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Design and Fabrication of Mechanical Footstep Power Generator

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Research Proposal · October 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14676.55688


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2 authors:

Shivendra Nandan Rishikesh Trivedi

Galgotias University Galgotias University


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International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019
Vol. 4, Issue 05, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 214-222
For Publishing Online September 2019 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)


Shivendra Nandan Rishikesh Trivedi
School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering,
Galgotias University, Galgotias University,
Greater Noida, U.P., India Greater Noida, U.P., India
Abstract- Nowadays energy and power are the one of the while the power producing platform is over crowded with moving
basic needs in this modern world. Energy demand is population, energy is produced at larger levels. Greater movement
increasing day by day. On the other hand, the many energy of people will generate more energy.
resources are getting exhausted and wasted. Proposal for
utilization of waste energy of foot power with human
locomotion is very relevant in populated countries like India
where roads, railway stations, bus stands, temples, etc. are
overcrowded and millions of people move around. This whole
energy is wasted. If this energy made possible for utilization it
will be a great invention. In this project we are converting
non-conventional from just walking foot step into electrical
energy. This project uses simple drive mechanism such as
rack and pinion assembly. The control mechanism carries the Fig. 1.1: General Block Diagram Arrangement
rack & pinion, and D.C generator to output. In this project the weight which acts on the foot step is used to
In this project we are generating electrical power as non- generate electrical energy. When a person walks
conventional method by simply walking or running on the
footsteps. Non-conventional energy system is very essential at Over the foot step, a force acts on the step. One can simply be amazed
this time to our nation. Non-conventional energy using foot by knowing how much energy a person can have just by walking on
step needs no fuel input power to generate the electrical the floor with normal speed. Whenever a person walks, manages to
power. In this project the simple drive mechanism such as lose energy towards the floor by means Excess weight to the floor.
rack and pinion assembly and chain drive mechanism is used That energy may be used and converted into electrical energy. The
for generating power by utilization of force which is obtained Mechanical energy (weight) is converted into electrical energy using
during the walking on steps is converted in to electrical drive mechanism, in this case rack and pinion. Generated energy can
energy with the help of mechanical L9systems. The generated be stored in Batteries. Then the output of the battery is used to lighten
power is stored by means of battery and this is used for the lamps in the room. Proposal for the utilization of waste energy of
activating the connected loads. This is one of the compact and foot power with human locomotion is very much relevant and
efficient systems for generating electricity which can be easily important. Man has needed and used energy at an increasing rate for
installed in many regions. his sustenance and well-being ever since he came on the earth a few
million years ago. Primitive man required energy primarily in the
Keywords: Footsteps, Conventional Energy, Non-conventional
form of food. He derived this by Eating plants or animals, which he
energy system, D.C. Generator, Rack & Pinion, Chain.
hunted. Subsequently he discovered fire and his energy needs
increased as he Started to make use of wood and other bio mass to
I. INTRODUCTION supply the energy needs for cooking as well as for keeping himself
Warm. With the passage of time, man started to cultivate land for
Proposal for the utilization of waste energy of foot power with agriculture. He added a new dimension to the use of Energy by
human locomotion is very much relevant and important for domesticating and training animals to work for him. With further
highly populated countries like India and China where mobility demand for energy, man began to use the Wind for sailing ships and
of its masses will turn into boon in generating electricity from for driving windmills, and the force of falling water to turn water for
its footsteps. sailing ships and for Driving windmills, and the force of falling water
to turn water wheels. Till this time, it would not be wrong to say that
In India, places like roads, railway stations, bus stands, are all
the sun was supplying all the energy needs of man either directly or
over crowded and millions of people move round the clock. As
indirectly and that man was using only renewable Sources of energy.
a result large amount of power can be obtained with the use of
this promising technology. This process involves number of [18] Abhishek et. al., (2016) POWER GENERATION BY FOOT
simple setup that are installed under the walking platform. STEPS USING RACK AND PINION ARRANGEMENT
When people walk on this platform their body weight This process involves number of simple setup that is installed under
compresses the setup which rotates a dynamo or Sanyo coil and the walking platform. When People walk on this platform their body
current produced is stored in dry battery. To reduce the external weight compresses the setup which rotates a dynamo and current is
compression, a responsive subflooring system is installed. And produced. The power producing platform is overcrowded area with
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019
Vol. 4, Issue 05, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 214-222
For Publishing Online September 2019 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

moving population, energy is produced at larger levels. Greater roads and as well as all kind of foot step which is used to generate
movement of people will generate more energy. This whole the non-conventional energy like electricity. [2]
human energy being wasted if can be made Possible for
utilization it will be great invention and power producing
“Electrical Power Generation Using Foot Step for Urban Area
platform will be very useful energy sources in crowded countries.
Energy Applications” by Joydev Ghosh, Amit Saha, Samir
Proposal for the utilization of waste energy of foot power with
Basak, Supratim Sen.
human locomotion is very much relevant and important. Man has
needed and used energy at an increasing rate for his sustenance In this research paper authors used 80 volts and 40 mA from one
and well-being ever since he came on the earth a few million coil have been generated from a prototype model as first invention.
years ago. Primitive man required energy primarily in the form of The second invention provides 95 volts and 50 mA from one coil
food. He derived this by Eating plants or animals, which he and this generated power can be used to light LED array and to run
hunted. Subsequently he discovered fire and his energy needs DC fan after rectifying the AC or can charge batteries. For high
increased as he Started to make use of wood and other bio mass efficiency in the axel of the second gear, they fitted a strong magnet
to supply the energy needs for cooking as well as for keeping vertically, so that when the gear will rotate due to human body
himself Warm. weight the magnet also rotate. The magnet is placed in a loop type
copper coil. When the magnet start rotating according to the
With the passage of time, man started to cultivate land for
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, there will be induced
agriculture. He added a new dimension to the use of energy by
emf in the coil. [3]
domesticating and training animals to work for him. With further
demand for energy, man began to use the Wind for sailing ships “Power generation through step” by Vipin Kumar Yadav1,
and for driving windmills, and the force of falling water to turn Vivek Kumar Yadav1, Rajat Kumar1, Ajay Yadav
water for sailing ships and for Driving windmills, and the force of
falling water to turn water wheels. Till this time, it would not be In these research paper authors used equipment with following
specification: Motor Voltage:10 volt Type: D.C. Generator,
wrong to say that the sun was supplying all the energy needs of
RPM:1000 rpm, Gear 1-Mild Steel, No. of teeth:59(big gear),No. of
man either directly or indirectly and that man was using only
teeth:36(small gear),Type: Spur Gear, No. of gear used:2 Spring 1-
renewable Sources of energy. This process involves number of
simple setup that is installed under the walking platform. When Load bearing capacity:60-90 kg, Mild Steel, Total displacement:5
inch, Bearing 1- Type: Ball bearing, Bearing no.N35,Shaft 1-
People walk on this platform their body weight compresses the
Diameter: 15 mm- Material: Mild steel author concluded that with
setup which rotates a dynamo and current is produced.
these method energy conversion is simple efficient and pollution
The power producing platform is overcrowded area with free. [4]
moving population, energy is produced at larger levels. Greater
movement of people will generate more energy. This whole “Power Generation Footstep” by Shiraz Afzal, Farrukh hafeez
human energy being wasted if can be made Possible for This paper is all about generating electricity when people walk on
utilization it will be great invention and power producing the Floor if we are able to design a power generating floor that can
platform will be very useful energy sources in crowded produce 100W on just 12 steps, then for 120 steps we can produce
countries. 1000 Watt and if we install such type of 100 floors with this system
then it can produce 1MegaWattAs a fact only 11% of renewable
energy contributes to our primary energy. If this project is deployed,
“Power Generation in Automobile Suspension System” by then not only we can overcome the energy crises problem but this
C. Nithiyesh Kumar, K.Gowtham, M.Manikandan, also contributes to create a healthy global environmental change. In
P.Bharathkanna, T. Manoj Kumar this project a gear system is attached with flywheel which causes to
rotate the dynamo as the tile on the deck is pressed The power that
In this research paper author studied three methods of foot step
is created is saved in the batteries in addition we will be able to
power generation namely piezoelectric method, rack and pinion
monitor and control the amount of electricity generated When an
method and fuel piston method comparatively and found that
individual passes it push the tile on the ground surface which turn
the rack and pinion mechanism is more efficient with moderate
the shaft beneath the tile, turn is limited by clutch bearing which is
cost of operation and maintenance. [1]
underpinned by holders. Primary shaft is rotate 215approx... Twice
“Generation of Electrical Energy from Foot Step Using by a single tile push. The movement of the prevailing shaft turn the
Rack and Pinion Mechanism” by Md.Azhar, Zitender Raj gearbox shaft which builds it 15 times (1:15) then its movement is
purohit, Abdul Saif, Nalla Abhinay, P.Sai Chandu smoothen by the help of fly wheel which temporary store the
In this research paper authors used regulated 5V power, 500mA movement, which is convey to the DC generator (it generates 12V
power supply. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify 40 amp at 1000 rpm). [5]
the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.
A rack and pinion is a type of linear actuator including a pair of “POWER GENERATION FROM STEPS” by Ramesh Raja R,
gears which convert rotational motion into linear motion. The Sherin Mathew
“pinion” engages teeth on the rack. In this paper, since the
power generation using foot step get its energy requirements This research paper attempts to show how energy can be tapped and
from Non-renewable source of energy. There is no need of used at a commonly used floor step. The usage of steps in every
power from external sources (mains) and there is less pollution building is increasing day by day, since even every small building
in this source of energy. It is very useful to the places like all has some floors. A large amount of energy is wasted when we are

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019
Vol. 4, Issue 05, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 214-222
For Publishing Online September 2019 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

stepping on the floors by the dissipation of heat and friction, energy, man began to use the wind for sailing ships and for driving
every time a man steps up using stairs. There is great possibility windmills, and the force of falling water to turn water for sailing
of tapping this energy and generating power by making every ships and for driving windmills, and the force of falling water to
staircase as a power generation unit. The generated power can turn water wheels. Till this time, it would not be wrong to say that
be stored by batteries, and it will be used for slighting the the sun was supplying all the energy needs of man either directly or
building. [6] indirectly and that man was using only renewable sources of energy.
“Electricity Generation from Footsteps; A Regenerative IX. OBJECTIVES
Energy Resource” by Tom Jose V*, Binoy Boban*, Sijo M To design and develop the model of Stair case power generation.
T* Also fabricate the model which will work on the systems for
required application.
In these research paper author manufactured a model made
from stainless steel, recycled car tires and recycled aluminum, In this project we are converting Mechanical energy into Electrical
also includes a lamp embedded in the pavement that lights up energy. We are trying to utilize the wasted energy in a useful way.
every time a step is converted into energy (using only 5 percent By using Rack and Pinion arrangement we are converting to and fro
of the generated energy). The average square of pavement motion of the steps into rotational motion of the dynamo.
produces about 2.1 watts of electricity. And according to
In first foot step we are using rack and pinion arrangement directly
author, any one square of pavement in a high-foot traffic area
to rotate the dynamo. But in second step we are using chain drive
can see 50,000 steps a day. Based on this data, only five units
mechanism to obtain better efficiency. Through Dynamo the
of pavement can be enough to keep the lights on at a bus stop
rotational energy is converted into electrical energy. This electrical
all night. [7]
energy output will be shown by glowing the LEDs. The output
III. PROBLEM STATEMENT power is expected to be 3 to 4V in prototype.
Some developing countries and newly-industrialized countries X. COMPONENT AND ASSEMBLY
have several hours of daily power-cuts in almost all cities
The footstep arrangement is used to generate the electric power.
and villages because the increase in demand for electricity
Now a day’s power demand is increased, so the footstep
exceeds the increase in electric power generation. People in
arrangement is used to generate the electrical power in order to
these countries may use a power-inverter (rechargeable
compensate the electric power demand. In this arrangement the
batteries) or a diesel/petrol-run electric generator at their homes
mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.
during the power-cut. The use of standby generators is common
in industrial and IT hubs. This ultimately increases the shortage This section is constructed by of rubber or other material which is
of power. placed within the surface areas. This section is mainly placed in the
crowed areas. This footstep arrangement is attached with spring
Design and Fabrication
Footstep section consists of
 Springs
Design of Foot step power generation by using rack and pinion  Gearwheel arrangement
motion with suspension spring.  Rack and Pinion Section
VI. AIM  Chain drive Mechanism
 Coupling section
To generation the power from dynamo by using rack and pinion  Dynamo
motion with suspension spring. Design and fabrication the  LEDs
model of foot step power generation. Also to fabricate the
model of the same which would able to show the characteristics
of the systems and working according to need.
The main aim of this project is to develop much cleaner cost
effective way of power generation method, which in turns helps
to bring down the global warming as well as reduce the power

Man has needed and used energy at an increasing rate
for his sustenance and well-being ever since he came on
the earth a few million years ago. Primitive man required Fig 2.1.1 Base Assembly Fig 2.1.2 Upper Assembly
energy primarily in the form of food. They derived this by
eating plants or animals, which they hunted. With the passage
of time, man started to cultivate land for agriculture. They
added a new dimension to the use of energy by domesticating
and training animals to work for them. With further demand for
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019
Vol. 4, Issue 05, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 214-222
For Publishing Online September 2019 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

Table 2.1. Specifications

Sr.No. Component Details
Base and upper plate Mild steel
Fixed Cylindrical pipes MS pipes
Moving pipes MS pipes
Springs Alloy Steel Wire
Fig 2.1.3 Shaft Fig 2.1.4 Spring
Rack and pinion Cast iron,
DC motor Electric equipment
Stair frame MS

The rack & pinion, spring arrangement is fixed at the inclined step.
The spring issued to return the inclined step in same position by
releasing the load. The pinion shaft is connected to the supporter by
end bearing. The larger sprocket also coupled with the pinion shaft,
so that it is running at the same speed of piston. The larger sprocket
is coupled to the small cycle sprocket with the help of chain.
Fig 2.1.5 Spur Gears Fig 2.1.6 Bearing

Fig 2.1.7 Rack and Pinion

Fig. 2.1. Assembled view of components

The complete fabricated model picture of Foot Step is shown. The
upper plate is mounted on two springs; the weight impact is
converted into electrical power with proper control unit. The spring
and rack & pinion arrangement is fixed below the foot step which is
mounted on base. Spring system is used for return mechanism of
upper plate after release of load. The shaft along with pinion is
supported by end bearings. A gear is provided there also. A gear is
coupled to the shaft. The gear wheel which is provided in shaft is
coupled to the Dynamo. The dynamo capacity used here is12V.
From the dynamo the wires are taken. These wires are connected to
a LEDs, to show the output power. The generator is used here is
12Volt permanent magnet DC generator. The terminal of DC
Fig 2.1.8 Assembled View generator is connected to lightning LEDs.

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019
Vol. 4, Issue 05, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 214-222
For Publishing Online September 2019 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

is converted into electrical power with proper control unit.

The spring and rack & pinion arrangement is fixed below the foot
step which is mounted on base. Spring system is used for return
mechanism of upper plate after release of load. The shaft along with
Fig. 2.2. Working Block Diagram pinion is supported by end bearings the complete diagram of the
footstep power generation is given below. Only one step is inclined
In the first step the footstep is directly connected to the Rack &
in certain small angle which is used to generate the power. The
pinion arrangement. To the pinion shaft dynamo is provided
pushing power is converted into electrical energy by proper driving
and LEDs are coupled to it. Thus, Mechanical energy is
converted in to Electrical energy.
The main phenomenon on which the working of this project is based
With the help of block diagram as show in the block diagram
is that rack and pinion assemble converts the linear motion into
the working procedure is explained in step by step manner.
rotary motion and vice versa also. The pinion is of finite diameter
In this project we are converting Mechanical energy into
and gives circular motion when the rack of infinite diameter comes
Electrical energy. We are trying to utilize the wasted energy in
in contact with pinion and gives linear or translator motion for
a useful way. By using Rack and Pinion arrangement we are
proper contact between both rack and pinion the should have equal
converting to and fro motion of the steps into rotational motion
module. The shafts of rack and pinion remains parallel during their
of the dynamo.
In first foot step we are using rack and pinion arrangement
directly to rotate the dynamo. But in second step we are using
chain drive mechanism to obtain better efficiency.


The General design of the foot step power generation is given
in fig.4.2. In this arrangement we are using two steps. The rack
& pinion, spring arrangement is fixed below the steps. We are
using four springs foe each step. The spring is used to return the
step-in same position by releasing the load. The rack is coupled
to the foot step.
In the second step, the Rack is connected to the footsteps. From
Rack a shaft is provided in which the larger sprocket lies. The
larger sprocket is coupled with Rack, so that it is running at the
same speed of Rack. The larger sprocket is coupled to the
smaller sprocket below in the other shaft with the help of chain Fig. 2.4. Model Diagram
(cycle). This larger sprocket is used to transfer the rotation
force to the smaller sprocket. A gear is provided there also. The
smaller sprocket is running same direction for the forward and The complete and real image of this project and mechanism is
reverse direction of rotational movement of the larger sprocket. shown in fig 3 given below. The impact load is put on surface on the
It running at same speed also. step. One end of spring is attached to the other surface of step
(plate) and another end is fixed to the stand. Firstly, the spring is
compress down due to impact of load. During this process the
energy is absorb in the spring. When the weight is removed from the
top of the plate, the spring come back to its original position. By
releasing the energy inside it and the plate moves upward and return
its original position.
When the spring is compressed due to impact of weight on plate, the
energy absorbed in the spring and the rack move downward
direction vertically and the rack is in contact with pinion. So, pinion
rotates in anti-clock wise direction. The pinion shaft is directly
coupled with dynamo (generator). So, dynamo generates electricity.
When the spring expends releasing the energy stored inside it, the
rack moves in upward direction vertically and the rack is in contact
with pinion. So, pinion rotates in clock wise direction. The pinion
shaft is directly coupled with dynamo. So, dynamo generates
electricity again.
If we want to store the electrical energy for future use, we connect
the dynamo to the invertor which store the energy in the form of
D.C. in the battery. [2] Munaswamy et. al., (2018) Mechanical
Fig: 2.3. Line Diagram for Foot Step Power Generation Footstep Power Generation.

The upper plate is mounted on two springs; the weight impact The following steps are involved in the process:

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019
Vol. 4, Issue 05, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 214-222
For Publishing Online September 2019 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

Step 1: When force is applied on the plate by virtue on Machine”

stamping on the plate the force spring gets
Step 2: Due to this the rack moves vertically down.
Step 3: The pinion meshed with the rack gear results in
circular motion of the pinion gear.
Step 4: For one full compression the pinion Moves one
semicircle, when the force applied on the plate
released the pinion reverses and moves another semi-
Step 5: The intermediate gear with a greater number of teeth
will rotate as a result of motion of pinion. Fig. 2.5. Flooring System

Step 6: The generator attached to the intermediate will obtain XIV. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST
the rotating motion, hence results in the sinusoidal Table 2.2: Cost Estimation Table
waveform (for single Generator).
Step 7: The voltage signal thus obtained will be displayed in NO.
LCD display about how much voltage of current is Base plate and upper Mild steel - 1000
1. plate 300×300 mm
XII. OUTPUT POWER CALCULATION Fixed Cylindrical M.S. pipes,30mm 400
Let us consider, 2. pipes dia.-100mm
The mass of a body = 65 Kg (Approximately) length (100×4)
Height of spring = 8 cm
Moving pipes MS pipes,20 mm 400
∴Work done = Force x Distance 3. dia.100mm length
Here, (100×4)
Force = Weight of the Body
= 65 Kg x 9.81 Springs Alloy Steel Wire 400
4. (100×4)
= 637.65 N
Distance traveled by the body = Height of the spring Stair frame MS l angle frame 1000
= 8 cm 5.
= 0.08 m Rack and pinion Cast iron, module 1100
∴Output power = Work done/Sec 6. 1.5
= (637.65 x 0.08)/60
DC motor 12 volt,60 rpm 250
= 0.8502 Watts 7.
(For One pushing force)
Fabrication Cutting, welding 600
8. etc.

When the mechanical setup is used as it is, every single setup Assembly Mounting, fixing 500
9. motor shaft with
will compress separately and give an awkward feeling while
walking over that. To prevent this, a flooring system is installed pinion. Adjusting
rack and pinion
over the mechanical setup. The purpose of installing this etc. and final
flooring system is to provide required compression and at the welding
same time to prevent the people to feel uncomfortable when
walking over it. As every block over the setup is connected to
one another using hinge arrangement, the compression will not XV. (i) ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY
be felt as the weight of the person walking over that will be This device is completely in the favor of Human economy; its
distributed. But the pressure required to compress the setup will components are not so expensive and can be easily installed. By
be conveyed as the person’s weight acts on the particular setup using this device we can save electric energy and part of money in
only depending upon the average weight over a locomotive schools, cinemas, station, etc.
area, the strength and number of hinges are used. For the area (ii) ENVIRONMENTAL FEASIBILITY
where average weight is more, the numbers of the hinges are The materials and the components used in it is completely also in
increased. This along with the primary spring provides the the favor of environment and any type of pollution is not be created.
required compression for the setup. This hinge arrangement The materials used in this device are not harmful to the nature
distributes the weight of the person and prevents them from components in any way.
feeling the compression. But about 95% of the pressure applied
due to the weight is conveyed for the compression. [1] Bhosale XVI. ADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT
et. al., (2017) “Design of Foot Step Power Energy Generation This process depends on human resources which is available in

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019
Vol. 4, Issue 05, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 214-222
For Publishing Online September 2019 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

plenty in our country which makes our country a favorable

place for this project.
1) This is a Non-conventional system
2) No need fuel input.
3) Power generation is simply walking on the step.
4) Power also generated by running or exercising on the step.
5) Battery is used to store the generated power.
6) No pollution content is produced
7) It is fully eco friendly
8) Easy construction
9) It can be used at any time when it necessary Fig. 3.2. Model of Speed Breaker Mechanism
10) Easy maintenance because of less moving parts.
11) Highly efficient in more crowded places. XVIII. GENERAL APPLICATIONS
12) Depending upon the power generator and number of them,  Railway, subway stations
power output is very high  Roads
13) Promising technology for solving power crisis to an  Temples
affordable extent.  Bus stands, air ports
14) Low cost level.  Music halls, auditoriums
15) Reduces transmission losses.  Markets
16) Wide areas of application.  In bus station.
17) Maintenance cost is low.  In car parking system.
18) Conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy is  In Airports.
easy.  In Lift system.
 In street lights and Electric escalator
(i) Power Generating Shoe [2] Munaswamy et al., (2017)
This can be implemented on railway station to generate electric
Mechanical Footstep Power Generation power and in all places where movement of people is abundant.
 Present Conflict
Footstep power generation system produces electricity by utilizing
energy which is wasted through walking. Mechanism like rack and
pinion and piezo-electric material are integrated to produce desired
output. Cost of electricity generation solely depends upon the initial
cost, maintenance cost and life of system. Maximum advantage of
this system can be taken if installed in highly dense area.
Since in this project of power generation there is not any fuel input
requirement for the generation of electrical power. Thus, it can also
be concluded that this mode of power generation system is eco-
friendly, i.e., no pollution is caused during the generation of power
Fig. 3.1.(a) View of arrangement in Power Generation using this type of model. Hence due to such advantages, this system
shoe can be embedded at any of the public places like railway platforms,
busy foot-paths, malls etc.
Implementing this system, we can easily reduce our dependency on
the conventional sources of energy, thus can be considered
beneficial from that point of view.
It is able to extend this project by using same arrangement and
construct in the footsteps/speed breaker so that increase the power
production rate by fixing school and colleges, highways etc.
Footstep power generation system produces electricity by utilizing
energy which is wasted through walking. Mechanism like rack and
pinion and piezo-electric material are integrated to produce desired
output. Cost of electricity generation solely depends upon the initial
cost, maintenance cost and life of system. Maximum advantage of
Fig. 3.1.(b) View of arrangement in Power Generation shoe this system can be taken if installed in highly dense area.
(ii) Power Generation by Speed Breaker Through Gear  Future Scope
Mechanism [4] Dhinar et al., (2017) Footstep Power
Generation System The project work “Power generation by foot step” is designed and

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019
Vol. 4, Issue 05, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 214-222
For Publishing Online September 2019 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

developed successfully, for the demonstration purpose a proto XXI. REFERENCES

type module is constructed with lower ratings of devices, &
[1] Bhosale Prof. P.A., Shinde Mr.Harshal, Tahade Mr.Rohit,
results are found to be satisfactory. As it is a demo module it
Valani Mr. Meet, Wallalwar Mr.Rohan, (2017) “Design of Foot
cannot be used for real applications, but the concept is near to
Step Power Energy Generation Machine”, 0International
the real working system, to make it more realistic, higher rating
Conference on Ideas, Impact and Innovation in Mechanical
power generator with suitable gear mechanism is essential to
Engineering (ICIIIME 2017), ISSN: 2321-8169 /943 – 948,
produce more energy.
Volume: 5 Issue: 6
This concept falls under the subject of non-conventional energy
[2] Munaswamy B., Prudhvi Ch., Srikanth V., Kirankumar B.,
resources, out of the many alternative energy resources one
Kumar Er. Pradeep, (2018) Mechanical Footstep Power Generation,
dependable source is solar energy, but it is quite costliest affair.
India International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications
Therefore alternative cheapest source is to generate electricity
(IJETA) – Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2018
from foot step. This technology proven here is the ultimate
inexpensive source of all known forms of energy. When it is [3] V. Jose Ananth Vino, (2011) Bharath University, Power
implemented practically, depending up on the size & traffic Generation Using Foot Step, International Journal of
flow, each foot step may produce tens of kilowatts power every Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume1
day, this power can be utilized for many applications. If we are Issue2 – May 2011 .
used this project at very busy stairs palace then we produce
efficient useful electrical for large purposes. One important [4] Dhimar Mrs. Krupal, Patel Krishna, Patel Zeel, Pindiwala
advantage of producing energy through this technology is that it Nisha, (2017) FOOTSTEP POWER GENERATION
does not pollute the environment. Hence these foot step can be SYSTEM International Research Journal of Engineering and
altered with this technology, there by all the street lights Technology Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr -2017.
belongs to a particular city can be energized.
[5] Shiraz Afzal, Farrukh hafeez, (2014) Power Generation
XX. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Footstep* . International Journal of Advancements in
We are over helmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 4, April-2014 ISSN
acknowledge our depth to all those who have helped me to put 2278-7763.
these ideas, well above the level of simplicity and into
something concrete. [6] kumar Shubham, kumar Pankaj, kumar Rishav, (2016) Power
Generation Footstep International Journal of Mechanical
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Guide Mr. Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 7, Issue 2, March-
K. K. Dubey & Co Guide Mr. P.K. Chaudhary for providing April 2016, pp. 187–190, Article ID: IJMET_07_02_020.
their invaluable guidance, comments and suggestions
throughout the course of the project. We have taken efforts in [7] Motey Yogesh, Dekate Pooja, Dekate Madhushri, Aswale
this project. However, it would not have been possible without Jayashree, (2017 ) Footstep Power Generation System, International
the kind support and help of many individuals and organization Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 2, No.6.
Faculties. Whose guidance, encouragement, Suggestion and
[8] Tom Jose V, Binoy Boban, Sijo M T, (2013) “Electricity
very constructive criticism have contributed immensely to the
Generation from foot steps; A generative Energy Resources”
evolution of Ideas on Project. we would like to extend our International Journal of Scien tific and research publication, pp 1-3,
sincere thanks to all of them.
March 2013.
We are highly indebted to Project Co-ordinator Mr. Abdul Gani [9] Magdum P. R., Chikhale S. J., Rajole A. S., Jedhe S. S.,(2012)
for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for Generation of Electricity by Using Footsteps as a Source of Energy
providing necessary information regarding the project & also IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
for their support in completing the project.
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X PP. 50-56.
We would like to express my gratitude towards Faculty
[10] Rao A.Padma, Kumar A.Kiran and S.Suresh, (2014) “Power
member of Galgotias University for their kind co-operation and
Generation from Speed Breaker by Rack and Ratchet Mechanism”,
encouragement which help me in completion of this project.
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.
We would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to 1 No. 2, 2014. E–ISSN 2277 – 4106, P–ISSN 2347–5161
Lab and Workshop In-charges for giving me such attention and [11] Abhishek N, Shivasharana Yalag, (2016) “Power Generation
by Foot Steps Using Rack and Pinion Arrangement”, International
Our thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology,
developing the project and people who have willingly helped volume 02 Issue 01, pp 2454-6135 2016.
me out with their abilities. [12] Ghosh Joydev, Sen Supratim, Saha Amit, Basak Samir, (2013)
and helped me a lot in gathering different information, “Electrical Power Generation Using Foot Step for Urban Area
collecting data and guiding me from time to time in making this Energy Applications”, International Conference on Advances in
project , despite of their busy schedules ,they gave me different Computing, Communications and Informatics, 2013 IEEE.
ideas in making this project unique.
[13] M. ISWARYA, G. R. P. Lakshmi, (2017) “Generation of
Electricity by Using Speed Breakers”, IEEE International

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019
Vol. 4, Issue 05, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 214-222
For Publishing Online September 2019 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line
Engineering, IEEE 2017. version) url: http://www.ijpam.eu, Special Issue
[14] N. S. Metalia, D. Khandwala, (2017) “Power Generation Published in Technical Reports
from Dance Floor”, International Journal of Engineering
Research and Technology, Volume 06 Issue 04, pp 853-856 [25] Yadav Vikram, Mishra Aditya, Abhay Narayan, Devkinandan
April-2017. Paliwal, Deependra Sharma, A PRESENTATION ON “FOOTSTEP
ELECTRICITY GENERATOR” , Carrier Point University, Kota,
[15] Datta Rajesh Kumar, Rahman Sazid, (2014) “Power Rajasthan.
Generating Slabs: Lost Energy Conversion of Human
Locomotive Force into Electrical Energy”, 8th International [27] Foot step power generation system Prepared by Amar
Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 20-22 ]“SEMINAR ON FOOTSTEP POWER GENERATION”, Presented
December, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh. by G.DHANUNJAYA, Job antony.

[16] Megalingam Rajesh Kannan, Nair Lekshmi M., Viswanath [28] GARG VINAY KUMAR, Er. Arshdeep Singh “A MAJOR
Meera, Sugathan Shreeja, (2012) “Pedalite: Lighting Up Lives PROJECT REPORT ON POWER GENERATION BY FOOT
in Un-electrified Villages”, IEEE Global Humanitarian STEP”, Baba Farid College Of Engineering &Technology, Deon,
Technology Conference, IEEE 2012. Bathinda, Punjab.

Published in Journals
[17] Gothane Ajinkya V., Gosavi Akshay R., Raut Prof. P. V.,
(2018) “Foot Step Power Generation” International Research
Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-
0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072 Volume: 05 Issue: 12 | Dec 2018
[18] N. Abhishek, Yalagi Shivasharana, (2016) “Power
Generation By Foot Steps Using Rack And Pinion
Arrangement” International Journal of Engineering Research
And Advanced Technology (IJERAT) nISSN: 2454-6135
[Special Volume. 02 Issue.01, May-2016]
Published in Conference Proceedings
[19] Sahoo Sarat Kumar, Shubham kumar, Yadav Pankaj
Kumar, Kumar Rishav, (2016) “Foot Step Power Generation”,
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology (IJMET) Volume 7, Issue 2, March-April 2016,
pp. 187–190, Article ID: IJMET_07_02_020 Available online
pe=7&IType=2 Journal Impact Factor (2016): 9.2286
(Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com ISSN Print: 0976-6340
and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
[21] Sarnaik Mr. Vishwanil V., Karnewar Mr. Akshay P., Jidge
Mr. Akshay S., Pawar Mr. Tejas P.(2017) “Footstep Power
Generation”, GRD Journals- Global Research and Development
Journal for Engineering | Volume 2 | Issue 7 | June 2017 ISSN:
CONVERSION SYSTEM, International Journal of Scientific &
Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 5, May-2016 132 ISSN
Published in Thesis
[23] Borkar Sanket, Tripathi Ankit, Chandrikapure Amit,
Dhekwar Gitesh, Bhirange Bhavesh, Kathoke Kunal, (2018)
“Design and Fabrication of Foot Step Power Generator” March
2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2349-6002
[24] Sabarish R , Kumar Alok, (2017) “Design And Fabrication
Of Foot Step Power Gentration” International Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics Volume 116 No. 19 2017, 529-533

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