlier, in 2006, Yahoo also let through of length a golden opportunity. At
that time Facebook already had certain name, but he was still not the giant who is today and the
possibility of buy existed. It was rumored that its value was about 1.000 million dollars, but its
actions were going down and Yahoo offered only 850. Mark Zuckerberg pushed it back and
Yahoo had to regret without having raised once again the offer. In 2008, Yahoo might have
enjoyed a happy end when Microsoft offered 44.600 million dollars for the company, a number
very superior to the dear value that was given him at that time. Incomprehensible, Yahoo rejected
the offer, and further on the same way it proved using the services of Microsoft, that is to say
they did not think the things to future and took erroneous decisions. (Aparicio, 2017).
The Yahoo business model is to work turn and about the number of users who do "click" in the
publicity to gain access to the information places, after seeing a banner or announcement on a
web page. Yahoo, which was the first massive portal of Internet, maintains a users' enormous
base, but it has lost competitiveness in almost all the fields before its rivals as there them are
Google and Facebook. The strategy that Yahoo in its beginnings was very novel because it was
the first company that developed the idea of one “intelligent searcher”, everything began when to
be able to gain access to any web page it was necessary to know the finished url of the place
since otherwise it was impossible, this to its creators Jerry Yang and David Filo was looking like
a very inefficient way of looking for places webs so they had the idea of creating a species of
directory of pages that was classified by topics to facilitate the task of looking for any interest
page; so they chose to generate its income for the users' quantity that were entering the places
that were appearing in the commercials, but due to a bad handling of its safety, its visits began
diminishing to the passage of time, to the beginning it worked because they were the pioneers of
the online searching, but they did not realize that new companies began being born with similar
services, they did not put a lot of care to the topic of the competition, which was what further on
The expectations for Yahoo in the future the fact is that they must make use of its world
recognition and it is a very strong company of all forms, since it has managed to go out to
forward although it has committed errors, but a sample of its nobility was that it survived
collapse of the in the year 2000, showing the force of team and the capacity of answer
of the company in the dynamic world of the business. One of its biggest characteristics is that he
thinks about how to make progress continuously to develop and deliver new and innovative
services, the innovation has always been present in the heart of the company, that's why they
managed to have wide briefcase of services in which the electronic commerce, the marketing is
included on the web pages, the music and a big list of products centred on the needs of the users
who continue them; also it has been a very assiduous company that he has learned of each of its
errors, and although they have to keep on doing changes in the future once they managed to
identify what the persons needed, so they understand the consumers and although fall down they
can be leaders again on the market of the Internet searchers. (Angel, 2002).
The Yahoo current situation, the fact is that after living through several changes of direction and
after buying impulsively companies, trying to meet in the nail on one, in addition to creating
multiple equal services to those of its competition, but without standing out in any. Finally,
Yahoo was bought by Verizon for 4.8 million dollars. The things that can be learned of the case
the fact is that a direction must always be had well put and focused in extracting good services,
and not only to do it for doing it, but trying to shine in each one as Google did it with its multiple
services, in addition to not believing that the solution can only be in third, avoiding to commit the
error of buying companies and Startups believing that the solution will be in some of them.
(Coem, 2020).
Aparicio. D, (2017). The history of Yahoo, a long chain of errors. Recovered of:
Coem, (2020). Know the case Yahoo! and how did its slope come. Recovered of:
Angel, K. (2002). Inside Yahoo!: reinvention and the road ahead. Recovered of: