Nickel Cadmium Batteries: Single Cell Type
Nickel Cadmium Batteries: Single Cell Type
Nickel Cadmium Batteries: Single Cell Type
NICA has been a trusted battery for the world’s leading industrial
players for over 100 years, with a range of well proven solutions
that deliver secure energy for stationary applications.
Reliability for backup NICA battery use by most industry:
power application NICA Single Cell nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries offer the
versatility to industries where reliable performance is crucial,
even under extreme operating conditions, for examples in :
• refineries,
If primary power sources fail, NICA batteries enable your backup
• power plants,
system to provide vital systems support to keep operations
• onshore & offshore oil and gas industries,
moving until primary power is restored or a controlled shutdown
• substations,
can be performed, including for:
• airports & building infrastructure
• UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
• switching and transmission
• emergency and security
Reliable starting applications:
• industrial fire monitors and alarms
• process control
For generator starting or switching on heaters, pumps and
• substation switchgear
other essential equipments in an emergency, NICA batteries can
• signaling
meet the specific need for high discharge, instant voltage
recovery and reliable operation, even in extreme temperatures.
performance NAL
1.00 V
NICA Single Cell is available in low discharge rate (NAL type), NAM hour
medium discharge rate (NAM type), & high discharge rate 1.05 V
(NAH type) and offers:
• Simple maintenance 1.10 V mins
Capacity steps 58 68 47
For low rate discharge For varied loads with low and high For high rate discharge
Performance over long periods discharge rates between over short periods
between 1 and 100 hours 30 minutes and 3 hours less than 30 minutes
The proven
advantages of a
safe and robust
inaccessible locations. 90
• Delivers performance, reliability, and a long, totally
predictable, service life - with no risk of sudden 40
death failure. 20
• Ensure a 20-year plus service life at +25˚C (+77˚F). 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 ˚C
77 86 95 104 113 122 131 ˚F
NICA range enables
Single Cell Construction
the battery to size
to the exact requirement • The steel pocket plate structure does not suffer from “sudden
: NAH range • Single Cell batteries offer a long shelf life when stored under
• Thinnest plates NICA’s recommended conditions and are easy to install.
• High power
• Low cost per Ampere at high rates
NICA Single Cell battery
• Optimized design boosts electrical performance by up
to 10% depending on discharge time.
Design for durability and reliability
4. Plate tab 6
5. Plate frame 5
6. Separating grids
7. Cell container
Design for lower
maintenance and
longer battery life Typical topping up intervals
at the recommended charge voltage
• A simple annual maintenance inspection is recommended 6
Higher NAL Range - Available capacity after constant voltage charge at 1.42 V at +20˚C (+ 68˚F)
to minimize 100%
down time
0.2 C5 Ah
70% 0.1 C5 Ah
Faster recharge time enables at least 80% 40%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Recommended charging Charge time (hours)
NAM Range - Available capacity after constant voltage charge at 1.40 V at +20˚C (+ 68˚F)
a) For two levels charge:
Available capacity
• Float level : (% of C5 Ah)
1.42 ± 0.01 V/cell for NAL 100%
1.40 ± 0.01 V/cell for NAM and NAH 90%
0.2 C5 Ah
NAH Range - Available capacity after constant voltage charge at 1.40 V at +20˚C (+ 68˚F)
Buffer operation, where the load exceeds the Available capacity
(% of C5 Ah)
charger rating. Recommended charging voltage:
1.50 - 1.60 V/cell. 90%
0.2 C5 Ah
Constant current charging 70% 0.1 C5 Ah
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Charge time (hours)
Electrical characteristics: Environment
• Certified IEC 60623 - Secondary cells and batteries containing
alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - vented nickel-cadmium
& recycling
prismatic rechargeable single cells. • Fully recyclable
• ISO 9001
• ISO 14001
NICA battery Normal connection
Standard layouts
NICA has developed a series of standard layouts for ordering
a battery. Whether the battery is being installed on a rack,
in a cabinet or is simply freestanding, the same configuration
principals can be applied.
Position of terminals
NAL Range Discharge Rate
NAL Range is designed for applications where the battery is re- Constant Current Charging
quired to provide reliable source or energy over relatively
log discharge periods. Normally, the current is relatively low Standard charge : 0.2C5 Amperes for 8 hours.
in comparison with the total stored energy and the discharg-
es are generally infrequent. Typical uses are power backup and Fast charge : 0.4C5 Amperes for 2.5 hours followed by
bulk energy storage. 0.2C5 Amperes for 2.5 hours.
The NAL type cells can be charged by all normal methods. Constant Voltage Charging
• Taper
• Constant Current Two levels charging
• Constant Voltage
• Pulse Float voltage : 1.42 V/cell.
The NAL type cells may be operated satisfactorily in any state of Boost voltage : 1.47 - 1.70 V/cell.
charge. For operating conditions other that fully charged.
Singel level charging
1.43 - 1.50 V/cell.
The rated capacity (C5) of a cell is the capacity available in ampere Cell Data
hours (Ah) at the 5 hour discharge rate to an end voltage of 1.00
volts per cell. Short Circuit : Max 10 x C5 Amps
Charging voltage
100% 1.50 V/cell Charging voltage
1.55 V/cell
Available Capacity (% of rated capacity)
Charging voltage
60% 1.45 V/cell
Charging voltage
1.40 V/cell
Current limit 0.2 C5 A
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
NAL Range Cell Performance
Capacities and dimensions International System of units
Approx. electrolyte Electrolyte per cell Internal
Capacity Overall Width Length Cell
Weight volume resistance
Cell C5 Ah Height* per cell per cell between level connection
per cell *
type marks Solid Liquid bolt per
Ah mm mm mm Kg cm3 Kg L mOhm
NAL Range Cell Performance
At 20˚C ± 5˚C (+68˚F ± 9˚F)
Available amperes for fully charged cells after constant current charging to IEC 623 Final voltage : 1.00V/cell
NAL 10 10 1.03 1.27 2.00 3.23 4.37 5.44 6.96 8.50 9.53 10.2 11.2 13.9 16.5 18.3 20.7 21.2
NAL 15 15 1.54 1.91 3.00 4.80 6.45 8.00 10.6 14.2 16.0 17.4 18.7 23.7 26.8 29.7 38.3 43.1
NAL 22 22 2.26 2.81 4.40 7.04 9.50 11.7 15.5 20.8 23.5 25.5 27.4 34.7 39.3 43.6 56.1 63.3
NAL 30 30 3.08 3.83 6.00 9.60 12.9 16.0 21.2 28.4 32.1 34.8 37.4 47.3 53.6 59.5 76.5 86.3
NAL 40 40 4.10 5.10 8.00 12.8 17.2 21.3 28.3 37.8 42.8 46.4 49.9 63.1 71.4 79.3 102 115
NAL 47 47 4.82 5.99 9.40 15.0 20.2 25.1 33.2 44.5 50.3 54.5 58.6 74.1 83.9 93.2 120 135
NAL 55 55 5.64 7.01 11.0 17.6 23.6 29.3 38.9 52.0 58.8 63.8 68.6 86.7 98.2 109 140 158
NAL 62 62 6.36 7.91 12.4 19.8 26.6 33.0 43.8 58.7 66.3 71.9 77.4 97.8 111 123 158 178
NAL 70 70 7.07 8.84 14.0 22.4 30.4 36.9 47.5 60.7 68.6 72.8 76.9 92.4 105 113 144 160
NAL 75 75 7.58 9.47 15.0 24.0 32.6 39.6 50.9 65.1 73.5 78.0 82.3 99.0 113 121 154 171
NAL 85 85 8.59 10.7 17.0 27.2 36.9 44.8 57.7 73.8 83.2 88.4 93.3 112 128 137 175 194
NAL 90 90 9.10 11.4 18.0 28.8 39.1 47.5 61.1 78.1 88.1 93.6 98.8 119 136 145 185 205
NAL 100 100 10.1 12.6 20.0 32.0 43.4 52.8 67.9 86.8 97.9 104 110 132 151 161 205 228
NAL 110 110 11.1 13.9 22.0 35.2 47.8 58.0 74.7 95.5 108 114 121 145 166 177 226 251
NAL 125 125 12.6 15.8 25.0 40.0 54.3 66.0 84.9 108 122 130 137 165 188 202 257 285
NAL 145 145 14.7 18.3 29.0 46.4 63.0 76.5 98.5 126 142 151 159 191 218 234 298 331
NAL 165 165 16.7 20.8 33.0 52.8 71.7 87.1 112 143 162 172 181 218 249 266 339 376
NAL 185 185 18.7 23.4 37.0 59.2 80.4 97.6 126 161 181 192 203 244 279 298 380 422
NAL 200 200 20.2 25.3 40.0 64.0 86.9 106 136 174 196 208 220 264 301 323 411 456
NAL 220 220 22.2 27.8 44.0 70.4 95.6 116 149 191 215 229 242 290 331 355 452 502
NAL 235 235 24.2 29.9 47.0 75.2 100 121 155 200 224 240 258 296 329 353 423 455
NAL 255 255 26.3 32.5 51.0 81.6 109 131 168 217 243 261 280 322 357 383 459 493
NAL 280 280 28.9 35.7 56.0 89.6 120 144 184 238 267 286 308 353 392 420 504 542
NAL 300 300 30.9 38.2 60.0 96.0 128 154 198 255 286 307 330 378 420 450 540 580
NAL 330 330 34.0 42.0 66.0 106 141 170 217 280 314 338 363 416 462 495 594 638
NAL 360 360 37.1 45.9 72.0 115 154 185 237 306 343 368 396 454 504 540 648 697
NAL 375 375 38.6 47.8 75.0 120 160 193 247 319 357 384 412 473 525 563 675 726
NAL 10 10 1.03 1.27 1.99 2.89 3.99 4.79 5.86 7.52 8.44 9.09 10.0 11.1 13.7 14.8 17.1 17.7
NAL 15 15 1.53 1.89 2.94 4.65 5.78 6.87 8.98 12.1 14.1 15.2 16.8 17.1 21.6 24.3 31.7 35.6
NAL 22 22 2.24 2.78 4.31 6.82 8.48 10.1 13.2 17.7 20.7 22.3 24.6 25.0 31.7 35.6 46.4 52.3
NAL 30 30 3.06 3.79 5.88 9.30 11.6 13.7 18.0 24.1 28.2 30.3 33.6 34.1 43.2 48.5 63.3 71.3
NAL 40 40 4.08 5.05 7.84 12.4 15.4 18.3 23.9 32.2 37.6 40.5 44.8 45.5 57.6 64.7 84.4 95.0
NAL 47 47 4.79 5.93 9.21 14.6 18.1 21.5 28.1 37.8 44.1 47.5 52.6 53.5 67.7 76.0 99.2 112
NAL 55 55 5.61 6.94 10.8 17.1 21.2 25.2 32.9 44.2 51.7 55.6 61.6 62.6 79.2 89.0 116 131
NAL 62 62 6.32 7.83 12.2 19.2 23.9 28.4 37.1 49.9 58.2 62.7 69.4 70.5 89.3 100 131 147
NAL 70 70 7.00 8.75 13.7 21.9 26.9 31.6 39.2 51.4 58.4 62.4 67.7 73.0 84.7 93.3 119 131
NAL 75 75 7.50 9.38 14.7 23.5 28.8 33.9 42.0 55.1 62.6 66.9 72.5 78.2 90.7 100 127 140
NAL 85 85 8.50 10.6 16.7 26.6 32.6 38.4 47.5 62.4 71.0 75.8 82.2 88.6 103 113 144 159
NAL 90 90 9.00 11.3 17.6 28.2 34.6 40.6 50.3 66.1 75.1 80.2 87.0 93.8 109 120 152 168
NAL 100 100 10.0 12.5 19.6 31.3 38.4 45.1 55.9 73.4 83.48 89.2 96.7 104 121 133 169 187
NAL 110 110 11.0 13.8 21.6 34.5 42.2 49.7 61.5 80.8 91.83 98.1 106 115 133 147 186 205
NAL 125 125 12.5 15.6 24.5 39.2 48.0 56.4 69.9 91.8 104 111 121 130 151 167 212 233
NAL 145 145 14.5 18.1 28.4 45.4 55.7 65.4 81.1 106 121 129 140 151 175 193 246 271
NAL 165 165 16.5 20.6 32.3 51.7 63.4 74.5 92.3 121 138 147 160 172 200 220 279 308
NAL 185 185 18.5 23.1 36.3 58.0 71.0 83.5 103 136 154 165 179 193 224 247 313 345
NAL 200 200 20.0 25.0 39.2 62.7 76.8 90.3 112 147 167 178 193 209 242 267 339 373
NAL 220 220 22.0 27.5 43.1 68.9 84.5 99.3 123 162 184 196 213 229 266 293 373 411
NAL 235 235 24.0 29.8 46.5 72.9 90.9 104 129 169 187 194 215 245 265 289 347 377
NAL 255 255 26.1 32.4 50.4 79.1 98.7 113 141 183 202 210 233 266 287 314 377 409
NAL 280 280 28.6 35.5 55.4 86.8 108 124 154 201 222 231 256 292 315 345 414 449
NAL 300 300 30.7 38.1 59.3 93.0 116 132 165 216 238 247 274 313 338 369 443 481
NAL 330 330 33.7 41.9 65.3 102 128 146 182 237 262 272 302 345 372 406 488 529
NAL 360 360 36.8 45.7 71.2 112 139 159 198 259 286 297 329 376 405 443 532 578
NAL 375 375 38.3 47.6 74.2 116 145 166 207 269 298 309 343 392 422 461 554 602
NAL Range Cell Performance
At 20˚C ± 5˚C (+68˚F ± 9˚F)
Available amperes for fully charged cells after constant current charging to IEC 623 Final voltage : 1.10V/cell
NAL 10 10 1.00 1.20 1.75 2.80 3.63 4.24 4.79 6.26 7.03 7.54 8.19 9.49 11.1 12.1 13.5 13.9
NAL 15 15 1.50 1.84 2.82 4.01 5.11 6.09 7.19 9.6 10.7 11.4 12.8 15.1 17.4 20.0 26.2 29.7
NAL 22 22 2.20 2.70 4.14 5.89 7.49 8.94 10.5 14.2 15.7 16.8 18.7 22.1 25.6 29.4 38.4 43.6
NAL 30 30 3.00 3.68 5.65 8.03 10.2 12.2 14.4 19.3 21.5 22.9 25.5 30.1 34.9 40.1 52.4 59.5
NAL 40 40 4.00 4.90 7.53 10.7 13.6 16.2 19.2 25.7 28.6 30.5 34.0 40.2 46.5 53.4 69.8 79.3
NAL 47 47 4.70 5.76 8.85 12.6 16.0 19.1 22.5 30.2 33.6 35.8 40.0 47.2 54.6 62.7 82.0 93.2
NAL 55 55 5.50 6.74 10.4 14.7 18.7 22.3 26.4 35.4 39.4 41.9 46.8 55.3 63.9 73.4 96.0 109
NAL 62 62 6.20 7.60 11.7 16.6 21.1 25.2 29.7 39.9 44.4 47.3 52.8 62.3 72.1 82.8 108 123
NAL 70 70 6.93 8.49 13.1 18.7 23.6 27.7 32.4 41.5 45.7 46.4 51.1 60.3 68.5 76.6 96 107
NAL 75 75 7.43 9.10 14.0 20.0 25.3 29.7 34.7 44.4 49.0 49.7 54.7 64.6 73.4 82.1 103 115
NAL 85 85 8.42 10.3 15.9 22.7 28.6 33.6 39.3 50.4 55.5 56.3 62.0 73.2 83.2 93.0 117 130
NAL 90 90 8.92 10.9 16.8 24.0 30.3 35.6 41.6 53.3 58.8 59.6 65.7 77.5 88.1 98.5 124 138
NAL 100 100 9.91 12.1 18.7 26.7 33.7 39.5 46.3 59.2 65.3 66.3 73.0 86.1 97.9 109 137 153
NAL 110 110 10.9 13.3 20.5 29.3 37.0 43.5 50.9 65.2 71.8 72.9 80.3 94.7 108 120 151 169
NAL 125 125 12.4 15.2 23.3 33.3 42.1 49.4 57.8 74.1 81.6 82.8 91.2 108 122 137 172 192
NAL 145 145 14.4 17.6 27.1 38.7 48.8 57.3 67.1 85.9 94.7 96.1 106 125 142 159 199 222
NAL 165 165 16.3 20.0 30.8 44.0 55.6 65.2 76.3 97.8 108 109 120 142 161 181 227 253
NAL 185 185 18.3 22.4 34.5 49.3 62.3 73.1 85.6 110 121 123 135 159 181 203 254 284
NAL 200 200 19.8 24.3 37.3 53.3 67.4 79.1 92.5 118 131 133 146 172 196 219 275 307
NAL 220 220 21.8 26.7 41.1 58.7 74.1 87.0 102 130 144 146 161 189 215 241 302 337
NAL 235 235 23.5 28.8 44.2 61.3 77.0 88.7 105 131 142 156 171 180 216 235 286 314
NAL 255 255 25.5 31.3 48.0 66.5 83.5 96.3 114 143 154 169 186 195 234 255 310 340
NAL 280 280 28.0 34.3 52.7 73.0 91.7 106 125 157 169 186 204 215 257 280 341 374
NAL 300 300 30.0 36.8 56.5 78.3 98.3 113 134 168 181 199 219 230 275 300 365 400
NAL 330 330 33.0 40.5 62.1 86.1 108 125 147 185 199 219 241 253 303 330 402 440
NAL 360 360 36.0 44.1 67.8 93.9 118 136 160 201 218 239 263 276 330 360 438 481
NAL 375 375 37.5 46.0 70.6 97.8 123 142 167 210 227 249 274 287 344 375 457 501
NAL 10 10 0.99 1.15 1.53 2.54 3.16 3.49 3.94 5.05 5.69 6.00 6.68 8.03 9.01 9.61 11.3 11.6
NAL 15 15 1.47 1.73 2.48 3.53 4.38 4.92 5.91 7.58 8.53 9.18 9.66 11.0 14.3 16.5 21.6 24.8
NAL 22 22 2.16 2.54 3.64 5.17 6.42 7.21 8.67 11.1 12.5 13.5 14.2 16.2 20.9 24.2 31.7 36.4
NAL 30 30 2.94 3.46 4.97 7.05 8.76 9.83 11.8 15.2 17.1 18.4 19.3 22.1 28.5 33.0 43.3 49.6
NAL 40 40 3.92 4.61 6.62 9.40 11.7 13.1 15.8 20.2 22.8 24.5 25.8 29.4 38.0 44.0 57.7 66.1
NAL 47 47 4.61 5.42 7.78 11.0 13.7 15.4 18.5 23.7 26.7 28.8 30.3 34.6 44.7 51.7 67.8 77.7
NAL 55 55 5.39 6.34 9.10 12.9 16.1 18.0 21.7 27.8 31.3 33.7 35.4 40.5 52.3 60.5 79.3 90.9
NAL 62 62 6.08 7.15 10.3 14.6 18.1 20.3 24.4 31.3 35.3 37.9 39.9 45.6 58.9 68.2 89.4 102
NAL 70 70 6.72 7.90 11.5 16.1 19.8 22.1 25.4 32.0 36.5 36.6 41.9 45.1 56.0 62.0 79.4 89.6
NAL 75 75 7.20 8.46 12.3 17.2 21.3 23.7 27.2 34.3 39.1 39.3 44.9 48.3 60.0 66.4 85.1 96.0
NAL 85 85 8.16 9.59 13.9 19.5 24.1 26.9 30.8 38.9 44.3 44.5 50.8 54.8 68.0 75.3 96.4 109
NAL 90 90 8.64 10.2 14.8 20.6 25.5 28.5 32.6 41.2 46.9 47.1 53.8 58.0 72.0 79.7 102 115
NAL 100 100 9.60 11.3 16.4 22.9 28.4 31.6 36.3 45.8 52.2 52.3 59.8 64.4 80.0 88.5 113 128
NAL 110 110 10.6 12.4 18.0 25.2 31.2 34.8 39.9 50.4 57.4 57.6 65.8 70.9 88.0 97.4 125 141
NAL 125 125 12.0 14.1 20.5 28.7 35.4 39.6 45.3 57.2 65.2 65.4 74.8 80.5 100 111 142 160
NAL 145 145 13.9 16.4 23.8 33.3 41.1 45.9 52.6 66.4 75.6 75.9 86.7 93.4 116 128 165 186
NAL 165 165 15.8 18.6 27.1 37.8 46.8 52.2 59.9 75.5 86.1 86.4 98.7 106 132 146 187 211
NAL 185 185 17.8 20.9 30.3 42.4 52.5 58.5 67.1 84.7 96.5 96.8 111 119 148 164 210 237
NAL 200 200 19.2 22.6 32.8 45.9 56.7 63.3 72.5 91.6 104 105 120 129 160 177 227 256
NAL 220 220 21.1 24.8 36.1 50.5 62.4 69.6 79.8 101 115 115 132 142 176 195 250 282
NAL 235 235 23.0 27.1 38.9 53.1 63.7 70.6 81.4 104 111 116 130 151 176 192 239 265
NAL 255 255 24.9 29.4 42.2 57.7 69.2 76.6 88.3 113 121 125 141 164 191 208 259 287
NAL 280 280 27.4 32.3 46.4 63.3 75.9 84.1 97.0 124 133 138 155 180 209 229 285 315
NAL 300 300 29.3 34.6 49.7 67.8 81.4 90.1 104 133 142 148 166 193 224 245 305 338
NAL 330 330 32.3 38.0 54.7 74.6 89.5 99.1 114 146 156 162 183 212 247 270 336 372
NAL 360 360 35.2 41.5 59.6 81.4 97.6 108 125 159 171 177 199 232 269 294 366 405
NAL 375 375 36.7 43.2 62.1 84.8 102 113 130 166 178 184 208 241 280 307 382 422
NAM Range Discharge Rate
NAM Range is designed for applications where the batteries Constant Current Charging
are usually required to sustain electrical loads for between
30 minutes to 3 hours for <<mixed>> loads which involve a Standard charge : 0.2C5 Amperes for 8 hours.
mixture of high and low discharge rates. The application can
have frequent or infrequent discharges. The range is typically Fast charge : 0.4C5 Amperes for 2.5 hours followed by
used in power back up applications 0.2C5 Amperes for 2.5 hours.
The NAM type cells can be charged by all normal methods. Constant Voltage Charging
• Taper
• Constant Current Two levels charging
• Constant Voltage
• Pulse Float voltage : 1.40 V/cell.
The NAM type cells may be operated satisfactorily in any state Boost voltage : 1.45 - 1.70 V/cell.
of charge. For operating conditions other that fully charged.
Singel level charging
1.43 - 1.50 V/cell.
The rated capacity (C5) of a cell is the capacity available in ampere Cell Data
hours (Ah) at the 5 hour discharge rate to an end voltage of 1.00
volts per cell. Short Circuit : Max 15 x C5 Amps
Current limit 0.2 C5A
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Charge Time (hours)
NAM Range Cell Performance
Capacities and dimensions International System of units
Approx. electrolyte Electrolyte per cell Internal
Capacity Overall Width Length Cell
Weight volume resistance
Cell C5 Ah Height* per cell per cell between level connection
per cell *
type marks Solid Liquid bolt per
Ah mm mm mm Kg cm3 Kg L mOhm
NAM 9 9 270 121 42 1.60 146 0.26 0.80 6.89 M6
NAM 14 14 270 121 42 1.70 146 0.19 0.60 4.43 M6
NAM 22 22 270 121 42 1.90 143 0.19 0.60 2.82 M6
NAM 31 31 270 121 42 2.10 140 0.19 0.60 2.00 M6
NAM 39 39 270 121 66 3.10 235 0.36 1.10 1.59 M6
NAM 47 47 270 121 66 3.30 232 0.32 1.00 1.32 M6
NAM 50 50 270 121 66 3.50 230 0.29 0.90 1.24 M6
NAM 55 55 270 121 66 3.50 230 0.29 0.90 1.13 M6
NAM 60 60 357 192 68 6.30 530 0.84 2.60 1.30 M8
NAM 70 70 357 192 68 6.40 530 0.84 2.60 1.11 M8
NAM 80 80 357 192 68 6.90 530 0.81 2.50 0.98 M8
NAM 90 90 357 192 68 6.90 530 0.81 2.50 0.87 M8
NAM 100 100 357 192 68 7.40 520 0.75 2.30 0.78 M8
NAM 110 110 357 192 68 7.40 520 0.75 2.30 0.71 M 10
NAM 115 115 357 192 68 7.90 510 0.68 2.10 0.68 M 10
NAM 130 130 357 192 68 7.90 510 0.68 2.10 0.60 M 10
NAM 140 140 357 192 93 10.1 740 1.04 3.20 0.56 M 10
NAM 145 145 357 192 93 10.1 740 1.04 3.20 0.54 M 10
NAM 150 150 357 192 93 10.1 740 1.04 3.20 0.52 M 10
NAM 165 165 357 192 93 10.6 730 1.00 3.10 0.47 M 10
NAM 185 185 357 192 93 11.0 720 0.94 2.90 0.42 M 10
NAM 190 190 413 192 93 11.9 740 1.23 3.80 0.45 M 10
NAM 200 200 413 192 93 12.5 730 1.17 3.60 0.43 M 10
NAM 215 215 413 192 93 12.5 730 1.17 3.60 0.40 M 10
NAM 220 220 413 192 93 13.0 720 1.07 3.30 0.39 M 10
NAM 240 240 413 192 93 13.0 720 1.07 3.30 0.36 M 10
NAM 250 250 413 192 122 16.5 980 1.56 4.80 0.34 2 x M 10
NAM 260 260 413 192 122 16.5 980 1.56 4.80 0.33 2 x M 10
NAM 285 285 413 192 122 16.5 980 1.56 4.80 0.30 2 x M 10
NAM 310 310 413 192 122 17.1 970 1.49 4.60 0.28 2 x M 10
NAM 335 335 413 192 122 17.6 970 1.43 4.40 0.26 2 x M 10
NAM Range Cell Performance
At 20˚C ± 5˚C (+68˚F ± 9˚F)
Available amperes for fully charged cells after constant current charging to IEC 623 Final voltage : 1.00V/cell
Hours Minutes Seconds
Cell Capacity
type (C5 Ah)
10 8 5 3 2 1.5 1 30 20 15 10 5 1 30 5 1
NAM 9 9 0.91 1.13 1.80 2.95 4.28 5.29 7.38 9.52 11.1 12.1 13.9 16.8 24.1 27.6 34.8 38.3
NAM 14 14 1.42 1.76 2.80 4.58 6.66 8.23 11.5 14.8 17.3 18.9 21.6 26.1 37.5 43.0 54.1 59.6
NAM 22 22 2.23 2.77 4.40 7.19 10.5 13.0 18.2 23.7 27.6 29.8 34.0 40.4 55.7 63.1 75.5 80.2
NAM 31 31 3.14 3.91 6.20 10.1 14.8 18.3 25.7 33.3 38.8 41.9 47.9 56.9 78.5 88.9 106 113
NAM 39 39 3.95 4.91 7.80 12.8 18.6 23.0 32.3 41.9 48.9 52.8 60.2 71.56 98.8 112 134 142
NAM 47 47 4.76 5.92 9.40 15.4 22.4 27.8 39.0 50.5 58.9 63.6 72.6 86.24 119 135 161 171
NAM 50 50 5.07 6.30 10.0 16.4 23.8 29.5 41.5 53.8 62.6 67.6 77.2 91.74 127 143 172 182
NAM 55 55 5.57 6.93 11.0 18.0 26.2 32.5 45.6 59.1 68.9 74.4 85.0 101 139 158 189 200
NAM 60 60 6.09 7.56 12.0 19.7 28.7 35.6 50.4 68.7 79.9 86.9 99.3 118 162 183 223 237
NAM 70 70 7.11 8.82 14.0 22.9 33.5 41.6 58.7 80.2 93.2 101 116 138 189 214 260 277
NAM 80 80 8.12 10.1 16.0 26.2 38.3 47.5 67.1 91.6 106 116 132 157 216 244 297 317
NAM 90 90 9.14 11.3 18.0 29.5 43.1 53.5 75.53 103 120 130 149 177 243 275 334 356
NAM 100 100 10.2 12.6 20.0 32.8 47.8 59.4 83.9 115 133 145 165 197 270 306 371 396
NAM 110 110 11.2 13.9 22.0 36.0 52.6 65.4 92.3 126 147 159 182 216 297 336 408 435
NAM 115 115 11.7 14.5 23.0 37.7 55.0 68.3 96.5 132 153 167 190 226 310 351 427 455
NAM 130 130 13.2 16.4 26.0 42.6 62.2 77.2 109 149 173 188 215 256 351 397 482 515
NAM 140 140 14.2 17.6 28.0 45.9 67.0 83.2 117 160 186 203 232 275 378 428 520 554
NAM 145 145 14.7 18.3 29.0 47.5 69.4 86.2 122 166 193 210 240 285 391 443 538 574
NAM 150 150 15.2 18.9 30.0 49.2 71.8 89.1 126 172 200 217 248 295 404 458 557 594
NAM 165 165 16.8 20.8 33.0 54.1 78.9 98.0 138 189 220 239 273 325 445 504 612 653
NAM 185 185 18.8 23.3 37.0 60.6 88.5 110 155 212 246 268 306 364 499 565 686 732
NAM 190 190 19.3 23.9 38.0 62.1 90.8 113 159 217 251 272 310 365 492 550 656 694
NAM 200 200 20.4 25.2 40.0 65.4 95.5 119 168 228 264 286 326 384 518 579 691 731
NAM 215 215 21.9 27.1 43.0 70.3 103 128 180 245 284 307 351 413 557 622 742 786
NAM 220 220 22.4 27.7 44.0 71.9 105 131 185 251 291 314 359 422 570 636 760 804
NAM 240 240 24.4 30.2 48.0 78.4 115 143 201 274 317 343 391 461 622 694 829 877
NAM 250 250 25.4 31.5 50.0 81.7 119 149 210 285 331 357 408 480 648 723 863 913
NAM 260 260 26.5 32.7 52.0 85.0 124 155 218 297 344 372 424 499 674 752 898 950
NAM 285 285 29.0 35.9 57.0 93.1 136 169 239 325 377 407 465 547 739 824 984 1041
NAM 310 310 31.6 39.0 62.0 101 148 184 260 354 410 443 505 595 803 897 1070 1133
NAM 335 335 34.1 42.2 67.0 109 160 199 281 382 443 479 546 643 868 969 1157 1224
NAM 9 9 0.91 1.13 1.78 2.90 4.01 5.06 6.47 8.11 9.65 10.6 11.7 14.0 20.8 23.9 29.4 31.8
NAM 14 14 1.41 1.75 2.77 4.51 6.23 7.87 10.1 12.6 15.0 16.4 18.3 21.8 32.3 37.2 45.8 49.5
NAM 22 22 2.21 2.75 4.36 7.08 9.9 12.5 16.0 20.1 23.8 26.0 28.6 33.4 47.5 53.9 63.9 69.1
NAM 31 31 3.12 3.88 6.14 10.0 13.9 17.6 22.6 28.4 33.5 36.6 40.4 47.1 66.9 76.0 90.0 97.3
NAM 39 39 3.93 4.88 7.72 12.6 17.5 22.1 28.4 35.7 42.1 46.1 50.8 59.3 84.2 95.6 113 122
NAM 47 47 4.73 5.88 9.31 15.1 21.0 26.6 34.2 43.0 50.8 55.5 61.2 71.5 101 115 137 148
NAM 50 50 5.03 6.25 9.90 16.1 22.4 28.3 36.4 45.7 54.0 59.1 65.1 76.0 108 123 145 157
NAM 55 55 5.54 6.88 10.9 17.7 24.6 31.2 40.0 50.3 59.4 65.0 71.6 83.6 119 135 160 173
NAM 60 60 6.05 7.50 11.9 19.4 26.9 34.4 45.3 58.4 68.9 74.9 83.6 97.9 139 157 190 203
NAM 70 70 7.05 8.76 13.9 22.6 31.4 40.1 52.9 68.2 80.4 87.4 97.5 114 162 183 221 237
NAM 80 80 8.06 10.0 15.9 25.8 35.9 45.9 60.5 77.9 91.8 100 111 130 186 210 253 271
NAM 90 90 9.07 11.3 17.9 29.1 40.4 51.6 68.0 87.6 103 112 125 147 209 236 285 304
NAM 100 100 10.1 12.5 19.8 32.3 44.9 57.3 75.6 97.4 115 125 139 163 232 262 316 338
NAM 110 110 11.1 13.8 21.8 35.5 49.4 63.1 83.1 107 126 137 153 179 255 288 348 372
NAM 115 115 11.6 14.4 22.8 37.2 51.6 65.9 86.9 112 132 144 160 188 267 301 364 389
NAM 130 130 13.1 16.3 25.8 42.0 58.3 74.5 98.2 127 149 162 181 212 301 341 411 440
NAM 140 140 14.1 17.5 27.8 45.2 62.8 80.3 106 136 161 175 195 228 325 367 443 473
NAM 145 145 14.6 18.1 28.8 46.8 65.1 83.1 110 141 166 181 202 237 336 380 459 490
NAM 150 150 15.1 18.8 29.8 48.5 67.3 86.0 113 146 172 187 209 245 348 393 475 507
NAM 165 165 16.6 20.6 32.7 53.3 74.1 94.6 125 161 189 206 230 269 383 432 522 558
NAM 185 185 18.6 23.1 36.7 59.8 83.0 106 140 180 212 231 258 302 429 485 585 626
NAM 190 190 19.2 23.8 37.7 61.4 85.3 109 144 184 217 236 258 299 418 470 554 597
NAM 200 200 20.2 25.0 39.6 64.6 89.8 115 151 193 228 248 271 315 440 495 583 628
NAM 215 215 21.7 26.9 42.6 69.5 96.5 123 163 208 245 267 292 338 473 532 627 675
NAM 220 220 22.2 27.5 43.6 71.1 98.8 126 166 213 251 273 299 346 484 544 641 691
NAM 240 240 24.2 30.0 47.6 77.6 108 138 181 232 273 298 326 378 528 594 700 754
NAM 250 250 25.2 31.3 49.6 80.8 112 143 189 242 285 310 339 393 550 619 729 785
NAM 260 260 26.2 32.5 51.5 84.0 117 149 197 251 296 323 353 409 572 643 758 816
NAM 285 285 28.8 35.6 56.5 92.1 128 163 216 276 325 354 387 448 627 705 831 895
NAM 310 310 31.3 38.8 61.4 100 139 178 234 300 353 385 421 488 682 767 904 973
NAM 335 335 33.8 41.9 66.4 108 150 192 253 324 382 416 455 527 737 829 977 1052
NAM Range Cell Performance
At 20˚C ± 5˚C (+68˚F ± 9˚F)
Available amperes for fully charged cells after constant current charging to IEC 623 Final voltage : 1.10V/cell
Hours Minutes Seconds
Cell Capacity
type (C5 Ah)
10 8 5 3 2 1.5 1 30 20 15 10 5 1 30 5 1
NAM 9 9 0.89 1.11 1.76 2.71 3.73 4.47 5.31 6.63 8.04 8.42 9.60 11.6 16.5 18.5 21.9 23.4
NAM 14 14 1.39 1.72 2.73 4.21 5.81 6.95 8.27 10.3 12.5 13.1 14.9 18.1 25.6 28.7 34.1 36.4
NAM 22 22 2.18 2.71 4.29 6.61 9.13 10.9 13.0 16.2 19.7 20.6 23.5 28.4 40.3 45.1 53.6 57.3
NAM 31 31 3.07 3.81 6.05 9.32 12.9 15.4 18.3 22.8 27.7 29.0 33.1 40.0 56.8 63.6 75.5 80.7
NAM 39 39 3.86 4.80 7.61 11.7 16.2 19.4 23.0 28.7 34.9 36.5 41.6 50.3 71.4 80.0 95.0 101
NAM 47 47 4.65 5.78 9.17 14.1 19.5 23.3 27.7 34.6 42.0 44.0 50.1 60.7 86.1 96.4 114 122
NAM 50 50 4.95 6.15 9.75 15.0 20.7 24.8 29.5 36.8 44.7 46.8 53.3 64.5 91.6 103 122 130
NAM 55 55 5.45 6.77 10.7 16.5 22.8 27.3 32.5 40.5 49.2 51.4 58.7 71.0 101 113 134 143
NAM 60 60 5.94 7.38 11.7 18.1 25.1 30.4 37.0 46.6 57.0 59.8 68.2 82.8 117 132 157 181
NAM 70 70 6.94 8.62 13.7 21.1 29.3 35.5 43.1 54.3 66.5 69.7 79.6 96.6 137 154 183 211
NAM 80 80 7.93 9.85 15.6 24.1 33.5 40.5 49.3 62.1 76.0 79.7 91 110 156 176 209 242
NAM 90 90 8.92 11.1 17.6 27.1 37.7 45.6 55.5 69.8 85.5 89.7 102 124 176 198 235 272
NAM 100 100 9.91 12.3 19.5 30.1 41.9 50.7 61.6 77.6 95.0 100 114 138 195 220 262 302
NAM 110 110 10.9 13.5 21.5 33.1 46.1 55.7 67.8 85.4 105 110 125 152 215 242 288 332
NAM 115 115 11.4 14.2 22.5 34.6 48.2 58.3 70.9 89.2 109 115 131 159 224 253 301 347
NAM 130 130 12.9 16.0 25.4 39.1 54.5 65.9 80.1 101 124 130 148 179 254 286 340 393
NAM 140 140 13.9 17.2 27.4 42.1 58.7 70.9 86.3 109 133 139 159 193 273 308 366 423
NAM 145 145 14.4 17.8 28.3 43.6 60.8 73.4 89.4 113 138 144 165 200 283 319 379 438
NAM 150 150 14.9 18.5 29.3 45.1 62.8 76.0 92.5 116 143 149 171 207 293 330 392 453
NAM 165 165 16.3 20.3 32.2 49.7 69.1 83.6 102 128 157 164 188 228 322 363 432 498
NAM 185 185 18.3 22.8 36.1 55.7 77.5 93.7 114 144 176 184 210 255 361 407 484 559
NAM 190 190 18.8 23.4 37.0 57.4 79.5 96.2 117 146 178 185 211 253 353 393 464 493
NAM 200 200 19.8 24.6 38.9 60.4 83.7 101 123 154 187 195 222 266 371 414 489 519
NAM 215 215 21.3 26.5 41.8 64.9 90.0 109 132 165 201 209 239 286 399 445 525 558
NAM 220 220 21.8 27.1 42.8 66.4 92.1 111 136 169 206 214 244 293 408 456 538 571
NAM 240 240 23.8 29.6 46.7 72.5 100 121 148 185 225 234 267 320 446 497 586 623
NAM 250 250 24.8 30.8 48.7 75.5 105 127 154 192 234 243 278 333 464 518 611 649
NAM 260 260 25.8 32.0 50.6 78.5 109 132 160 200 243 253 289 346 483 538 635 675
NAM 285 285 28.2 35.1 55.5 86.1 119 144 176 219 267 277 317 380 529 590 696 740
NAM 310 310 30.7 38.2 60.3 93.6 130 157 191 238 290 302 344 413 576 642 757 804
NAM 335 335 33.2 41.3 65.2 101 140 170 206 258 314 326 372 446 622 694 818 869
NAM 9 9 0.87 1.08 1.69 2.55 3.24 3.69 4.25 5.23 5.95 6.48 7.46 9.36 13.2 14.8 17.2 17.8
NAM 14 14 1.35 1.68 2.63 3.96 5.05 5.74 6.62 8.14 9.26 10.1 11.6 14.6 20.5 23.0 26.8 27.7
NAM 22 22 2.13 2.64 4.14 6.23 7.90 9.00 10.4 12.8 14.5 15.8 18.2 22.9 32.3 36.2 42.2 43.6
NAM 31 31 3.00 3.72 5.83 8.8 11.2 12.7 14.7 18.0 20.5 22.3 25.7 32.2 45.5 51.0 59.4 61.4
NAM 39 39 3.77 4.68 7.33 11.0 14.1 16.0 18.4 22.7 25.8 28.1 32.3 40.6 57.2 64.2 74.7 77.3
NAM 47 47 4.54 5.64 8.84 13.3 16.9 19.3 22.2 27.3 31.1 33.9 39.0 48.9 68.9 77.3 90.1 93.2
NAM 50 50 4.83 6.00 9.40 14.2 18.0 20.5 23.6 29.1 33.1 36.0 41.5 52.0 73.3 82.3 95.8 99.1
NAM 55 55 5.32 6.60 10.3 15.6 19.8 22.6 26.0 32.0 36.4 39.6 45.6 57.2 80.7 90.5 105 109
NAM 60 60 5.80 7.20 11.3 17.0 21.6 24.6 28.4 34.9 39.7 43.2 49.7 62.4 88.0 98.7 115 119
NAM 70 70 6.77 8.40 13.2 19.8 25.2 28.7 33.1 40.7 46.3 50.4 58.0 72.8 103 115 134 139
NAM 80 80 7.73 9.60 15.0 22.6 28.8 32.8 37.8 46.5 52.9 57.6 66.3 83.2 117 132 153 159
NAM 90 90 8.70 10.8 16.9 25.5 32.4 36.9 42.5 52.3 59.5 64.8 74.6 93.6 132 148 172 178
NAM 100 100 9.67 12.0 18.8 28.3 36.1 41.0 47.3 58.1 66.1 72.0 82.9 104 147 165 192 198
NAM 110 110 10.6 13.2 20.7 31.1 39.7 45.1 52.0 64.0 72.7 79.2 91.2 114 161 181 211 218
NAM 115 115 11.1 13.8 21.6 32.6 41.5 47.2 54.4 66.9 76.0 82.8 95.4 120 169 189 220 228
NAM 130 130 12.6 15.6 24.4 36.8 46.9 53.3 61.4 75.6 86.0 93.6 108 135 191 214 249 258
NAM 140 140 13.5 16.8 26.3 39.6 50.5 57.4 66.2 81.4 92.6 101 116 146 205 230 268 277
NAM 145 145 14.0 17.4 27.3 41.0 52.3 59.5 68.5 84.3 95.9 104 120 151 213 239 278 287
NAM 150 150 14.5 18.0 28.2 42.5 54.1 61.5 70.9 87.2 99.2 108 124 156 220 247 287 297
NAM 165 165 16.0 19.8 31.0 46.7 59.5 67.7 78.0 95.9 109 119 137 172 242 272 316 327
NAM 185 185 17.9 22.2 34.8 52.4 66.7 75.9 87.4 108 122 133 153 192 271 304 355 367
NAM 190 190 18.3 22.7 35.8 54.0 69.5 80.2 94.2 115 131 142 163 204 285 315 365 376
NAM 200 200 19.3 23.9 37.7 56.8 73.2 84.4 99.2 121 138 150 172 214 299 332 384 395
NAM 215 215 20.7 25.7 40.5 61.1 78.7 90.7 107 130 149 161 185 230 322 357 413 425
NAM 220 220 21.2 26.3 41.4 62.5 80.5 92.8 109 133 152 165 189 236 329 365 422 435
NAM 240 240 23.1 28.7 45.2 68.2 87.8 101 119 145 166 180 206 257 359 398 460 474
NAM 250 250 24.1 29.9 47.1 71.0 91.5 106 124 151 173 187 215 268 374 415 480 494
NAM 260 260 25.1 31.1 49.0 73.8 95.2 110 129 157 180 195 223 279 389 431 499 514
NAM 285 285 27.5 34.1 53.7 80.9 104 120 141 172 197 213 245 305 427 473 547 563
NAM 310 310 29.9 37.1 58.4 88.0 113 131 154 187 214 232 266 332 464 514 595 613
NAM 335 335 32.3 40.1 63.1 95.1 123 141 166 202 231 251 288 359 502 556 643 662
NAH Range Discharge Rate
NAH Range uses very thin plates and is designed for application Constant Current Charging
where there is a demand for a relatively high current over short
periods, usually 30 minutes in duration. The application can Standard charge : 0.2C5 amperes for 8 hours.
have frequent or infrequent discharges. The range is typically
used in starting and power back up applications. Fast charge : 0.4C5 amperes for 2.5 hours followed by
0.2C5 amperes for 2.5 hours.
Minimum charge : 2.0mA per Ah.
The NAH type cells can be charged by all normal methods.
• Taper Constant Voltage Charging
• Constant Current
• Constant Voltage Two levels charging
• Pulse
Float voltage : 1.40 V/cell.
The NAH type cells may be operated satisfactorily in any state
of charge. For operating conditions other that fully charged. Boost voltage : 1.45 - 1.70 V/cell.
Charging voltage Charging voltage
1.50 V/cell 1.55 V/cell
Available Capacity (% of rated capacity)
Current limit 0.2 C5A
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Charge Time (hours)
NAH Range Cell Performance
Capacities and dimensions International System of units
Approx. electrolyte Electrolyte per cell Internal
Capacity Overall Width Length Cell
Weight volume resistance
Cell C5 Ah Height* per cell per cell between level connection
per cell *
type marks Solid Liquid bolt per
Ah mm mm mm Kg cm3 Kg L mOhm
NAH Range Cell Performance
At 20˚C ± 5˚C (+68˚F ± 9˚F)
Available amperes for fully charged cells after constant current charging to IEC 623 Final voltage : 1.00V/cell
NAH 9 9 1.13 1.80 2.96 4.39 5.79 8.4 15.3 20.4 23.5 28.0 34.7 46.6 52.7 66.9 70.9
NAH 12 12 1.50 2.40 3.95 5.86 7.73 11.3 20.4 27.2 31.3 37.3 46.3 62.2 70.2 89.3 94.5
NAH 17 17 2.13 3.40 5.59 8.3 10.9 15.9 28.9 38.6 44.4 52.9 65.6 88.1 99.5 126 134
NAH 21 21 2.63 4.20 6.90 10.25 13.5 19.7 35.7 47.6 54.8 65.3 81.0 109 123 156 165
NAH 25 25 3.13 5.00 8.22 12.2 16.1 23.4 42.5 56.7 65.3 77.7 96.5 130 146 186 197
NAH 29 29 3.63 5.80 9.53 14.2 18.7 27.2 49.3 65.8 75.7 90.2 112 150 170 216 228
NAH 34 34 4.25 6.80 11.2 16.6 21.9 31.9 57.8 77.1 88.8 106 131 176 199 253 268
NAH 40 40 5.02 8.00 13.1 19.5 25.7 37.6 69.0 92.7 108 128 159 206 235 296 325
NAH 50 50 6.28 10.0 16.4 24.4 32.1 47.0 86.2 116 135 160 199 258 294 370 407
NAH 60 60 7.53 12.0 19.7 29.3 38.6 56.4 103 139 162 193 239 309 353 444 488
NAH 70 70 8.79 14.0 23.0 34.1 45.0 65.8 121 162 189 225 279 361 411 519 569
NAH 80 80 10.0 16.0 26.3 39.0 51.4 75.2 138 185 216 257 318 412 470 593 651
NAH 90 90 11.3 18.0 29.6 43.9 57.9 84.6 155 208 243 289 358 464 529 667 732
NAH 100 100 12.6 20.0 32.9 48.8 64.3 94.0 172 232 270 321 398 515 588 741 813
NAH 110 110 13.8 22.0 36.1 53.7 70.7 103 190 255 297 353 438 567 647 815 895
NAH 120 120 15.1 24.0 39.4 58.5 77.1 113 207 278 324 385 478 618 705 889 976
NAH 130 130 16.3 26.0 42.9 63.6 83.7 122 222 299 342 405 491 616 695 845 899
NAH 145 145 18.2 29.0 47.9 70.9 93.3 137 248 333 382 451 547 687 776 943 1003
NAH 155 155 19.4 31.0 51.2 75.8 99.8 146 265 356 408 482 585 734 829 1008 1072
NAH 170 170 21.3 34.0 56.1 83.1 109 160 291 391 448 529 642 806 909 1106 1176
NAH 185 185 23.2 37.0 61.1 90.5 119 174 316 425 487 576 698 877 989 1203 1280
NAH 210 210 26.3 42.0 69.3 103 135 198 359 483 553 654 793 995 1123 1366 1453
NAH 9 9 1.11 1.77 2.91 4.30 5.68 8.21 14.5 17.4 20.2 23.8 28.5 38.5 45.2 55.2 59.6
NAH 12 12 1.49 2.36 3.89 5.74 7.58 11.0 19.4 23.3 26.9 31.8 37.9 51.3 60.3 73.7 79.5
NAH 17 17 2.10 3.35 5.50 8.13 10.7 15.5 27.4 32.9 38.1 45.0 53.7 72.7 85.4 104 113
NAH 21 21 2.60 4.13 6.80 10.0 13.3 19.2 33.9 40.7 47.0 55.6 66.4 89.8 106 129 139
NAH 25 25 3.09 4.92 8.09 12.0 15.8 22.8 40.3 48.4 56.0 66.2 79.0 107 126 153 166
NAH 29 29 3.59 5.71 9.39 13.9 18.3 26.5 46.8 56.2 65.0 76.8 91.7 124 146 178 192
NAH 34 34 4.21 6.69 11.0 16.3 21.5 31.0 54.8 65.9 76.2 90.1 107 145 171 209 225
NAH 40 40 4.98 7.88 13.0 19.1 25.1 36.3 65.3 80.0 92.3 109 130 176 200 247 265
NAH 50 50 6.22 9.85 16.2 23.9 31.4 45.4 81.6 100 115 137 162 219 250 309 331
NAH 60 60 7.47 11.8 19.5 28.7 37.7 54.5 98.0 120 138 164 195 263 300 370 397
NAH 70 70 8.71 13.8 22.7 33.5 44.0 63.6 114 140 161 192 227 307 350 432 464
NAH 80 80 10.0 15.8 26.0 38.3 50.3 72.7 131 160 185 219 259 351 400 494 530
NAH 90 90 11.2 17.7 29.2 43.1 56.6 81.7 147 180 208 246 292 395 450 556 596
NAH 100 100 12.4 19.7 32.4 47.9 62.9 90.8 163 200 231 274 324 439 500 617 662
NAH 110 110 13.7 21.7 35.7 52.6 69.1 100 180 220 254 301 357 483 550 679 728
NAH 120 120 14.9 23.6 38.9 57.4 75.4 109 196 240 277 328 389 527 600 741 795
NAH 130 130 16.1 25.6 42.2 62.5 81.9 119 211 256 291 343 399 517 583 704 734
NAH 145 145 18.0 28.6 47.1 69.7 91.3 132 235 286 325 382 445 577 651 785 818
NAH 155 155 19.2 30.6 50.3 74.5 97.6 141 252 306 347 409 475 616 696 839 875
NAH 170 170 21.1 33.5 55.2 81.7 107 155 276 335 381 448 521 676 763 920 959
NAH 185 185 23.0 36.5 60.1 88.9 116 169 300 365 415 488 567 736 830 1002 1044
NAH 210 210 26.1 41.4 68.2 101 132 191 341 414 471 554 644 835 942 1137 1185
NAH Range Cell Performance
At 20˚C ± 5˚C (+68˚F ± 9˚F)
Available amperes for fully charged cells after constant current charging to IEC 623 Final voltage : 1.10V/cell
NAH 9 9 1.09 1.73 2.84 4.17 5.45 7.68 11.7 13.9 15.8 17.9 22.2 30.6 35.6 45.0 47.4
NAH 12 12 1.46 2.30 3.78 5.56 7.26 10.2 15.6 18.6 21.0 23.9 29.6 40.8 47.4 60.0 63.2
NAH 17 17 2.06 3.26 5.36 7.87 10.3 14.5 22.1 26.3 29.8 33.9 41.9 57.8 67.2 85.0 89.5
NAH 21 21 2.55 4.03 6.62 9.73 12.7 17.9 27.3 32.5 36.8 41.9 51.8 71.4 83.0 105 111
NAH 25 25 3.03 4.80 7.88 11.6 15.1 21.3 32.5 38.7 43.8 49.8 61.7 85.0 98.8 125 132
NAH 29 29 3.52 5.56 9.14 13.4 17.5 24.8 37.7 44.9 50.8 57.8 71.6 98.6 115 145 153
NAH 34 34 4.12 6.52 10.7 15.7 20.6 29.0 44.2 52.6 59.6 67.8 83.9 116 134 170 179
NAH 40 40 4.86 7.67 12.6 18.5 24.2 34.5 53.3 64.0 72.1 81.7 101 138 160 196 220
NAH 50 50 6.07 9.59 15.8 23.2 30.3 43.1 66.7 80.0 90.2 102 126 173 200 245 274
NAH 60 60 7.29 11.5 18.9 27.8 36.4 51.7 80.0 96.0 108 123 151 208 240 294 329
NAH 70 70 8.50 13.4 22.1 32.4 42.4 60.3 93.3 112 126 143 176 242 280 343 384
NAH 80 80 9.71 15.3 25.2 37.1 48.5 68.9 107 128 144 163 201 277 320 392 439
NAH 90 90 10.9 17.3 28.4 41.7 54.6 77.6 120 144 162 184 226 311 360 441 494
NAH 100 100 12.1 19.2 31.5 46.3 60.6 86.2 133 160 180 204 252 346 400 490 549
NAH 110 110 13.4 21.1 34.7 51.0 66.7 94.8 147 176 198 225 277 381 440 539 604
NAH 120 120 14.6 23.0 37.8 55.6 72.7 103 160 192 216 245 302 415 480 588 659
NAH 130 130 15.7 25.1 41.1 60.3 78.9 112 171 201 226 255 307 412 469 558 586
NAH 145 145 17.5 28.0 45.8 67.3 88.0 125 191 224 252 284 342 460 523 622 654
NAH 155 155 18.7 29.9 49.0 71.9 94.0 134 204 240 269 304 366 491 559 665 699
NAH 170 170 20.6 32.8 53.7 78.9 103 147 224 263 296 333 401 539 613 730 767
NAH 185 185 22.4 35.7 58.4 85.8 112 160 244 286 322 362 437 586 667 794 834
NAH 210 210 25.4 40.5 66.3 97.5 127 181 277 325 365 411 496 666 757 901 947
NAH 9 9 1.05 1.67 2.72 3.81 4.85 6.37 9.32 11.1 12.7 14.6 17.9 24.6 28.7 34.9 41.9
NAH 12 12 1.40 2.22 3.62 5.08 6.47 8.50 12.4 14.9 16.9 19.4 23.9 32.8 38.3 46.5 55.8
NAH 17 17 1.99 3.15 5.13 7.20 9.16 12.0 17.6 21.0 23.9 27.5 33.9 46.4 54.2 65.9 79.1
NAH 21 21 2.45 3.89 6.34 8.89 11.3 14.9 21.7 26.0 29.5 34.0 41.9 57.4 66.9 81.4 97.7
NAH 25 25 2.92 4.63 7.55 10.6 13.5 17.7 25.9 30.9 35.1 40.5 49.9 68.3 79.7 96.9 116
NAH 29 29 3.39 5.37 8.75 12.3 15.6 20.5 30.0 35.9 40.8 47.0 57.8 79.2 92.4 112 135
NAH 34 34 3.97 6.29 10.3 14.4 18.3 24.1 35.2 42.1 47.8 55.1 67.8 92.9 108 132 158
NAH 40 40 4.69 7.39 12.1 17.7 22.9 30.5 41.6 49.6 55.6 63.0 77.1 111 128 160 168
NAH 50 50 5.87 9.23 15.2 22.1 28.7 38.1 52.0 62.0 69.5 78.7 96.3 138 160 200 210
NAH 60 60 7.04 11.1 18.2 26.6 34.4 45.7 62.5 74.4 83.4 94.5 116 166 192 240 252
NAH 70 70 8.21 12.9 21.2 31.0 40.1 53.3 72.9 86.8 97.3 110 135 194 224 280 294
NAH 80 80 9.39 14.8 24.2 35.4 45.9 60.9 83.3 99.1 111 126 154 221 256 320 336
NAH 90 90 10.6 16.6 27.3 39.9 51.6 68.6 93.7 112 125 142 173 249 288 360 378
NAH 100 100 11.7 18.5 30.3 44.3 57.3 76.2 104 124 139 157 193 277 320 400 420
NAH 110 110 12.9 20.3 33.3 48.7 63.1 83.8 115 136 153 173 212 304 352 440 462
NAH 120 120 14.1 22.2 36.4 53.1 68.8 91.4 125 149 167 189 231 332 384 480 504
NAH 130 130 15.3 24.1 39.4 55.4 70.3 92.2 135 161 181 205 250 329 377 443 459
NAH 145 145 17.1 26.9 43.9 61.8 78.4 103 151 180 202 228 279 366 420 494 512
NAH 155 155 18.2 28.7 46.9 66.0 83.8 110 161 192 216 244 299 392 449 528 547
NAH 170 170 20.0 31.5 51.5 72.4 91.9 121 177 211 236 268 327 430 493 580 600
NAH 185 185 21.8 34.3 56.0 78.8 100 131 193 229 257 291 356 468 536 631 653
NAH 210 210 24.7 38.9 63.6 89.5 114 149 219 260 292 331 405 531 608 716 741
NAH Range Cell Performance
At 20˚C ± 5˚C (+68˚F ± 9˚F)
Available amperes for fully charged cells after constant current charging to IEC 623 Final voltage : 0.65V/cell
(C5 Ah) Minutes Seconds
Ah 1.5 1 30 15 5 1
NAH 9 9 98.4 106 118 129 143 162
NAH 12 12 131 142 158 171 190 216
NAH 17 17 186 201 223 243 270 305
NAH 21 21 230 248 276 300 333 377
NAH 25 25 273 295 328 357 397 449
NAH 29 29 317 343 381 414 460 521
NAH 34 34 372 402 446 486 539 611
NAH 40 40 452 484 532 580 645 718
NAH 50 50 565 605 665 724 806 898
NAH 60 60 678 726 798 869 967 1078
NAH 70 70 791 847 931 1014 1129 1257
NAH 80 80 904 968 1064 1159 1290 1437
NAH 90 90 1017 1089 1197 1304 1451 1616
NAH 100 100 1131 1210 1330 1449 1612 1796
NAH 110 110 1244 1331 1463 1594 1773 1976
NAH 120 120 1357 1452 1596 1739 1935 2155
NAH 130 130 1391 1467 1602 1710 1883 2041
NAH 145 145 1552 1636 1786 1908 2101 2277
NAH 155 155 1659 1749 1909 2039 2246 2434
NAH 170 170 1819 1918 2094 2236 2463 2670
NAH 185 185 1980 2088 2279 2434 2680 2905
NAH 210 210 2247 2370 2587 2763 3042 3298
Installation and storage
Batteries on arrival d) Wait for 24 hours for all gassing to stop. Emplacement
On receiving the battery, open the cases e) Replace plastic transport seals and The battery should be installed in a dry
and check for any indication of damage in return to store. and clean location, away from direct
transit. sunlight, strong daylight and heat.
For batteries stored more than 12 months,
Remove the cells and any accessories from at least one discharged/charged cycle Block batteries can be fitted on to stands,
the packaging, and check that the contents as above should be carried out before floor-mounted or fitted into cabinets. The
are in order and inspect for any damage the commissioning change begins. battery will give the best performance and
in transit. maximum service life when the ambient
temperature is between +10°C and + 35°C.
Damage must be reported immediately to Discharge and empty
the carrier, and the company or its agent. Local standards or codes normally define
Cells discharge and empty can be stored the mounting arrangements of batteries,
If batteries are not put into service for many years if kept under the correct and these must be followed, if applicable.
immediately they should be stored in a conditions. They should be stored in a However, if this is not the case, the following
clean, dry, cool and well ventilated storage clean, dry, cool ( +10˚C to 30˚C ) and well comments should be used as a guide.
space on open shelves. Plastic cells should ventilated storage space on open shelves. When mounting the battery, it is desirable
not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is important that they are sealed with to maintain an easy access to all blocks;
the transport seals firmly in place. These they should be situated in a readily available
Before storage, ensure that: should be checked at least yearly, and if position.
a) Cells are kept clean with adequate necessary replaced or refitted. Failure or
protective finish, such as neutral the seal will result in ingress of carbon Distance between stands, and between
grease on post and connectors. dioxide from the atmosphere, which will stands and walls, should be sufficient to
result in carbonation of plates. This can give good access to the battery.
b) Electrolyte in cells are filled to the affect the capacity of the battery.
correct level. The overall weight of the battery must be
Storage of the battery at temperatures considered and the load bearing on the
c) Vents are correctly seated and vent above +30˚C can result in loss of capacity. floor taken into account in the selection
plugs firmly in position. Keep the This can be as much as 5% per 10˚C above of the battery accommodation. In case of
transit sealing tape in position. +30˚C per year. Discharged and empty doubt, please contact your representative
cells should be filled with electrolyte, and for advice.
Note that if excessive loss of electrolyte then the procedure for filled cells stored
in transit is found in cells supplied filled, more than 1 year must followed. When mounting the battery, ensure that the
ensure that the cells are correctly filled cells are correctly interconnected with the
before storage. appropriate polarity. The battery connection
Cells after storage to load should be with nickel-plated cable
Filled Cells All cells after storage must be prepared
for service and fully commissioned as Recommended torque for connecting
Filled cells can be stored for up to a described in page 25. screws is:
maximum of one year. The cells should
be sealed with plastic transport seals, Cell oil * M6 11 ± 1N.m
supplied with the cells. Check the On top of the electrolyte of filled cells * M8 20 ± 2N.m
transport seals upon receipt. floats a layer of cell oil to reduce self * M10 30 ± 3N.m
discharge and water loss due to evaporation.
If for unavoidable reasons, filled cells have This layer is approximately 5mm thick and, To avoid accelerated aging of the plastic
been stored for more than one year, they when the cells are delivered empty, must due to UV-light, batteries with plastic cell
must be given maintenance cycles as be added to the cells after they have been containers should not be exposed to
follows: filled with electrolyte, direct sunlight or strong daylight for a
prolonged period.
a) Remove transport seals form the cells. This layer is approximately 5mm thick and,
when the cells are delivered empty, must
b) Discharged at the charging current in be added to the cells after they have been
the Cell Data Tables to 1.0 Volts per cell. filled with electrolyte,
If the battery is enclosed in a cabinet or Thus, to maintain a maximum concentration Preparation for service
other such enclosed space, it is important of 2%, the air in the room will need changing
to provide sufficient space to disperse 3.2 = 1.6 times per hour. Filled cells
the gasses given off during charging, Check that the cells are extremely clean
and also to minimize condensation. It A typical figure for natural room with adequate protective finish on posts
is recommended that at least 200mm be ventilation is about 2.5 air changes per and connectors
allowed above cell tops, to ensure easy hour, and so, in this case, it would not be
access during inspection and topping up, necessary to introduce any forced Carefully remove the plastic transport seal,
and that enough space is allowed between ventilation. In a floating situation, the and visually check that the electrolyte levels
cabinet walls and the battery to avoid any current flowing is very much lower than in the opened cells are at the MAX level.
risk of short circuits. Flip-top vents may be when the cell is being charged, and the
turned through 180’ to achieve the most gas evolution is minimal; it may be If necessary, adjust by careful addition of
convenient position for topping-up. calculated in the same way using typical approve distilled or demineralised water.
floating currents.
Wipe away any small spillage on cells using a
clean cloth and close the flip-top vents
Ventilation to complete preparation for service.
When the battery is housed in a cubicle or The cells can now be commissioned as
enclosed compartment, it is necessary to A battery of 98 cells, type NBH 79 described in page 25
provide adequate ventilation. on a two step, two tier stand, is
placed in a room of dimension 2m
During the last part of high-rate charging, x 2m x 3m Discharge and empty cells
the battery is emitting gases (oxygen-hydrogen
mixture ). Check that cells are externally clean with
The charging system is capable
adequate protective finish on posts and
It is required to establish that the ventilation of of charging at 0.1C5 and so the
the battery room is adequate, and it is charging current is 7.9 amperes.
necessary to calculate the rate of evolution Identify and calculate the electrolyte
of hydrogen to ensure that the concentration The volume of hydrogen evolved type and quantity required to fill the cells,
of hydrogen gas in the room is kept per hour in this, the worst, case is: from the Cell Data tables. Do not remove
within safe limits. = 98 x 7.9 x 0.00045 m3 the plastic transport seals at this stage.
= 0.35 m3
The normally accepted safe limit for hydrogen Prepare new electrolyte to requirement
is 4%. However, some standards call for The total volume of room is from solid electrolyte or liquid electrolyte,
more severe levels than this, and levels as as supplied. When filling the cells, refer
2 x 2 x 3 = 12 m3
low as 1% are sometimes required. to the “Electrolyte instructions” data sheet
supplied with electrolyte. Ensure that only
To calculate the ventilation requirements of Approximate volume of battery and
demineralised or pure distilled water is
a battery room, the following method can stand does not exceed 1 m3, and so, used.
be used: the volume of free air in the room
is 11 m3. Carefully remove the plastic transport seal
1 Ah of overcharge breaks down 0.366 cm3 and leave the flip-top vents open.
of water, and 1 cm3 of water produces 1.865 Therefore, the concentration of
liters of gas in the proportion 2/3 hydrogen hydrogen gas after charging for 1 Carefully fill the cells using a plastic jug
and 1/3 oxygen. Thus 1 Ah of overcharge hour at full gassing potential at 0.1 and funnel to a level 5-10 mm below the
produces 0.45 liters of hydrogen. C5 will be: = 0.35/11 = 2.8% MAX level. Allow the cells to stand for 24
hours. For large installations, a pump
Therefore, the volume of hydrogen system is recommended.
evolved from a battery per hour
Thus, to maintain a maximum concen tration Add cell oil as described in page 25.
= number of cells x charge current of 2% (for example), the air in the room will
x 0.45 liters or After 24 hours stand, carfully complete
need changing 2.8/2 = 1.4 times per hour.
filling the cell to the maximum level.
= number of cells x charge current
x 0.00045 m3 In practice, a typical figure for natural room
Wipe away any small spillage on cells
ventilation is about 2.5 air changes per hour,
using a clean cloth and close the flip-top
The volume of hydrogen found by this and so, in this case, it would not be necessary vents to complete preparation for service.
calculation can be expressed as a percentage to introduce any forced ventilation.
of the total volume of the battery room, The cells can now be commissioned as
and from this, the number of air changes In a floating situation, the current flowing is described in page 25.
required to keep the concentration of very much lower than when the cell is be-
hydrogen below a certain level can be ing charged, and the gas evolution is min-
calculated. imal; it may be calculated in the same way
using typical floating currents.
Maintenance of batteries
Cleanliness / Mechanical a) Discharge the battery at the rate of 0.1C5 Every 2 years
to 0.2C5 amperes (10 to 20 amperes • Clean cell lids and battery area
Cells must be kept clean and dry at all for a 100 Ah battery ) to a final average • Check torque values
times, as dust and damp cause current voltage of 1.0 volts per cell. ( i.e. 92 volts • Grease terminals and connectors
leakage. Terminal and connectors should for a 92 cells battery)
be kept clean, and any spillage during Every 5 years or as required
maintenance should be wiped off with a b) Charge 200% ( i.e. 200 Ah for 100 Ah • Capacity check
clean cloth. The battery can be cleaned, battery at the same rate used as the
using water. Do not use wire brush or above paragraph (a) As required
a solvent of any kind. Vent caps can be Top-up with water according to defined
rinsed in clean water, if necessary. c) Discharge at the same rate used in (a), period ( depend on float voltage, cycles
measuring and recording current, and temperature)
Check that the flame arresting vents are voltage and time every hour, and more
tightly sealed and that there are no deposits frequently towards the end of the
on the vent caps. discharged. This should be continued
until a final average voltage of 1.0 volts per
Terminals should be checked for tightness, cell is reached. The overall state of battery
and the terminals and connectors should can then be seen, and if indIvidually cell
be corrosion protected by coating with a measurements are taken, the state of
thin layer of neutral grease or anti-corrosion each cell can be observed.
Commission charge
It is recommended that a good first charge the recommended charge current (see using a high voltage level, e.g. 1.65 voltage
should be given to the battery. This is a Data Tables below) before being placed in limit may be used for 20 to 30 hours, if the
once, only operation, and is long service service. The battery can now be put into current limit is approximately equivalent
life. It is also important for discharged and service. to the 5 hour charge current. If the
empty cells which have been filled, as they current rating is lower, then the charge
will be in a total discharge state. Cells that have been stored for more than time should be increased accordingly.
one year. or have been filled, should be
A constant current first charge is preferable charged for 15 hours at the recommended When the charger maximum voltage
and this should be such as to supply 300% charge current (see Data Tables below), setting is too low to supply constant
of the rated capacity of the cell. Thus, a discharge to 1.0 volts per cell and then current charging, divide the battery into
250 Ah cell will require 750 amperes hours charged for 10 hours at the recommended two parts to be charged individually at a
input, e.g. 50 amperes for 15 hours. charge current (see Data Tables below). high voltage.
Cells which have been stored for less than In cases where it is not possible to provide The battery can now be put into service.
one year should be charged for 15 hours at constant current charging, it is possible to
achieve this with a constant voltage by
Battery racks
NICA product portfolio includes standard and anti-Seismic battery racks (conforming to Uniform Building Code, Seismic Zone 4). These
have been designed for all types in the NICA range and are supplied unassembled to allow for easy installation. The purpose-built racks are
strong, adaptable and provide good alkali protection. Dimensions are given below for the range of rack layouts; battery lengths should be
calculated as detailed on the relevant cell capacities and dimensions pages in this publication.
Dimension for single and double tiers, single cell range (Diagram 1 to 6)
Cell type 1 Tier Rack 2 Tiers Rack
Diagram 1.
1 tier, 2 steps
normal mount
Diagram 5.
Diagram 2. 2 tiers, 3 steps
1 tier, 3 steps normal mount
normal mount
Diagram 3.
1 tier, 4 steps
normal mount
Diagram 4. Diagram 6.
2 tiers, 2 steps 2 tiers, 4 steps
normal mount normal mount
Nicad Power Pte Ltd
Block 3028A Ubi Road 3, #01-87, Singapore 408657
Tel : +65 6748 7789 • Fax : +65 6744 9929
Made in Sweden
Edition : April 2018 • Data in this document is subject to change without notice and becomes contractural only after written confirmation.