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Cluster 1 Teaching Professional

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Teaching Professional, Social Dimensions of Education, laboratory room.

To settle the dispute, the principal

Field Study Practice Teaching prepared the schedule and told the concerned teachers
to abide by his decision. The situation illustrate.
1. The teacher does not practice professional ethics if A. compromise C. arbitration
he/she. B. mediation D. toleration
A. Shows respect to his/her superior 17. Being SUPERINTENDENT and PRINCIPAL are
B. Maintains cordial relationship with colleagues example of
C. Shows disrespect to his superior A. class C. statuses
D. Shares success with others B. roles D. designation
2. Men should do carpentry work while women should do 18. The newly-married teaches, Mr. and Mrs. Galicia
the household chores such as laundering and cooking is decided to established residence in the town where they
an example of.. are assigned to teach. The town is twenty kilometers
A. gender equity away from their hometown. This is a
B. gender bias A. patrilocal C. family
C. gender categorization B. matrilocal D. religion
D. gender stereotyping 19. Which is the toughest social institution?
3. Which is NOT an element of religion? A. government C. bilocal
A. sacred/profane C. rituals B. school D. neolocal
B. power D. religious community 20. Of the following the statement that DOES NOT
4. The function of the school is manifested when it describe socialization is
teaches discipline, respect, obedience and good A. it is a highly complex process
citizenship is… B. it help shapes one’s personality
A. agent of change C. social control C. is starts at age seven
B. socialization D. social placement D. it helps in the discovery of the self
5. The looking glass self-concept developed by Charles 21. It gives men and women the same entitlement to all
Cooley means we see ourselves. aspects of human development
A. different form how others see us A. gender power C. gender authority
B. as others see us B. peer group D. gender equality
C. but we don’t see others 22. Of the following the one that BEST describes a
D. and we see others secondary group is
6. The following are characteristics of institutions A. small and person
EXCEPT B. large and goal oriented
A. purposive C. value-laden C. intimate and informal
B. structured D. relatively temporary D. warmth and feeling of belongingness
7. Which is NOT a basic social process? 23. Of the following the scorned group toward which one
A. cooperation C. coercion feels competitions or opposition and sometimes even
B. conflict D. competition dislike and hatred is the..
8. The following are characteristics of primary groups A. primary C. in-group
EXCEPT. B. secondary D. out-group
A. intimacy C. small 24. In terms of authority and control in general the
B. sense of belonging D. formal Filipino family is said to be
9. A formal social structure in which rules hierarchical A. patriarchal C. matricentric
ranking and division of labor are used to achieve B. matriarchal D. egalitarian
efficiency is. 25. The marriage of an American mining engineer and a
A. sovereignty C. bureaucracy Filipino Grade School teacher is an example of.
B. diplomacy D. aristocracy A. accommodation C. amalgamation
10. A Dutch businessman who is has stayed in the B. assimilation D. acculturation
Philippines for thirty years, has acquired many behavior 26. The pattern of beliefs about the ultimate meaning of
patterns and belief system of the Filipinos. The case life is
illustrates. A. worship C. ritual
A. amalgamation C. assimilations B. venerate D. religion
B. acculturations D. aristocracy 27. Reincarnation is a fundamental concept of
11. In a general, Filipinos trace or reckon relationship. A. Zoroastrianism C. Hinduism
A. marrilineally C. patrilineally B. Islam D. Taoism
B. bilaterally/bilineally D. avuncolocally 28. The specific persons such as parents who have
12. The following are examples of polygamous marriage great influence on a child’s/person’s life and personality
EXCEPT. are called?
A. polygyny C. polyandry A. alter-egos C. in-group
B. group marriage/cenogamy D. polyanna B. looking glass self D. significant others
13. Which of the following families consists of father, 29. Mrs. Isip attempts to develop her pupil’s
mother and children? metacognitive skills, nence which of the following does
A. extended C. truncated she emphasize.
B. stem D. nuclear A. recall the facts C. thinking about thinking
14. Mrs. Modelo was the awardee of the MOST B. raise a problem D. compare and contrast
OUTSTANDING TEACHER of the Division of San 30. A nuclear family is also called _______ family
Carlos for five consecutive years. Her status is A. orientation C. extended
A. assumed C. achieved B. conjugal D. consanguine
B. ascribed D. aspired 31. The statement that DOES NOT apply to globalization
15. As a teacher, Miss Del Valle is expected to prepare is
lessons plans and valid and reliable test. This is part of A. It is driven by digital technologies and
her. communication linking people across the world
A. status C. assignment B. There is growing interconnectedness among
B. role D. mission diverse cultures in the world
16. Two science teachers are not in good terms because C. The family patterns and expectations are uniform in
they could not agree on the schedule in the use of the all societies.
D. There is growing integration of activities and forms A. free trade C. macroeconomic
of life worldwide B. trade liberalization D. microeconomics
32. Which of the following is NOT a group? 47. Kamille, a senior law student, makes it sure that she
A. Metro Angeles Rotary Club saves money in the bank. This is an example of.
B. family A. political advocacy C. economic activity
C. people waiting for their ride B. religious advocacy D. educational activity
D. college fraternity 48. Family, religion, economy and government are
33. Of the following who is identified as the father of examples of
bureaucratic thought and stated that the components of A. social aggregates C. social aggrupation
social stratification are economic resources power and B. social institutions D. social categories
prestige? 49. Of the following, which is NOT a characteristics of
A. Emile Durkheim C. Karl Marx social institutions?
B. Max Weber D. Talcott Parson A. They are relatively temporary in their content
34. Which is NOT a latent function of education B. They are structured
A. transmitting culture C. They are necessarily value-laden
B. develop social networks D. They are purposive
C. creation of generation gap 50. Which is NOT a characteristics of the 21 st century
D. restrict some activities teacher?
35. Which of the following is the LEAST related to term A. ICT literature C. digital native
Education? B. digital immigrant D. cross cultural
A. indoctrination C. enculturation 51. In which is multicultural education anchored on?
B. socialization D. acculturation A. commonalities among learners
36. Which is NOT a determinant of POWER? B. importance of cultural as a learning/subject area
A. self-confidence C. status C. diversity of learners
B. experience D. age D. eradication of cultural differences
37. A number of people who to stand physically close to 52. Off the following which will NOT help a teacher
one another along the highway waiting for their ride but understand his multi-cultural learners?
do not interact with each other is called. A. Stereotype so that the teacher could adopt a
A. aggregate C. social category uniform teaching strategy/approach/technique.
B. crowd D. social group B. Get to know each student as a unique individual
38. San Miguel Corporation, Philippine Long Distance C. Learn as much about the racial, ethnic, cultural
and Philippine Airlines are examples of____groups? and gender groups other that your own
A. informal C. secondary D. Examine your own biases and prejudices and
B. primary D. in-group strive to do something about them
39. Mrs. Villadolid’s role as a dutiful wife and caring 53. The following are basis assumptions that could help
mother often adversely affects her role as a and enhance teacher’s understanding and appreciation
conscientious and dedicated teacher. She is obviously of his/her students, EXCEPT.
experiencing A. No two learners are exactly the same
A. role configuration C. role identification B. Children in all classrooms are heterogeneous
B. role conflict D. role confusion C. Uniform strategies should be employed in order to
40. The form of accommodation based on the outlook assure uniform and quality education
‘’Live and Let Live’’ is D. Student’s background and experiences should be
A. coercion C. toleration considered when teaching
B. compromise D. arbitration 54. Which is TRUE about language learning?
41. The first universal function of the family is A. Learning a second language requires social
A. care of the young C. training communication skills
B. reproduction/procreation D. protection/security B. It does not require academic language skills
42. The following are core skills and competencies C. The younger a child the more skilled in acquiring a
needed for global education EXCEPT second language
A. individualism D. Children learn a second language once they can
B. self-worth and affirmation speak it
C. nonverbal resolution of conflict 55. The following are the qualities of a global teacher
D. superiority complex EXCEPT
43. Mr. Dominacion, Principal of Valley High School, is A. He/She is selective when it comes to people he/she
frequently heard saying ‘Follow my orders without associates with
complaints’’ This illustrates the use of B. He/She thinks and acts both locally and globally
A. prestige C. power C. He/She embraces the word’s rich variety of ways of
B. economic resources D. persuation life
44. Which is an INCORRECT statement about symbolic D. He/She is understand how this world is
interactionism? interconnected
A. The capacity for thought is shaped by social 56.The main/principal aim of classroom management is
interaction A. order and safety
B. Human being are born with capacity for thoughts B. maximum and optimum learning
C. People cannot modify meaning and symbols C. harmonious relationship
learned D. no time and effort wasted
D. Men learn meaning and symbols in social 57. Of the following which is NOT a routine?
interaction A. forming groups for an activity
45. According to the _______ theory, children learn B. distribution of reading materials
appropriate gender behavior from male of female models C. conference with parents
(usually their parents) D. checking of attendance
A. gender schema C. cognitive development 58. Mrs. Rivas, a Grade IV teacher, controls most of the
B. behaviorist D. social learning classroom activities and presents almost always
46. Understanding the behavior of individual firms, structured lesson, her teaching approach is classified as
industries, households, and ways in which such entities A. experiential learning
interact is the concern of B. active learning
C. student-centered learning 72. Mrs. Reyes plans a meaningful and effective
D. direct instruction motivation for a lesson. It is BEST for her to
59. Of the following, which is synonymous to mediated A. Make a sharp transition from the previous lesson
learning where in the teacher guides instruction by B. Make the presentation dramatic
means of scaffolding to help students master and C. Raise a question that poses a problem for the
internalize the skills that permit higher cognitive class
functioning? D. Make the presentation brief
A. collaborative learning C. assisted learning 73. The brief about what a person can and cannot do in
B. cooperative learning D. self-regulated learning a particular situation is termed
60. The following examples are extrinsic rewards A. self-fulfilling prophecy C. self-actualization
EXCEPT. B. self-analysis D. self-efficacy
A. interest/enjoyment in the activity 74. The following are the goals of classroom
B. high grades management EXCEPT
C. praise from teacher/others A. To assist student to keep focused on task
D. reward like cash gifts B. To impose strict obedience among students
61. Whose theory states that motivation is a C. To reduce distractions from learning
consequence of reinforcement? D. To organize and facilitate the flow of learning
A. Abraham Maslow C. Albert Bandura activities
B. B.F. Skinner D. Ivan Pavlov 75. Objectives related to student attitudes, values, and
62. Rodney is a persistent and conscientious student emotional growths are under the ____ domain
who has the tendency to strive for success and to A. skill C. affective
choose goal-oriented activities, He is therefore ______ B. cognitive D. isolation
motivated. 76. James was removed from the activity area and was
A. power C. affiliation placed in a corner because he prevents his classmates
B. achievement D. task from finishing their seatworks. The classroom
63. The Philippines is a country of diverse languages management strategy employed by his teacher is called
with more than A. time-out C. expulsion
A. 107 recorded languages B. suspension D. isolation
B. 17 recorded languages 77. The observational or social learning theory which
C. 170 recorded languages states that acquiring the potential for a behavior is
D. 117 recorded languages facilitated by watching someone else perform it was
64. Of the following which is defined as a process or developed by ____________
state of influencing the needs and desires on the A. Albert Bandura C. Edward Thorndike
intensity and direction of behavior? B. Lev Vygotsky D. Jean Piaget
A. personality C. maturation 78. Which of the following best describes negative
B. learning D. motivation reinforcement
65. Of the following which is NOT a transformative A. It is the application of the aversive stimulus
education? B. It is the removal of an aversive stimulus to elicit a
A. instructive C. constructive more desirable behavior
B. process oriented D. intrinsic C. It decrease the desirable behavior
66. Even at age sixty, Mr. Centeno strives to develop his D. It involves some sanctions/penalties
full-potential by doing the best he could, hence he 79. “Practice makes perfect” is in accordance to
accepts himself and others. He likewise is creative, Thorndike’s law of _________
spontaneous and open to other people’s ideas. This is A. effect C. readiness
evident of his desire for B. primacy D. exercise
A. belongingness and love C. mastery 80. Mrs. Dadivas DOES NOT force her four-year old,
B. self-actualization D. safety pre-school pupils to write as they could not yet firmly
67. Tina submits her term paper late to his professor, Mr. hold their pencils. This illustrates that the teacher is
Serenidad. The teacher frowns. The least intervention conscious of the law of _______
procedure that the professor uses is A. readiness C. recency
A. prevention C. praise B. effect D. primacy
B. verbal reminder D. nonverbal cue 81. To stretch, to jump, to balance and to bend are
68. Of the following the most significant criticism on the infinitives used to express behavioral objectives under
lecture method is that it FAILS to the ________ domain.
A. develop content and present concepts A. cognitive C. affective
B. stimulate curiously and critical thinking B. intellectual D. psychomotor
C. integrate concepts learned 82. In this curriculum the nature and needs of the learner
D. develop self-discipline and self-interest are underscored and life skills emphasized.
69. Mitzi finds solving Math problems exciting and A. K to 12 C. mother tongue-based multilingual
challenging hence she devotes two hours of the day B. Multi-cultural education D. globalized education
studying the subject. It could be said that she is 83. These are active learning strategies for
A. power C. extrinsically transformative education EXCEPT
B. intrinsically D. affiliation A. field trip C. group discussion
70. Maureen is almost always desirous to experience B. brainstorming D. Socratic method
success and to participate in activities in which success 84. The curriculum development committee received
depends on personal effort and abilities which is several complaints and comments that the present
reflective of her_________ curriculum is too heavy and the sequence of subjects to
A. failure avoidance motivation be taken is not in order. The committee decided to meet
B. self-efficacy motivation immediately in order to solve the problem. The principle
C. affiliation motivation regarding curriculum development and design observed
D. achievement motivation is
71. The removal of student from a situation in which A. The curriculum is holistic and coherent
misbehavior is committed is called B. The curriculum is inclusive and student centered
A. punishment C. isolation C. The curriculum encourage independence in
B. time out D. negative control learning
D. The curriculum in based on feedback, evaluation 99. The Licensure Examination for Teachers was
and review prescribed in
85. Of the following which should be the main thrust of A. Republic Act 7835 C. Republic Act 7885
the guidance and counseling program? B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 7886
A. Specific and relevant activities should be planned 100. Mrs. Delima gives information, prompts, reminder,
and implemented and encouragement at the right time and in the right
B. It should be preventive and proactive amount and then gradually allows her students to do
C. It should focus in remedial measures more and more on their own. This is shows how
D. It should focus on involvement of all teachers __________ is provided
86. “Meryl, if you were Annette (lead character of the A. scaffolding C. modeling
story), will you do the same?”” is _____ question B. independent study D. experiential learning
A. convergent C. divergent 101. Teacher Eliza announces in her Mathematics class
B. close D. objective that she will allows students who finish solving the ten
87. The “Tabula rasa” concept of _____ who advocate problems before the time to enjoy an early lunch and the
that there are no such things as innate ideas. rest will have to stay even after the problems are
A. Francis Bacon C. Auguste Comte completed. Which principle in behavioral learning is
B. Rene Descartes D. John Locke applied?
88. According to _____ education should stress function A. Principles of Reinforcement
or experience through problem-solving and the scientific B. Principles of Antecedents
method C. Principles of Consequences
A. Existentialism C. Essentialism D. Principles of Maintenance
B. Idealism D. Pragmatism 102. In behaviorist theory of learning, when can a
89. Existentialism emphasizes personal and subjective teacher assume the learning has occurred?
existence and the following are its main proponents A. When the pupil can read and write simultaneously
EXCEPT B. When the pupil learn to write his name
A. SorenKierkegard C. Martin Heidegger C. When the pupil can write his name which he could
B. Jean Jacques Rousseau D. Friedrich Froebel not do before
90. Eternal truths, performance, order, certainty, D. When the pupil can write his name in class which
rationality, and logic constitute the ideals for _____ he could already do at home
A. Perennialism C. Realism 103. In Pavlov’s classical conditioning, when is a
B. Existentialism D. Pragmatism conditioned stimulus capable of producing a conditioned
91. Who is considered as the Father of Pre-School response?
Education because he established in 1887 the first A. After training C. Before training
kindergarten and provided the theoretical bases for early B. During training D. At any point in the training
childhood educations? process
A. John Amos Comenius 104. According to Thorndike’s Law of Effect, what is
B. Johann Friedrich Herbart most apt to happen if an act is followed by a satisfying
C. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi change in the environment?
D. Friedrich Froebel A. It is difficult to predict the consequences of an act
92. To promote patriotism and train warrior was the goal B. The chances that the behavior become instinct
of ancient __________ education C. The chances that the behavior will be repeated
A. Athenian C. Roman decreases
B. Spartan D. Chinese D. The chances that the act will be repeated in similar
93. Following are advantages of Mother tongue-based situations increases
multilingual education EXCEPT. 105. According to social learning theory which shapes
A. reduction of dropout learning?
B. improved learning outcomes A. Antecedent stimulus
C. decrease access and equity B. Behavior of the model
D. reduction of repetition C. Shaping process
94. Mrs. Virtud believes that it is her duty to provide a D. Consequences of behavior
classroom environment that practices democracy and 106. What particular aspect of social learning theory
makes all her students get involved in group or social differ from behavior learning theory?
modes of learning. She should therefore be classified as A. Role of consequences
a B. Schedules of reinforcement
A. Social Reconstructivism C. Essentialist C. Relationship between behavior and consequences
B. Humanist D. Realist D. Focus on internal mental processes
95. Emphasis on the process of reflection (mediation or 107. Which behavioral learning theory uses
introspection) is closely associated with ______ consequences to control the occurrence behavior?
A. Realism C. Pragmatism A. Thorndike’s connectionism
B. Idealism D. Humanism B. Skinner’s operant conditioning
96. The law of karma, meaning that the good that you do C. Pavlov’s classical conditioning
others will come back to you in the same way that that D. All of the above
bad you dot to others will boomerang to you is a tenet of 108. Every time a student completes one experiment
________ s/he allowed to enjoy a break. What schedule of
A. Taoism C. Confucianism reinforcement is applied by the teacher?
B. Hinduism D. Shintoism A. Variable interval C. Fixed ratio
97. Who is the Greek Philosopher, a realist, who B. Variable ratio D. Fixed interval
systematically classified many of the branches of 109. When Prof. Garcia recognized Alma for doing good
existing knowledge? work, what was she in advertently giving Alma?
A. Socrates C. Aristotle A. Primary reinforce C. Social reinforce
B. Plato D. Herodotus B. Positive reinforce D. Both B and C
98. Basic core subjects, longer school days, and longer 110. In the following situation, when does a
academic year is the king of curriculum favored by consequence become a reinforce?
A. Essentialism C. Pragmatism A. Candy for a student after a full meal
B. Humanism D. Progressivism B. Money for nursery children
C. Grades for students whose parents value good 122. Laarni tried to match her behavior after her teacher.
grades She reproduced her teaching style in her micro-teaching
D. Points for college students lesson. In what stage of modeling and observational is
111. Which illustrates negative reinforcement? she in?
A. Staying after class for being late A. Motivational C. Retention
B. Standing in the corner during the class session B. Reproduction D. Attention
C. Scolding Joseph in front of the class 123. What technique is applied when a teacher uses
D. Writing ones names a hundred times headlines in the newspaper to focus student’s attention
112. Rachelle was asked to read a ten page short story. on the lesson at hand?
After 10 minutes, she announced that she finished A. Using gestures, repetition or position to
reading the story. Which indicates something about communicate the message
cognitive learning? B. Increasing the emotional content of the material
A. If she could finish the reading the story within ten C. Using unusual or inconsistent stimuli
minutes D. Using cue that the lesson important
B. If her eyes flicked back and forth down through the 124. What has to be provided by a teacher who has a
pages long list of history dates, events, persons and places that
C. If she could answer the questions that she could s/he wants students to learn to remember for an
not answer before extended period of time?
D. If she could read orally with expression A. Part learning C. Distributed learning
113. It is best use the least elaborate or tangible B. Over learning D. Massed learning
reinforcer that will work is one principle of positive 125. Anabelle draws a concept map of food linking an
reinforcement. Which illustrates this principle? information to a network of facts and concept. What is
A. Small toys over certifies she illustrating?
B. Food over small toys A. Social learning C. Role learning
C. Money over rewards B. Information processing theory D. Schema theory
D. Self-reinforcement over certificates 126. Ms. Valdez thought that sending to the principal’s
114. A teacher checks in advance the appropriate office will apparently be an unpleasant consequence.
difficulty level of instructional activities and assignment But to her surprise, one of her students enjoys being
tasks for particular pupils. What is exemplied in this sent to the principal’s office because it release him from
situation? the classroom. What kind of consequences is illustrated
A. Principle of reinforcement in this situation?
B. Principle of individual differences A. Presentation punishment
C. Principle of feedback B. Positive reinforcement
D. Principle of goal setting C. Negative reinforcement
115. A process which maintain an in information in the D. Removal punishment
working memory is known as 127. Miss Nelson, a science teacher, is developing the
A. Attention C. Rehearsal correct of transparent. Which of the following principles
B. Memorization D. Perception in concept learning will she follow?
116. A student given a list of words and then tested A. Present four examples and four non-examples of
immediately afterwards tends to learn the first few items transparent materials
much better than those in the middle of the list is a B. Present four examples of transparent materials,
manifestation of then remove them and present
A. Primary effect C. Overlearning effect C. Present transparent materials of varying sizes and
B. Recency effect D. Law of effect shapes
117. Mrs. Verocil says, “As soon as you complete your D. Present only examples of transparent materials
laboratory equipment you may play in the gym. What 128. It is important for Richard to study to pass his
principle of behavioral is illustrated? subjects. If he fails he cannot take regular loads next
A. Premark principle C. Principle of maintenance semester and will not be able to graduate on time. Which
B. Principle of Shaping D. Principle of antecedent of the following concepts of motivation best describe the
118. Learning the Mandarin language helps a Filipino situation?
student to master the Filipino language. This is an A. Motivations is a statement of desires and goals
illustration of B. Motivations is a number of ideas that direct the
A. Retroactive inhibition C. Proactive inhibition individual to act
B. Proactive facilitation D. Retroactive facilitation C. Motivations is the desire to approach teaching
119. Which is the correct sequence of information D. Motivations is likes and dislikes
processing? 129. Nathaniel is ridiculed by his classmates by giving a
A. Sensory registry---- short term memory ----- long “stupid “answer. Since then he stops volunteering to
term memory answer teacher’s question. I operant conditioning, what
B. Sensory registry ----- long term memory ----- short caused Nathaniel to stop volunteering to answer?
term memory A. A social reinforcer C. A negative reinforcer
C. Short term memory ----- long term memory B. A punisher D. A positive reinforce
----sensory registry 130. After a spelling lesson, Victoria correctly spells
D. Long term memory ------ short term memory --- “pedestrian”. During the spelling test, she again correctly
sensory registry spells the word. A week later while crossing the street,
120. Meaningfulness of learning experience as the key she recognizes and roads aloud the word “pedestrian” at
to all cognitive process depends on a traffic outpost sign. Victoria has shown
A. The intensiveness of practice A. Retention a learning outcome-transfer
B. The manner the teacher handles the topic B. Transfer a learning outcome-retention
C. The persistence of the student in answering C. A learning outcome-transfer-retention
D. The relevance of the student needs and goals D. A learning outcome-retention- transfer
121. A kindergarten child who previously had no problem 131. A preparatory teacher praises her pupil for
recognizing M until he was taught the letter N, is an recognizing one letter, then for recognizing several and
example of a form of interference which is finally for learning all 26 letters. Which principle of
A. Proactive facilitation C. Retroactive inhibition consequence is she using?
B. Retroactive facilitation D. Proactive inhibition A. Principle of shaping C. Principle of feedback
B. Premark principle D. Principle of extinction A. Auguste Comte C. Max Weber
132. When a high school student can describe the B. Emile Durkheim D. Edward Lee Thorndike
details of the house where he spent his childhood, he is 143. Which social science is concerned with the study of
retrieving information from his_________ the biological, social and cultural development of
A. Episodic memory C. Semantic memory humankind?
B. Procedural memory D. Both A & C A. History C. Psychology
133. Mrs. Mercado, a fourth year adviser, invites various B. Anthropology D. Sociology
successful professionals both males and females to 144. Which term refers to the designs of living in any
speak in her class about their careers. What principles of society or the sum total of learned behaviors, beliefs,
meeting individual differences is she applying? attitudes, values, and ideals characteristics of a certain
A. Interact with different groups of individuals societies?
B. Provide opportunities of students to meet A. Enculturation C. Personality
professionals of different background B. Socialization D. Sociology
C. Expose students to successful models of both 145. Of the following, which is NOT a characteristics of
genders culture?
D. Use curriculum materials that represent both A. Culture is adaptive C. Culture is gratifying
genders in a competitive light B. Culture is ideational D. Culture is highly personal
134. The Character Education pupils of Mrs. Pimentel 146. The following aptly describe mores EXCEPT
are now in the application phase of their lesson in A. Mores are coercive in nature
honesty. They agreed that no cabinets and bookcases B. Mores have no particular moral significance
would be locked throughout the day A. C. Mores are associated with strong feelings about
A. Provide exemplary models what is right
B. Provide for independent attitude cultivation D. Mores have strong moral sanctions
C. Provide for pleasant emotional experience 147. Of the following, which are formalized social
D. Provide for appropriate practice norms?
135. How student learn may be more important than A. folkways C. laws
what they learn. From this principle, which of the B. mores D. collective behavior
following is particularly important? 148. Of the following which are abstract concepts on
A. Determining the givens in a problem situation what is good, desirable, important and correct, as well as
B. Knowing how to solve problem what is considered bad, undesirable, unimportant and
C. Getting the right answer to a mathematical word wrong?
problem A. Folkways C. Fads
D. Solving the problem with time limit. B. Values D. Mores
136. A new teacher relates all her newly acquired 149. The consistent or a more enduring pattern of
information about classroom management with her prior behavior, resulting from a more or less enduring set of
knowledge which she acquired as a student teacher. In inner forces such as attitudes, values and modes of
Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory, which type of perception is called.
learning is presented by this situation? A. socialization C. personality
A. Meaningful discovery C. Rote reception B. enculturation D. accommodation
B. Meaningful reception D. Rote discovery 150. The following are nonmaterial aspects of culture
137. Rosemarie, a nursery pupil, calls her teacher and EXCEPT
the lady principal “mommy”. What is manifested by A. language C. beliefs
Rosemarie? B. social norms D. buildings
A. Response discrimination 151
B. Successive approximation
C. Stimulus generalization
D. Successful identification
138. Every time a new unit is taken up, Mrs. Manzano
presents students an advance organizer. All except one
can be the teacher’s purpose.
A. Provide structure to the new information
B. Help students recall related information
C. Arrange for appropriate practice
D. Orient students to materials they are about to learn
139. In behaviorist theory of learning, which of the
following explains when Ricardo continues to shout in
class because of the attention he receives for doing so?
A. Learning as behavior modification
B. Conditioning of the act
C. Environmental conditions activate behavior
D. Favourable effects of the act
140. Mrs. Guzman asked her pupils to use the dictionary
in correcting their answers to the spelling quiz. Which is
exemplified by such teacher’s action?
A. Principle of the appropriate practice
B. Principle of independent evaluation
C. Principle of reinforcement
D. Principle of organization
141. Of the following, which is concerned on gross
national products, production, consumption, trade, credit
and investment?
A. History C. Political Science
B. Economics D. Anthropology
142. The following are forerunners of Sociology

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