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Mittal School of Business Faculty of Finance Course Code: FIN348

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Mittal School of Business Faculty of Finance

Name of the Faculty Member: Annu Kumari Course Code: FIN348

Course Title: International Financial management
Term: 20211 Section: KOM71
Max. Marks: 30
Date of Allotment: 24/August/2020 Date of Submission: 22/ September/2020

S. Roll Objective Topic Details Evaluation Parameters Description

No No s of
c Activity
1. All To Student will be given one Student will be evaluated The report should be
studen enhance topic, report will be as prepared undertaking
ts the prepared by collecting all per following parameters given points:
analytica inputs about it.The 1. Introduction – 5 marks
assignment will make the 2. Descriptive Analysis – 1. Introduction to the
l and
students aware about the 10 Marks topic
various finance terms and 3. Analysis through case
al skills how they have study– 10 Marks 2. Description:
of the differentiated purposes and 4. Conclusion – 5 Marks Category, Suitability,
students benefits Claims, details of
scams or crisis

3. Analysing the
outcomes through an
example or case study

4. Conclusion to the

Topic allocation:

SerialNo RegisterationNumber Name RollNumber Topic

1 11800178 Anil G.C RKOM71A01 Bitcoin
Md Arifur Rahman
2 11800320 Anik RKOM71A02 Blockchain
3 11800944 Saksham Arora RKOM71A03 Future market
4 11801327 Bidhun Joseph RKOM71A04 Forward market
5 11801434 Pratap Singh RKOM71A05 Option trading
6 11801435 Love Vaishnav RKOM71A06 Forex market
7 11801458 Nikhil Vamsi RKOM71A07 International trade
Naredla Bhaskar
Lakshmi Srinivasa
8 11801462 Reddy RKOM71A08 Licensing
Anekallu Hari
9 11801548 Vishal Reddy RKOM71A09 Franchising
10 11801565 Madhusudhan RKOM71A10 Joint ventures
Acquisitions of existing
11 11802052 Ashish Roushan RKOM71A11 operations
Establishing new
12 11802197 Pankaj Kumar RKOM71A12 foreign subsidiaries
13 11802207 Kushwaha RKOM71A13 Imperfect market
Garikapati Ravi
14 11802963 Chandra RKOM71A14 Balance of trade
Tavva Praveen International
15 11802968 koushik RKOM71A15 Monetary fund
16 11803039 Nekkanti Surya Sai RKOM71A16 Satyam scam
Vadlamani Pavan
17 11803304 Kumar RKOM71A17 Harshad mehta scam
18 11803321 Rahul Kumar RKOM71A18 Ketan parekh scam
19 11803322 Ridhubharan S V RKOM71A19 Sahara scam
20 11803482 Nitesh Kumar Sao RKOM71A20 Sharada scam
21 11803535 Ravi Kumar Shukla RKOM71A21 Nirav Modi scam
22 11804495 Akash Varma RKOM71A22 PMC bank scam
23 11804565 K B Revath Kumar RKOM71A23 2008 crisis
24 11804633 Shrikant Jaiswal RKOM71A24 credit rating agecies
Role of RBI in dealing
interntional market-
25 11804730 Jai Ranawat RKOM71A25 current scenario
Pathipati Sai
26 11804760 Kumar RKOM71A26 ADR/GDR
27 11805432 Jhavesh Verma RKOM71A27 Agency problem
28 11805940 Kandukuri RKOM71A28 Corporate governance
Kata Chenna Capital structure
29 11805953 Reddy RKOM71A29 thoeries
30 11806507 Vinayakumar RKOM71A30 Securitization
31 11806515 Kaile Sasi Priya RKOM71A31 Dematerialization
32 11806637 K Mahesh RKOM71A32 Major FDI in India
S Bhuvaneswar
33 11806794 Reddy RKOM71A33 FII
Dommeti Lakshmi
34 11807377 Naga Tarun RKOM71A34 Privatisation
35 11807450 Rayana Mani Teja RKOM71A35 Lineralization
36 11807455 Veesam Satya Teja RKOM71A36 Globalisation
37 11807482 Shaik Afzal RKOM71A37 Mergers of Banks
Pradhan mantri Jan
38 11807506 Ayush Kumar RKOM71A38 dhan yojna
Atamnirbhar bharat
39 11807595 Himanshu Borah RKOM71A39 mission
40 11807849 Allada Srinivas RKOM71A40 Transfer Pricing
Reddim Timoti
41 11808091 Tarun Kumar RKOM71A41 Tariff treaties of India
Manideep Venkata
Laxmi Narasimha
42 11808651 Rao Alla RKOM71A42 Demonetization
Md A S Tariquz
43 11809029 Zaman Laskar RKOM71A43 GST
Dual tax regime of
44 11809133 Akhil Ganta RKOM71A44 India 2020
45 11810102 Shekar RKOM71A45 WTO
Narra Venkata Sai
46 11810171 Kumar RKOM71A46 Euro crisis
47 11810281 Ranga Prudhviraju RKOM71A47 Yes bank crisis
Jampana Rajiv
48 11810522 Krishnam Raju RKOM71A48 IPO
49 11810946 Grace Sucharitha RKOM71A49 Book building
Short term
instruments of
50 11811008 Hemant Sahu RKOM71A50 financial market
Ammrapinni Long term instruments
51 11812174 Mohan Sai RKOM71A51 of financial market
52 11814160 Mohd Yusuf RKOM71A52 Mutual funds
53 11814980 Gunda Dinesh RKOM71A53 Brokerage firms
54 11815015 Tenzin Monlam RKOM71A54 NSE stock exchange
Saurav Kumar
55 11815066 Nanda RKOM71A55 BSE stock exchange
56 11815307 Riten Kalra RKOM71A56 OTCEI
57 11815390 Sheripally Aditya RKOM71A57 Commodity market
Micro finance
58 11901627 Kanhaiya Verma RKOM71A58 institutions
59 11906214 Imsanger Jamir RKOM71A59 NBFCs and roles
Sadhu Ayyappa
60 11610386 Reddy RKOM71A60 Covid crisis

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