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In this study, we describe the synthesis of a new family of indolizinone derivatives designed to ®t an extrahydrophobic pocket
within the active site of aromatase and to strongly inhibit human aromatase. This could help improve the speci®city of the
inhibitors. Equine aromatase, very well characterized biochemically, is used as a comparative model. Indeed, in a previous
comparison between both human and equine aromatases, we described the importance of the interaction between the inhibitor
and this pocket for the indane derivative MR 20814. MR 20492 and MR 20494 are more potent inhibitors of human aromatase
(Ki/Km: 1.0 2 0.3 and 0.52 0.3, respectively). The Ki/Km for MR 20494 is slightly higher than that obtained for fadrozole
(0.1 20.0) and Ki/Km for both indolizinone derivatives are lower than those obtained for 4-hydroxyandrostenedione (1.92 0.8)
and MR 20814 (8.12 .7). These new compounds are not enzyme inactivators. Moreover, as indicated by the higher Ki/Km values
obtained with equine enzyme (9.0 2 0.6 and 6.1 2 1.6 for MR 20492 and MR 20494, respectively), both human and equine
aromatase active sites appear to be structurally dierent. Dierence absorption spectra study (350±500 nm) revealed that
MR20492 and MR20494 were characterized by a combination of type-I and -II spectra with both enzymes. This result could be
due to the isomerization of the molecule in polar solvent (Z and E forms). The evaluation of these new molecules, as well as 4-
hydroxyandrostenedione and fadrozole, on aromatase activity in transfected 293 cell cultures evidenced a strong inhibition (IC50:
0.20 2 0.03 mM, 0.20 2 0.02 mM and 0.50 2 0.40 mM for MR 20494, fadrozole and 4-OHA, respectively) except for MR 20492
(3.9 20.9 mM) and MR 20814 (10.5 2 0.6 mM). These results proved that these molecules formed part of a promising family of
potent inhibitors and that they penetrate 293 cells, without evidencing any cytotoxicity in Hela cells with MTT assay. This is
thus encouraging for the development of new drugs for the treatment of estrogen-dependent cancers, these molecules also
constitute new tools for understanding the aromatase active site. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-0760/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 6 0 - 0 7 6 0 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 9 3 - X
60 P. Auvray et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 70 (1999) 59±71
very speci®c steroidal inhibitor used in therapy [3], (ii) indane derivatives (MR 20814: 3-amino-5-methoxy-2-
fadrozole or CGS 16949A, highly potent in vitro [4], (pyridin-4-ylmethyl)inden-1-one and MR 20818: 3-
(iii) vorozole, highly speci®c for aromatase [5,6], (iv) amino-2-(pyridin-4-ylmethyl)-5,6,7-trimethoxy)inden-1-
two recent potent clinically used inhibitors [7], anastro- one) on both human and equine aromatases, in placen-
zole (Arimidex) [8] and letrozole (Femara) [9]. The ®rst tal and testicular microsomes, respectively. The com-
generation inhibitor aminoglutethimide and second parison of these enzymes and their dierential
and third generation inhibitors, like formestane and interactions with the indane derivative MR 20814 [30],
fadrozole, were found to inhibit in vivo aromatization shown by the kinetic results and molecular modeling,
by 85±93%. The novel aromatase inhibitors letrozole suggested that the amino group of this molecule could
and anastrozole inhibit in vivo aromatization by 97± occupy the entrance of an extrahydrophobic pocket
99%. However, the response rate or the duration of located in the active site according to actual models
remission with these drugs are far from satisfactory [34,45,46]. Moreover, Laughton et al. [45] postulated
[10]. Indeed, in phase III clinical trials, fadrozole, vor- that the alkylation of the glutarimide nitrogen of 3-
ozole, anastrozole, 4-OHA and letrozole caused overall alkyl-3(4-pyridyl)piperidine-2,6-dione led to a better in-
response rates of only 14±16% [11,12], 17% [13], 24± hibition of the aromatase activity by increasing the in-
27% [8], 33% [12] and 36% [14], respectively. Many teraction with the extrahydrophobic pocket. These
studies have currently been undertaken to evaluate sev- previous results allowed us to orientate the synthesis
eral new families of in vitro aromatase inhibitors [15± of a new family of indane derivatives among which
28] illustrating the considerable resources invested in MR 20496 (3-phenyl-2-(pyridin-4-ylmethylen)indan-1-
the development of drugs that may provide a better re- one) was the most potent with an IC50 value of
sponse rate from patients. The need for clinical drugs 0.8 20.1 mM [47]. To check the existence of the extra-
with increased speci®city, clinical eciency and toler- hydrophobic pocket, we postulated that the phenyl
ability remains a challenge in the development of new group of MR 20496 could occupy it within the aroma-
compounds [12,29]. tase active site, and this could reinforce the interaction
Recently, we used a new approach [30] based on the between a nitrogen atom of the inhibitors and the
molecular modeling of the enzyme active site to design heme iron atom of the enzyme. This hypothesis and all
new inhibitors. This was helped, for the ®rst time, by our previous results led us to develop a new family of
the comparison of two mammalian enzymes very well molecules belonging to the indolizinone series, that we
characterized at the biochemical level and cloned: the consider to be a structural compromise between the
human [31±35] and equine [36±44] aromatases. As a benzocycloalkenes-type [48] and the `azole'-type (like
matter of fact, we compared the inhibition eects of fadrozole and vorozole) aromatase inhibitors. Some of
P. Auvray et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 70 (1999) 59±71 61
the compounds tested herein appeared to be more amount; 0.135 g, 0.4 mmol) in water (3 ml) was added
potent than 4-OHA and comparable in vitro to fadro- to a solution of 6-(4-chlorophenyl)-5,6,7,8-tetrahy-
zole. This new family could thus provide information droindolizin-8-one 3 (1 g, 4 mmol) and pyridine-4-car-
concerning the mammalian aromatase active site, and boxaldehyde (0.47 g, 4.4 mmol) in methylene chloride
consequently be of interest for the design of new in- (40 ml), was added. The reaction mixture was stirred
hibitors in estrogen-dependent cancer treatment at room temperature for 2 h. After addition of methyl-
(Scheme 1). ene chloride (80 ml), the organic layer was separated,
washed with water, dried over calcium chloride and
evaporated to dryness. A silica-gel column was used to
2. Materials and methods purify the residue with cyclohexane/ethyl acetate (70/
30) as eluent.
2.1. Materials
2.2.2. (Z ) 6-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(pyridin-4-
All chemical products were obtained from Sigma (St ylmethylene)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroindolizin-8-one 4 (MR
Quentin Fallavier, France) or GibcoBRL (Cergy 20492)
Pontoise, France). Polyethylenimine was prepared in Yellow crystals (65%), mp 2388C, IR (KBr) 1665
ddH2O at 10 mM, pH 7.0. [1b,2b-3H]-androstenedione cmÿ1 (CO), 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) 8.50 (d,
was from Dupont NEN (Les Ulis, France), Coomassie J = 5.6 Hz, 2H, H2 ' and H6 '), 7.94 (s, 1H, Ha), 7.26
brilliant blue G-250 dye from BioRad (Ivry/Seine, (d, J = 8.0 Hz, 2H, H30 and H50), 7.17 (m, 1H, H3),
France), solvents from Carlo Erba (Val de Reuil, 7.10 (m, 4H, H3 ', H5 ', H20 and H60), 6.72 (m, 1H,
France) and from sds (Peypin, France), human embry- H1), 6.25 (m, 1H, H2), 4.59 (m, 1H, H6), 4.45 (dd,
onal kidney 293 cells (ECACC number: 85120602) and J = 12 and 3.5 Hz, 1H, H5a), 4.31 (dd, J = 12 and
human cervix epithelial carcinoma Hela cells (ECACC 2.5 Hz, H5b), 13C NMR (CDCl3) 176.2 (C-8), 150.1
number: 93021013) from CERDIC (Sophia-Antipolis, (C-2 ' and C-6'), 142.6 (C-4 '), 138.9 (C-7), 137.1 (C-10),
France), JM109 bacterial strain from Promega 133.4 (C-8a), 130.6 (C-a), 129.1 (C-20 and C-60), 128.5
(CharbonnieÁres, France), culture media from (C-30 and C-50), 128.2 (C-40), 126.8 (C-3), 123.2 (C-3 '
BioWhittaker (Gagny, France), Thermo Sequenase Kit and C-5 '), 116.5 (C-1), 111.8 (C-2), 50.8 (C-5), 42.1
from Amersham (Les Ulis, France), pCMV plasmid (C-6), analysis calculated for C20H15N2OCl: C, 71.74,
from Invitrogen (NV Leek, The Netherlands) and H, 4.51, N, 8.36, found: C, 71.59, H, 4.52, N, 8.19.
Qiagen Plasmid Maxi Kit from Qiagen (Courtaboeuf,
France). Human aromatase cDNA was kindly pro- 2.2.3. (Z ) 6-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(pyridin-3-
vided by E.R. Simpson (Dallas, USA). The oligo- ylmethylene)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroindolizin-8-one 5 (MR
nucleotide primers sense A (5 '-555CCATTGACG 20494)
TCAATGGGAGTT575-3 ') and antisense B (5 '- Yellow oil (45%), IR (KBr) 1670 cmÿ1 (CO), 1H
TAAGGCTTTGCGCATGACCAAG1148-3 ') were NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) 8.48 (s, 1H, H2 '), 8.44 (m,
from EUROBIO (Les Ulis, France). 1H, H6 '), 7.93 (s, 1H, Ha), 7.45 (d, J = 4.0 Hz, 1H,
H4 '), 7.20 (m, 3H, H5 ', H30 and H50), 7.11 (m, 1H,
2.2. Chemistry H3), 7.05 (d, J = 7.5 Hz, 2H, H20 and H60), 6.63 (m,
1H, H1), 6.18 (m, 1H, H2), 4.53 (m, 1H, H6), 4.39
Melting points were determined on a Ko¯er block (dd, J = 12 and 3.6 Hz, 1H, H5a), 4.24 (dd, J = 12
and are uncorrected. IR spectra were recorded on a and 2.4 Hz, H5b), 13C NMR (CDCl3) 176.5 (C-8),
Unicam Mattson 1000 spectrometer. NMR spectra 150.1 (C-6 '), 149.7 (C-2 '), 139.0 (C-7 and C-4 '), 136.3
(1H, 13C, 1H-COSY, NOE) were recorded at 400 or (C-10), 135.7 (C-3 '), 133.4 (C-8a), 130.7 (C-a), 129.3
100 MHz with tetramethylsilane as an internal stan- (C-20 and C-60), 128.6 (C-30, C-40 and C-50), 126.6 (C-
dard using a JEOL JNM-LA 400 spectrometer. Mass 3), 123.4 (C-5 '), 116.3 (C-1), 111.6 (C-2), 50.9 (C-5),
spectra were recorded on a JEOL D300 instrument 42.2 (C-6), analysis calculated for C20H15N2OCl: C,
using direct inlet system and electron impact ioniz- 71.74, H, 4.51, N, 8.36, found: C, 71.67, H, 4.39, N,
ation. Silica gel 60 (70±230 mesh) was used for column 8.25.
chromatography. Elemental analyses (C, H, N) were The synthesis of other compounds used in this study
performed by INSA, Rouen-France, and agreed with have previously been described [30,47].
the proposed structures within 20.3% of the theoreti-
cal values. 2.3. Preparation of microsomes
2.2.1. Preparation of 4 and 5 (general method) Human placental and equine testicular microsomes
A solution of sodium hydroxide (0.48 g, 12 mmol) were prepared as previously described [30,37]. Brie¯y,
and tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate (catalytic in each instance the available tissue presenting the
62 P. Auvray et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 70 (1999) 59±71
highest speci®c aromatase activity was utilized. Fresh was added to the incubation and kept at 48C for 5
tissue was washed with 0.50 M KCl, was ®rst hom- min. The solution was then centrifuged for 10 min at
ogenized in 50 mM phosphate buer pH 7.5 contain- 350g. Aromatase activity was assayed with 300 ml of
ing 0.25 M sucrose, 1 mM DTT, and 4 mM the aqueous phase and labeled androstenedione as
androstenedione in order to preserve the enzyme active described above.
site, and then centrifuged at 20,000g. The supernatant
was further ultracentrifuged at 100,000g and the ®nal 2.7. Spectral studies
pellet was dissolved in the same buer containing 20%
glycerol, 1 mM DTT, 0.2 mM EDTA-4 Na, 4 mM Absorbance of microsomal proteins (1.5 mg) in 1.5
androstenedione, and stored at ÿ808C until use. ml of 50 mM Tris±Maleate, pH 7.4 was measured with
Protein concentration was evaluated according to a Kontron±Uvikon 860 spectrophotometer. Dierence
Bradford [49] using bovine serum albumin as standard, absorption spectra were recorded at 378C over 350±
and Coomassie brilliant blue as dye-reagent. 500 nm after addition of 100 mM of each inhibitor
diluted in ethanol (16 ml). The spectrum of ethanol
2.4. Inhibition studies with microsomes alone was comparable to the baseline (350±500 nm).
The spectra of the microsomes and of the molecule
Aromatase activity was evaluated by measuring alone were subtracted from the spectrum of micro-
H2O released from 200 nM [1b,2b-3H]-androstene- somes plus molecule.
dione (speci®c activity: 1554 GBq/mmol) at 378C for
15 min [30,32], in the presence of various inhibitors 2.8. pCMV-human aromatase cDNA construction
from 0 to 15 mM. Reactions with microsomes (195 mg
and 20 mg of human and equine microsomal proteins, Human aromatase cDNA (2920 bp) [33] was pre-
respectively for determination of IC50 values) were in- viously cloned into pUC18 (2.7 kb) with two frag-
itiated by adding 60 mM NADPH,H+ to a ®nal ments, lgt10 HindIII±EcoRI in 5 ' end (240 bp) and
volume of 0.5 ml and stopped by adding 1 ml of EcoRI±BglII in 3 ' end (900 bp). This construction was
chloroform. Steroids were then extracted by incubation partially digested with EcoRI and the 2920 bp frag-
with a charcoal/dextran solution (7%/1.5%) and the ment EcoRI±EcoRI subcloned into the pCMV EcoRI
radioactivity of the aqueous phase was measured as site. Orientation was then checked by PCR ampli®ca-
previously described [37]. Control incubations were tion with the primers sense A and antisense B which
realized by incubating microsomes, substrate and in- are speci®c for pCMV and the cDNA, respectively (the
hibitors without NADPH,H+ in the same conditions. amplicon length was 1359 bp) and by sequencing. The
Results were the mean of triplicate experiments 2 S.D. pCMV±cDNA was puri®ed from transformed JM109
and were expressed as pmol estrogen formed/min. mg bacterial strain by using the Qiagen Plasmid Maxi Kit.
microsomal proteins. The length, the concentration and the purity of the
plasmid-cDNA construction were veri®ed by 1% agar-
2.5. Kinetic studies ose electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining.
Concentration range was 0±600 nM for inhibitors 2.9. 293 cells culture and transfection
and 6±100 nM for substrate. Aromatase activity was
evaluated at the linear portion of the Michaelis± Human embryonal kidney 293 cells were grown at
Menten plot by incubating 5 mg (human) or 4 mg 378C in red phenol free EMEM medium supplemented
(equine) microsomal proteins with substrate and var- with 2 mM glutamine, 10% new born calf serum
ious inhibitors, at 378C for 12 min with human aroma- (supreme serum), 1% nonessential amino acid under
tase and 8 min with the equine enzyme. Km and Ki an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and 95% air. Fifty thou-
values were determined graphically by using, respect- sand cells were grown to 50% con¯uence on 24-wells
ively, Lineweaver±Burk and Dixon representations. cell culture plates 18 h before transfection, washed
with serum-free cell culture medium, supplemented
2.6. Inactivation studies with 500 ml serum-free medium and transiently trans-
fected with 2 mg pCMV±human aromatase cDNA
Inactivation studies were carried out with 26 mg using a modi®cation of the method of Boussif et al.
(human) or 20 mg (equine) microsomal proteins by [50]. Brie¯y, 2 mg pCMV±cDNA (corresponding to 6
testing dierent incubation times (0±30 min) at 258C nmol of phosphate) and 54 nmol of polyethylenimine
with 10 mM inhibitors and 60mM NADPH,H+ in 0.1 were separately diluted with 50 ml 150 mM NaCl, incu-
M Na-phosphate buer, pH 7.5, containing 0.5 M bated 10 min at room temperature under laminar fume
sucrose according to Moslemi and SeÂralini [42]. An hood, mixed together, then further incubated 10 min
activated charcoal-dextran mixture (2%/1%, 100 ml) at room temperature and added to each well. Cells
P. Auvray et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 70 (1999) 59±71 63
Table 1
Human (H) and equine (E) aromatase inhibition with the compounds used in this study. 4-OHA, fadrozole and MR 20814 are indicated for com-
parison. Km values with androstenedione were 10.7 and 6.2 nM for human and equine enzymes, respectively. See legends of Figs. 1 and 2 for
p < 0.05 compared to fadrozole.
p < 0.05 compared to 4-OHA.
p < 0.05 compared to MR 20814.
3. Results
3.1. Chemistry
Fig. 7. Cytotoxicity study of new human aromatase inhibitors on Hela cells. 50,000 cells in 24-wells plates were treated with 10 mM inhibitors
during 24, 48 or 72 h. (A) The MTT assay was adapted to Hela cells and the formazan production was performed at 24, 48 and 72 h between
405 and 690 nm (the MTT was used as reference). (B) The formazan spectrum was evidenced at 72 h of cell culture and two wavelengths were
evaluated: 565 and 750 nm for the test and reference, respectively. (C) Cytotoxicity was evaluated by measuring the transformation of the mito-
chondrial succinate-dehydrogenase substrate (MTT) in blue formazan product. The absorbance at reference wavelength was subtracted from the
test absorbance and results were the mean of triplicate values2S.D. Fadrozole, 4-OHA, MR 20814 and MR 20818 [35] were also used as con-
trols. T corresponded to cells without inhibitor. No absorbance was signi®cantly dierent compared to the control T.
less potent (3.9 2 0.9 mM and 10.4 20.6 mM, respect- not lead to cellular death with this method and even at
ively). a concentration of 10 mM no cytotoxicity was evi-
denced, either with indane derivatives or with indolizi-
3.6. Cytotoxicity in cell culture none derivatives on Hela cells during culture times of
24, 48 or 72 h. In fact, cells were fast growing up to 48
The results obtained with the 293 cells revealed that h and more moderately until 72 h. This method was
the molecules MR 20492 and MR 20494 were not modi®ed by using a spectrophotometer and optimized
cytotoxic since no dead cell was observed in this experi- to our Hela cells by testing dierent wavelengths
ment. Moreover, we tested the cytotoxicity of these during 24, 48 and 72 h of culture. As shown in Fig.
compounds, as well as the potent indane derivative in- 7A, the absorbance increased proportionally to the
hibitor MR 20814, on the human cervix epitheloid car- time of cell culture. Moreover, Fig. 7B allowed deter-
cinoma Hela cells by using the trypan blue exclusion mination of the test wavelength (565 nm) and reference
test (data not shown). In this type of study, the usual wavelength (750 nm). As the maximal absorbance of
concentration of inhibitor which is supposed to not DMSO was at 503 nm [55], it did not interfere with
aect cell survival is 1 mM [54]. This concentration did the chosen test wavelength. The results obtained with
68 P. Auvray et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 70 (1999) 59±71
the MTT assay (Fig. 7C) con®rmed our previous benzoylpyridine showed exclusively a reverse type I
results since none of the tested molecules showed a spectrum and pyridine and its derivatives substituted
cytotoxic eect. at the 3- or 4-positions with phenyl or benzoyl groups
showed exclusively a type II spectrum. By considering
the Z form for the compounds MR 20492 and MR
4. Discussion 20494, the type II spectrum should be obtained.
However, if the E form and the R con®guration are
In this study, we screened the eect of indolizinone considered, the pyridinic nitrogen is sterically hindered,
derivatives on human and equine aromatases in pla- by the chlorophenyl group, from access to the heme
cental and testicular microsomes, respectively. We iron. This situation could lead to a reverse type I spec-
obtained two molecules, MR 20492 and MR 20494, trum (see Fig. 6). The isomerization of the compound
which are very potent inhibitors. Indeed, IC50 and Ki/ MR 20492 (or MR 20494) was checked and indeed, in
Km values obtained for MR 20494 evidenced that this polar solvent, this fact was observed leading to a mix-
molecule was 694 times more potent than aminoglu- ture of E and Z forms explaining the pro®le for the
tethimide and slightly less potent than fadrozole which UV spectra obtained during the conditions of the bio-
is in phase III clinical trials. However, MR 20494 and logical evaluations. Thus, we suggest that the inhi-
MR 20492 were not inactivators. Moreover, our com- bition results are due to a combination of both
parative results between models also con®rm confor- geometric isomer activities. However, we previously
mational dierences between the active sites of human showed with indane derivatives [30] that an inhibitor
and equine aromatases. Indeed, as described in our characterized by an interaction with the heme iron
previous work [30], we suggested that the chlorophenyl (type II spectrum) was more potent. We thus suggest
group could interact with the extrahydrophobic pocket that MR 20492 and MR 20494 could be more ecient
within the active site and that the N atom of the pyri- if the isomer proportion tended to the `type II spec-
dyl group could be close to the heme iron. The inter- trum' one.
action of these new inhibitors with this pocket could In the present study, we evidenced in vitro two
be stronger with the human aromatase than the inter- potent inhibitors of human aromatase in placental
action previously described [30] with the amino group microsomes, MR 20492 and MR 20494. As our mol-
of MR 20814, and could then explain the higher inhi- ecules could also be developed as drugs, it would be
bition observed. Moreover, with the equine aromatase, useful to evaluate their ability to penetrate cells. As
the chlorophenyl group of MR 20492 and MR 20494 shown in Table 2, MR 20494 seemed to be an interest-
could strongly interact with the `acidic pocket' pre- ing candidate since it remained highly potent in cell
viously described [30] and formed by D309, D476 and cultures like fadrozole. These results suggest that MR
N475. This interaction could remove the pyridyl group 20494, more easily than MR 20492, was able to pass
from the heme iron and then render the inhibitor less through the cellular membrane, suggesting that it was
potent in comparison to the human enzyme. not or little metabolized before reaching its speci®c
The study of the interaction between the heme iron target.
and a substrate or an inhibitor has currently been con- Moreover, in order to evaluate the cytotoxicity of
ducted with cytochromes P450 [56], as for example these compounds, we adapted the MTT assay to our
with aromatase [30,31,57,58]. In our previous study, a model. Although the trypan blue exclusion test is cur-
type II spectrum, considered as speci®c for an inter- rently used in cytotoxicity studies, this method only
action between nitrogen atom of the molecule and the revealed membrane permeability and not the intra-
heme iron of the cytochrome, with minimal absor- cellular damages [60]. Mosmann [61] then developed a
bance at 390 nm and maximal absorbance at 420 nm, quantitative colorimetric assay to detect mammalian
was observed between the indane derivative 3-amino- cell survival and proliferation based on the tetrazolium
5-methoxy-2-(pyridin-4-ylmethyl)inden-1-one (MR salt MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tet-
20814) and human aromatase, whereas a type I spec- razolium bromide). This assay detects living, but not
trum (inverted absorbance) was observed for equine dead cells and the signal generated is dependent on the
aromatase. In this study, the spectra produced by the degree of activation of the cells since the tetrazolium
interaction between MR 20492 or MR 20494 and the ring is cleaved by active mitochondria. This method
active site of both enzymes showed an unexpected and was validated by comparison with the [3H]-thymidine
unique type spectrum since it was characterized by an uptake method [52], and Carmichael et al. [55] demon-
absorbance peak at 400±410 nm. One hypothesis to strated that it was a fast and ecient method for
explain this pro®le is that a combination of type I and studying the cytotoxicity of compounds in cell culture.
type II spectra was obtained. A previous study showed Mosmann [61] previously determined a test wavelength
the possibility of getting two dierent types of spectra of 570 nm and a reference wavelength of 630 nm (this
in relation to the substituents on pyridine [59]. The 2- value correlates with the baseline) whereas Denizot
P. Auvray et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 70 (1999) 59±71 69
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hibitor in treating postmenopausal patients with advanced
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grant from the Ligue Nationale Contre Le Cancer [15] R.W. Hartmann, M. Frotscher, D. Ledergerber, G.A.
(Comite de la Manche) for the biological studies and a Wachter, G.L. Grun, T.F. Sergejew, Synthesis and evaluation
studentship to P.A., and recently supported by the of azole-substituted tetrahydronaphtalenes as inhibitors of
P450 arom, P450 17, and P450 TxA2, Arch. Pharm. 329 (1996)
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