Belzona 1321: Instructions For Use
Belzona 1321: Instructions For Use
Belzona 1321: Instructions For Use
c) Blast clean the metal surface to achieve the following 3. APPLYING BELZONA® 1321
standard of cleanliness:
ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½ very thorough blast cleaning Do not apply when:
American Standard near white finish SSPC SP 10 i) The temperature is below 41°F (5°C) or the relative
Swedish Standard Sa 2½ SIS 05 5900 humidity is above 90%.
ii) Rain, snow, fog or mist is present.
d) After blasting, metal surfaces should be coated before any iii) There is moisture on the metal surface or is likely to be
oxidation of the surface takes place. deposited by subsequent condensation.
iv) The working environment is likely to be contaminated by
SALT CONTAMINATED SURFACES oil/grease from adjacent equipment or smoke from
Metal surfaces that have been immersed for any periods in salt kerosene heaters or tobacco smoking.
solutions e.g. sea water, should be blasted to the required
standard, left 24 hours to allow any ingrained salts to sweat to
the surface and then washed prior to a further brush blast to
remove these. This process may need to be repeated to ensure
Recommended number of coats 2
complete removal of salts. The soluble salt contamination of the
prepared substrate, immediately prior to application, should be Target thickness 1 coat 15 mils (375microns)
less than 30mgs/m². Target thickness 2nd coat 15 mils (375 microns)
Minimum total DFT 24 mils (600 microns)
PIT FILLING Maximum total DFT Only limited by sag resistance
All welds should be prepared to NACE SP0178 Grade C or
Theoretical coverage rate 1st coat 12.3 sq.ft. (1.14 m²)/kg
better. Deep pitting and rough welds should be smoothed out
with Belzona® 1111, Belzona® 1311 or Belzona® 1151 mixed, Theoretical coverage rate 2nd coat 12.3 sq.ft. (1.14 m²)/kg
applied and overcoated in accordance with the relevant IFU. Theoretical coverage rate to
achieve minimum recommended 7.6 sq.ft. (0.71 m²)/kg
system thickness
Appropriate loss factors must be applied to the above coverage
Transfer the entire contents of the Solidifier can into the Base rates. In practice, many factors influence the actual coverage
module. Mix thoroughly together to achieve a uniform material rate achieved. On rough surfaces such as pitted steel the
free of any streakiness. practical coverage rate will be reduced. Application at low
temperatures will also reduce practical coverage rates further.
To ease mixing when the material temperature is below 41°F a) FIRST COAT
(5°C), warm the Base and Solidifier modules until the contents Apply the Belzona® 1321 directly on to the prepared
attain a temperature of 68-77°F (20-25°C). surface with a stiff bristled brush or with the plastic
applicator provided at the recommended coverage rate.
The technical data contained herein is based on the results of long term tests carried out in our laboratories and to the best of our knowledge is Belzona products are
true and accurate on the date of publication. It is however subject to change without prior notice and the user should contact Belzona to verify the
technical data is correct before specifying or ordering. No guarantee of accuracy is given or implied. We assume no responsibility for rates of manufactured under an
coverage, performance or injury resulting from use. Liability, if any, is limited to the replacement of products. No other warranty or guarantee of ISO 9001 Registered
any kind is made by Belzona, express or implied, whether statutory, by operation of law or otherwise, including merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose.
Quality Management System
Nothing in the foregoing statement shall exclude or limit any liability of Belzona to the extent such liability cannot by law be excluded or limited.