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Institute English: Defense Center

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Defense Language Institute

English Language Center
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas



Time Limit:
PART l- 25 Minutes
PART ll - 30 Minutes



Directions for items 1-55. You wiff hear statements or
ane nn l- lra f rha Qal ant i- ho hacf :nrl mar'lr rrarrr
^iiacii ^ncr^rar
answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.

1. a) whenever we decide to 6. They were using a _.

b) whenever we get some a) map
money b) tablet.
c) whenever we're having c) card
a party d) magazine
d) whenever we're in
serious trouble 7. He wanted to know the
2. a) She usually works on
Sunday. a) route
b) She goes to church on b) weather
Sunday. c) distance
c) She takes it easy on d) population
d) She washes her car on 8. She is
a) dead
3. a) He is going to sing b) educated
something. c) charming
b) He is going to l-earn d) single
c) He is going t.o write 9. He likes to
d) He is going to say a) play the piano
something. b) play football
c) collect rocks
4. a) Houses are expensive. d) collect stamps
D/ m^.,^
L\ r.oys are
--^ expensl_ve.
c ) School ing :-s 10 . Yes
A\ Af expensive.
i c avnancirra
-s a)
i\ here iti r is

b) r know him
q qArdAarf ,'-,---ey
T{i nn 1s _ r 'l hpl n rrnq1.gg]f
d) hofd the line
a) angry
b) sick 11. a) because of my job
c) pfeased b) to England
d) confused c) about two months
d) by plane
12 :) innnre Mr. BfOwn
h) qion : .-ntract
c) talk to Mr. Brown
d) erase Mr. Brown's name

13. a) if he owed large or 19. a) Make sure the

smalf bills equi-Pment is Plugged
b) if Bill was large or in ProPerlY.
smaff b) Make sure the
c) if he wanted his money equipment is cleaned
in large or smal1 ProPerlY.
bills c) Make sure the
d) if Jack's money bag equipment is installed
was large ProPerlY '
d) Make sure the
14. a) llve with their equlpment is working
parents proPerlY.
b) admire their parents
c) act like their parents 20. a) He coufdn't see we1l.
d) help their parents b) He couldn't talk wefl.
c) He couldn't write
15. a) some suitcases we1l.
h) n:nFrs
tsqtsv! shnwino where d) He couldn't hear welf.
we ' re going
c) medical supplies 2I. a) The night air couldn't
d) papers showing who we come 1n.
are b) The heat couldn't come
16. a) with difficulty c) People couldn't come
b) with attention 1n.
c) with anger d) Insects coufdn't come
d) with pleasure 1n.

L'7. a) as a unit 22. a) The cof fee was

b) all together escaping.
c) one at a time b) The cup was expensive.
d) in a group c) The coffee was sweet.
d) The cup was covered.
18. a) They are going by
themsel-ves. 23 . a) They are working at a
b) I am going without new l-ocation.
them. b) TheY are working in a
c) They are going to ask new company.
me to go with them. c) They are working by a
d) We are going in new system.
different groups. d) rhey are working for a
new sal-ary.

24. a) His vision was

p1 Hi q l-Fmneratufe uaS
c) T-li s stnmach was
d ) His blood pres s;:e -/'as

25. a) He handles rt roughly. 31. a) i_ts shape

b) He makes many b) its worth
mistakes. c) its color
c) He handles it very d) its age
d) He is learning to work 32. a) He doesn't want any
on i-t. promot j-ons.
b) He doesn't want any
26 . a) The offj-cer in charge accidents.
required prompt c) He doesn,t emphasize
actron. prevention.
b) The circumstances d) He doesn't stress
reguired prompt safeLy.
act 10n .

c) The regulation 33. a) what she is doing

required prompt b) what. she is thinking
action. c) which hat she is
d) The government wearing
required prompt d) what she is cookinq
34. a) He arranged the fight.
27. a) Her j-l-Lness was b) He observed a f ight
common. next door.
b) Her illness was minor. c) He avoided a fight.
c) Her illness was rare. d) He was involved in a
d) Her illness was f i-qht.
35. a) The top was dj-rty.
28. a) He solved it very b) The top was shiny.
quickly. c) the top was not
b) He so]ved it after a smooth.
while. d) The top wasn't hard.
c) He solved it in his
car. 36. a) He ate it all q"uickly.
d) He solved it in his b) He gathered it
head. together.
c) He threw J_t. away.
29. a) Fine, thank you. d) He separated it into
b) I was studying. porEr_ons.
c) I was in the barracks.
d) I was there for a long 37. a) He regrets he will-
tl-me- return to his country.
b) He won't go back to
30. a) later this month his country next week.
b) two months from now c) I hope to go to his
c) the mont.h following country soon.
this one d) I suppose he will go
d) the other month back next week.

?R e)
ql IJc wanfcA t-n n=inr ir 45. a) His hand touched the
b) He wanted to cfean it. crrt- t i no cdoc
vueu:rrJ esJv Of the
c) He wanted to hide it. saw.
d) He wanted to sefl it. L\
r'ne snarp
D) mL^ ^L--- eoge
^J^ came In
contact with the saw.
39. a) Some of the food here c) The saw touched the
is wonderful. chrrr adac
b) Some food can be fixed d) ,-Ieck newer touched the
i-n a short time.
c) A11 cooks work hard.
d) Cooking always takes a 45. a) He inspected the base.
lot of time. b) He assumed command.
c) He went over the
40. a) We were getting cfose books.
to New York. d) He flew the new jet.
b) We were leaving New
YOrK. 4'7 . a) They didn't
c) We were
flying over understand.
New York. b) They couldn't hear
d) We were going around well.
New York. c) Thcrr kncw what she
^- i I

ar. -\ mL^
al rrlc -r--^ remained
Prafrs d) They lost something.
under the pilot's
control. 48 . Yes, It's
b) The pilot was attached
to the plane. : ) rrnn'l a:n

c) The ni'l of was thrown b) dismal

out of the Plane. c) cheap
.l) Tha nilol- was left in rl\ al o^rnl-
f ha n'l ano
49. He is
az. -\
al mL^r'
rrrEy i.r^y^
wcrc can:ral.arl
v t 'Fharr
rrref r^rara i ai narl a) nrriio carinrrc
a\ 'fharr r^rcra qn'l e qhcrl b) rather comical-
sr \
A frref r.rara cnrrrrarl ^\
wJ ^t,,--.^
arwqy> EaYsr
A\ cnmar^r'l-r:t nr:
43. a) He eats vegetables.
b) He grows vegetables. 50. He had to take it
c) He cooks vegetables.
d) He likes vegetables. a) over
b) out
44. a) She imagined that it L / V! r

was locked. d) back

b) She knew that it was
locked. 'F]-rarz :vo cnoeri

c) She complained that it

was l-ocked . a) ki l1ed by
d) She discovered that it b) lacking in
was locked. c) known for
d) afraid of

52. The poli-ce _ the man. 55. The bank will it.
: \ :rrael.ad a) design
l-\\ rc-l a:carl b) paint
c) cautioned c\ incnaat-
d) wat.ched d) finance
53. a) to haul freight 56. Mike was
b) to drain the field
c) to pump water a) furious
d) to spray paint b) excited
a\ i-iraA
54. ft uses to operate. at\ crrrnri cad

a) sunlight
b) batteries
c) gas
d) electricity

Directions for items 57-66. You will hear conversations or

persons giving information. Select the best answer and mark
your answer sheet, a, b, ct or d.
57 . The bother her. 61. The woman needs to
a) tralns a) go out.
b) cars b) lie down
c) ships c) exercise
d) Planes d) shower

58. He should have put 62. a) repeated it over and

in t.he car. over
b) made i-t easi-er to
a) gasol-ine understand
b) brake fluid c) made sure the major
c) antifreeze could hear it
d) oil d) wrote it down several
59. a) a car
b) a dog 63. a) She studied a few
c) a man pages.
d) the door b) She studied them in
dcl-li l

60. She vacationed c) She didn't study them

:t- :'l'l
a) i-n t.he mountains d) She glanced at the
b) in the desert 'I accanc

c) near the ocean

d) on a ranch


64. Al wrl,f be in 66. Rip lost his

a) his room r\ *-- -----*-v

b) the lobbY b) test bookfet -.

c) the bar c) library book
d) his car d) homework book
55. The man i= _.
a) unable to keeP uP
b) unable to go to class
c) the best in the cfass
d) not taking math now



Directions for items 6?-100. select the best answer and ma:i:
your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE oN THE TEST
67. Where did the children go?

1-\\ ha
a\ ihorz
\ l-ham

68. I _ mY brother's car Yesterday.

dJ qLlL
-- l-.1 *,i-^
urf vrrrY
h\ Arnrro
r^7r I I dr11/A
\ Ari rra

69. Sefect the correct sentence.

a) By the doctor we are examined twice a -'-'1:'
b) Twice a year by the doctor we are €>:a:::-e:'
c) We are examined by the doctor tw:-ce a "'=:r'
d) A year twice we are examined bi' tj:e jc:--:::'
?0. A fubrication system is an essentia- !a:-- . j ::,cst- machines.
'Fl-ric narl- iq

a) removed
L\ ha^6c<ar\t
rrevupvsr l
c) extra
d) complex

17. On Saturdays the traffic is heavy downtown.

a) There are many people downtown.
b) Many people are walking on Saturdays.
c) There are many cars on the street.
d) There are many lights on the street.
72. The radio transmission was garbled.
: \ a'l ar-

b) late
c ) uncl-ear
d) early
73. Everyone thought that the food was delicious.
a) good
b) salty
c) sweet
d) awful
74. This is the _ machine f've ever used.
a) most effici_ent
b) efficienrly
c) more efficient
d) efficient
75. He _ stop the car because it had no brakes.
a) won't
b) couldn't
c) doesn't have to
d) mustn'L
75 ' susan never reaves the office unless she finished an
a) can
h) ha
^\ L-^
d) is
11. The water is murky, let's forego the dive.
: I cA
h\ rnrl
c) but
d) or

78. AfLer driving her friend downtown, Linda took her to a show.

a) Linda's friend took her to a movie.

b) Linda's friend drove to town.
c) Linda took her friend to a movie.
d) Linda did not have to drive downtown-
-lg. The commander coufd not ensure promotions for his men.

: \
4l irranda

b) justify
c) guarantree
d) falsify
80. We can't drive much farther because we are almost gas'

a) out on -
b) out for
c) out to
d) out of
81. A soldier shoul-d never talk back to his commander.

-\ oIler
^E4^- suggesL]-OnS
h) l-clI h'i s frorrbl-es
n\/ DyeqJ!
L cnaak sfdiqreqnectfrrlIw
u! ee},uv

s/ -arrv
vqrtf ta'1 e<

82. He isn't used to this food. It is

a) strange to him
b) not new to him
c) his favorite
d) his native food
83. When the weather becomes warmer, the mercury in a
thermometer expands, and the amount of expa:rsior: ls noted on
the scale of the stem as an increase in temperature. Of
l.ro o'l
-AlrrcaDs 1-urrs
uvu! :qq s^lrqrrur
:J+qDD FynAn6s too
uvv, lrrrt- 't- hi e c1-:r:g iS minimal in
comparison with the expansion of the mercurv.
According to this Paragraph
a) mercury thermometers are one of the feast common forms of
b) the scale on the mercury thermometer registers the change
in temperature
c) all pa-rts of the thermometer are filled with mercury
d) in warm weather the glass expands as much as the mercury

84. II .L you, I woul-d finish the ren.rf hrz l-nniahl

a) was
b) were
c) am
d) be

85. Marge watched over her child f l're n i al-rt

a) ran=rAi na
h\ l-l-rrnrrnlrnrrf
c) hcrrnn d
/i \ av^6nt

86. He seemed happier than before.

^\ L^^*
'h |l-'a i nn
c) to be
d) be
t+'l ThFV f rnichcrl fhc harrqo rroci-arrlrrr

a) built
b) building
c) to build
d) bui.1d
R A TJa ].rnrrnlrt- *;few truck because his old one was no lonqer

a) broken
i-r\ ronai rarl
c) rcfrraloA
d) serviceable
89. I can't imagine what's holding up the movie
e\ cr rnnnrl- i nn
l-r) raicina
c .| rlo l :rri nn
v \/ v^l-.r,.i
A r v!!rrrY *^

90. Yurts had their origin in Mongolia where the people used
pieces of wood
them for shelter. The yurt, made of light
land for their animals.
According to this paragraph, the )'urt 1s

a) suitable land for animals

b) a kind of warm cloth
c) no longer used in Mongolia
d) a kind of Portable house
91 The deer the fence to get into the ."'ege:arre garden
a) arranged to
b) stood uP
c) leaped over
d) ctimbed into
92. The efderfY Person ran a red light
a) drunk
b) tired
c) tafl
d) old
93. That Professor never says exactly what he means ' You have
to figure it out bY
= \ i nfcrcnce
b) inferior
c) i nf erenf.i a1
d) i-nf erioritY

94. This is the gentleman for I've been waiting

a) what
b) who
c) whom
d) whose

otr QfrlrlFn1-q Iate will miss Part ^f

fL^ t-act

a) are arriving
b) to arrive
^ \
rrri rri no
d) have arrived

f|]JL r J, .r \Jf(tvl u -z

96. The mood of the times refl-ected in his Doetrv

a) has
b) were
d) was

9'7. The moon goes around the earth 1n

a) an orbit
h\ _-.
^n _a*___r

c) a circumference
d) a belt
q! l^l^r1 l^ rrnrr
J vq
9f lsun h\t
ilt-)/ ca I cul at i on?
: \ af i
b) cal-culator
c ) condi-tion
.l) a^mnrrl-6r

gg Cr: i o' s cl-^l- Ue WaS unveiled l-ast n i nht-

a) stol-en
b) revealed
c\ :nnr:i carl
d) sold
100. Lawrence scared me to death when he came in
:\ a I'i ttla
!) ) urt purpose
c) a Lot
d) unintentional-l-y


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