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Maintenance of Passenger Coaches - Saurabh Prasad

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Maintenance of Passenger Coaches

- Safety, Hygiene and Passenger Amenities


Saurabh Prasad
Dy.Chief Mech. Engr.,Indian Railways

Railway Staff College, Vadodara

My Background

 Passenger rail coach maintenance and operations

 Alumnus of

 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

 Indian Railways Institute of Mech.& Elect. Engineering, Jamalpur
 Interests: Supply Chain Management, Quality Systems
 I spend time by Reading and Playing with my two Labradors
 Travel : USA, Spain, Thailand, Singapore, New Zealand, France,
Germany, Switzerland, Nepal, India

 Coach Maintenance Basics

 Safety Issues

 On-board Services
 Quality Systems
 Supply Chain Management
 Assimilation and Up-gradation of Technology
IR offers a wide range of Passenger Services

Luxury Trains Rajdhani / Shatabdi Mail-Express

Garib Rath Suburban Trains Hill Railways

Coach Maintenance Basics
Coach Maintenance Basics

 The Principle of Ownership

 When to maintain?

 Other end attention

 Schedules
 Out of course Repair
 Facilities for maintenance
 What to monitor as a Maintenance Manager
Coach Maintenance Basics
 The Principle of Ownership







Coach Maintenance Basics
 When to Maintain?



Fixed interval for primary maintenance – Distance Basis

Fixed interval for periodical maintenance schedules – Time Basis

Coach Maintenance Basics
 When to Maintain?

Aspect Primary End Other End at platform

Periodical Maintenance schedule Yes No

Under-gear Examination & Brake Not required if round trip

system maintenance distance < 3500 kms.
Not required if round trip
External Cleaning Yes
distance < 3500 kms.
Internal Cleaning & Passenger
Yes Yes
Watering Yes Yes
Brake Power Check prior to start Yes Yes
Coach Maintenance Basics
 Other end attention

 Terminating Examination
 Positive security arrangements
 High Pressure Cleaning of Toilets
 Washable Aprons

Shatabdi Express being  Waste Management

provided ‘other-end’
attention on the platform  Watering Hydrants
before commencing its  Brake Power Check prior to start
return journey
 Material Storage & Movement
Coach Maintenance Basics
 Schedules for Passenger Carrying Coaches
Schedule Periodicity Where?
On-rake in primary
A 1 month
maintenance depot
On-rake in primary
B 2 months
maintenance depot
Intermediate Overhaul at
C or IOH 6 months
associated IOH Shed
Periodic Overhaul at
POH 12 months
nominated Workshop
Once in lifetime at CRWS,
MLR 12-15 years
Bhopal and others
Coach Maintenance Basics
 Out of Course Repair 2.2 per 100 coaches p.m.

5% 4%



Wheel Defects Water Tank Assembly Bogie Defects

Draw & Buffing Gear Up-gradation of Interiors Brake System Defects

Non-Schedule Detachments
Source: 2006-07 Data - Mumbai Division, Central Railway
Coach Maintenance Basics
 Out of Course Repair
20.8 per 100 coaches p.m.

6% 4%


Windows and Shutters Brake System Lighting Systems

Bogie Attention Water System Assembly Others

On-Rake Attention during Maintenance

Source: 2006-07 Data - Mumbai Division, Central Railway
Coach Maintenance Basics
 Facilities for Maintenance
Train Maintenance Sidings

 24 Coach length maintenance sidings

 Ergonomically designed pits
 3m wide catwalks to move materials
 CFL Illumination for siding and pits
 High Pressure mechanized cleaning
 Watering & Drainage arrangements
 Adjacent Staff Rooms and Store
 Communication facilities
 Adjoining Shed for attending coaches
Photos: Wadibunder, Mumbai
Coach Maintenance Basics
 Facilities for Maintenance

Intermediate Overhaul Shed

 Coach Lifting facilities to run out bogies

 Ergonomically designed pits
 25 T EOT Cranes, Forklifts
 Welding Facilities
 Inspection & Testing of sub-assemblies
 Unit exchange of sub-assemblies
 Wheel Changing, Turning and Profiling
Photo: Wadibunder, Mumbai
Coach Maintenance Basics
 What to monitor as a Maintenance Manager
Operations  Punctuality

 Ineffective Percentage
 Other-end detachment
 Traffic Demand Pattern
 Availability of Spare coaches

Reliability  Out of course repair

 En-route / Non schedule detachments
 Failures within X days of Manufacture / POH
Coach Maintenance Basics
 What to monitor as a Maintenance Manager

Amenities  Customer Satisfaction Indices

 Zero-defect coaches

Stock  Timely conduct of schedules/ Over-dues

 Time taken for maintenance and schedules

Resources  Availability of manpower, Training needs

 Discipline, Absenteeism, Work-culture
 Availability of materials, Inventory turns
 Tools and equipment, Machine Downtime
Safety Issues
Safety Issues

 Originating, En-route & Terminating examination

 Brake System
 Wheel-sets
 Fire Hazards
 Accidents - Minimizing Injuries to passengers
 Occupational Health and Safety
 Inspections, Super-checks and Audits
Safety Issues
 Originating, En-route and Terminating examination

Visual examination to detect hanging / broken

parts when train rolls in /out at stations

Axle Box temperature recording at en-route

and terminating stations

Releasing of Brakes (Distributor Valve)

Safety Issues
 Brake System

 Check Application and release

 Continuity Check- loco attach/detach
 Brake power check
 Angle cock clamp to prevent miscreants
 Moisture affects reliability
 Unit Exchange of Distributor Valves, Brake Cylinders
Safety Issues
 Wheel-sets

Thermal Stresses
 Heat Checks, Thermal Cracks
 Shattered Rim, Shelled Tread

Wheel Profile due to wear in-service

Wheel Diameter measurement

Roller Bearing Failures

 Examine for Tell-tale signs, Temperature

Safety Issues
 Fire Hazards
 Maintenance of LPG based kitchen system during Pantry Cars

POH and Monthly schedules

 Ventilation Arrangement
 Joint inspections by Commercial and Mechanical
departments with pantry contractor
 Adherence to Safety Regulations included in
contract conditions of pantry-car services

On Coaches

 Safety Precautions listed for information of travellers

 Provision of Fire Extinguishers on trains
Safety Issues
 Fire Hazards
Up-grading coaches to UIC norms

Furnishing Upgraded Specifications

Paneling for Side walls and Resin bonded Thermosetting Laminates
Cushioning Material for Densified Thermal bonded polyester blocks
berths and seats instead of PU foam
Vinyl coated Fire-retardant grade upholstery
Upholstery Fabric
Curtains Fire Retardant fabric
• Compreg board for flooring
Flooring Material
• PVC flooring to latest specs
Roof Ceiling Material NFTC Roof Ceiling / Non-asbestos Limpet Sheets
Safety Issues
 Accidents - Minimizing Injuries to Passengers
Coach Design

Integral Design and Anti-telescopic design of shell

 Destruction tubes under Lavatories at ends
 Design studies by RITES, RDSO and IR to improve crashworthiness of coaches

Some Modifications done by Workshops

Ladder with PU foam Sunk-in Soap Dish

Safety Issues
 Occupational Health and Safety

Helmets Footwear Welding Gear

Hand Gloves Aprons Masks

Safety Issues
 Inspections, Super-checks and Audits

Division Multi-disciplinary Teams

Safety and Amenities
Rake Maintenance
Co-ordination Issues
Night Inspections
Stores Verification
Quality of Work

GM and HQ
RDSO & RITES Infrastructure
Quality Audits Strategic Inputs
Technical Issues Long-term Impact
Material Inspection Co-ordination Issues
On-Board Services
On-Board Services

 Hygiene – Toilet and coach cleanliness

 Amenities
 Pest Control

 Linen Management
 On-board deficiencies and diagnostics
 Importance of Customer Feedback
On-Board Services
 Hygiene – Toilet and coach cleanliness En-route Cleaning

High pressure Jet Cleaning of Travelling Safaiwallas (Cleaners)

Toilets at Igatpuri on Pushpak Express

 En-route Stations , every 250-350 kms  On-board cleaning crew on trains

 From 06.00 to 22.00 hrs  Outsourced to professional agencies
On-Board Services
 Hygiene – Toilet and coach cleanliness

En-route Cleaning

 25 ‘Clean Train’ Stations in India

 Outsourced to professional agencies
Disinfecting Toilet fixtures at Itarsi
 From 06.00 to 22.00 hrs
 High quality cleaning in 20 min. halt

Cleaning Windows at Ratlam

On-Board Services
 Hygiene – Toilet and coach cleanliness

Intensive Cleaning
at Primary end

Before After

Before After
On-Board Services
 Amenities

 Mobile and Laptop charging

 GPS based Real-time info displays
 Retro-reflective Multi-lingual boards
 Quality cleaning for heavy toilet usage
 Odour Control System
 Dirt Trap Mats
 Linen in air-conditioned coaches
 Pantry Meals on-board
 Theme based decor
On-Board Services
 Pest Control

 Periodic Dis-infestation by spraying chemicals

 Special attention to Pantry cars & AC coaches

 Use of baits and rat-traps

 Treatment of live burrows at depots/stations

 Anti-mosquito fogging at primary depots

 Sprays at ‘Clean Train’ stations
On-Board Services
 Linen Management
Mechanized Laundry

Washing Ironing Packaging

Process Inspection
Fresh Linen

Linen Condemned Linen Linen

Final Inspection Section New Linen Store

Dispose Condemned Linen

Used Linen
Procure New Linen

 Loading in Coach  Collection by attendant

 Distribution by attendant  Unloading from Coach

On-Board Services
 On-Board deficiencies and diagnostics

On-Board Control Office

Passengers Complaint
Email, Letter Nodal Office
Staff at the
Report at Terminus, Next Primary end
On-Board Staff
Attention Point Or
‘Other End’
Inspection Notes, En-route
Inspecting Officials
Letters Station
Based on
Nature of
Dignitaries Letters complaint
On-Board Services
 Importance of Customer Feedback

 What is important to customer?

 What pinches the most?
 Corrective and Preventive Action
 Continual Improvement

 Class-wise Assessment
 Train-wise Assessment
 Direction-wise Assessment

Customer Feedback Form

Quality Systems
Quality Systems

 Quality in context of coach maintenance

 P-D-C-A
 ISO Quality Management Systems

 Customer Satisfaction Indices

 Moving up the Maturity ladder
 Kaizen – The incremental approach
 The Quality Trilogy
Quality Systems
 Quality in context of coach maintenance


Security Reliability


Hygiene Comfort

Quality Systems
 P-D-C-A
Deccan Queen - 2005
Final Implementation Improve Deccan Queen
Retain old seating system Passenger Amenities
New décor & toilets Quality Management System
Modified odour control ‘Gift to Passengers: 75th year’
Act Plan

Check Do

Reaction of Passengers Changes

Agitated over seats: ‘Gherao’ General Coach seats like AC
Unhappy with Fragrance Odour Control Systems
Happy with Décor, Toilets New décor and toilets
Quality Systems
 ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
Salient Features
 Customer Focus  Conformity Assessment
 Lay down Goals, Work methods  Corrective and Preventive Action
 Process Approach  Continual Improvement

Steps to ISO 9001:2000

Establish QMS Implementation Assessment

 Quality Policy  Documentation  Mgt. Review

 Quality Manual  Training  Audits
Quality Systems
 Customer Satisfaction Indices (CSI)

CSI links Customer Expectations, Perceived Quality and

Perceived Value to Customer Satisfaction

Assign Weights Conduct Survey Compute CSI

Perceived Value All Classes Scale
Hygiene Up & Down Trains Overall Score
Safety Perceived Quality Analyze SWOT
Amenities Expectations Act on Analysis
Quality Systems
 Customer Satisfaction Indices (CSI)

Mumbai Division, Central Railway CSI scores (2007) -

AC coaches : 68.79 and Non-AC coaches : 67.80

National ASCI Score for USA : 75.2 in Q3 of 2007

Industry Score Industry Score
Supermarkets 75 Breweries 83
Gasoline Stations 71 Newspapers 66
Banks 77 Apparel 82
Airlines 63 Personal Computers 75
Source: www.theacsi.org Scale: 0 -100, conducted by ASQ
Quality Systems
 Moving up the Maturity Ladder

The Process Maturity Continuum Level 6

Level 5 Adaptive
Level 4 Efficient
Level 3 Capable
Level 2 Repeatable
Level 1 Defined

 Customer Requirements  Performance & Accountability

 Work Methods & Response  Results and Learning Cycles

Source: ISO website

Quality Systems
 Kaizen – The incremental approach

 Continuous Improvement  Collective efforts of organization

 Small changes add up to big Impact  People & Process orientation


 Technology Orientation
 Big Step with Dramatic results


Source: Quality Assurance & Total Quality Management- Jain and Chitale (2005)
Quality Systems
 Kaizen & Innovation - Improving the Brake Rigging of Coaches

 Magna-flux test of Brake hangers  Modification to Brake Shoes

 Upgrade Material Specifications

 Non-asbestos Brake Blocks Kaizen

 Brake Beam Suspension Innovation

 Bogie Mounted Brake System
 Composite Brake Blocks
 Centralized Slack Adjuster Repair

1994 1996 1998 2002 2005 2007

Quality Systems
 The Quality Trilogy

 Identify Customer
 Determine Customer needs
 Translate needs into our language
 Develop product to respond to these needs
Quality Planning
 Optimize product features to match our needs
and customer needs

Quality Improvement  Develop a process to produce the product

 Optimize the process

 Prove process under operating conditions

Quality Control  Transfer the process to Operations
Source: The Juran Institute
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management

 Sourcing
 Production Planning and Scheduling
 Inventory Management Systems

 Working with lower inventory levels

 Transportation
 Multi-Echelon Supply Chains
Supply Chain Management
 Sourcing
Dependence for
Knowledge and Capacity Capacity

Potential Best Outsourcing
Washing Outsourcing Trap Opportunity Depot


Safety Worse Outsourcing

Situation Can live with
Outsourcing En-route
Integral Bargaining Power? Cleaning

To Outsource or not ?
Source: Adapted from Clockspeed – Charles H Fine (1998)
Supply Chain Management
 Production Planning and Scheduling

System Where Relevant Primary Focus

Sequencing Rules Low Volume Flexibility to meet
different orders,
increase throughput
Optimized Production Batch; Low volume Bottleneck
Technology Management
Material Resource Medium Volume Effective coordination
Planning of material and labor
Just-in-Time High Volume, Minimize Set-up times
Repetitive and inventory
Periodic Review / Cyclic Continuous process High Capacity Utilization
Source: Inventory & Production Planning and Scheduling-Silver, Pyke, Peterson -3rd edition.
Supply Chain Management
 Inventory Management Systems

Key Questions  How often inventory status should be determined ?

 When to place Replenishment order ?
 How large should the replenishment order be ?

Aspect What Coaching Depots do

Planning Horizon Annual Review (AAC)
ABC Analysis Also Monitor Safety Items
Service Levels Stock-outs, Local purchase
Inventory Turnover Monitor Slow-moving items
Supply Chain Management
 Working with lower inventory levels

 Forecast demand as per Bill of Materials

 Reduce Lead Times
 Reduce Variability in supplies
 ‘Must Change’ Items - Deterministic Situation

 Anticipate Technology Changes – Order Size

 E-procurement speeds up ordering system
 Supplier Relationship Management
 Improved Quality of materials reduces rejections
Supply Chain Management
 Transportation


Wheels by Rail Wheels by Road

Key Considerations to decide how to Transport

 Landed Cost  Consolidation
 Lead Time  Loading/Unloading Facilities
 Access  Weigh Out or Cube Out ?
 FOB/ex Works  In-house or Out-source
Supply Chain Management
 Multi-Echelon Supply Chains


Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Demand Information

Reducing Echelons
 Reduces Inventory, Transport
 Better Service Levels Main Zone Division Depot Train
Store Store Store Maintenance
 IT inputs for information flow

Wadibunder, Mumbai Division : 300 items

Assimilation and Up-gradation of Technology
Assimilation and Up-gradation of Technology

 New Features, Better Materials

 Adopting Changes
 Training
 External Sources of Knowledge
 Information Technology as an enabler
Assimilation and Up-gradation of Technology
 New Features, Better Materials

Some Examples
Eliminate Corrosion Stainless Steel Lavatory Inlays, Fittings

Prevent Thefts Composite Brake Blocks, FRP Window Shutters

Reduce Weight FRP Boards, Bins, Use of Composites & Plastics

Longer Life Hytrel® Washers in Primary Suspension

Fire Retardancy Upholstery, Curtains, Cushioning

Superior Characteristics Micro-processor Based Odour Control

Reduce Failures Stainless Steel Water tanks, Kitec™ Plumbing

Assimilation and Up-gradation of Technology
 Adopting Changes

Railway Board,
Ministry of Railways

Policy Circulars
Design & Standards Provision of Funds Zonal Railways
Organization And
Production Units

Specifications Carriage Alteration Instructions

Trials Technical Standing Orders

Assimilation and Up-gradation of Technology

 Training




Photos : Basic Training Centre,
Wadibunder, Mumbai
Assimilation and Up-gradation of Technology

 External Sources of Knowledge

 Interaction with Academia – Professor Chairs

 Post-graduate programmes at institutes like IITs
 Interaction with industry

 Use of external Consulting Services

 Conferences, Trade Fairs / Expo
 What’s going on abroad?
Assimilation and Up-gradation of Technology

 Information Technology as an enabler

 Management Information Systems

 Scheduling
 Coach History

 Material Management
 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
 e-learning
Thank You

email: saurabhprasad@hotmail.com

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