Preclaro Vs Sandiganbayan (1995)
Preclaro Vs Sandiganbayan (1995)
Preclaro Vs Sandiganbayan (1995)
Claro Preclaro vs Sandiganbayan & People (1995) - In the Sandiganbayan, Preclaro raised the issue of Sandigabayan’s
jurisdiction. To back this, he claimed:
Doctrine: o That he is merely a private individual hired by the ITDI on a
Petitioner miscontrues the definition of “public officer” in R.A. No. 3019 contractual basis for a particular project and for a specified period
as evidenced by his contract of services;
which, according to Sec. 2(b) thereof ” includes elective and appointive
o That he was not issued any appointment paper separate therefrom.
officials and employees, permanent or temporary, whether in the classified
o That he was not required to use the bundy clock or to record his
or unclassified or exemption service receiving compensation, even nominal,
hours or work
from the government. . . .” The word “includes” used in defining a public o That neither did he take an oath of office
officer in Sec. 2(b) indicates that the definition is not restrictive. The terms o That guilt was not established beyond reasonable doubt.
“classified, unclassified or exemption service” were the old categories of - Nonetheless, the SB found him guilty, thus this case.
positions in the civil service which have been reclassified into Career Service
and Non- Career Service by PD 807 providing for the organization of the Civil
Service Commission and by the Administrative Code of 1987. Issue
- Petitioner Preclaro was employed by the ITDI (Industrial Technology public officer, despite being neither elective nor appointive.
Development Institute [a division of the DOST] as a Project
o His job as a Proj. Manager/ consultant was to supervise the
Ratio Decidendi
construction of a DOST building in the DOST compound in
Bicutan. As he was charged with violation of the Anti-graft law, Preclaro raised that
o In particular, his job was to assess the quality of work of the he does not fall under the law’s definition of public officer.
contractor and to make a report thereof to the DOST for it
to assess any additives/ deductives in the price it is to pay The pertinent statute says:
for the services of the contractor.
- At some point, he was charged in the Sandiganbayan with violation “Sec. 2 (b) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act: A public officer
of Sec. 3(b) of RA 3019 or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. includes elective and appointive officials and employees, permanent or
o According to Mr. Resoso, Project Engineer for Sta. Maria temporary, whether in the classified, unclassified or exemption service,
Construction Company (a contractor), Preclaro offered receiving compensation, even nominal, from the government…”
“forget” about deductives, if he could be given 200K (from
the projected 460k profit of SMCC). Sec 2 uses the word “includes” which means the definition is not restrictive.
o Mr. Resoso conveyed the proposal to Mr. Sta Maria St. The SC then explains that included as well are the definitions under PD 807
(owner of SMCC). (organizing the CSC), namely Career Service and Non-Career Service.
o Sta. Maria and Resoso reported the bribery to the NBI, after
which an entrapment plan was arranged. In particular, Preclaro falls under Non-Career Service which is defined as:
o After a 30minute meeting between the contractors and
Preclaro, the latter received bundles of marked money, at “(4) Contractual personnel or those whose employment in the
which point he was apprehended by the NBI and tested for government is in accordance with a special contract to undertake a
fluorescent powder residue (as used in the marked money).
o He tested positive and was charged by the SB.
specific work or job, requiring special or technical skills not available in
the employing agency, to be accomplished within a specific period,”
Therefore, Preclaro falls under the non-career service category of the Civil
Service and still falls under the definition of a public officer.
- The fact that Preclaro is not required to record his working hours by
means of a bundy clock or did not take an oath of office became
unessential considerations