Automatic Storage Management
Automatic Storage Management
Automatic Storage Management
Database 10g
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is a new feature that has be introduced in Oracle 10g to simplify the
storage of Oracle datafiles, controlfiles and logfiles.
Related articles.
The ASM functionality is controlled by an ASM instance. This is not a full database instance, just the memory
structures and as such is very small and lightweight.
The main components of ASM are disk groups, each of which comprise of several physical disks that are
controlled as a single unit. The physical disks are known as ASM disks, while the files that reside on the disks
are know as ASM files. The locations and names for the files are controlled by ASM, but user-friendly aliases
and directory structures can be defined for ease of reference.
The level of redundancy and the granularity of the striping can be controlled using templates. Default templates
are provided for each file type stored by ASM, but additional templates can be defined as needed.
Failure groups are defined within a disk group to support the required level of redundancy. For two-way
mirroring you would expect a disk group to contain two failure groups so individual files are written to two
INSTANCE_TYPE - Set to ASM or RDBMS depending on the instance type. The default is RDBMS.
DB_UNIQUE_NAME - Specifies a globally unique name for the database. This defaults to +ASM but must
be altered if you intend to run multiple ASM instances.
ASM_POWER_LIMIT -The maximum power for a rebalancing operation on an ASM instance. The valid
values range from 1 to 11, with 1 being the default. The higher the limit the more resources are allocated
resulting in faster rebalancing operations. This value is also used as the default when the POWER clause is
omitted from a rebalance operation.
ASM_DISKGROUPS - The list of disk groups that should be mounted by an ASM instance during instance
startup, or by the ALTER DISKGROUP ALL MOUNT statement. ASM configuration changes are
automatically reflected in this parameter.
ASM_DISKSTRING - Specifies a value that can be used to limit the disks considered for discovery.
Altering the default value may improve the speed of disk group mount time and the speed of adding a
disk to a disk group. Changing the parameter to a value which prevents the discovery of already
mounted disks results in an error. The default value is NULL allowing all suitable disks to be
To create an ASM instance first create a file called "init+ASM.ora" in the "/tmp" directory containing the
following information.
sqlplus / as sysdba
Create an spfile using the contents of the "init+ASM.ora" file.
File created.
The ASM instance is now ready to use for creating and mounting disk groups. To shutdown the ASM instance
issue the following command.
SQL> shutdown
ASM instance shutdown
Once an ASM instance is present disk groups can be used for the following parameters in database instances
(INSTANCE_TYPE=RDBMS) to allow ASM file creation:
Disk groups are created using the CREATE DISKGROUP statement. This statement allows you to specify the level
of redundancy:
In addition failure groups and preferred names for disks can be defined. If the NAME clause is omitted the disks
are given a system generated name like "disk_group_1_0001". The FORCE option can be used to move a disk
from another disk group into this one.
Disks can be added or removed from disk groups using the ALTER DISKGROUP statement. Remember that the
wildcard "*" can be used to reference disks so long as the resulting string does not match a disk already used by
an existing disk group.
-- Add disks.
-- Drop a disk.
ALTER DISKGROUP disk_group_1 DROP DISK diska2;
Disks can be resized using the RESIZE clause of the ALTER DISKGROUP statement. The statement can be used to
resize individual disks, all disks in a failure group or all disks in the disk group. If the SIZE clause is omitted the
disks are resized to the size of the disk returned by the OS.
The UNDROP DISKS clause of the ALTER DISKGROUP statement allows pending disk drops to be undone. It will
not revert drops that have completed, or disk drops associated with the dropping of a disk group.
Disk groups can be rebalanced manually using the REBALANCE clause of the ALTER DISKGROUP statement. If the
POWER clause is omitted the ASM_POWER_LIMIT parameter value is used. Rebalancing is only needed when the
speed of the automatic rebalancing is not appropriate.
Disk groups are mounted at ASM instance startup and unmounted at ASM instance shutdown. Manual
mounting and dismounting can be accomplished using the ALTER DISKGROUP statement as seen below.
Templates are named groups of attributes that can be applied to the files within a disk group. The following
example show how templates can be created, altered and dropped.
-- Modify template.
-- Drop template.
ALTER DISKGROUP disk_group_1 DROP TEMPLATE my_template;
A directory heirarchy can be defined using the ALTER DISKGROUP statement to support ASM file aliasing. The
following examples show how ASM directories can be created, modified and deleted.
-- Create a directory.
ALTER DISKGROUP disk_group_1 ADD DIRECTORY '+disk_group_1/my_dir';
-- Rename a directory.
ALTER DISKGROUP disk_group_1 RENAME DIRECTORY '+disk_group_1/my_dir' TO
Aliases allow you to reference ASM files using user-friendly names, rather than the fully qualified ASM
-- Rename an alias.
ALTER DISKGROUP disk_group_1 RENAME ALIAS '+disk_group_1/my_dir/my_file.dbf'
TO '+disk_group_1/my_dir/my_file2.dbf';
-- Delete an alias.
ALTER DISKGROUP disk_group_1 DELETE ALIAS '+disk_group_1/my_dir/my_file.dbf';
Files are not deleted automatically if they are created using aliases, as they are not Oracle Managed Files
(OMF), or if a recovery is done to a point-in-time before the file was created. For these circumstances it is
necessary to manually delete the files, as shown below.
Checking Metadata
The internal consistency of disk group metadata can be checked in a number of ways using the CHECK clause of
the ALTER DISKGROUP statement.
ASM Views
The ASM configuration can be viewed using the V$ASM_% views, which often contain different information
depending on whether they are queried from the ASM instance, or a dependant database instance.
ASM Filenames
There are several ways to reference ASM file. Some forms are used during creation and some for referencing
ASM files. The forms for file creation are incomplete, relying on ASM to create the fully qualified name, which
can be retrieved from the supporting views. The forms of the ASM filenames are summarised below.
Disable change tracking (only available in Enterprise Edition) if it is currently being used.
Create new redo logs in ASM and delete the old ones.