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BMI Research’s monthly regional report on political risk and macroeconomic prospects
Source: BCB, BMI
over the last decade. The country's five largest
banks by assets – Banco do Brasil, Itaú, Caixa
Funding Structure: Brazil's loan-to-deposit Economica Federal (CEF), Bradesco and
ratio will remain near current levels in the BNDES – are all domestic firms, and Banco
coming years, hovering below the 100% do Brasil, BNDES and CEF are majority
threshold. Loan growth has trended lower state-owned.
nio and 3,750MW Jirau hydropower plants on a social and environmental basis. Belo
to enter commercial operations by the end of Monte is currently under construction and Corruption Investigations Pose Downside
2016, supporting our forecast for hydropower is scheduled to be completed in 2019; Ta- Risk To Outlook
capacity to grow by 7.5% y-o-y in 2016 and pajós is still undergoing feasibility studies We highlight that we see both upside and
by an annual average of 2.5% between 2015 but is expected to come online in 2020. downside risks to our 10-year forecast for
and 2019. hydropower capacity in Brazil:
Vast Hydro Capacity Additions Ahead
Slower Economic Growth To Weigh On Hydropower Installed Capacity And Growth Rate
Power Consumption • The negative impact of an investigation
Real GDP Growth And Total Power Consumption into allegations of corrupt contracting
practices at Petrobras – coupled with the
recent extension of the probe to state-
owned utility Eletrobras – could threaten
our growth forecast for the hydropower
sector. Eletrobras and local engineering,
procurement and construction companies
have a dominant role in the development
of Brazil's hydropower project pipeline;
e/f = BMI estimate/forecast. Source: EIA, BMI
as such, higher financing costs, contracts
investigations and operational challenges
e/f = BMI estimate/forecast. Source: EIA, BMI • We believe the PDE 2023 overestimates resulting from the probe could mean
the amount of power Brazil will consume that projects that are planned or under
Looking further ahead, our outlook for over the next decade. The agency forecasts construction are delayed or halted over
the hydropower sector is still positive but less that between 2013 and 2023 Brazil's GDP the coming quarters.
upbeat, as we expect capacity to grow at an and power consumption will both grow • Conversely, the main upside potential to
average annual rate of 1.2% between 2020 and by an annual average of 4.3% – well above our forecast stems from the commitment
2024. Our forecast takes into account Brazil's BMI's expectations. Our Country Risk of the Brazilian government to bringing
10-year Energy Expansion Plan to 2023 (PDE team expects Brazil's real GDP growth online the Belo Monte plant according to
2023) – the latest such document published by to average 2% between 2015 and 2024, the planned schedule. As a case in point,
the government agency Empresa de Pesquisa informing our forecast for power con- in July 2015 Eletro Norte (a subsidiary
Energética (EPE) – which states that Brazil sumption to grow at an average annual of Eletrobras) awarded several contracts
will bring online 14,679MW of hydro capacity rate of 2.1% over the same period. to EPC companies for the development of
between 2019 and 2024. However, we consider the project. In particular, the State Grid
the government's forecast too ambitious and we Despite our conservative approach to the Corporation of China was awarded a
have only included around 6,180MW of new implementation timeline for Brazil's hydro- USD2.2bn contract to build and operate
capacity in our forecast for 2020-2024. power projects, both planned and under an 800kV, 2,550km-long transmission
Our more cautious stance on hydropower construction, we maintain that hydropower line that will connect the plant in north
capacity expansion relative to official estimates will remain the dominant power generating Brazil to Rio de Janeiro in the south-east.
15% royalty rate for new PSCs applied to the regulations will likely temper overall enthusiasm remaining 40%. However, while the country’s
coveted sub-salt regions, which could contain for these offerings. High local content require- petroleum regulator touted the country’s first
up to 100bn bbl of recoverable oil. Outside ments of 63% in the exploration phase and pre-salt auction as ‘an absolute success’ we have
of these regions, a concession system would 75% in the production phase, the required a more mixed view.
remain, along with a 10% royalty rate. A participation of national oil company Petrobras With only a quarter of the expected bidders
windfall profits tax would also be introduced for and the lack of an explicit stabilization clause taking part in the auction in the first place, and
existing contracts as revenues are redistributed all pose a significant deterrent to doing busi- only one consortium having bid, the lack of
to non-producing regions. This Royalty Law ness in Brazil. competition for such a highly prospective field
was passed in November 2012, and signed by Furthermore, investors are likely to be in- is telling. While the field is highly prospective,
President Rousseff in May 2013. However, creasingly hesitant towards investing in Brazil in potentially holding between 8bn and 12bn bbl
Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo and Sao Paulo the wake of the ‘Lava Jato’ corruption scandal. of recoverable oil, the head of Brazil’s oil regula-
– all south-eastern states where the majority of Specifically, we believe the potential negative tor has stated that between a substantial sign-
Brazil’s offshore oil is produced – have vowed impacts of the wider investigation against the ing fee, as well as high royalties and taxes, the
to challenge the law in court. NOC and its OFS partners, coupled with lower government could take away more than 75%
After some delays, Brazil has published a oil prices and a challenging investment environ- of total profits. The situation is exacerbated by a
new regulatory framework governing frack- ment, will deter international investment into relatively unfavourable regulatory environment,
ing as of April 2014. The National Petroleum the sector for the foreseeable future. burdensome local content requirements and
Agency (ANP) has stated that these are not potential for significant delays to production,
intended to act as a roadblock to the develop- 12th Licensing Round (November 2013): which could add to the cost of exploiting the
ment of the country’s unconventional resources, Focused on conventional and shale gas - this Libra field. As such, while ultimately field was
and will target effective waste management round can be classed as somewhat low impact. successfully auctioned, and the willingness by
during the exploration phase. The new rules The ANP put up 240 exploration blocks in Total and supermajor Shell to take stakes is a
require developers properly to cement wells, seven inland basins, including concessions positive sign, we believe the round represented
map out aquifers within 1km and prohibit in the states of Amazonas, Acre, Tocantins, a mixed success, at best.
fracking within 200m of wells used for irriga- Alagoas, Sergipe, Piauí, Mato Grosso, Goiás
tion or drinking water. We note that Brazil has and Bahia. Importantly, a large number of the 11th Licensing Round (May 2013): The 11th
only recently begun to auction of blocks with blocks were offered in frontier areas, such as the licensing round had been delayed repeatedly,
unconventional potential and the fact they have basins of Acre, Parecis, São Francisco, Paraná but finally moved forward in 2013. 172 blocks
not seen significant take-up speaks of the delay and Parnaíba in the hope of attracting invest- were put up on offer, covering onshore, shal-
in bringing online new regulations. ment into the country’s little-explored regions. low- and deep-water acreage lying above the
However, Brazil awarded only 72 explora- already explored Sergipe-Alagoas, Recôncavo,
Licensing Rounds tion blocks, with 12 companies winning blocks Potiguar and Espírito Santo basins and the
While the early 2013 11th licensing round was (eight Brazilian and four foreign) including: underexplored Foz do Amazonas, Ceará, Pará-
record-breaking in terms of investment, more Alvopetro, Bayar, Companhia Paranaensae Maranhão, Barreirinhas, Potigua and Parnaíba
recent rounds, including the country’s first pre- de Energia, Cowan, GDF Suez, Geopark, basins. The round saw a minimum level of
salt and 12th licensing round (focused on gas) Nova Petróleo, Ouro Preto, Petra Energia, around BRL6.9bn (USD3.2bn) in investment
have seen less take-up. We believe this reveals Trayectoria e Tucumann and Petrobras itself. committed to exploration activities – more than
how the country’s, a poor regulatory environ- Indeed, the state-owned company was by far three times the amount pledged during any of
ment has acted as a significant deterrent in spite the biggest winner, snapping up 49 of the 72 the previous rounds. Some 142 of the blocks
of its significant resource potential. blocks, either alone or as part of a consortium. were purchased, with signing bonuses totalling
Moreover, while Chambriard noted that a BRL2.8bn (USD1.3bn). These were allocated
13th Licensing Round (October 2015): After number of the blocks taken were in the Parnaiba among 30 different companies: 12 local and
several delays, Brazil’s ANP has confirmed the block -strengthening exploration in the highly 18 foreign. Winners include IOCs such as BP,
start of the highly-anticipated 13th hydrocar- prospective acreage, we note that the majority of BG Group, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Total
bon licensing round in October 2015, opening blocks taken were still from the mature basins of and Statoil.
the door to additional international investment Reconcavo and Sergipe-Alagoas (54 out of 72).
in the country’s Eastern Margin blocks. 10th Licensing Round (December 2008):
The 13th hydrocarbon licensing round will 1st Pre-salt Round (October 2013): In the ANP concluded the 10th licensing round
comprise onshore and offshore blocks from first pre-salt round, a consortium consisting of in December 2008, awarding 54 of the 130
the state of Rio Grande do Sul in the south to Shell, Total, PetroChina and China National tendered concessions to 17 companies. As
Rio Grande do Norte in the northeast. Both Offshore Oil Corporation won a 35-year usual, Petrobras was the biggest winner. The
Petrobras and Integral Petróleo e Gás have production sharing contract to develop Brazil’s company spent BRL39.9mn (USD17mn) ac-
made multiple discoveries in the north-eastern giant Libra field under a production-sharing quiring the rights to 27 blocks, of which it won
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin in recent months, which contract, in concert with state-owned energy 17 as sole owner and 10 as part of consortia.
we expect will boost interest in these assets. firm Petrobras. Shell and Total will each take a Although the ANP said the round was a suc-
Although the upcoming round offers prom- 20% stake, while the two Chinese companies cess, 76 blocks did not receive any bids, and
ising prospects for investors, several existing will each take a 10% stake and Petrobras the the only major participating IOC was Shell.