Nitoproof 600 Standard PDF
Nitoproof 600 Standard PDF
Nitoproof 600 Standard PDF
The high elasticity, excellent bond and low water permeability
of Nitoproof 600 Standard make it ideal for a wide range of
water/vapour proofing applications such as foundations, base- Tack free time @ 25oC : 15 hrs
ments, tunnels, ground floors, suspended floors, car decks, Time to full cure @ 25oC : 48 hours @ 1.3mm thick
roof terraces, balconies, patios, bridges, precincts, inspection ness
pits, water retaining structures (not potable water), sewage
works, and inverted roofs. The excellent chemical resistance Typical cured membrane properties (at 28 days)
of Nitoproof 600 Standard makes it particularly suitable for Elongation (ASTM D412) : >600%
tanking applications in areas where aggressive ground water
conditions prevail. Crack bridging : 2mm
Highly elastic, cures to give a permanently flexible resilient Recovery from 200% elongation
barrier over a wide range of temperatures (ASTM D412) : 95%
Rapid installation; significantly reduces time spent on pre- Tear resistance (ASTM D624) : 15 N
paratory works and detailing
Water vapour transmission
Excellent adhesion, can be applied to a wide range of for 1.3mm film (ASTM E96) : 9.7 g/m 2/24 hrs
substrates. Continuous adhesion prevents lateral migra- Permeability (ASTM E96) : 0.063 ng/m/sec/Pa*
tion of water.
Shore A hardness
Impervious - outstanding barrier properties ensure protec- (ASTM D2240) : 50
tion against corrosive soil conditions
Artificial weathering : No loss of flexibility after
Thermally stable - irreversible chemical cure eliminates 4000 hours exposure
melting and flow at high temperature
Extensibility after heat aging
Excellent resistance to oxidation and embrittlement (min.requirement - extended to
6.4mm without cracking) : No cracking or tearing
Mechanical damage to the membrane can be easily repaired
Service temperature
by spot application
(continuous ambient) : -40oC to 70oC
Standard compliance
* 1ng = 10-12kg
Nitoproof 600 Standard meets the requirements of ASTM C836-84 Chemical properties
Description Nitoproof 600 Standard is unaffected by a range of mild
Nitoproof 600 Standard single component pitch modified polyu- acids, alkalis and water borne salts and is resistant to bio-
rethane cures by reaction with atmospheric moisture to give a deterioration
Nitoproof 600 Standard
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Nitoproof 600 Standard
(formerly known as Nitoproof 600)
Moss and lichen must be removed physically followed by treat- Allow pretreatments to cure overnight before general applica-
ment with fungicidal wash to kill any spores and inhibit further tion.
growth. After treatment wash down thoroughly with clean water
and allow to dry.
Nitoproof 600 Standard should be applied by brush, trowel,
All metal surfaces should be made clean of paint, oils, rust and
squeegee or airless spray (two coat application for standard
other contaminants. Abrade to expose bright metal then wipe
grade on vertical surfaces) at a minimum wet film thickness of
clean with Nitoflor Sol prior to priming
1.3mm (1.3 litre/m2). This is in addition to the preparatory work.
The minimum application life (after opening the pack) is up to
Priming is not normally required on good quality concrete sub- 48 hours if stored in closed containers.
strates. However, absorbent surfaces such as porous concrete,
On a vertical surface a film build of 1.3mm is achievable in two
sand/cement and cement boards will require sealing to prevent
coats. In critical applications where surety of film thickness
absorption of Nitoproof 600 Standard . This should be done using
is paramount, two coats should be applied at right angles to
a 1:1 mixture of Nitoproof 600 Standard & Nitoflor Sol. All metal
one another. Quantities per coat should be gauged to give the
and PVC surfces should be cleaned and abraded before priming.
specified final film thickness.
Movement joints
A short haired synthetic pile roller should be used if applying by
All expansion and movement joints should be sealed with roller. For spray application, use a Graco King type pump with
appropriate sealant. When cured, a Debonding Tape should 60:1 ratio at pressure 5.5 bar (80 psi), hose diameter 13mm
be applied to the top surface of the sealant and the joint then with a 10mm wip end. Tip size: 0.58mm - 0.84 (23-33 thou).
overcoated with a 1.3mm thick application of Nitoproof 600
If a water test is to be run, the membrane should be fully cured.
Standard extending 150mm each side of the tape. Embed a
100mm or 150mm wide strip of Nitoproof Scrim, then allow to Flood test
cure before general application.
Prior to placement of protection, flood to a minimum depth of
Cracks 50mm of water for 24 hours. Drains shall be plugged and bar-
riers placed to contain the water.
All shrinkage and non-moving structural cracks should be
pretreated with not less than a 1.3mm coating of Nitoproof 600 Curing and protection
Standard extending 75mm either side of the crack. Allow to
Nitoproof 600 Standard membrane must be cured for a mini-
cure overnight before general application.
mum of 24 hours @ 25°C before placing protection. Where
Right angle bends damage to the membrane is possible (by traffic, backfilling,
etc) it should be protected by a cementitious screed or protec-
All right angle bends must have a cant strip or coving detail tion boards. A dust coat of cement should be used to prevent
installed. This may be formed in either sand & cement or adhesion of the membrane to the boards. Where a bond with
Plastijoint and it must be bedded into a layer of Nitoproof 600 the topping is not required, a separator sheet should be used.
Standard, then given a reinforcing pretreatment by application
of a 1.3mm thick coat extending 150mm either side of the cov- To prevent damage to the membrane it is recommended that
ing. Whilst still wet, a 150mm wide strip of Nitoproof Scrim is Nitoproof 600 Standard is laid in strips of 1 metre width to
embedded into the Nitoproof 600 standard as reinforcement permit the application of a screed or Protection Board from
(ensure thorough wetting). the uncoated area.
where a sealing coat is required. when using resin and solvent containing materials.
Limitations Fire
- Application should not commence if the temperature of the
Nitoproof 600 Standard, Nitoproof Reflectacoat and Nitoflor
substrate is below 5°C.
Sol contain flammable solvents. Do not use near an open fl
ame or smoke during use.
Technical support
Nitoproof Reflectacoat : 20 litre containers Fosroc manufactures a wide range of complementary products
which include :
Nitoproof Scrim : 1000 mm wide X 50 m long
waterproofing membranes & waterstops
Nitoflor Sol : 5 and 25 litre containers
joint sealants & filler boards
Nitoproof 600 Standard : 0.76 m2/litre @1.3mm cementitious & epoxy grouts
Important note :
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold
subject to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on
request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation specification
or information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or
continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either
Fosroc Chemicals directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products whether or not in accordance with
any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
Head Office telephone fax e-mail
“Sapthagiri Palace”, No.38,
II & III Floor, 12th Cross, ++91 80-42521900 ++91 80-23551510
CBI Road, Ganganagar North,
Bangalore 560 024
Regional Offices
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