Assignment NO4 OF ERP
Assignment NO4 OF ERP
Assignment NO4 OF ERP
Part A
1. Compare and contrast In-house Implementation along
with End Users with some real life examples?
Ans 1
Developing an ERP package is a very complex and time-
consuming process, which needs a lot of skilled manpower and
other resources. Many companies have personnel in their IT/IS
departments who can absorb the necessary knowledge and
who have experience in developing sophisticated systems. The
problem is that such specialized computer work is not the main
business of these companies. They should be directing all their
available resources into improving their own products or
services so that they can remain competitive, serve their
customers better and continue to grow. Besides having a very
good knowledge of the product, the people who are to
implement the ERP system should possess the following skills:
• Knowledge of how to organize and run a project of this
magnitude: This calls
for good organization skills, project management skills,
team management skills and knowledge of scientific
methods of software project management.
1. selecting
2. planning
3. training
4. testing
5. implementation
6. delivery
Part B
Ans 4
Necessity of ERP
Investment in ERP
Functional gaps
Even though packaged ERP systems provide off-the-shelf best
practice solutions, they may not provide 100 percent support to
all the features required for all the verticals. Also, there would be
some regulatory requirements that need to be addressed in the
applications as and when they are introduced by the regional or
global bodies/authorities like new VAT regulations for Indian
industries, the SOX compliance and so on. In addition, the
customers will have some practices which they desire to retain,
and hence customise the packaged ERP applications to their
Complexity of integration
Ans 5
Convenience in reaching
Web enabled erp have been citied as one of the important reason
for ERP's dominance in the days to come. This system needs more
development apart from the present changes.