Acritas - Patterns in Legal Spend Report 2017
Acritas - Patterns in Legal Spend Report 2017
Acritas - Patterns in Legal Spend Report 2017
Part 1
A thought provoking look at patterns in legal spend as
a proportion of revenue which points to the need for
organizations to seek relevant benchmarks.
June, 2017
Legal spend is highly variable. The dataset within this report is sourced from an annual,
global telephone survey of approximately 2,200 senior
The characteristics a company in-house counsel across the globe. Respondents provide
has are likely to define its level Acritas with their external and internal legal spend, team
of spend – from headquarters size and other demographic factors such as location,
industry sector and revenue. We are able to calculate the
location to industry sector proportion of revenue allocated to legal spend and
and size, notwithstanding its compare this across different types of organization. We are
geographic footprint, growth then able to identify which types of organization are typically
high spending and, conversely, low spending.
trajectory and approach to
managing risk. In this report, we Globally, the median proportion of revenue spent
on legal, both internally and externally, is 0.23% – in
look to examine the differences other words just under a quarter of 1%, but this is
observed across these highly variable across different regions, industries
characteristics with a view to and size of business. This means it is rarely useful to
benchmark your organization against global or even
helping organizations think more country averages. You are unlikely to be in line. It is
about the environmental factors important to find a peer group benchmark.
that influence their spend levels
To help companies find a more appropriate benchmark,
and how they might be able Acritas created an algorithm, an estimating model which
to drive more value from takes into account the different characteristics and provides
their investment. a relevant benchmark for each individual organization. As
the dataset builds, we continue to develop this model.
We’re currently looking at the different relationships
between region, industry sector and size of business, where
sometimes the effect of layering these characteristics can
be cumulative, creating significantly higher spend.
2 Copyright © Acritas Research Ltd 2017. Data must not be used externally without referencing Acritas as the source.
Key findings
Copyright © Acritas Research Ltd 2017. Data must not be used externally without referencing Acritas as the source. 3
Acritas conducts a global telephone survey of approximately
2,200 senior in-house counsel in large organizations across
the world. Respondents are asked a range of questions
relating to their goals, challenges, buying behaviors,
perceptions and experiences with external providers.
As part of
the survey,
are asked to
4 Copyright © Acritas Research Ltd 2017. Data must not be used externally without referencing Acritas as the source.
The chart below
shows the spread
of responses
The total legal spend is divided by revenue to determine the proportion of revenue received from 1,973
allocated to legal services for each organization. The resulting percentages are organizations over
placed in order, low to high, and the mid-point of the range, the median, is then the last two years.
used as the average. This prevents outliers having too much influence which can
happen if you use the mean average.
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%
We have pinpointed the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles – all below 1%. Top 59 (3%) removed from chart
as outliers – ratio above 3%
It is not until the 89th percentile that the figures move above 1%. From Base: 1973
that point onwards, the outliers start to emerge – often in fast growth
companies, that are preparing their platform for much higher revenue,
or organizations which have experienced extraordinary events.
Copyright © Acritas Research Ltd 2017. Data must not be used externally without referencing Acritas as the source. 5
Regional differences in legal spend
US 0.39%
Canada 0.26%
UK 0.24%
Global average 0.23%
Netherlands 0.22%
Australia 0.20%
Germany 0.16%
Spain* 0.13%
Brazil* 0.09%
India 0.08%
Italy 0.07%
France 0.06%
Percentage varies by country with US
Japan* 0.03% legal departments spending the most
relative to revenue
China* 0.03%
Base: US (709), Canada (270), UK (215), Netherlands (49), Australia (107), Germany (69),
Spain (22); Brazil (20); France (68), Italy (34), India (33), Japan (27), China (24) *Low base
6 Copyright © Acritas Research Ltd 2017. Data must not be used externally without referencing Acritas as the source.
Industry differences in legal spend
Base: R. Est. (39); Banking (42); TMT (211); Hosp./Leis. (34); Not for profit (20); Bus. Svcs (52); Fin. Svcs (55);
Pharma (41); Gov’t (55); Health (114); Ins. (63); Energy (162); Eng. (49); Nat. Res. (70); Manu. (304); Constr. (98);
Trans./Log. (111); Auto. (55); Retail (130); Food (105); Inv. (55) *Low base
Like region, industry sector also has a big impact on the expected level
of legal spend. Real Estate reported the highest level of spend overall, POINT TO CONSIDER
nearly four times the global average – possibly explained by a revenue
model which is more focused on assets. Banking and Technology/Media/ Think about the
Telecoms come next. different environments
you are exposed to,
We generally see the more heavily regulated industries sitting above including commercial
average. Although, these patterns do differ depending on which geography drivers and risks,
you are sitting in, as regulatory frameworks can differ. In general we would regulatory and legal
see higher figures for every industry within the US. frameworks. Does
your spend level
In the chart above we have looked at traditional industries – but those who reflect adequate
sit across more than one industry, a hybrid business for example, such as investment to ensure
bio tech or fin tech, are likely to have even higher spends. These, and other your organization is
‘disrupter’ businesses are blurring the boundaries of traditional industries sufficiently protected?
and regulatory frameworks, resulting in higher levels of legal spend.
Copyright © Acritas Research Ltd 2017. Data must not be used externally without referencing Acritas as the source. 7
Differences in legal spend by size
Medians within revenue bands
<$200m 0.68%
$200-399m 0.55%
$400-599m 0.42%
$600-799m 0.40%
$800-999m 0.25%
$1.0-1.19bn 0.20%
$1.2-1.39bn 0.24%
$1.4-1.59bn 0.29%
Global average 0.23%
$1.6-1.99bn 0.21%
$2.0-2.99bn 0.17%
$3.0-3.99bn 0.13%
$4.0-4.99bn 0.18%
$5.0-5.99bn 0.17%
$6.0-9.99bn 0.08% As organizations increase in size,
$10-19.99bn 0.07% legal spend as a percentage of
revenue significantly declines.
$20bn+ 0.03%
Base: <$200m (169); $200-399m (203); $400-599m (137); $600-799m (81); $800-999m (91); $1.0-1.19bn (155);
$1.2-1.39bn (88); $1.4-1.59bn (73); $1.6-1.99bn (95); $2.0-2.99bn (222); $3.0-3.99bn (101); $4.0-4.99bn (71);
$5.0-5.99bn (55); $6.0-9.99bn (128); $10.0-19.99bn (106); $20bn+ (116)
8 Copyright © Acritas Research Ltd 2017. Data must not be used externally without referencing Acritas as the source.
The complex relationship between
different demographic factors
The patterns we observe by industry and size are not the
same in every jurisdiction. As the cost of lawyers differs
by market, along with the legal and regulatory framework,
this impacts the scope and total cost of legal needs for
each organization. The characteristics of each jurisdiction
also have an impact on the type of companies within each US
sector – for example, whether the country is rich in natural
resources, the consumer purchasing power and how
evolved the infrastructure is. All of these characteristics
shape the resulting demand in legal services and
ultimate spend.
where looking at the US overall average and the global
tech average, you would expect a US tech company to
land somewhere between the two. In reality, the company
faces an uplift in spend from being based in the US,
and then a further uplift from being in tech. The result is
therefore half as much again, at 0.68%. This is before we AVERAGE
consider the impact of size!
Organizations must
compare themselves
to a peer group which
takes into account
region, industry – and
size – in order to have
a realistic benchmark.
Copyright © Acritas Research Ltd 2017. Data must not be used externally without referencing Acritas as the source. 9
Accessing relevant benchmarks
for free download
10 Copyright © Acritas Research Ltd 2017. Data must not be used externally without referencing Acritas as the source.
What next?
Copyright © Acritas Research Ltd 2017. Data must not be used externally without referencing Acritas as the source. 11
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