1-Uniformidad en Codelco
1-Uniformidad en Codelco
1-Uniformidad en Codelco
Conventionally, there are three main parameters that define dilution behaviour in panel cave mining: draw
point layout geometry (draw point spacing), rock mass fragmentation and draw pattern. Depending on the
ore body, mining geometry, and operational behaviour the underlying gravity flow can be classified as
isolated draw, interactive draw or isolated-interactive draw. Draw point extraction back analysis was
performed at Codelco mines aiming to determine the underlying gravity flow from dilution observations
performed from 7 mines of the three mining Divisions that operate panel caving. The draw point database
consisted of 5000 draw points and represented 365 Million tons drawn between 1996 and 2005. The draw
point database was subdivided by draw point spacing; fragmentation and drawing behaviour, defining 21
representative draw point clusters. These clusters were characterized by an empirical dilution curve and an
underlying flow mechanism. For every curve, the dilution entry point and the percentage of full interaction
was read. As a result of the study a design and operational guideline is proposed to attain interactive flow of
panel caving in different rock masses subject to draw uniformity restrictions.
1 Introduction
The dilution behaviour in a Panel/Block cave mine is relevant since it defines mining recovery and ultimate
economic return of a given mine design and production plan. Traditionally, the dilution behaviour in a Block
and Panel cave mine has been computed using template mixings or volumetric algorithms as described by
Laubscher (1994) and computer based algorithms as described by Diering (2000). The following chart shows
a diagrammatic representation of how the volumetric algorithm would simulate mixing in a single draw
column. It is seeing that when extracting slice 4 of the draw column dilution starts to enter the draw point.
This point in the life of a draw point is called point of dilution entry (PDE) which Laubscher describes as a
function of fragmentation characteristics, draw point spacing and drawing performance. Clearly, the
geometry of the dilution curve shown below would dictate the average grade to be extracted and the ultimate
mining reserves to be mined.
Based on a draw column of 100m of ore of 1% copper and an overlying column of 100m of waste of 0%
copper the expected mixed grades at the draw point for the three mixing models presented above are shown
As a result of the above for a cut off grade of 0.7% copper the best height of draw (Hrecov), the mining
recovery (% Rec), the average grade in the mineable column (Lm) and the copper content (Copper) are
presented in the following table. Clearly it is shown that the impact of the dilution entry point has a
tremendous implications on defining the mining reserves and the copper content which are the main
parameters delineating the mining business. However it should be noted that these results are highly
dependant on the cut off grade and also the ore body under analysis. The results would be quite different if
the ore body had a constant grade without waste on top of the ore body, which is often found in porphyry
copper deposits. Based on these results it is worthwhile analyse the dilution behaviour of Codelco mines to
put all the elements regarding dilution behaviour under perspective, aiming to use these results to further
calibrate mixing templates or particle flow codes in the process of stating Panel and Block cave mining
Table 1 Column report for different dilution entry points at 0.7% Cu cut off grade
@0.7COG Hrecov Hnom % Rec Lm Copper
(m) (m) (%) (%) (t)
PED=35 75 100 75 0.91 68
PED=65 85 100 85 0.96 81
PED=85 95 100 95 0.98 93
PED=100 100 100 100 1.00 100
Figure 4 Gravity flow experiments (Marano, 1980)
Susaeta (2004) reports results from a research project in which gravity flow experiments were performed in a
1m x 1m x 2,4m sandbox physical model. The results of this research very much confirmed the results
obtained by previous authors. Nevertheless, the author provides insights regarding the third case described
by Heslop and Laubscher as interactive draw introducing the concept of Isolated-Interactive draw. In this
new mode of flow Susaeta introduces the rate of drawing down differentiating the rate of flow of the draw
point itself (vta) compared with the rate of the material overlying the major apex pillar (vti). The following
diagram illustrates the concept.
Figure 5 Isolated Interactive flow model (Susaeta, 2004)
The author describes flow modes as a function of the degree of interaction (Gi=vti/vta) which is the ratio
between the interactive and isolated draw rate. Thus, if vta>vti would induce Isolated-Interactive flow or
vta=vti would induce Interactive flow or vta>0 and vti=0 would induce Isolated flow. The following diagram
shows the expected flow modes as a function of the degree of interaction.
The author also states that the main underlying parameter to make the transition between interactive flow and
Isolated – Interactive flow is the draw point drawing performance. The authors validates his hypothesis
showing a relationship between the uniformity index behaviour over the life of a cluster of draw points and
the degree of interaction measured from remaining reserves obtained from major apex core drilling. Based
on these flow modes the author proposes three main models of dilution as shown below.
The percentage of extraction where dilution appears, or in practical terms starts to grow, is called “Isolated
Dilution Entry Point” (PEDZA). At the same time, the percentage of extraction where the dilution tendency
changes its slope starting to increase after the PEDZA, is called “Interactive Dilution Entry Point” (PEDZI).
As it has been shown by many Block and Panel cave researchers the underlying gravity flow that dictates the
dilution behaviour is highly dependant on the draw performance at production level in a short time interval.
Thus, in order to characterize the expected dilution behaviour one needs to account on how even or uneven
draw points are going to be mined over time. Laubscher(2004) proposed the draw control factor, an index
varying between 0 and 1 which is a linear function of the coefficient of variance of tonnages mined between
a draw point and its neighbours in a period of time of a week. A modification of this index was proposed by
Susaeta (2004), who considers not only the relative tonnage drawn by the neighbouring draw points, but also
the inactive draw points. The system allows evaluating each shift drawn tonnage per draw point associating it
to a uniformity index.
The uniformity index is computed as follows:
( tep 0 t min)
VUI ( t max te pi ) (3)
t 2max n i 1
Table 3 Codelco Production Databases
Extracted Draw
Mine Sector Years
Tonnage Points
[Mt] [#]
Andina Parrillas, III P 1995-2006 61.3 733
Andina LHD, III P 1997-2006 67.9 736
Salvador ICW 2000-2005 14.6 294
Salvador IN 1994-2006 55.2 566
Teniente Teniente 4 1995-2006 68.1 501
Teniente Qda. T. 1997-2006 46.4 1690
Teniente Esmeralda 1997-2006 52 447
Teniente Regimiento 1992-2006 48.1 245
Total 214.6 2638
Codelco defines primary rock as a rock mass that lacks of discontinuities and shows a Laubscher Rock Mass
Raiting (1989) greater than 70. Then, the rock mass fragmentation of a draw point was classified as
Secondary, Mixed or Primary depending on the amount of primary rock present in the column. The
definition of this fragmentation tags are defined as follows
Secondary rock column: 0-15% of the draw point column in situ model with Primary Rock.
Mixed rock column: 15-50% of the draw point column in situ model with Primary Rock.
Primary rock column: 50-100% of the draw point column in situ model with Primary Rock.
Then, every draw point of the database is assigned a fragmentation tag based on the amount of primary rock
present in the column. Also, every draw point has associated a mine layout that characterizes its draw point
spacing. Finally, the drawing performance was characterized using the uniformity index proposed by Susaeta
(2004) in which the time periods were three shifts and six neighbours. Thus, for every draw point and shift
the uniformity index is computed using a computer application showing a uniformity index time series of a
draw point or a cluster of draw points. Thus, for every shift a draw point is classified as uniform, semi
uniform or non uniform according to the classification showed on table 1. Then an indicator of draw
performance called CUI is computed as the percentage of tonnage drawn as uniform or semi uniform over
the 100% tonnage extraction. The 100% tonnage extraction of a draw point is computed as the tonnage to
reach the interface between insitu economic column and broken rock. For example the following selected
draw points show their uniformity index in a period of time and the evolution of dilution over their life time.
Based on the geometry of the curve PEDZA and PEDZI are assigned to the cluster and added to the analysis.
Figure 7 Uniformity index and dilution visualizer.
All the analysis were performed for individual draw points identifying clusters of draw point showing CUI in
a given range. Also, the clusters of draw points were selected in such way that rock type and draw point
spacing was the same for all draw points in the cluster. The following charts show some of the clusters
analysed as part of the study.
Figure 8 shows the observed dilution for draw points showing a CUI in the range of 40-80% and 80-100%,
the number of draw points in the cluster are 43 and 208 respectively. It must be noted that the behaviour of
this draw points are shown until 150% extraction (%E), nevertheless the draw points where selected by their
CUI measured upto 100% of drawn. It is seeing in the graph that for primary ore there is a interactive draw
behaviour for a LHD 15 x 17,2 m layout, where PEDZA is highly sensitive to the CUI range.
Draw Columns of Andina-LHD sector are composed only of mixed rock. The diluted material is called
“Rhyolite” which is a geologic marker, included as a fraction of the overburden material. The curve
behaviour considering draw points with two CUI ranges are shown below.
It is seeing again that a better uniformity of draw performance leads to a lower dilution entry, both in
percentage of extraction and total dilution up to 100%E. The Pedza & Pedzi show interactive-isolated flow
Draw columns of Andina-Parrillas (grizzly) draw points are composed only of secondary rock according
with the rock definition mentioned above. The diluted material is “Rhyolite” and the sector is characterized
by four grizzly layouts: 9x9, 9.4x9, 9x11 and 9x11.3. Analysis was performed grouping data as it is shown in
the following graphs considering uniformity analysis until the 100%E.
Table 4 Summary of PEDZA and PEDZI for Selected Clusters
Draw Rock
Mine Sector Layout/Method CUI Pedza Pedzi Flow Mode
Points column
(mxm) # %U+S %E %E
Andina Parrillas IIIP 9x9/grizzly 51 Sec. 0-53 24 70 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x9/grizzly 52 Sec. 53-69 42 70 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x9/grizzly 32 Sec. 69-79 36 75 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x9/grizzly 8 Sec. >79 38 83 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x9/grizzly 51 Mix 0-53 45 75 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x9/grizzly 18 Mix 53-69 50 76 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x9/grizzly 9 Mix 69-79 50 90 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x9/grizzly 2 Mix >79 65 95 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x11/grizzly 14 Sec. 0-53 12 35 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x11/grizzly 19 Sec. 53-69 15 50 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x11/grizzly 14 Sec. 69-79 40 60 I-I
Andina Parrillas 9x11/grizzly 38 Sec. >79 52 68 I-I
Andina LHD IIIP 13x13/LHD 35 Mix 53-69 32 67 I-I
Andina LHD IIIP 13x13/LHD 65 Mix 69-79 41 73 I-I
Andina LHD IIIP 13x13/LHD 75 Mix >79 71 91 I-I
Salvador IN 13x13/LHD 17 Sec. >75 20 - Is
Salvador IN 13x13/LHD 121 Mix >75 30 78 I-I
Salvador IN 13x13/LHD 14 Prim >75 75 >100 In
Salvador ICW 15x15/LHD 8 Mix >75 46 - Is
Draw Rock
Mine Sector Layout/Method CUI Pedza Pedzi Flow Mode
Points column
(mxm) # %U+S %E %E
Salvador ICW 15x15/LHD 20 Prim >75 75 83 I-I
Teniente Queb.T. 7.5x7.2/grizzly 667 Sec. 0-40 28 - Is
Teniente Queb. T. 7.5x7.2/grizzly 72 Sec. >40 28 - I-I
Teniente Queb. T. 7.5x7.2/grizzly 47 Mix 0-40 53 >100 In
Teniente Esmeralda 15x17.2/LHD 43 Prim 40-80 33 43 I-I
Teniente Esmeralda 15x17.2/LHD 208 Prim >80 46 70 I-I
Teniente Teniente 4 15x17.2/LHD 62 Mix <40%* 18 - Is
Teniente Teniente 4 15x17.2/LHD 137 Prim <40%* 28 >100 I-I
In : Interactive Flow, I-I : Interactive – Isolated Flow, Is: Isolated Flow
The chart below shows PEDZA versus CUI for Andina Grizzly sector shows the effect of draw point spacing
and CUI in regards to the percentage dilution entry point defined in this study as PEDZA. This chart outlines
and confirms the Isolated-Interactive draw theory in which for a fully interactive draw point spacing layout
the influence of draw performance decreases as shown for 9x9 draw point layout. Different behaviour is
observed for the Isolated-Interactive flow induced by a draw point layout of 9x11 in which the CUI is highly
significant the moment of analysing dilution behaviour.
Figure 12 Secondary rock dilution, 9x11 & 9x11.3 Grizzly Layout
Table 5 Design table as per flow mode for uniform draw (CUI>80%)
Layout Rock Column (In Situ)
Secondary Mixed Primary
15x17.2/LHD Is Is Is Is I-I I-I
15x15/LHD Is Is Is Is I-I I-I
13x13/LHD Is Is I-I I-I In In
9x9/Grizzly I-I I-I I-I I-I
7.5x7.2/Grizzly I-I I-I In In
In : Interactive Flow, I-I : Interactive – Isolated Flow, Is: Isolated Flow
It is interesting to note based on the results shown above that the overall trend for a dilution perspective is to
reinforce the use of close spaced layout draw points. There is a no an easy answer to whether or not a Block
and Panel cave operation should minimize the amount of dilution. It would depend on the ore body and grade
distribution across the ore body. There are some other considerations to include in the analysis as layout
productivity, fragmentation, development cost, ore body characteristics. The optimal draw point layout
should obey to a comprehensive analysis that includes all these aspects of the mine design. It is aimed that
the table presented above could support the dilution analysis related to the decision of draw point spacing.
5 Conclusions
The dilution curves constructed for Codelco mines presented in this paper follow the dilution models
proposed by the Isolated Interactive flow theory. It is inferred that all the three modes of flow are present at
Codelco mines the different modes unfold for different draw point layout and fragmentation.
It was shown that the draw performance has a tremendous effect on the dilution behaviour of a draw point. In
particular when draw point spacing has been designed in such a way that interaction is minimal the relevance
of even draw is crucial to achieve Isolated Interactive flow.
For a mixed rock mass the recommended draw point spacing is 13m to achieve Isolated Interactive draw
with performing even draw. For primary rock the draw point spacing should be at the most 15m to achieve
Isolated Interactive flow. . Several operations around the world will be looking at Block or Panel cave
designs for their ore bodies that are in the range of mixed and primary rock. The tendency to use wider draw
point spacing could eventually affect the dilution behaviour and the overall mining reserves.
It is interesting to note based on the results shown above that the overall trend for a dilution perspective is to
reinforce the use of close spaced layout draw points. This result goes against the industry trend of using
widely spaced layout in order to achieve higher productivity and more reliable rock mechanic design.
Nevertheless, it is highly important to review the basics of mine design that must be founded in the ore body
characteristics and geological setting rather than quick and incomplete economic return. The sustainability of
block and panel cave operations would force the industry to look at methods that could enhance the way how
dilution behaves within the mining and metallurgical processes in order to optimize energy consumption.
Yet, it is believe that in years to come must attention shall be addressed over dilution behaviour disregarding
too much attention over economic return could not only jeopardize the life of a mine but also create a non
recoverable sank of energy.
The authors of this paper would like to thank CODELCO for the permission to publish these results and
especially to all the planning engineers of the three Divisions that participated in the development of the
standardization guideline. Acknowledgements should also be given to the University of Chile for supporting
and holding the development of the project that sustains the resulting standards of summarized in this paper.
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