04 Record and Report
04 Record and Report
04 Record and Report
An effective health record shows the extent of the health problems’ needs and other factors that
affect individuals their ability to provide care and what the family believes. What has been done
and what to be done now also can be shown in the records. It also indicates the plans for future
visits in order to help the family member to meet the needs.
Provides staff member, administrator, or any other members and not only members of the
health team with documentation of the services that have been rendered and supply data
that are essential for programme planning and evaluation.
To provide the practitioner with data required for the application of professional services
for the improvement of family’s health.
Records are tools of communication between health workers, the family, and other
development personnel.
Effective health records shows the health problem in the family and other factors that
affect health. Thus, it is more than a standardized sheet or a form.
Nurses should develop their own method of expression and form in record writing.
Select relevant facts and the recording should be neat, complete and uniform
Records are valuable legal documents and so it should be handled carefully, and
accounted for.
Records should provide for periodic summary to determine progress and to make future
Provides a basis for analyzing needs in terms of what has been done, what is being done,
what is to be done and the goals towards which means are to be directed.
Helps the nurse to evaluate the care and the teaching which she has given.
It helps the nurse organize her work in an orderly way and to make an effective use of
It enables the nurse to judge the quality and quantity of work done.
Records help them to become aware of and to recognize their health needs. A Record
can be used as a teaching tool too.
It indicates progress
The record helps identify families needing service and those prepared to accept help.
It enables him to draw the nurse’s attention towards any pertinent observation he has
The record helps the supervisor evaluate the services rendered, teaching done and a
person’s actins and reactions.
It helps in the guidance of staff and students – when planned records are utilized as an
evaluation tool during conferences.
It helps the administrator assess the health assets and needs of the village or area.
It helps in making studies for research, for legislative action and for planning budget.
This is found to be time saving, economical and also it is helpful to review the total
history of an individual and evaluate the progress of a long period. (e.g.) child’s record
should provide space for newborn, infant and preschool data.
The system of using one record for home and clinic services in which home visits are
recorded in blue and clinic visit in red ink helps coordinate the services and saves the
The basic unit of service is the family. All records, which relate to members of family,
should be placed in a single family folder. This gives the picture of the total services and
helps to give effective, economic service to the family as a whole.
Separate record forms may be needed for different types of service such as TB, maternity
etc. all such individual records which relate to members of one family should be placed in
a single family folder.
Different systems may be adopted depending on the purposes of the records and on the merits of
a system. The records could be arranged
Geographically and
It provides indication of the total volume of service and type of cases seen. Clerical assistance
may be needed for this. Registers can be of varied types such as immunization register, clinic
attendance register, family planning register, birth register and death register.
Reports can be compiled daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. Report summarizes the
services of the nurse and/ or the agency. Reports may be in the form of an analysis of some
aspect of a service. These are based on records and registers and so it is relevant for the nurses to
maintain the records regarding their daily case load, service load and activities. Thus the data can
be obtained continuously and for a long period.
To show the kind and quantity of service rendered over to a specific period.
As an aid in planning.
In addition to the statistical reports, the nurse should write a narrative report every month which
provides as opportunity to present problems for administrative considerations.
Maintaining records is time consuming, but they are of definite importance today in the
community health practice in solving its health problems.
Records and reports revels the essential aspects of service in such logical order so that the new
staff may be able to maintain continuity of service to individuals, families and communities.
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