NSG Process
NSG Process
NSG Process
1. Once a nurse assesses a client’s condition and identifies appropriate nursing diagnoses, a:
A. The nurse determines the health care needed for the client.
B. The Physician determines the plan of care for the client.
C. Client-centered goals and expected outcomes are established.
D. The client determines the care needed.
3. Priorities are established to help the nurse anticipate and sequence nursing interventions when
a client has multiple problems or alterations. Priorities are determined by the client’s:
A. Physician
B. Non Emergent, non-life threatening needs
C. Future well-being.
D. Urgency of problems
4. A client centered goal is a specific and measurable behavior or response that reflects a client’s:
6. The nurse writes an expected outcome statement in measurable terms. An example is:
9. To initiate an intervention the nurse must be competent in three areas, which include:
12. The following statement appears on the nursing care plan for an immunosuppressed client:
The client will remain free from infection throughout hospitalization. This statement is an
example of a (an):
A. Nursing diagnosis
B. Short-term goal
C. Long-term goal
D. Expected outcome
13. The following statements appear on a nursing care plan for a client after a mastectomy:
Incision site approximated; absence of drainage or prolonged erythema at incision site; and client
remains afebrile. These statements are examples of:
A. Nursing interventions
B. Short-term goals
C. Long-term goals
D. Expected outcomes.
14. The planning step of the nursing process includes which of the following activities?
16. After determining a nursing diagnosis of acute pain, the nurse develops the following
appropriate client-centered goal:
17. When developing a nursing care plan for a client with a fractured right tibia, the nurse
includes in the plan of care independent nursing interventions, including:
18. Which of the following nursing interventions are written correctly? (Select all that apply.)
19. A client’s wound is not healing and appears to be worsening with the current treatment. The
nurse first considers:
20. When calling the nurse consultant about a difficult client-centered problem, the primary
nurse is sure to report the following:
21. The primary nurse asked a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) to consult on a difficult nursing
problem. The primary nurse is obligated to:
22. After assessing the client, the nurse formulates the following diagnoses. Place them in order
of priority, with the most important (classified as high) listed first.
A. Constipation
B. Anticipated grieving
C. Ineffective airway clearance
D. Ineffective tissue perfusion.
23. The nurse is reviewing the critical paths of the clients on the nursing unit. In performing a
variance analysis, which of the following would indicate the need for further action and analysis?
24. The RN has received her client assignment for the day-shift. After making the initial rounds
and assessing the clients, which client would the RN need to develop a care plan first?
25. She is the first one to coin the term “NURSING PROCESS” She introduced 3 steps of
nursing process which are Observation, Ministration and Validation.
A. Nightingale
B. Johnson
C. Rogers
D. Hall
Answers and Rationales
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. A
16. D. This is measurable and objective.
17. B. This does not require a physician’s order. (A & D require an order; C is not
appropriate for a fractured tibia)
18. C. It is specific in what to do and when.
19. B. Calling in the wound care nurse as a consultant is appropriate because he or she is a
specialist in the area of wound management. Professional and competent nurses
recognize limitations and seek appropriate consultation. (a. This might be appropriate
after deciding on a plan of action with the wound care nurse specialist. The nurse may
need to obtain orders for special wound care products. c. Unless the nurse is
knowledgeable in wound management, this could delay wound healing. Also, the current
wound management plan could have been ordered by the physician. d. Another nurse
most likely will not be knowledgeable about wounds, and the primary nurse would know
the history of the wound management plan.)
20. A. This gives the consulting nurse facts that will influence a new plan.
(b, c, and d. These are all subjective and emotional issues/conclusions about the current
treatment plan and may cause a bias in the decision of a new treatment plan by the nurse
21. D. Because the primary nurse requested the consultation, it is important that they
communicate and discuss recommendations. The primary nurse can then accept or reject
the CNS recommendations. (a. Some of the recommendations may not be appropriate for
this client. The primary nurse would know this information. A consultation requires
review of the recommendations, but not immediate implementation. b. This would be
appropriate after first talking with the CNS about recommended changes in the plan of
care and the rationale. Then the primary nurse should call the physician. c. The client and
family do not have the knowledge to determine whether new strategies are appropriate or
not. Better to wait until the new plan of care is agreed upon by the primary nurse and
physician before talking with the client and/or family.)
22. C, D, A, B.
23. B.
24. B. This clients needs are a priority.
25. D.