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Dry 110 FX Grey/White: Flexible High Performance Cement-Based Waterproof Coating

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dry 110 FX Grey/White WATERPROOFING

Formerly "Waterproof.110/120 FX"

Flexible high performance cement-based waterproof coating

dry 110 FX is a two component polymer modified
cementitious coating:
• Powder made of cements, fillers and admixtures.
• Liquid based on resins and additives.
It is available in Grey (formerly Waterproof.110FX) and White
(formerly Waterproof.120FX)
dry 110 FX cures to form an elastomeric, waterproof,
flexible and resistant membrane, suitable for use in potable
water tanks, reservoirs, canals and tunnels.
The material which can be applied on cement based
substrate like concrete, cement plaster, masonry and gypsum
board substrates has been designed to accommodate good
crack bridging qualities even after long term water immersion.
dry 110 FX must be used on damp cement based
The adhesion and sealing qualities of dry 110 FX are PACKAGING
outstanding. Therefore, it can be used for positive or
Leb Syria Jordan UAE Qatar Kuwait KSA Oman
negative hydrostatic pressures.
15 Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 22.5 Kg 15 Kg 22.5 Kg 15 Kg 22.5 Kg
The material prevents reinforcements from corrosion.
- - 30 kg - - - 30 kg -

Inside or outside coatings on:
• Drinking water reservoirs.
• Water tanks. Minimum Application + 5 °C
• Swimming pools. Temperature
• Saunas and jacuzzis. Water absorption Reduction in water
• Pits and tanks of any type. (ASTM D 870) absorption is 90 ± 5%
• Tunnels. Pull off Strength 1 ± 0.2 MPa @ 28 days on
Waterproofing of terraces and wet areas. (ASTM D 4541:2002) concrete substrate
Waterproofing of sludge basins in sewage. No evidence of fungal growth
Waterproofing of below-grade structures like basements,
retaining walls, foundations,etc… Depth of water penetration NIL
The values obtained are for dry 110 FX when applied
PROPERTIES in total thickness of 1.5 mm wet film thickness
• Approved for contact with potable water. Resistance to positive 5 bar (50 m
• Resists high hydrostatic positive and negative pressures water pressure (DIN 1048) head of water
• Long working life Resistance to negative 3 bar (30 m
• Excellent crack accommodation before and after immersion. water pressure (DIN 1048) head of water
• Excellent adhesion to sound, prepared substrates:
does not require bonding agents and can be applied on APPLICABLE STANDARDS
wet surfaces dry 110FX complies with BS 6920 Effect on Water
• Permeable to water vapor, allows the substrate to breathe. Quality.
• Resistant to abrasion. DIN 1048 Water Penetration Test.
• Reduces carbonation and electrochemical corrosion.
• Environmentally friendly: Non-toxic and chloride-free. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE
CHARACTERISTICS The substrate must be perfectly sound, clean, and free from
Powder appearance White or grey grease, oil, dust or any friable matters.
Mixed Density at 24°C 1600 ± 100 kg/m³ Recommended cleaning methods are high pressure water

1/2 Technical data sheet . Edition: 07.16-A www.sodamco-weber.com

dry 110 FX Grey/White WATERPROOFING

cleaning and sandblasting.

Any damage or concrete defect should be repaired in
advance. STORAGE
All corners should be saw-cut and filled with a non-shrink Powder part can be stored 12 months while the liquid part
thixotropic mortar like ep 331 TX. can be stored up to 6 months, after manufacturing date in
All honeycombs or holes should be widened and filled with a its original packing non open, protected from frost and heat.
non-shrink mortar like ep 350 NSG.
It is necessary to stop any running water prior to the application SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
of dry 110 FX. Use a fast setting cementitious plugging Avoid prolonged contact with skin. Wear protective gear for
mortar (dry 150 BLC) to seal water leaks. hands & eyes. Splashes on the skin should be washed away
by cleaning with soap and water. In case of contact with
PRODUCT PREPARATION eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water. If swallowed, do not
Pour half of the liquid polymer to all powder and mix well for induce vomiting. In both cases seek medical attention. The
one minute, by using a mechanical mixer. product is non-flammable.
Then add the remaining liquid part and mix for additional 1.5
to 2 minutes until lump free slurry is obtained. You may keep
the mixture to rest for not less than 3 minutes before the DISCLAIMER
application. The mixture can be applied by brush or trowel or While the company guarantees its products against defective
roller. materials, the use and application of these products are
made without guarantee since the conditions of their application
PRODUCT APPLICATION are beyond its control. It is recommended to verify with the
Before applying dry 110 FX, damp abundantly the company that the product is suitable for the intended use,
substrate to be treated. and that this Data Sheet version is the latest one. The company
To plug pores, cracks and holes, apply dry 110 FX as may modify it without prior notice. Technical characteristics
base coat with sufficient thickness of 1 mm minimum. are listed for guidance only. For more information, please
(Approximate coverage 1 to 2 kg/m² for 1 mm wet film contact the company’s office in your location.
thickness, depending on the condition of the substrates).
Then apply the 1st layer and 2nd layer of dry 110 FX, in NOTE
the proportion of 0.5 to 1 kg/m² each. The information included on this Technical Data Sheet is the
Always allow to dry between each layer. sole property of SODAMCO Holding. The unauthorized disclosure,
The base coat should be allowed to cure for a minimum of 5 use, dissemination or copying (either whole or partial) of this
hours at 20°C or 3 hours at 35°C. The material should not be data sheet or any information it contains, is prohibited and
applied at temperatures below + 5°C. subject to legal pursuit.
All corners, cracks or construction joints should receive a
minimum of 20 cm wide fiberglass mesh between the 1st PG:27
layer and 2nd layer, for reinforcement.

Wherever tiling on dry 110 FX is required, col flex

should be used.
It is recommended that the tiling start after one week from
the application of dry 110 FX. When needed, flood test
on dry 110 FX can be carried out prior tiles fixing. Allow
one week curing before flood test.

Immediately after application is completed clean all tools
and equipment with clean water. Hardened material can be
removed by mechanical method and by use of solvent.

2 kg/m² to 4 kg/m² depending on the nature of the support.

2/2 Technical data sheet . Edition: 07.16-A www.sodamco-weber.com

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