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A1 v2.5 Black Fillable

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Application to incorporate a company

Section 22(2)/24 Companies Act 2014

Company number for official use

Tick box if bond

is attached
note nine

CRO receipt date stamp and CRO barcode

Please complete using black typescript or BOLD CAPITALS, referring to explanatory notes

Company name
in full/note one

Please Note:
• The company name must be stated in full.
• The name must match the name as stated in the constitution.
• The company type must be included at the end of the company name as required under
the Companies Act 2014 unless exempted. Abbreviation of the company type is not
• Failure to state the name correctly will result in the application being rejected. note one

Company Type Please indicate which company type is proposed for registration.
note two LTD - Private Company Limited by Shares
(Private company. Limited by shares only. Part 2 Companies Act 2014)

DAC - Designated Activity Company

(Private company. Can be limited by shares or by guarantee. Part 16 Companies Act 2014)

PLC - Public Limited Company - (Part 17 Companies Act 2014)

CLG - Company Limited by Guarantee - (Public company. Part 18 Companies Act 2014)

ULC - Private Unlimited Company - (Part 19 Companies Act 2014)

PUC - Public Unlimited Company - (Part 19 Companies Act 2014)

PULC - Public Unlimited Company that has no share capital - (Part 19 Companies Act 2014)

Investment Company - (Part 24 Companies Act 2014)

UCIT - Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities

(European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations 2011

Each company type has requirements regarding the company name which must be applied. eg. A
LTD company's name must end in either "Limited" or "Teoranta" Please see note one
Presenter details
note three Name

Telephone number Fax number

Email Contact Person
DX number/Exchange Reference number
Constitution Where a person acting as agent for the subscribers to the constitution, is delivering the
delivered by an agent
constitution to the Registrar of Companies, place a tick in the box below and give the agent’s

Tick box Name


Registered office
note four


Please tick box if the registered office address is that of a Registered Office Agent

The company's registered office is in the care of a specified agent, being an agent who
has an office in the State and who is approved by the Registrar for this purpose.

Registered Office Agent Company Name:

Registered Office Agent Company Number:

Company email Please nominate an email address. The certificate of incorporation will issue to this email
address address in electronic format. This is required information.
note four

Type Exemption Please tick the box if the company is applying for an exemption or has been granted exemption
note five from the requirement to describe their company type as part of the company name.

Exemption 1: Available to Designated Activity Companies and Companies Limited by

Guarantee only. No other company type is eligible for the exemption and must have their
company type at the end of their company name. (S.971/1180 Companies Act 2014)

I confirm that the company is applying for the exemption and Form G5 is attached to
this application.

Exemption 2: Available to Unlimited Companies. No other company type is eligible for

this exemption. (Section 1237 Companies Act 2014).

(This section has now been repealed)

Name Restriction Please tick the box if the company is applying for a company name which includes restricted
words which require permission from a government department or other specified body.

I confirm that the company's proposed name contains a restricted word or expression
and that permission has been sought from the relevant government department or other
specified body and that the notice of permission is attached to this application.
(please see Information Leaflet 1 or visit www.cro.ie/registration/company regarding
restricted words or expressions)
Director details Please give details below of the persons who have consented in writing to become directors.
including shadow/ note six
alternate directors

Surname Former surname

Forename Former forename

note seven note eight
Day Month Year
Date of birth EEA resident note nine

Residential address
note seven


Business occupation Nationality

Alternate director Full director appointing alternate director

note ten note ten

Other directorships Company note eleven Place of incorporation note twelve Company number
(past and present)

Consent I hereby consent to act as director of the aforementioned company and I acknowledge that as director,
I have legal duties and obligations imposed by the Companies Act, other statutes and at common law.

Signature Date

Surname Former surname

Forename Former forename
note seven note eight

Day Month Year

Date of birth EEA resident note nine

Residential address
note seven


Business occupation Nationality

Alternate director Full director appointing alternate director

note ten note ten

Other directorships Company note eleven Place of incorporation note twelve Company number
(past and present)

Consent I hereby consent to act as director of the aforementioned company and I acknowledge that as director,
I have legal duties and obligations imposed by the Companies Act, other statutes and at common law.

Signature Date
Secretary details Please give details below of the person, or body corporate, who has consented in writing to
become secretary. note seven

Surname Former surname

Forename Former forename
note seven note eight
Day Month Year
Date of birth Number of Body Corporate
(if applicable)
Body Corporate Name
(if applicable)

Name of Register where Body Corporate registered (if applicable)

Residential address
or registered office
(as applicable)
note seven


Consent I/we hereby consent to act as secretary of the aforementioned company and I/we acknowledge that
as secretary I/we have legal duties and obligations imposed by the Companies Act, other statutes
and at common law.
Signature Date

Subscribers to Signature(s) Subscriber Agent Date

constitution Tick one box only

note thirteen

Company capital
Total value authorised shares Total number authorised shares
note fourteen
€/__ made up as follows:

Class of authorised shares Number in each class Value per share €/__

Total value issued shares Total number issued shares

€/__ made up as follows:

Class of shares issued Number in each class Consideration for each share
note fifteen
Declaration of compliance and
section 24 declaration

The declaration is an unsworn declaration of compliance with all the legal requirements relating to incorporation.
It is a criminal offence pursuant to section 876 of the Companies Act 2014 for a person to knowingly or recklessly
deliver a document to the CRO which is false in a material particular.
note sixteen

name in bold capitals

residential address
note seven

do solemnly and sincerely declare that I am a note two

Director Secretary Solicitor engaged in the formation of the company

and that all the requirements of the Companies Act in respect of the registration of the said company, and of matters precedent and
incidental thereto have been complied with and that Form A1 has been completed in accordance with the Notes on Completion of
Form A1.

I further declare that the purpose, or one of the purposes, for which the company is being formed is the carrying on by it of an activity
in the State and that it appears to me that either

(a) the activity can be classified in accordance with the relevant classification system as follows:

NACE Code _
note seventeen

and that the general nature of the activity is note seventeen

or (b) that the activity cannot be so classified but is precisely described as follows: note eighteen

I further declare that the place or places in the State where it is proposed to carry on the activity is/are note nineteen

and that the place where the central administration of the company will normally be carried on will be note nineteen

I further declare that this form has been fully and accurately completed.

Signature of declarant name as at top of page

This day of 20
These notes should be read in conjunction with the relevant legislation.

General This form must be completed correctly, in full and in accordance with the following notes. Every
section of the form must be completed. Where “not applicable”, “nil” or “none” is appropriate,
please state. Where €/_ appears, please insert/delete as appropriate. Where /_ applies, give the
relevant currency, if not euro. Where the space provided on Form A1 is considered inadequate, the
information should be presented on a continuation sheet in the same format as the relevant section
in the form. The use of a continuation sheet must be so indicated in the relevant section.
note one The proposed company name must be given in full and must correspond exactly with the company
name given on the accompanying constitution. The correct company type must be included in the name
unless exempted. Abbreviation of the company type description will not be accepted.

Company types:
• A company being incorporated under Part 2 of the Companies Act as a Private company limited
by shares must end its name with "Limited" or "Teoranta". No abbreviations accepted.

• A company being incorporated under Part 16 of the Companies Act as a Designated Activity
Company, either limited by shares or guarantee must end its name with either "Designated Activity
Company" or "Cuideachta Ghníomhaíochta Ainmnithe" unless exempted.

• A company being incorporated under Part 17/24 of the Companies Act as a Public Limited
Company must end its name with either "Public Limited Company" or "Cuideachta Phoiblí Theoranta"

• A company being incorporated under Part 18 of the Companies Act as a Company Limited by
Guarantee must end its name with either "Company Limited by Guarantee" or "Cuideachta faoi
Theorainn Ráthaíochta" unless exempted.

• A company being incorporated under Part 19 of the Companies Act as an unlimited company,
whether public/private, must end its name with either "Unlimited Company" or "Cuideachta
note two Tick the relevant box.
note three This section must be completed by the person who is presenting the application form to the
Registrar. This may be either the applicant or a person on his/her behalf.

note four A full postal address in the State at which post is capable of being readily delivered by the postal
service must be given. A P.O. Box will not suffice.

CRO will issue the certificate of incorporation to the email address.

If the address of the registered office is placed in the care of a Registered Office Agent, who
has been approved by the CRO, then form B2 would only be completed in the future to note the
cessation of appointment of the Registered Office Agent.

note five The word “Designated Activity Company” or “Company Limited by Guarantee” may be dropped from
the company’s name where the company is a Designated Activity Company or a Company Limited
by Guarantee and the constitution of the company states that the objects will be the promotion of
commerce, art, science, education, religion or charity. In addition, the company’s constitution must
state that:
(a) the profits of the company (if any) or other income are required to be applied to the
promotion of the objects;
(b) payment of dividends/distributions to its members is prohibited;
(c) all assets which would otherwise be available to its members are required to be transferred
on its winding up to another company whose objects are the promotion of commerce, art,
science, religion or charity.
It should be noted, however, that a company which is exempted from the obligation to use the
words as part of its name, is still obliged to show on its letters and order forms the fact that it is such
a company. Form G5 must accompany the form A1/constitution application.
note six All company types must have at least two directors with the exception of Private Companies Limited
by Shares (LTD companies) which may have a sole director. All directors must be over the age of
18 years. (s.131 CA 2014). Where a company has only one director, that person may not also hold
the office of secretary of the company.

Where a person who has consented to be a director of this company is currently disqualified
under the law of another state from being appointed or acting as a director or secretary of a body
corporate or undertaking, he/she must complete Form B74 which must be submitted to CRO with
Form A1. Otherwise he/she will be deemed to be disqualified from acting as a director of an Irish-
registered company for the balance remaining of his/her foreign disqualification.

‘Shadow director’ means a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors
of a company are accustomed to act.
note seven Insert full name (initials will not suffice) and the usual residential address. Where the secretary is
a firm, the name of the firm, registered address and the register where it is registered ought to be
stated. Where a person is signing on behalf of a company which is the secretary, he/she should
state that he/she is signing for and on behalf of the company which is acting as secretary. His/
her name should be printed in bold capitals or typescript below the signature. All secretaries and
directors must be over the age of 18 years. (s.131 CA 2014).

note eight Any former forename and surname must also be stated. However, it does not include the following:
(a) In the case of a person usually known by a title different from his/her surname, the name by
which he/she is known previous to the adoption of a succession to the title; (b) in the case of any
person, a former forename or surname where the forename or surname was changed or disused
before the person bearing the name attained the age of 18 years or has been changed or disused
for a period of not less than 20 years; (c) in the case of a married person or civil partner, the name
or surname by which he/she was known previous to his/her marriage or civil partnership.

note nine Every company must have at least one European Economic Area (EEA)-resident full director or a
bond pursuant to s137 Companies Act 2014. Note that an EEA-resident alternate director is not
sufficient for the purposes of s137. Place a tick in the “EEA resident” box if the director is resident in
the State in accordance with s137 Companies Act 2014. If no full director is so resident, a valid bond
must be furnished with the application.
(Note that “EEA-resident” means resident in a member state of the EEA. The EEA is the EU plus
Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). For information on the bond, see Leaflet No.17.
note ten Tick the box if the director appointed is an alternate/substitute director. Where the box is ticked,
the name of the full director appointing the alternate/substitute director must also be inserted in the
space provided.
If the company’s articles so permit and subject to compliance with those articles, a director may
appoint a person to be an alternate/substitute director on his/her behalf. The appointment of any
person to act as director is notifiable by a company to the CRO, regardless of how that appointment
is described. The company is statutorily obliged to notify the CRO of the addition to and removal
of each person from its register of directors. In the event that a full director who has appointed
an alternate director ceases to act as a director, the company is required to notify the CRO of
the termination of appointment of the full director and his/her alternate. Note: CRO accepts no
responsibility for maintaining the link between a full director and his/her alternate.
note eleven State the company name and number of other bodies corporate, whether incorporated in the State or
elsewhere, of which the person is or has been director. Exceptions to this rule are made for bodies
(a) of which the person has not been a director at any time during the past 5 years; (b) which is held
or was held by a director in bodies corporate of which the company is (or was) the wholly owned
subsidiary or which are or were the wholly owned subsidiaries either of the company or of another body
corporate of which the company is or was the wholly owned subsidiary.
Pursuant to s142 Companies Act 2014, a person shall not at a particular time be a director of more
than 25 companies. However, under s142(3) of the Act, certain directorships are not reckoned for
the purposes of s142(1). For further information, see CRO Information Leaflet No.1.
note twelve Place of incorporation if outside the State.

note thirteen The subscribers in this section must correspond with the subscribers to the accompanying constitution
except where an agent signs this section on behalf of the subscriber(s). Where the space is inadequate,
the signatures must be presented on a continuation sheet in the same format as this section.
note fourteen Where applicable, the details must correspond exactly with the share details given in the accompanying
note fifteen Indicate cash or stock.
note sixteen The declaration is a declaration of compliance with all the legal requirements relating to the
incorporation of a company. As the declaration confirms that all other registration requirements
have been completed, it must be signed after the form has been completed in full, and so the
date of declaration must not predate the dates of other signatures which appear on the form and
accompanying constitution.
note seventeen The NACE code is the common basis for statistical classifications of economic activities within
the E.U. The code is available on www.cro.ie. The four digit NACE code and general nature of
the activity must correspond with the proposed company’s principal object in the accompanying
memorandum of association in the constitution with the exception of Private Companies Limited by
Shares (LTD companies) which do not have stated objects. (An LTD company must still submit a
NACE code description).Where there are two or more activities, give details of the principal activity
in the State.
note eighteen As all activities can be classified under the NACE code it should rarely be necessary to complete (b)
note nineteen Full postal address must be given. A P.O. Box will not suffice.
Page 1 Does the company name correspond exactly with that given on the accompanying constitution?

If a bond is attached, is the relevant box ticked?

Are the presenter’s details given and is the postal address legible and correct?
Page 2 Is a full postal address in the State for the registered office given?
If the constitution is delivered by an agent, are the relevant details entered correctly?
Page 3 Are the directors details, including their usual residential addresses, given in full?
Where none of the full directors is EEA-resident, is a bond attached and does it meet the effective date
requirements? See CRO Information Leaflet 17.
Where appropriate, is Form B74 (Statement of Director’s Disqualifications) attached?

Page 4 Does the number of subscribers correspond with that on the accompanying Constitution?

Where applicable, is the company capital statement completed in full and do the details correspond with
the share capital details in the accompanying constitution?
Are the secretary’s details given in full (in bold capitals/typescript)?
Page 5 Is the correct NACE code applied and does it correspond with the description of the general nature of the
activity and the main object in the accompanying constitution?
Are full postal addresses for the place(s) of activity and central administration given?

General Are all signatures and dates given where requested?

Is the accompanying constitution completed in full and are full details of occupations and addresses
given for the subscribers and witness?

Further information

Changes After registration, you must notify the CRO of any changes to the registered company details. The following
forms are the principal ones completed and submitted to the CRO (for the full list go to www.cro.ie):

B2 Notice of change in the situation of the registered office

B10 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars
G1Q Change of company name

CRO address When you have completed and signed the form, please file with the CRO.
The Public Office is at Bloom House, Gloucester Place Lower, Dublin 1.
If submitting by post, please send with the prescribed fee to the Registrar of Companies at:
New Companies Section, Companies Registration Office, Bloom House, Gloucester Place Lower Dublin 1

Payment If paying by cheque, postal order or bank draft, please make the fee payable to the Companies Registration
Office. Cheques or bank drafts must be drawn on a bank in the Republic of Ireland.

Please carefully study the explanatory notes overleaf. A Form A1 that is not completed correctly or is not accompanied by
the correct documents or fee is liable to be rejected and returned to the presenter by the CRO.



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