Institute English: Defense Center
Institute English: Defense Center
Institute English: Defense Center
Time Limit:
PART l- 25 Minutes
PART ll - 30 Minutes
Directions for items 1-55. You wiff hear statements or
ane nn l- lra f rha Qal ant i- ho hacf :nrl mar'lr rrarrr
^iiacii ^ncr^rar
answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.
b) r know him
q qArdAarf ,'-,---ey
T{i nn 1s _ r 'l hpl n]f
d) hofd the line
a) angry
b) sick 11. a) because of my job
c) pfeased b) to England
d) confused c) about two months
d) by plane
12 :) innnre Mr. BfOwn
h) qion : .-ntract
c) talk to Mr. Brown
d) erase Mr. Brown's name
?R e)
ql IJc wanfcA t-n n=inr ir 45. a) His hand touched the
b) He wanted to cfean it. crrt- t i no cdoc
vueu:rrJ esJv Of the
c) He wanted to hide it. saw.
d) He wanted to sefl it. L\
r'ne snarp
D) mL^ ^L--- eoge
^J^ came In
contact with the saw.
39. a) Some of the food here c) The saw touched the
is wonderful. chrrr adac
b) Some food can be fixed d) ,-Ieck newer touched the
i-n a short time.
c) A11 cooks work hard.
d) Cooking always takes a 45. a) He inspected the base.
lot of time. b) He assumed command.
c) He went over the
40. a) We were getting cfose books.
to New York. d) He flew the new jet.
b) We were leaving New
YOrK. 4'7 . a) They didn't
c) We were
flying over understand.
New York. b) They couldn't hear
d) We were going around well.
New York. c) Thcrr kncw what she
^- i I
ar. -\ mL^
al rrlc -r--^ remained
Prafrs d) They lost something.
under the pilot's
control. 48 . Yes, It's
b) The pilot was attached
to the plane. : ) rrnn'l a:n
52. The poli-ce _ the man. 55. The bank will it.
: \ a) design
l-\\ rc-l a:carl b) paint
c) cautioned c\ incnaat-
d) wat.ched d) finance
53. a) to haul freight 56. Mike was
b) to drain the field
c) to pump water a) furious
d) to spray paint b) excited
a\ i-iraA
54. ft uses to operate. at\ crrrnri cad
a) sunlight
b) batteries
c) gas
d) electricity
Directions for items 6?-100. select the best answer and ma:i:
your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE oN THE TEST
67. Where did the children go?
1-\\ ha
a\ ihorz
\ l-ham
a) removed
L\ ha^6c<ar\t
rrevupvsr l
c) extra
d) complex
b) late
c ) uncl-ear
d) early
73. Everyone thought that the food was delicious.
a) good
b) salty
c) sweet
d) awful
74. This is the _ machine f've ever used.
a) most effici_ent
b) efficienrly
c) more efficient
d) efficient
75. He _ stop the car because it had no brakes.
a) won't
b) couldn't
c) doesn't have to
d) mustn'L
75 ' susan never reaves the office unless she finished an
a) can
h) ha
^\ L-^
d) is
11. The water is murky, let's forego the dive.
: I cA
h\ rnrl
c) but
d) or
78. AfLer driving her friend downtown, Linda took her to a show.
: \
4l irranda
b) justify
c) guarantree
d) falsify
80. We can't drive much farther because we are almost gas'
a) out on -
b) out for
c) out to
d) out of
81. A soldier shoul-d never talk back to his commander.
-\ oIler
^E4^- suggesL]-OnS
h) l-clI h'i s frorrbl-es
n\/ DyeqJ!
L cnaak sfdiqreqnectfrrlIw
u! ee},uv
s/ -arrv
vqrtf ta'1 e<
a) was
b) were
c) am
d) be
a) ran=rAi na
h\ l-l-rrnrrnlrnrrf
c) hcrrnn d
/i \ av^6nt
a) built
b) building
c) to build
d) bui.1d
R A TJa ].rnrrnlrt- *;few truck because his old one was no lonqer
a) broken
i-r\ ronai rarl
c) rcfrraloA
d) serviceable
89. I can't imagine what's holding up the movie
e\ cr rnnnrl- i nn
l-r) raicina
c .| rlo l :rri nn
v \/ v^l-.r,.i
A r v!!rrrY *^
90. Yurts had their origin in Mongolia where the people used
pieces of wood
them for shelter. The yurt, made of light
land for their animals.
According to this paragraph, the )'urt 1s
a) are arriving
b) to arrive
^ \
rrri rri no
d) have arrived
f|]JL r J, .r \Jf(tvl u -z
a) an orbit
h\ _-.
^n _a*___r
c) a circumference
d) a belt
q! l^l^r1 l^ rrnrr
J vq
9f lsun h\t
ilt-)/ ca I cul at i on?
: \ af i
b) cal-culator
c ) condi-tion
.l) a^mnrrl-6r
a) stol-en
b) revealed
c\ :nnr:i carl
d) sold
100. Lawrence scared me to death when he came in
:\ a I'i ttla
!) ) urt purpose
c) a Lot
d) unintentional-l-y