Center For ICT Development For Network Administration, Enterprise Database and Animation For Research, Development and Innovation at CSU
Center For ICT Development For Network Administration, Enterprise Database and Animation For Research, Development and Innovation at CSU
Center For ICT Development For Network Administration, Enterprise Database and Animation For Research, Development and Innovation at CSU
Innovation at CSU
Year 1
Month 22
Month 23
Month 24
Month 20
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
Month 13
Month 14
Month 15
Month 16
Month 17
Month 18
Month 19
Month 21
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 2
Month 1
1. Acquisition of Cisco
equipment for CCNA.
2. Site identification,
planning acquisition,
refurbishing of CCNA
and ICT Academy.
3. Microsoft Training
for MTA Instructors,
Exchange, MCSE, Linux
and Mobile Dev’t
4. Acquisition of MS,
Linux Package, PC,
servers, Animation
gear and 3D Printer
5. Planning and CHED
approval of curriculum
integration of Cisco
CCNA, Animation and
ICT software
6. Roll-out of
Microsoft MTA for
database, dev’t apps,
and cloud infra for
CICS students in Carig
with course
assessment and
7. Roll-out of CCNA
certification program
for 4 modules.
8. Roll-out of other
Microsoft packages,
Network security, red
hat linux, Android and
9. Integration of
Animation courseware
on 2D/3D rendering
and 3D printing
10. Site selection and
refurbishing for Hall of
11. Cascading
activities, set-up
meeting with 3 target
12. CSU presentation
to target HEI for
Center for ICT