University of San Carlos 2018 Statutory Construction
University of San Carlos 2018 Statutory Construction
University of San Carlos 2018 Statutory Construction
STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION - Intent is the spirit which gives life to legislative enactment. It
Course Professor: Atty. Louie John D. Lood must be enforced when ascertained, although it may not be
Source: Ruben E. Agpalo consistent with the strict letter of the statute. It has been held,
however, that the ascertainment of legislative intent depend
more on a determination of the purpose and object of the law.
- Intent is sometimes equated with the word “spirit.”
DEFINITION - While the terms purpose, meaning, intent, and spirit are
What is construction? oftentimes interchangeably used by the courts, not entirely
Construction is the art or process of discovering and expounding synonymous.
the meaning and intention of the authors of the law with respect - Where the words or phrases of a statute are not obscure or
to its application to a given case, where that intention is rendered ambiguous, its meaning and the intention of the legislature
doubtful, among others, by reason of the fact that the given case must be determined from the language employed.
is not explicitly provided for in the law.
- A judicial function is required when a statute is invoked and
different interpretations are in contention. LEGISLATIVE PURPOSE
- Construction is drawing of warranted conclusions beyond direct - The reason why a particular statute was enacted by legislature.
expression of the text, expressions which are in spirit though - Legislation “is an active instrument and government which, for
not within the text. the purpose of interpretation means that laws have ends to be
- xxx inevitably, there enters into the construction of statutes achieved.”
the play of JUDICIAL JUDGMENT within the limits of the
relevant legislative materials
- it involves the exercise of choice by the Judiciary
- It is what the law, by its language, means: what it
• Justice Martin comprehends, what it covers or embraces, what it limits or
Defines statutory construction as the art of seeking the intention confines are.
of the legislature in enacting a statute and applying it to a given - Intent and Meaning – synonymous
state of facts.
- If there is ambiguity in the language used in a statute, its
purpose may indicate the meaning of the language and lead to
Judicial Legislation v Statutory Construction
what the legislative intent is.
Where legislature attempts to do several things one which is
invalid, it may be discarded if the remainder of the act is workable - In construing a statute, it is not enough to ascertain the
and in no way depends upon the invalid portion, but if that portion intention or meaning of the statute; it is also necessary to see
is an integral part of the act, and its excision changes the whether the intention or meaning has been expressed in such
manifest intent of the act by broadening its scope to include a way as to give it legal effect and validity.
subject matter or territory which was not included therein as
enacted, such excision is “judicial legislation” and not “statutory
construction”. Where is legislative intent ascertained?
• The primary source of legislative intent is the statute itself.
• If the statute as a whole fails to indicate the legislative intent
CONSTRUCTION AND INTERPRETATION, DISTINGUISHED because of ambiguity, the court may look beyond the statute
Construction v Interpretation such as:
They are so alike in practical results and so are used
interchangeably; at best, synonymous. 1. Legislative History – what was in the legislative mind at
the time the statute was enacted; what the circumstances
Construction Interpretation were; what evil was meant to be redressed
process of drawing of art of finding the true
conclusions, respecting meaning and sense of any 2. Purpose of the Statute – the reason or cause which
subjects that lie beyond the form of words induced the enactment of the law, the mischief to be
direct expressions of the text, suppressed, and the policy which dictated its passage
or determining the application is the process of discovering
of words to facts in litigation the true meaning of the 3. … when all these means fail, look into the effect of the law.
language used.
NOTE: If the 3rd means, effect of the law, is first used, it will be
Interpretation is limited to judicial legislation.
exploring the written text
PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION What is hermeneutics?
The purpose is to ascertain and give effect to the intent of law. Term origin is from the Greek god Hermes, who was, among
The object of all judicial interpretation of a statute is to determine other things, the inventor of language and an interpreter between
legislative intent, either expressly or impliedly, by the language the gods and humanity. It is the science or art of construction
used; to determine the meaning and will of the law making body and interpretation.
and discover its true interpretations of law.
Legal hermeneutics – is the systematic body of rules which are
General Rules of Construction recognized as applicable to the construction and interpretation of
Rules of statutory construction are tools used to ascertain legal writings. It asks not only the question of how best to
legislative intent. interpret a given text, but also the deeper question of what it
NOT rules of law but mere axioms of experience means to interpret a text at all.
In enacting a statute, the legislature is presumed to know the
rules of statutory construction, in case of doubt, be construed
in accordance with the settled principles of interpretation. CLASSIFICATION OF THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF
Legislature sometimes adopts rules of statutory construction as INTEPRETATION
part of the provisions of the statute. Dr. Francis Lieber in his work on Hermeneutics gives the
Legislature also defines to ascertain the meaning of vague, following:
broad words/ terms.
1. Close Interpretation – adopted if just reasons connected
with the character and formation of the text induce as to take
LEGISLATIVE INTENT the words in the narrowest meaning. This is generally known
as “literal” interpretation. Narrow interpretation
- It is the essence of the law. 2. Extensive Interpretation – adopts a more comprehensive
- The intent of the legislature is the law, and the key to, and the signification of the words. Liberal interpretation
controlling factor in, its construction and interpretation. 3. Extravagant Interpretation – substitutes a meaning
- The primary source of legislative intent is the statute itself. evidently beyond the true one. Not genuine interpretation
unambiguous or literal meaning of the statute leads to an absurd II. POWER TO CONSTRUE AND LIMITATIONS ON POWER
result or an unjust result, the court should search further for the TO CONSTRUE
correct meaning of the statute and construe it so as to avoid the
absurd or unjust result.
The golden rule dictates that a judge can depart from this What is construe?
meaning. Eg: In the case of homographs, where a word can It means to interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.
have more than one meaning, the judge can choose the preferred
meaning; if the word only has one meaning, but applying this
would lead to a bad decision, the judge can apply a completely SITUS OF CONSTRUCTION AND INTERPRETATION
different meaning. In our system of government…
EQUITY OF THE STATUTE RULE The duty and power to interpret or construe a statute or the
The key here is the statute's purpose, true reason for being, or Constitution belongs to the judiciary. Simply stated, the situs of
the equity of the statute. This is the opposite of the mischief rule. construction and interpretation of written laws belong to the
The Court is not restricted by the text. judicial department. The Supreme Court construes the applicable
law in controversies which are ripe for judicial resolution. The
court does not interpret law in a vacuum.
Although the plain meaning rule is historic, it is the one that still It is the duty of the Courts of Justice to settle actual controversies
prevails in most states and is currently debated at the federal involving rights, which are legally demandable and enforceable,
level. The plain meaning rule is strongly literal. If the meaning is and to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse
plain from the text, the court does not need to look for other of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
sources of meaning. There is no need for construction. the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
"Where the language is plain and admits of no more than one
meaning the duty of interpretation does not arise" §45:2 Supreme Court is the one and only Constitutional Court and all
Sutherland Statutory Construction. other lower courts are Statutory Courts and such lower courts
have the power to construe and interpret written laws.
U.S. Supreme Court - Caminetti v. U.S., 242 U.S. 470, 37 S. Ct. … some sine qua non and good to know things:
192 (1917): "...the meaning of the statute must, in the first - The Supreme Court may, in an appropriate case, change or
instance, be sought in the language in which the act is framed, overrule its previous construction.
and if that is plain, ... the sole function of the courts is to enforce
it according to its terms."
- Before the court may construe or interpret a statute, there
must be doubt or ambiguity in its language. The province of
Basically under the plain meaning rule, if you can determine the construction lies wholly within the domain of ambiguity. Where
plain meaning, you don't have to resort to rules of statutory there is no ambiguity in the words of a statute, there is
construction. no room for construction.
- A statute is ambiguous when it is capable of being understood
by reasonably well-informed persons in either of two senses.
Case in Point: Caltex Philippines vs Enrico Palomar (GR L- - Where the law is free from ambiguity, the court may not
19650, 29 September 1966) introduce exceptions or conditions where none is provided.
clear and unequivocal, the Court has no other alternative but to • A statute that is clear and unambiguous is not susceptible of
apply the law and not to interpret. Construction and interpretations.
interpretation of law come only after it has been demonstrated • First and fundamental duty of court is to apply the law.
that application is impossible or inadequate without them. • Construction is the very last function, which the court should
• When the law is clear, there is no room for interpretation, only
• It is the court that has the final word as to what the law means. • Courts cannot enlarge or limit the law if it is clear and free from
• It construes laws as it decide cases based on fact and the law ambiguity (even if law is harsh or onerous).
involved. • A meaning that does not appear nor is intended or reflected in
• Laws are interpreted in the context of a peculiar factual the very language of the statute cannot be placed therein by
situation of each case. construction.
• Circumstances of time, place, event, person and particularly
attendant circumstances and actions before, during and after
the operative fact have taken their totality so that justice can RULINGS OF SUPREME COURT PART OF LEGAL SYSTEM
be rationally and fairly dispensed. Decisions of this Court, although in themselves not laws, are
nevertheless evidence of what the laws mean, and this is the
reason why under Article 8 of the Civil Code of the Philippines,
What is moot and academic? states:
Case is one that ceases to present a justiciable controversy by Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the
virtue of supervening events, so that a declaration thereon would Constitution shall form part of the legal system of the
be of no practical value. As a rule, courts decline jurisdiction over Philippines.
such case, or dismiss it on ground of mootness.
- Purpose has become stale • legis interpretatio legis vim obtinet – the authoritative
interpretation of the SC of a statute acquires the force of law
- No practical relief can be granted by becoming a part thereof as of the date of its enactment,
- Relief has no practical effect since the court’s interpretation merely establishes the
contemporaneous legislative intent that the statute thus
construed intends to effectuate
EXCEPTIONS IN DISMISSING THE CASE BASED ON • stare decisis et non quieta movere – when the SC has once
MOOTNESS: laid down a principle of law as applicable to a certain state of
Randolf David vs Gloria Macapaga-Arroyo (GR 171396, 3 May facts, it will adhere to that principle and apply it to all future
2006) casese where the facts are substantially the same, for stability
1. There is grave violation of the Constitution and certainty.
2. Exceptional character of the situation and the paramount • Supreme Court becomes, to the extent applicable, the criteria
public interest is involved that must control the actuations not only of those called upon
3. When the constitutional issue raised requires formulation of to abide thereby but also of those duty-bound to enforce
controlling principles to guide the bench, the bar, and the obedience thereto.
public • Supreme Court rulings are binding on inferior courts.
4. The case is capable of repetition yet evading review
The rule that the Supreme Court has the final word in the
interpretation or construction of a stature merely means that the COURTS MAY NOT ENLARGE NOR RESTRICT STATUTES
legislature cannot, by law or resolution, modify or annul the • Courts are not authorized to insert into the law what they think
judicial construction without modifying or repealing the very should be in it or to supply what they the legislature would have
statute which has been the subject of construction. It can, and it supplied if its intention had been called to the omission.
has done so, by amending or repealing the statute, the • They should not by construction, revise even the most arbitrary
consequence of which is that the previous judicial construction of or unfair action of the legislature, nor rewrite the law to
the statute is modified or set aside accordingly. conform to what they think should be the law.
• Neither should the courts construe statutes, which are perfectly
vague for it violates due process:
When can the court may construe statute? - Failure to accord persons fair notice of the conduct to avoid
The court may construe or interpret a statute under the condition
that there is doubt or ambiguity. Only when the law is ambiguous -Leave law enforcers unbridled discretion in carrying out its
or doubtful of meaning may the court interpret or construe its provisions
intent. • Leading stars on judicial construction: good faith and
• An utterly vague act on its face cannot be clarified by either a
What is ambiguity? saving clause or by construction.
It is a condition of admitting 2 or more meanings wherein it is
susceptible of more than one interpretation.
COURT MAY NOT CONSTRUE WHERE STATUTE IS CLEAR • Courts do not sit to resolve the merit of conflicting theories
ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemus • Courts do not pass upon question of wisdom, justice or
when the law does not distinguish we ought not to distinguish expediency of legislation, for it’s not within their province to
supervise legislation and keep it within the bounds of common III. STATUTES
• The court merely interpret regardless of whether or not they
wise or salutary. LAWS, in general
What is law?
• A whole body or system of law
What is the rule of lenity? • Rule of conduct formulated and made obligatory by legitimate
Rule of Lenity is a judicial doctrine requiring that those power of the state
ambiguities in a criminal statute relating to prohibition and • Includes RA, PD, EO (president in the ex of legislative power),
penalties be resolved in favor of the defendant if it is not contrary Presidential issuances (ordinance power) Jurisprudence,
to legislative intent. A court may also look at: the common usage ordinances passed by sanggunians of local government units.
of a word, case law, dictionaries, parallel reasoning, punctuation.
Statutes are sometimes ambiguous enough to support more than
one interpretation. In these cases, courts are free to interpret STATUTES, in general
statutes themselves. Once a court interprets the statute, other What is statute?
courts usually will not go through the exercise again, but rather Starts with a bill, it is a draft of a proposed law.
will enforce the statute as interpreted by the other court. • An act of legislature (Philippine Commission, Phil. Legislature,
Batasang Pambansa, Congress)
• PD’s of Marcos during the period of martial law 1973
Case in Point: Director of Lands vs CA (GR 102858, 28 July Constitution
1997; 276 SCRA 276) • EO of Aquino revolutionary period Freedom Constitution
Case in Point: Request of Judge Tito Gustilo (AM RTJ-04-1868; What is a bill?
13 August 2004) It is the draft of a proposed law from the time of its introduction
in a legislative body through all the various stages in both houses.
Case in Point: Philippine Veterans Bank vs Justina Callangan It is enacted into law by a vote of the legislative body. An “Act”
(GR 191995, 3 August 2011; 655 SCRA 150) is the appropriate term for it after it has been acted on and
passed by the legislature. It then becomes a statute, the written
Case in Point: Armando Barcellano vs Dolores Banas (GR will of the legislature solemnly expressed according to the form
165287, 14 September 2011; 657 SCRA 545) necessary to constitute it as the law of the state.
GENERAL LAW – applies to the whole state and operates
throughout the state alike upon all people of the state or all of
a particular class; affects the community at large.
to render valid and effective many attempted acts which would • IMPLIED REPEAL – when a later statute contains provisions
otherwise be ineffective for the purpose intended. so contrary to irreconcilable with those of the earlier law that
only one of the two statutes can stand in force.
PENAL LAW – defines criminal offenses specify corresponding
fines and punishments. The repeal of a penal law deprives the court of jurisdiction to
punish persons charged with a violation of the old penal law prior
PROSPECTIVE LAW – applicable only to cases which shall to its repeal. Only a law can repeal a law. The intention to
arise after its enactment. repeal must be clear and manifest, otherwise, at least, as a
general rule, the later act is to be construed as a continuation of,
RETROSPECTIVE LAW – looks backward or contemplates the and not a substitute for, the first act.
past; one which is made to affect acts or facts occurring, or
rights occurring, before it came into force.
AFFIRMATIVE LAW – directs the doing of an act, or declares 1. Where provision in the two acts on the same subject matter
what shall be done in contrast to a negative statute which is are in an irreconcilable conflict;
one that prohibits the things from being done, or declares what 2. If the later act covers the whole subject of the earlier one and
shall not be done. is clearly intended as a substitute – to be a complete and
perfect system in itself.
MANDATORY LAW – generic term describing statutes which
require and not merely permit a course of action.
• Public Acts (Act) – Philippine Commission and Philippine
CLASSIFICATIONS / CLASSES OF STATUTES Legislature 1901- 1935 (American Occupation)
According to Application • Commonwealth Acts (CA) – 1936- 1946 (Independent)
Prospective - applicable only to cases which shall • Republic Acts (RA) – Congress 1946- 1972, 1987 ~
arise after its enactment. • Batas Pambansa (BP) – interim assembly in 1978
Retroactive - looks backward or contemplates the • Identification of Laws – serial number and/or title
past; one which is made to affect acts or facts occurring,
or rights occurring, before it came into force.
According to Operation It may happen that in a statute, conflicting clauses and provisions
Declaratory may arise. If such situation may occur, the statute must be
Curative - a form of retrospective legislation which construed as a whole.
reaches back into the past to operate upon past events,
acts or transactions in order to correct errors and
irregularities and to render valid and effective many STATUTES IN PARI MATERIA
attempted acts which would otherwise be ineffective for Statutes that relate to the same subject matter, or to the same
the purpose intended. class of persons or things, or have the same purpose or object.
Mandatory - generic term describing statutes which Statutes in pari materia are to be construed together; each
require and not merely permit a course of action. legislative act is to be interpreted with reference to other acts
Directory relating to the same matter or subject. However, if statutes of
Substantive equal theoretical application to a particular case cannot be
Remedial - providing means or method whereby causes reconciled, the statute of later date must prevail being a later
of action may be affectuated, wrongs redressed and expression of legislative will.
relief obtained.
Penal - defines criminal offenses specify corresponding
fines and punishments. GENERAL AND SPECIAL STATUTES
Sometimes we find statutes treating a subject in general terms
According to Form and another treating a part of the same subject in particularly
Affirmative - directs the doing of an act, or declares detailed manner. If both statutes are irreconcilable, the general
what shall be done in contrast to a negative statute statute must give way to the special or particular provisions as
which is one that prohibits the things from being done, an exception to the general provisions. This is so even if the
or declares what shall not be done. general statute is later enactment of the legislature and broad
Negative enough to include the cases in special law unless there is manifest
intent to repeal or alter the special law.
consolidate bills on the same subject matter, or propose a 9. TRANSMITTAL OF THE BILL TO THE PRESIDENT
substitute bill. It then prepares the corresponding committee Copies of the bill, signed by the Senate President and the
report. Speaker of the House of Representatives and certified by
The Committee approves the Committee Report and formally both the Secretary of the Senate and the Secretary General
transmits the same to the Plenary Affairs Bureau. of the House, are transmitted to the President.
(7) If, by the end of any fiscal year, the Congress shall have since the courts respect the wisdom and capacity of both the
failed to pass the general appropriations bill for the ensuing legislative and executive departments
fiscal year, the general appropriations law for the preceding Thus, if there has been any mistake in the printing of the bill
fiscal year shall be deemed reenacted and shall remain in force before it was certified by the authenticating officer of the House
and effect until the general appropriations bill is passed by the of Congress and thereafter was approved by the Chief
Congress. Executive, the only remedy is by amendment thru enacting a
curative legislation not by judicial decree.
as stated in Paragraph 2, Section 27, Article VI the 1987 Enrolled bill and legislative journals are conclusive and binding
Constitution: upon the courts
If there is discrepancy between enrolled bill and the journal of
(2) The President shall have the power to veto any particular proceedings, enrolled bill prevails.
item or items in an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the
veto shall not affect the item or items to which he does not
The Speaker of the House and Senate President may withdraw
their authentication for the bill passed, if in their sound discretion
A-R-T-P-A-P BILLS there is discrepancy between the text of the bill as deliberated
Applicable especially for appropriation and revenue bills. and the enrolled bill. There effect of which are:
Same as procedure for the enactment of ordinary bills - Nullifies the bill as enrolled
Only difference is that they can only originate from the Lower
House but the Senate may propose/ concur with the
- Losses absolute verity
amendments - Courts may consult journals
Limitations of passage as stated in Section 25, Article VI
the Constitution, namely:
1. Paragraph 1 – Congress may not increase the appropriation PARTS OF STATUTE
recommended by the President MNEMONICS: T-E-P-B (RE-S-S-E)
2. Paragraph 2 – Particular appropriation limited
3. Paragraph 3 – Procedure for Congress is the same to all other a. TITLE – the heading on the preliminary part, furnishing the
department/ agencies (procedure for approving name by which the act is individually known. It is usually
appropriations prefixed to the statute in the brief summary of its contents.
4. Paragraph 4 – Special appropriations shall be certified by the b. ENACTING CLAUSE – part of statute which declares its
National Treasurer or to be raised by revenue proposal enactment and serves to identify it as an act of legislation
5. Paragraph 5 – No transfer of appropriations; but respective proceeding from the proper legislative authority. “Be enacted”
offices has authority to augment is the usual formula used to start this clause.
6. Paragraph 6 - Discretionary funds shall be for public c. PREAMBLE – part of statute explaining the reasons for its
purposes only enactment and the objects sought to be accomplished.
7. Paragraph 7 – Re-enactment of appropriation bill Usually, it starts with “whereas”.
d. BODY – the main and operative part of the statute containing
and in Section 26, Article VI of the Constitution, namely: its substantive and even procedural provisions. Provisos and
exceptions may also be found.
8. Paragraph 2 – President my veto any particular item/s in an REPEALING CLAUSE - announces the prior statutes or
appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill. specific provisions which have been abrogated by reason of
the enactment of the new law.
SAVING CLAUSE – restriction in a repealing act, which is
AUTHENTICATION OF BILLS intended to save rights, pending proceedings, penalties, etc.
• Last step before bill is passed to the President from the annihilation which would result from an unrestricted
• This is the indispensable process of sending the bill repeal.
• It is done by signing of both the House Speaker and the Senate SEPARABILITY CLAUSE – provides that in the event that
President one or more provisions or unconstitutional, the remaining
provisions shall still be in force.
EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE – announces the effective date of
• Every House will have its own Journal of Proceedings, as stated
in Paragraph 4, Section 16, Article VI of the 1987
Constitution, to wit: TITLE OF STATUTE
It is a mandatory law since it is stated in the 1987 Constitution
(4) Each House shall keep a Journal of its proceedings, and that every bill passed by Congress shall embrace only one subject
from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as which shall be expressed in the title thereof (Paragraph 1,
may, in its judgment, affect national security; and the yeas Section 26, Article VI of 1987 Constitution), thus it is a
and nays on any question shall, at the request of one-fifth of requirement:
the Members present, be entered in the Journal.
• Limitations upon Legislation
Each House shall also keep a Record of its proceedings. 1. To refrain from conglomeration, under one statute, of
heterogeneous subjects
• Conclusive with respect to other matters that are required by 2. Title of the bill should be couched in a language sufficient to
the Constitution. notify the legislators and the public and those concerned of
• Disputable with respect to all other matters. the import of the single subject.
• By reason of public policy, authenticity of laws should rest upon • Principal Purpose of Requirement: to apprise the legislators of
public memorials of the most permanent character. the object, nature, and scope of the provision of the bill and to
• The journals should be made public and accessible to all. prevent the enactment into law of matters which have not
received the notice, action and study of the legislators. Mainly,
to prohibit duplicity in legislation.
ENROLLED BILL • Other Purposes:
An enrolled bill is the final copy of a bill or joint resolution which - To prevent hodgepodge and log-rolling legislation
has passed both Houses of Congress in identical form. Enrolled
bills must be signed by the presiding officers of both the House
- To prevent surprise or fraud upon the legislature
of Representatives and the Senate, printed on parchment or - To fairly apprise the people, through publication of the
paper of suitable quality and sent to the President for approval. subjects of the legislation
Bills passed by congress authenticated by the Speaker and the - Used as a guide in ascertaining legislative intent when the
Senate President and approved by the President language of the act does not clearly express its purpose; may
Importing absolute verity and is binding on the courts as it clarify doubt or ambiguity.
carries on its face a solemn assurance that it was passed in • How the Requirement should be construed: It should be
good faith by both the legislative and executive departments. liberally construed. If there is doubt, it should be resolved
Courts cannot go behind the enrolled act just to discover what against the doubt and in favor of the constitutionality of the
really happened should there be any errors or discrepancy statute
SECTION 30. No law shall be passed increasing the appellate TEST OF VALID ORDINANCE
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court as provided in this 1. Must not contravene the Constitution or any statute;
Constitution without its advice and concurrence. 2. Must not be unfair or oppressive;
3. Must not be partial or discriminatory;
It has been held that a law which provides that a decision of a 4. Must not prohibit but may regulate trade;
judicial or quasi-judicial body may be appealable directly to the 5. Must be general and consistent with public policy; and
Supreme Court, but if such statute were enacted without the 6. Must not be unreasonable.
advice and concurrence of the Supreme Court, then such statute
will be rendered ineffective and invalid. REASON WHY AN ORDINANCE SHOULD NOT CONTRAVENE
- Remedy or applicable procedure – go to CA A STATUTE
• Rules of Court – product of the rule-making power of the SC Local councils exercise only delegated legislative powers
conferred on them by Congress as the national law making body.
- Power to repeal procedural rules The delegate cannot be superior to the principal.
- No power to promulgate rules substantive in nature (unlike
the legislative department) BARANGAY ORDINANCE
• Substantive Rules – if it affects or takes away vested rights; • Sangguniang Barangay – smallest legislative body; may
right to appeal pass an ordinance by majority of all its members; subject to
• Procedural Rules – means of implementing existing right; review by Sangguniang Bayan / Panglungsod
where to file an appeal for transferring the venue • Sangguniang Bayan / Panglungsod – take action on the
• Rules and regulations issued by the administrative or executive ordinance within 30 days from submission; if there is inaction,
officers in accordance with and authorized by law, have the it is presumed to be consistent with the municipal or city
force and effect of law ordinance; if inconsistency is found, it will remand to the
Requisites for Validity Sangguniang barangay
- Rules should be germane to the objects and purposes of
• Lodged in the Sangguniang Bayan
- Regulations be not in contradiction with, but conform to,
• Majority of the quorum voting, ordinance is passed
the standards that the law prescribes
• Ordinance sent to Mayor within 10 days for approval or veto; if
- The be for the sole purpose of carrying into effect the there is mayor’s inaction, ordinance is presumed approved; if
general provisions of the law vetoed and overridden by 2/3 of all members, ordinance is
Law cannot be restricted or extended approved
Law prevails over regulations, if there are discrepancies • Approved ordinance is passed to Sangguniang Panlalawigan for
• Rule-making power of public administrative agency is a review
delegated legislative power and if it enlarges or restricts
then such statute is invalid
- Within 30 days may invalidate in whole or in part and its
action is final; if there’s inaction within 30 days, it is
deemed valid
Philippine laws must necessarily be construed in accordance with
• Vested in Sangguniang Panglungsod
the intention of its own law makers and such intent may be
• Majority of the quorum voting, ordinance is passed
deduced from the language of each law and the context of other
• Submitted to Mayor within 10 days
local legislation related thereof.
- Approve
- Veto – 2/3 of all members – approved
by legislative branch to another branch of government to fill in
• If city or component city – submit to Sangguniang
details, execution, enforcement, or administration of law then the Panlalawigan for review which shall take action within 30
law must be:
days, otherwise, it will be deemed valid
1. Complete in itself
2. Fix a standard which may be express or implied
Example of “standard” – simplicity and dignity; public • Sangguniang Panlalawigan – majority of quorum voting,
interest; public welfare; interest of law and order; justice and
passage of ordinance
equity and substantial merit of the case; adequate and • Forwarded to the Governor who within 15 days from receipt
efficient instruction
Change of “and/or” to “or” – invalid
Change of “may” (permissive) to “shall” (mandatory) – - Approve
invalid (Grego v COMELEC pp 22) - Veto – 2/3 of all members – approved
- Inaction – deemed approved
Vested by Sangguniang Barangay Sangguniang Bayan Sangguniang Panlungsod Sangguniang Panlalawigan
Voting majority of quorum voting majority of quorum voting majority of quorum voting majority of quorum voting
- Mayor Mayor Governor
Days to
- within 10 days within 10 days within 15 days
Reviewed Sangguniang Bayan or Sangguniang Panlalawigan Sangguniang Panlalawigan
by Panglungsod (if city or component city)
Presumed in 30 days (with municipal in 30 days (with provincial in 30 days (with provincial
Consistent -
or city ordinance) ordinance) ordinance)
1. Existence of an actual case or controversy
2. Constitutional question must be raised by the proper party who
PRESUMPTIONS has legal standing
Presumption of the legislature to enact a valid, sensible, just law, 3. Constitutional question must be raised at the earliest
except when the law is clear. Laws are presumed constitutional. opportunity
To justify nullification of law, there must be a clear and 4. Necessity that the constitutional question be passed upon in
unequivocal breach of the constitution. order to decide the case, or its lis mota.
The theory is that, as the joint act of the legislative and executive
authorities, a law is supposed to have been carefully studied and EXISTENCE OF AN ACTUAL CASE OR CONTROVERSY
determined to be constitutional before it was finally enacted. Before the courts of law can decide on a constitutional question,
Thus, all laws are presumed valid and constitutional until or there has to be a case and an actual case or controversy. You
unless otherwise ruled by the Court. cannot just go to court and ask of for legal advisory opinion such
as asking about their opinion on the law of same sex marriage.
There has to be actual conflict of interest and conflicting claims
PRESUMPTION OF CONSTITUTIONALITY before the courts can validly act on a legal problem. It has to be
Every statute is presumed valid but the courts cannot inquire into a bona fide case, one which raises a justiciable controversy.
the wisdom or propriety of laws. Since judicial power is limited only to real, actual, earnest, and
- Lies on how a law is enacted vital controversy. A controversy that is justiciable is when it refers
to matter which is appropriate for court review; it pertains to
- Due respect must be accorded to the legislative who passed issues which are inherently susceptible of being decided on
and executive who approved
grounds recognized by law. Thus courts cannot rule on political
- Responsibility of upholding the constitution rests not on the questions, which are concerned with issues dependent upon the
courts alone but on the legislative and executive branches as wisdom (and not legality) of a particular act or measure being
well assailed.
• To declare a law unconstitutional, the repugnancy of the law to
the constitution must be clear and unequivocal Petition for declaratory relief – petitioner asking for a
• All reasonable doubts should be resolved in favor of the declarative judgment to inquire into his rights or duties under
constitutionality of law; since to doubt is to sustain. a law, a contract, an ordinance, etc. An action for declaratory
• Final arbiter of unconstitutionality of law is the Supreme Court relief may satisfy the requirement on actual case because by
EN BANC (majority who took part and voted thereon). filing the petition, you are not merely asking for an advisory
• Nonetheless, trial courts have jurisdiction to initially decide the because the law is there already, and what you are asking the
issue of constitutionality of a law in appropriate cases. court is to declare what your rights and duties under a law that
is enacted. It is not therefore similar to a legal advisory opinion.
PRESUMPTION AGAINST ABSURDITY What should be established if you are suing as a private
Statutes must receive a sensible construction such as will give citizen?
effect to the legislative intention so as to avoid an unjust and Demonstrate that you suffered an injury or you stand to suffer
absurd conclusion. Such presumption against undesirable an injury by reason of the act complained of. The person
consequences were never intended by a legislative measure. complaining must allege that he has been or is about to be denied
some right or privilege to which he is lawfully entitled or that he
is about to be subjected to some burdens or penalties by reason
PRESUMPTION AGAINST VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL of the statute or act complained of.80 When the issue concerns a
LAW public right, it is sufficient that the petitioner is a citizen and has
The Philippines as democratic and republican state adopts the an interest in the execution of the laws.81
generally accepted principles of international law as part of the
law of the land and adheres to the policy of peace, equality,
justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations as What should be established if you are suing as a taxpayer?
stated in Section 2, Article II of the 1987 Constitution. Demonstrate that there was illegal disbursement of public funds
and that they were derived pursuant to the taxing and
appropriation power of Congress; or deflected to an illegal
purpose, or that there is a wastage of public funds through the
enforcement of an invalid or unconstitutional law. The Court judge. Thus one can raise the issue at any stage of the
retains discretion whether or not to allow a taxpayer's suit. proceedings or on appeal.
NOTE: For a taxpayer suit to prosper, it is not enough that the In civil cases
action involves illegal disbursement of public funds. It needs to A constitutional issue may also be raised at any stage if it is
be established also that the funds were actually collected by necessary in the final determination of the case. Similarly in
virtue of the taxing power of Congress and that the same are administrative proceedings, a constitutional issue may also be
spent pursuant to the appropriation power of Congress. raised if it has something to do with the jurisdiction of the courts,
except when estoppel comes in. (You already invoked the
decision of the court, you ask affirmative relief, and later on you
What should be established if you are suing as a legislator? question that it has no jurisdiction of the case)
Demonstrate that the act complained of would infringe your
prerogatives as a legislator. Alternatively said, any act of the
Executive that injures the institution of Congress causes a ANY SUCH QUESTION OR ISSUE MUST BE DECISIVE OF THE
derivative but nonetheless substantial injury that can be CASE.
questioned by legislators. A member of the House of The issue must be decisive or must be the lis mota of the case.
Representatives has standing to maintain inviolate the It is controlling, or it is necessary to resolve the issue, otherwise,
prerogatives, powers and privileges vested by the Constitution in the case may not be validly decided. Normally, even when the
his office.84 case involves a constitutional issue, if the courts can decide that
case without necessarily touching that particular issue, then the
courts of law should do that, out of respect to the other branches
What should be established if you are suing as an of the government. Because before a bill becomes a law, it has
organization? to be approved by Congress and the President. A law therefore is
An organization may be granted standing to assert the rights of the collective effort of Congress and the Office of the President.
its members, but the mere invocation by the Integrated Bar of So if a case is filed questioning the validity of a law, the courts
the Philippines or any member of the legal profession of the duty should be careful in dealing with the issue. If they can decide the
to preserve the rule of law does not suffice to clothe it with case without necessarily touching on that particular issue, then
standing. The organization must be a group of end-users or they have to do that.
persons who will be directly injured or affected by the Where the constitutional question is of paramount public
governmental act being challenged. interest and time is of the essence in the resolution of such
question, adherence to the strict procedural standard may be
NOTE: As a rule, if a petition is filed by a person who has no legal relaxed and the court, in its discretion, may squarely decide
standing to bring the action, such petition must be dismissed the case
Where the question of validity, though apparently has become
moot, has become of paramount interest and there is
What should be established if you are suing as a voter or undeniable necessity for a ruling, strong reasons of public
electorate? policy may demand that its constitutionality be resolved
Demonstrate that the act complained of somehow infringe your
rights as voter.
A law can be declared unconstitutional if:
What should be established if you are suing as a local
government unit (LGU)? 1. Its enactment is not within the legislative powers of Congress,
As regards a local government unit (LGU), it can seek relief in 2. Arbitrary methods may have been established, and
order to protect or vindicate an interest of its own, and of the 3. The purpose or effect violates the Constitution or its basic
other LGUs. principles (See Bar Flunkers Law, In re: Cunanan case).
In criminal cases RATIONAL BASIS TEST is the easiest test for the
Even if you did not at first raise a constitutional issue, you can government. The person objecting to the law must prove that
still raise such issue at the subsequent stages of the proceedings the law does not have a rational relationship to a legitimate
at the discretion of the judge. If you are the accused and you government purpose.
failed to question the validity of a law at the inception of the
proceedings, you can still raise the same at the discretion of the
the government because the government must prove that the DECLARED AS UNCONSTITUTIONAL
law serves an important purpose and there is a substantial Bases Repeal of Law Law Declared as
relationship between the law and the purpose. Unconstitutional
by acted by Legislative or acted by Judiciary
STRICT SCRUTINY is the most difficult test because the authority Executive
government must prove that the law serves a compelling source laws is constructed law is constructed using
purpose and that the law is narrowly tailored or the least from the first law to be the Constitution
restrictive way to achieve that purpose. repealed
imposed Life, Liberty, or None
penalty Property
• It confers no rights
• Imposes no duties EFFECT AND OPERATION
• Affords no protection When laws take effect
• Creates no office As stated in Article 2 of the Civil Code, to wit:
• In general, inoperative as if it had never been passed
ARTICLE 2. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days
following the completion of their publication in the Official
RULE WHEN A LAW IS DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL Gazette, unless it is otherwise provided. This code shall take
A. ORTHODOX VIEW - An unconstitutional law is no law at all. effect, one year after such publication.
It does not exist and did not exist at any time. Hence, it did not
create any obligation and confer any right nor attach any The effectivity provision refers to all statutes, including those
liability. Any transaction, event or facts that occurred under local and private, unless there are special laws providing a
the law that was declared unconstitutional are deemed different effectivity mechanism for particular statutes
illegal and void from the very beginning.
As stated in Section 18 Chapter 5 (Operation and Effect of
Norton vs Shelby County: An unconstitutional act is not a law; Laws) Book I (Sovereignty and General Administration) of the
it confers no rights; it imposes no office; it is, in legal Administrative Code, to wit:
contemplation, inoperative, as if it has not been passed. It is
therefore stricken from the statute of books and considered SECTION 18. When Laws Take Effect. — Laws shall take
never to have existed at all. Not only the parties but all persons effect after fifteen (15) days following the completion of their
are bound by the declaration of unconstitutionality, which publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of
means that no one may thereafter invoke it nor may the courts general circulation, unless it is otherwise provided.
be permitted to apply it in subsequent cases. It is, in other
words, a total nullity. Effectivity of laws
Shepard vs Barren: The court in passing upon the question of The clause “unless it is otherwise provided” – solely refers to
constitutionality does not annul or repeal the statute if it finds the 15-day period and not to the requirement of publication.
it in conflict with the Constitution. It simple refuses to recognize
it and determines the rights of the parties just as if such statute When Presidential issuances, rules and regulations take effect
had no existence. The court may give its reasons for ignoring The President’s ordinance power includes the authority to issue
or disregarding the law, but the decision affects the parties only EO, AO, Proclamations, MO, MC and general or specific orders
(Doctrine of pro hac vice) and there is no judgement against Requirement of publication applies except if it is merely
the statute. The opinion or reasons of the court may operate interpretative or internal in nature not concerning the public
as a precedent for the determination of other similar cases, but - Those whose purpose is to enforce or implement existing law
it does not strike the statute from the books; it does not repeal, pursuant to a valid delegation or to fill in the details of a
supersede, revoke, or annul the statute. The parties to the suit statute; requires publication
are concluded by the judgement, but no one else is bound.
- Those which are merely interpretative in nature or internal;
does not require publication
What is the Doctrine of Operative Fact?
Acts done pursuant to a law which was subsequently declared
Requirements of filing (1987 Administrative Code):
unconstitutional remain valid, but not when the acts are done
after the declaration of unconstitutionality. - Every agency shall file with the UP Law Center, three (3)
certified copies of every rule adopted by it. Rules in force on
Planters Products, Inc vs Fertiphil Corporation: The doctrine of the date of effectivity of this Code which are not filed within
operative fact, as an exception to the general rule, only applies 3 months from that date shall not thereafter be the basis of
as a matter of equity and fair play. It nullifies the effects of an any sanction against any party/ persons
unconstitutional law by recognizing that the existence of a
statute prior to a determination of unconstitutionality is an When local ordinance takes effect
operative fact and may have consequences which cannot Unless otherwise stated, the same shall take effect 10 days
always be ignored. The past cannot always be erased by a new from the date a copy is posted in a bulletin board at the
judicial declaration. entrance of the provincial capitol or city, municipality or
barangay hall, AND in at least 2 other conspicuous places in
The doctrine is applicable when a declaration of the local government unit concerned
unconstitutionality will impose an undue burden on those who The secretary to the Sangguinian concerned shall cause the
have relied on the invalid law. Thus, it was applied to a criminal posting not later than 5 days after approval; text will be
case when a declaration of unconstitutionality would put the disseminated in English or Tagalog; the secretary to the
accused in double jeopardy or would put in limbo the acts done Sangguinian concerned shall record such fact in a book kept for
by a municipality in reliance upon a law creating it. that purpose, stating the dates of approval and posting
Gist of ordinance with penal sanctions shall be published in a
newspaper of general circulation within the respective province
concerned; if NO newspaper of general circulation in the
province, POSTING shall be made in all municipalities and cities
of the province where the Sanggunian of origin is situated
For highly urbanized and independent component cities, main
features of the ordinance, in addition to the posting
requirement shall be published once in a local newspaper. In
the absence of local newspaper, in any newspaper of general
- Highly urbanized city, with minimum population of 200,000 accomplished in ten days from notice, then it means ten
and with latest annual income of at least 50M Php calendar days and NOT ten working days.
Statutes continue in force until repealed Principle of “exclude the first, include the last” DOES NOT
Permanent / Indefinite – law once established continues APPLY to the computation of the period of prescription of a
until changed by competent legislative power. It is not crime, in which said rule, states that if the last day in the period
changed by the change of sovereignty, except that of political of prescription of a felony falls on a Sunday or legal holiday,
nature any information concerning said felony cannot be filed on the
Temporary – in force only for a limited period, and they next working day, as the offense has by then already
terminate upon expiration of the term stated or upon prescribed.
occurrence of certain events; no repealing statute is needed
Territorial and personal effect of statutes Case in Point: Municipality of San Juan vs CA (GR 125183, 28
All people within the jurisdiction of the Philippines January 2000)
Policy of law
Which language controls? Should be given effect by the judiciary.
As stated in Section 17, Chapter 4, Book 1 of Administrative Code One way to accomplish this mandate is to give a statute of
of 1987, to wit: doubtful meaning, a construction that will promote public
Section 17. Official Languages. – Until otherwise provided by
law, Pilipino and English shall be the official languages.
Likewise, as stated in Section 20, Chapter 5, of the Administrative Explanatory notes accompany or precede a bill filed by a
Code of 1987, to wit: legislator. Explanatory notes are not endorsed by parliament.
Potentially may contain much more immediate and valuable
Section 20. Interpretation of Laws and Administrative material than other aids regularly used by the courts.
Issuances. – In the interpretation of a law or administrative
issuance promulgated in all the official languages, the English
text shall control, unless otherwise specifically provided. In 3. LONG TITLE
case of ambiguity, omission or mistake, the other texts may be The long title is the proper, official, and formal name of the
consulted. statute. Its length cannot be limited; hence, a long title can be
as long as one whole page.
When the meaning of a statute is clear and unambiguous, the 8. CAPITALIZATION OF LETTERS
preamble can neither expand nor restrict its operation, much An aid of low degree in the construction of statute. It is a rule of
less prevail over its text. Nor can be used as basis for giving a hermeneutics that punctuation and capitalization are aids of low
statute a meaning. degree in interpreting the language of a statute and can never
When the statute is ambiguous, the preamble can be resorted control against the intelligible meaning of the written words.
to clarify the ambiguity.
Preamble is the key of the statute, to open the minds of the
lawmakers as to the purpose is achieved, the mischief to be 9. DEFINITION OF SECTIONS AND INTERPRETATION
remedied, and the object to be accomplished, by the provisions CLAUSES IN THE ACT
of the legislature. The Legislature has the power to embody in the statute itself a
May decide the proper construction to be given to the statute. definition of its language as well as rules for its construction.
May restrict to what otherwise appears to be a broad scope of These are usually binding upon the courts, since they form a part
law. of the statute, even though in the absence of such a definition or
It may express the legislative intent to make the law apply rule of construction the language would convey a different
retroactively in which case the law has to be given retroactive meaning.
In the event that the definition found in the interpretation clause
is at variance with the intention of the lawmakers as expressed
5. SHORT TITLE in the plain language of the statute, that intention must prevail
The Short Title is merely the shorter version of the long title to over the legislative definition.
be adopted for easier reference to the statute.
EXAMPLES OF EXTRINSIC AIDS to carry out such purpose. It may be used as a basis for giving a
1. Textbook and eminent writers on law statute a meaning that is inconsistent with what is expressed in
2. Dictionaries the text of the statute.
3. Treaties and International Conventions
4. Legislative History / Debates Legislative Debates, views and deliberations
5. Contemporary Construction / Construction by the Bar Courts may avail to themselves the actual proceedings of the
6. Other Statutes in pari materia
legislative body to assist in determining the construction of a
statute of doubtful meaning. There is doubt to what a provision
of a statute means, that meaning which was put to the provision
during the legislative deliberation or discussion on the bill may be
In the absence of statutory definition, we construe a statutory
term in accordance with its ordinary or natural meaning.
Dictionaries, both legal, scientific, and general, may be consulted
Views expressed are as to the bill’s purpose, meaning or effect
by the courts, in proper cases, in the construction of a statute. It
are not controlling in the interpretation of the law. It is impossible
is indeed quite customary for judicial tribunals to turn to the
to determine with authority what construction was put upon an
standard lexicons for aid in determining the meaning to be
act by the members of the legislative body that passed the bill.
assigned to words of common speech or to technical terms. They
The opinions expressed by legislators in the course of debates
do not recognize these works as a binding authorities, which they
concerning the application of existing laws are not also given
are not induced, on other and more weighty considerations, to
decisive weight, especially where the legislator was not a member
of the assembly that enacted the said laws.
When a statute is clear and free from ambiguity, courts will not
inquire into the motives which influence the legislature or
The legislative history of a statute is the history of its
individual members, in voting for its passage; no indeed as to the
consideration and enactment which refers to the Congressional
intention of the draftsman, or the legislators, so far as it has not
and Senate records of proceedings, as well as to the evolution of
been expressed into the act.
the present law from previous laws relating to the same subject.
A statute is susceptible of several interpretations or where there
Reports of Commissions
is ambiguity in the language, there is no better means of
Commissions are usually formed to compile and collate all laws
ascertaining the will and intention of the legislature than that
on a particular subject and to prepare the draft of the proposed
which is afforded by the history of the statute.
GENERAL RULE: In the interpretation of an ambiguous provision
Prior Laws from which statute is based
of law, the history of the enactment of the law may be used as
Courts are permitted to prior laws on the same subject and to
an extrinsic aid to determine the import of the legal provision or
investigate the antecedents of the statute involved. This is
the law. Legislative history necessitates review of the origin,
applicable in the interpretation of codes, revised or compiled
antecedents, and derivation of the law in question to discover the
statutes, for the prior law which have been codified, compiled or
legislative purpose or intent.
revised will show the legislative history that will clarify the intent
of the law or shed light on the meaning and scope of the codified
or revised statute.
What constitutes legislative history?
History of a statute refers to all its antecedents from its inception
Change in Phraseology by amendments
until its enactment into law. · Its history proper covers the period
and the steps done from the time the bill is introduced until it is Intents to change the meaning of the provision. A statute has
finally passed by the legislature. What it includes: undergone several amendments, each amendment using
different phraseology, the deliberate selection of language
President’s message if the bill is enacted in response thereto, differing from that of the earlier act on the subject indicates that
The explanatory note accompanying the bill a change in meaning of the law was intended and courts should
Committee reports of legislative debate or investigations so construe that statute as to reflect such change in meaning.
Public hearings on the subject of the bill
Sponsorship speech Amendment by Deletion
Debates and deliberations concerning the bill Deletion of certain words or phrases in a statute indicates that
Changes in phraseology in which it undergoes before final the legislature intended to change the meaning of the statute, for
approval thereof.
the presumption is that the legislation would not have made the
Amendment by deletion of certain provisions
deletion had the intention been not effect a change in its
If the statute is based from a revision, a prior statute, the
latter’s practical application and judicial construction, meaning. A statute containing a provision prohibiting the doing
Various amendments it underwent of a certain thing is amended by deleting such provision.
Contemporary events
EXCEPTION: An amendment of the statue indicates a change in
President’s Message to Legislature meaning from that which the statute originally had applies only
The president shall address the congress at the opening of its when the intention is clear to change the previous meaning of the
regular session or appear before it at any other time. Usually old law. Rules don’t apply when the intent is clear that the
contains proposed legal measures. Indicates his thinking on the amendment is precisely to plainly express the construction of the
proposed legislation, when enacted into law, follows his line of act prior to its amendment because its language is not sufficiently
thinking on the matter. expressive of such construction. Frequently, words do not
materially affect the sense will be omitted from the statute as
Explanatory Note incorporated in the code or revised statute, or that some general
A short exposition of explanation accompanying a proposed idea will be expressed in brief phrases.
legislation by its author or proponent. Where there is ambiguity
in a statute or where a statute is susceptible of more than one Adopted Statutes
interpretation, courts may resort to the explanatory note to Foreign statutes are adopted in this country or from local laws
clarify the ambiguity and ascertain the purpose or intent of the are patterned form parts of the legislative history of the latter.
statute. Local statutes are patterned after or copied from those of another
country, the decision of the courts in such country construing
Used to give effect to the purpose or intent as disclosed in its those laws are entitled to great weight in the interpretation of
explanatory note. A statute affected or changed an existing law such local statutes.
and the explanatory note to the bill which has eventually enacted
into a law states that the purpose is too simply to secure the Limitations of Rule
prompt action on a certain matter by the officer concerned and A statute which has been adopted from that of a foreign country
not to change the existing law; the statute should be construed should be construed in accordance with the construction given it
in the country of origin is not without limitations.
Principles of Common Law Are presumed to have familiarized themselves with all the
Known as Anglo-American jurisprudence which is no in force in considerations pertinent to the meaning and purpose of the
this country, save only insofar as it is founded on sound principles law, and to have formed an independent, conscientious and
applicable to local conditions and is not in conflict with existing competent expert opinion thereon
law, nevertheless, many of the principles of the common law have
been imported into this jurisdiction as a result of the enactment When Contemporaneous Construction disregarded
of laws and establishment of institutions similar to those of US. When there is no ambiguity in the law.
If it is clearly erroneous, the same must be declared null and
Conditions at Time of Enactment
In enacting a statute, the legislature is presumed to have taken
Erroneous Contemporaneous Construction does not preclude
into account the existing conditions of things at the time of its
correction nor create rights; exceptions
enactment. In the interpretations of a statute, consider the
The doctrine of estoppel does not preclude correction of the
physical conditions of the country and the circumstances then
erroneous construction by the officer himself by his successor or
obtain understanding as to the intent of the legislature or as to
by the court in an appropriate case. An erroneous
the meaning of the statute.
contemporaneous construction creates no vested right on the
part of those relied upon, and followed such construction.
History of the Times
A court may look to the history of the times, examining the state
Legislative Interpretation
of things existing when the statute was enacted. A statute should
Take form of an implied acquiescence to, or approval of, an
not be construed in a spirit as if it were a protoplasm floating
executive or judicial construction of a statute. The legislature
around in space. In determining the meaning, intent, and purpose
cannot limit or restrict the power granted to the courts by the
of a law or constitutional provision, the history of the times of
which I grew and to which it may be rationally supposed to bear
some direct relationship, the evils intended to be remedied and
Legislative Approval
the good to be accomplished are proper subjects of inquiry. Law
Legislative is presumed to have full knowledge of a
being a manifestation of social culture and progress must be
contemporaneous or practical construction of a statute by an
interpreted taking into consideration the stage of such culture
administrative or executive officer charged with its enforcement.
and progress including all the concomitant circumstances. Law is
The legislature may approve or ratify such contemporaneous
not a watertight compartment sealed or shut off from the contact
construction. May also be showmen by the legislature
with the drama of life which unfolds before our eyes.
appropriating money for the officer designated to perform a task
pursuant to interpretation of a statute. Legislative ratification is
What does not constitute a legislative history?
equivalent to a mandate.
In Coconut Oil Refiners Association vs Torres, it was held that
events occurring after the passage of the law cannot be part of
the legislative history of the law under interpretation.
Most common act of approval. The re-enactment of a statute,
previously given a contemporaneous construction is persuasive
indication of the adoption by the legislature of the prior
construction. Re-enactment if accorded greater weight and
Are the constructions placed upon statutes at the time of, or after
respect than the contemporaneous construction of the statute
their enactment by the executive, legislative or judicial
before its ratification.
authorities, as well as by those who involve in the process of
legislation are knowledgeable of the intent and purpose of the
Stare Decisis
law. Contemporary construction is strongest in law.
stare decisis et non quieta movere - one should follow past
precedents and should not disturb what has been settled
Executive Construction, generally; kinds of
Judicial interpretation of a statute and is of greater weight than
Is the construction placed upon the statute by an executive or
that of an executive or administrative officer in the construction
administrative officer. Three types of interpretation:
Construction by an executive or administrative officer directly of other statutes of similar import. It is an invaluable aid in the
called to implement the law. construction or interpretation of statutes of doubtful meaning.
Construction by the secretary of justice in his capacity as the
chief legal adviser of the government. Supreme Court has the constitutional duty not only of
Handed down in an adversary proceeding in the form of a ruling interpreting and applying the law in accordance with prior
by an executive officer exercising quasi-judicial power. doctrines but also of protecting society from the improvidence
and wantonness wrought by needless upheavals in such
Weight accorded to Contemporaneous Construction interpretations and applications. In order that it will come within
Where there is doubt as to the proper interpretation of a statute, the doctrine of stare decisis, must be categorically stated on an
the uniform construction placed upon it by the executive or issue expressly raised by the parties; it must be a direct ruling,
administrative officer charged with its enforcement will be not merely an obiter dictum
adopted if necessary to resolve the doubt. True expression of the
legislative purpose, especially if the construction is followed for a
obiter dictum – opinion expressed by a court upon some
considerable period of time.
question of law which is not necessary to the decision of the case
Weight accorded to Usage and Practice before it; not binding as a precedent. The principle presupposes
optimus interpres rerum usus - the best interpretation of the that the facts of the precedent and the case to which it is applied
law is usage are substantially the same. Where the facts are dissimilar, then
Common usage and practice under the statute, or a course of the principle of stare decisis does not apply.
conduct indicating a particular undertaking of it, especially where
the usage has been acquiesced in by all the parties concerned The rule of stare decisis is not absolute. It does not apply when
and has extended over a long period of time. there is a conflict between the precedent and the law. The duty
of the court is to forsake and abandon any doctrine or rule found
Construction of Rules and Regulations to be in violation of law in force · Inferior courts as well as the
This rule-making power, authorities sustain the principle that the legislature cannot abandon a precedent enunciated by the SC
interpretation by those charged with their enforcement is entitled except by way of repeal or amendment of the law itself.
to great weight by the court in the latter’s construction of such
rules and regulations.
Case in Point: Misael Vera vs Serafin Cuevas (GR L-33693-94,
Reasons why contemporaneous construction is given much 31 May 1979; 90 SCRA 379)
It is entitled to great weight because it comes from the Case in Point: Cecilio De Villa vs CA (GR 87416, 8 April 1991;
particular branch of government called upon to implement the 195 SCRA 722)
law thus construed.