Credit HW#1
Credit HW#1
Credit HW#1
L-19190 November 29, 1922 of the board of directors of the bank nor to agents of the branch banks." Section
49 of the same Act provides: "Any person who shall violate any of the provisions
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellee, of this Act shall be punished by a fine not to exceed ten thousand pesos, or by
vs. imprisonment not to exceed five years, or by both such fine and imprisonment."
VENANCIO CONCEPCION, defendant-appellant. These two sections were in effect in 1919 when the alleged unlawful acts took
place, but were repealed by Act No. 2938, approved on January 30, 1921.
Recaredo Ma. Calvo for appellant.
Attorney-General Villa-Real for appellee. Counsel for the defense assign ten errors as having been committed by the trial
court. These errors they have argued adroitly and exhaustively in their printed
brief, and again in oral argument. Attorney-General Villa-Real, in an exceptionally
accurate and comprehensive brief, answers the proposition of appellant one by
MALCOLM, J.: one.
By telegrams and a letter of confirmation to the manager of the Aparri branch of The question presented are reduced to their simplest elements in the opinion
the Philippine National Bank, Venancio Concepcion, President of the Philippine which follows:
National Bank, between April 10, 1919, and May 7, 1919, authorized an
extension of credit in favor of "Puno y Concepcion, S. en C." in the amount of I. Was the granting of a credit of P300,000 to the copartnership "Puno y
P300,000. This special authorization was essential in view of the memorandum Concepcion, S. en C." by Venancio Concepcion, President of the Philippine
order of President Concepcion dated May 17, 1918, limiting the discretional National Bank, a "loan" within the meaning of section 35 of Act No. 2747?
power of the local manager at Aparri, Cagayan, to grant loans and discount
negotiable documents to P5,000, which, in certain cases, could be increased to
P10,000. Pursuant to this authorization, credit aggregating P300,000, was Counsel argue that the documents of record do not prove that authority to make
granted the firm of "Puno y Concepcion, S. en C.," the only security required a loan was given, but only show the concession of a credit. In this statement of
consisting of six demand notes. The notes, together with the interest, were taken fact, counsel is correct, for the exhibits in question speak of a "credito" (credit)
up and paid by July 17, 1919. and not of a " prestamo" (loan).
"Puno y Concepcion, S. en C." was a copartnership capitalized at P100,000. The "credit" of an individual means his ability to borrow money by virtue of the
Anacleto Concepcion contributed P5,000; Clara Vda. de Concepcion, P5,000; confidence or trust reposed by a lender that he will pay what he may promise.
Miguel S. Concepcion, P20,000; Clemente Puno, P20,000; and Rosario San (Donnell vs. Jones [1848], 13 Ala., 490; Bouvier's Law Dictionary.) A "loan"
Agustin, "casada con Gral. Venancio Concepcion," P50,000. Member Miguel S. means the delivery by one party and the receipt by the other party of a given sum
Concepcion was the administrator of the company. of money, upon an agreement, express or implied, to repay the sum loaned, with
or without interest. (Payne vs. Gardiner [1864], 29 N. Y., 146, 167.) The
concession of a "credit" necessarily involves the granting of "loans" up to the limit
On the facts recounted, Venancio Concepcion, as President of the Philippine of the amount fixed in the "credit,"
National Bank and as member of the board of directors of this bank, was charged
in the Court of First Instance of Cagayan with a violation of section 35 of Act No.
2747. He was found guilty by the Honorable Enrique V. Filamor, Judge of First II. Was the granting of a credit of P300,000 to the copartnership "Puno y
Instance, and was sentenced to imprisonment for one year and six months, to Concepcion, S. en C.," by Venancio Concepcion, President of the Philippine
pay a fine of P3,000, with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, and the National Bank, a "loan" or a "discount"?
Counsel argue that while section 35 of Act No. 2747 prohibits the granting of a
Section 35 of Act No. 2747, effective on February 20, 1918, just mentioned, to "loan," it does not prohibit what is commonly known as a "discount."
which reference must hereafter repeatedly be made, reads as follows: "The
National Bank shall not, directly or indirectly, grant loans to any of the members
In a letter dated August 7, 1916, H. Parker Willis, then President of the National shown that the husband is financially interested in the success or failure of his
Bank, inquired of the Insular Auditor whether section 37 of Act No. 2612 was wife's business venture, a loan to partnership of which the wife of a director is a
intended to apply to discounts as well as to loans. The ruling of the Acting Insular member, falls within the prohibition.
Auditor, dated August 11, 1916, was to the effect that said section referred to
loans alone, and placed no restriction upon discount transactions. It becomes Various provisions of the Civil serve to establish the familiar relationship called a
material, therefore, to discover the distinction between a "loan" and a "discount," conjugal partnership. (Articles 1315, 1393, 1401, 1407, 1408, and 1412 can be
and to ascertain if the instant transaction comes under the first or the latter specially noted.) A loan, therefore, to a partnership of which the wife of a director
denomination. of a bank is a member, is an indirect loan to such director.
Discounts are favored by bankers because of their liquid nature, growing, as they That it was the intention of the Legislature to prohibit exactly such an occurrence
do, out of an actual, live, transaction. But in its last analysis, to discount a paper is shown by the acknowledged fact that in this instance the defendant was
is only a mode of loaning money, with, however, these distinctions: (1) In a tempted to mingle his personal and family affairs with his official duties, and to
discount, interest is deducted in advance, while in a loan, interest is taken at the permit the loan P300,000 to a partnership of no established reputation and
expiration of a credit; (2) a discount is always on double-name paper; a loan is without asking for collateral security.
generally on single-name paper.
In the case of Lester and Wife vs. Howard Bank ([1870], 33 Md., 558; 3 Am.
Conceding, without deciding, that, as ruled by the Insular Auditor, the law covers Rep., 211), the Supreme Court of Maryland said:
loans and not discounts, yet the conclusion is inevitable that the demand notes
signed by the firm "Puno y Concepcion, S. en C." were not discount paper but
were mere evidences of indebtedness, because (1) interest was not deducted What then was the purpose of the law when it declared that no director
from the face of the notes, but was paid when the notes fell due; and (2) they or officer should borrow of the bank, and "if any director," etc., "shall be
were single-name and not double-name paper. convicted," etc., "of directly or indirectly violating this section he shall be
punished by fine and imprisonment?" We say to protect the
stockholders, depositors and creditors of the bank, against the
The facts of the instant case having relation to this phase of the argument are not temptation to which the directors and officers might be exposed, and the
essentially different from the facts in the Binalbagan Estate case. Just as there it power which as such they must necessarily possess in the control and
was declared that the operations constituted a loan and not a discount, so should management of the bank, and the legislature unwilling to rely upon the
we here lay down the same ruling. implied understanding that in assuming this relation they would not
acquire any interest hostile or adverse to the most exact and faithful
III. Was the granting of a credit of P300,000 to the copartnership, "Puno y discharge of duty, declared in express terms that they should not
Concepcion, S. en C." by Venancio Concepcion, President of the Philippine borrow, etc., of the bank.
National Bank, an "indirect loan" within the meaning of section 35 of Act No.
2747? In the case of People vs. Knapp ([1912], 206 N. Y., 373), relied upon in the
Binalbagan Estate decision, it was said:
Counsel argue that a loan to the partnership "Puno y Concepcion, S. en C." was
not an "indirect loan." In this connection, it should be recalled that the wife of the We are of opinion the statute forbade the loan to his copartnership firm
defendant held one-half of the capital of this partnership. as well as to himself directly. The loan was made indirectly to him
through his firm.
In the interpretation and construction of statutes, the primary rule is to ascertain
and give effect to the intention of the Legislature. In this instance, the purpose of IV. Could Venancio Concepcion, President of the Philippine National Bank, be
the Legislature is plainly to erect a wall of safety against temptation for a director convicted of a violation of section 35 of Act No. 2747 in relation with section 49 of
of the bank. The prohibition against indirect loans is a recognition of the familiar the same Act, when these portions of Act No. 2747 were repealed by Act No.
maxim that no man may serve two masters — that where personal interest 2938, prior to the finding of the information and the rendition of the judgment?
clashes with fidelity to duty the latter almost always suffers. If, therefore, it is
As noted along toward the beginning of this opinion, section 49 of Act No. 2747, doing of the inhibited act, inhibited on account of public policy and public interest,
in relation to section 35 of the same Act, provides a punishment for any person constitutes the crime. And, in this instance, as previously demonstrated, the acts
who shall violate any of the provisions of the Act. It is contended, however, by the of the President of the Philippine National Bank do not fall within the purview of
appellant, that the repeal of these sections of Act No. 2747 by Act No. 2938 has the rulings of the Insular Auditor, even conceding that such rulings have
served to take away the basis for criminal prosecution. controlling effect.
This same question has been previously submitted and has received an answer Morse, in his work, Banks and Banking, section 125, says:
adverse to such contention in the cases of United Stated vs. Cuna ([1908], 12
Phil., 241); People vs. Concepcion ([1922], 43 Phil., 653); and Ong Chang Wing It is fraud for directors to secure by means of their trust, and advantage
and Kwong Fok vs. United States ([1910], 218 U. S., 272; 40 Phil., 1046). In not common to the other stockholders. The law will not allow private
other words, it has been the holding, and it must again be the holding, that where profit from a trust, and will not listen to any proof of honest intent.
an Act of the Legislature which penalizes an offense, such repeals a former Act
which penalized the same offense, such repeal does not have the effect of
thereafter depriving the courts of jurisdiction to try, convict, and sentenced JUDGMENT
offenders charged with violations of the old law.
On a review of the evidence of record, with reference to the decision of the trial
V. Was the granting of a credit of P300,000 to the copartnership "Puno y court, and the errors assigned by the appellant, and with reference to previous
Concepcion, S. en C." by Venancio Concepcion, President of the Philippine decisions of this court on the same subject, we are irresistibly led to the
National Bank, in violation of section 35 of Act No. 2747, penalized by this law? conclusion that no reversible error was committed in the trial of this case, and
that the defendant has been proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the
crime charged in the information. The penalty imposed by the trial judge falls
Counsel argue that since the prohibition contained in section 35 of Act No. 2747 within the limits of the punitive provisions of the law.
is on the bank, and since section 49 of said Act provides a punishment not on the
bank when it violates any provisions of the law, but on a personviolating any
provisions of the same, and imposing imprisonment as a part of the penalty, the Judgment is affirmed, with the costs of this instance against the appellant. So
prohibition contained in said section 35 is without penal sanction.
The answer is that when the corporation itself is forbidden to do an act, the
prohibition extends to the board of directors, and to each director separately and
individually. (People vs. Concepcion, supra.) G.R. No. L-50550-52 October 31, 1979
VI. Does the alleged good faith of Venancio Concepcion, President of the CHEE KIONG YAM, AMPANG MAH, ANITA YAM JOSE Y.C. YAM AND
Philippine National Bank, in extending the credit of P300,000 to the copartnership RICHARD YAM, petitioners,
"Puno y Concepcion, S. en C." constitute a legal defense? vs.
HON. NABDAR J. MALIK, Municipal Judge of Jolo, Sulu (Branch I), THE
Counsel argue that if defendant committed the acts of which he was convicted, it PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, ROSALINDA AMIN, TAN CHU KAO and LT.
was because he was misled by rulings coming from the Insular Auditor. It is COL. AGOSTO SAJOR respondents.
furthermore stated that since the loans made to the copartnership "Puno y
Concepcion, S. en C." have been paid, no loss has been suffered by the Tomas P. Matic, Jr. for petitioners.
Philippine National Bank.
Jose E. Fernandez for private respondent.
Neither argument, even if conceded to be true, is conclusive. Under the statute
which the defendant has violated, criminal intent is not necessarily material. The
Office of the Solicitor General for respondent the People of the Philippines.
In Criminal Case No. M-111, respondent Rosalinda M. Amin charges petitioners
Yam Chee Kiong and Yam Yap Kieng with estafa through misappropriation of the
ABAD SANTOS, J.: amount of P50,000.00. But the complaint states on its face that said petitioners
received the amount from respondent Rosalinda M. Amin "as a loan." Moreover,
the complaint in Civil Case No. N-5, an independent action for the collection of
This is a petition for certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus with preliminary the same amount filed by respondent Rosalinda M. Amin with the Court of First
injunction. Petitioners alleged that respondent Municipal Judge Nabdar J. Malik Instance of Sulu on September 11, 1975, likewise states that the P50,000.00 was
of Jolo, Sulu, acted without jurisdiction, in excess of jurisdiction and with grave a "simple business loan" which earned interest and was originally demandable
abuse of discretion when: six (6) months from July 12, 1973. (Annex E of the petition.)
(a) he held in the preliminary investigation of the charges of estafa filed by In Criminal Case No. M-183, respondent Tan Chu Kao charges petitioners Yam
respondents Rosalinda Amin, Tan Chu Kao and Augusto Sajor against Chee Kiong, Jose Y.C. Yam, Ampang Mah and Anita Yam, alias Yong Tay, with
petitioners that there was a prima facie case against the latter; estafa through misappropriation of the amount of P30,000.00. Likewise, the
complaint states on its face that the P30,000.00 was "a simple loan." So does the
(b) he issued warrants of arrest against petitioners after making the above complaint in Civil Case No. N-8 filed by respondent Tan Chu Kao on April 6, 1976
determination; and with the Court of First Instance of Sulu for the collection of the same amount.
(Annex D of the petition.).
(c) he undertook to conduct trial on the merits of the charges which were
docketed in his court as Criminal Cases No. M-111, M-183 and M-208. In Criminal Case No. M-208, respondent Augusto Sajor charges petitioners Jose
Y.C. Yam, Anita Yam alias Yong Tai Mah, Chee Kiong Yam and Richard Yam,
Respondent judge is said to have acted without jurisdiction, in excess of with estafa through misappropriation of the amount of P20,000.00. Unlike the
jurisdiction and with grave abuse of discretion because the facts recited in the complaints in the other two cases, the complaint in Criminal Case No. M-208
complaints did not constitute the crime of estafa, and assuming they did, they does not state that the amount was received as loan. However, in a sworn
were not within the jurisdiction of the respondent judge. statement dated September 29, 1976, submitted to respondent judge to support
the complaint, respondent Augusto Sajor states that the amount was a "loan."
(Annex G of the petition.).
In a resolution dated May 23, 1979, we required respondents to comment in the
petition and issued a temporary restraining order against the respondent judge
from further proceeding with Criminal Cases Nos. M-111, M-183 and M-208 or We agree with the petitioners that the facts alleged in the three criminal
from enforcing the warrants of arrest he had issued in connection with said complaints do not constitute estafa through misappropriation.
Estafa through misappropriation is committed according to Article 315, paragraph
Comments by the respondent judge and the private respondents pray for the 1, subparagraph (b), of the Revised Penal Code as follows:
dismissal of the petition but the Solicitor General has manifested that the People
of the Philippines have no objection to the grant of the reliefs prayed for, except Art. 315. Swindling (Estafa). — Any person who shall defraud
the damages. We considered the comments as answers and gave due course to another by any of the means mentioned herein below shall be
the petition. punished by:
The position of the Solicitor General is well taken. We have to grant the petition in xxx xxx xxx
order to prevent manifest injustice and the exercise of palpable excess of
authority. 1. With unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence namely:
The Case
Separate Opinions
Before us is a petition for review1 of the 21 June 2000 Decision2 and 14
December 2000 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 43129.
The Court of Appeals set aside the 11 November 1996 decision 3 of the Regional
Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 81,4 affirming the 15 December 1995
AQUINO, J., concurring: decision5 of the Metropolitan Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 31.6
The claim for damages in this certiorari, mandamus and prohibition case is not The Antecedents
warranted under section 3, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.
In June 1979, petitioner Colito T. Pajuyo ("Pajuyo") paid ₱400 to a certain Pedro
Perez for the rights over a 250-square meter lot in Barrio Payatas, Quezon City.
Pajuyo then constructed a house made of light materials on the lot. Pajuyo and
# Separate Opinions his family lived in the house from 1979 to 7 December 1985.
AQUINO, J., concurring: On 8 December 1985, Pajuyo and private respondent Eddie Guevarra
("Guevarra") executed a Kasunduan or agreement. Pajuyo, as owner of the
house, allowed Guevarra to live in the house for free provided Guevarra would
The claim for damages in this certiorari, mandamus and prohibition case is not maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the house. Guevarra promised that
warranted under section 3, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. he would voluntarily vacate the premises on Pajuyo’s demand.
In September 1994, Pajuyo informed Guevarra of his need of the house and
demanded that Guevarra vacate the house. Guevarra refused.
G.R. No. 146364 June 3, 2004 Pajuyo filed an ejectment case against Guevarra with the Metropolitan Trial Court
of Quezon City, Branch 31 ("MTC").
In his Answer, Guevarra claimed that Pajuyo had no valid title or right of Guevarra received the RTC decision on 29 November 1996. Guevarra had only
possession over the lot where the house stands because the lot is within the 150 until 14 December 1996 to file his appeal with the Court of Appeals. Instead of
hectares set aside by Proclamation No. 137 for socialized housing. Guevarra filing his appeal with the Court of Appeals, Guevarra filed with the Supreme Court
pointed out that from December 1985 to September 1994, Pajuyo did not show a "Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal by Certiorari Based on Rule 42"
up or communicate with him. Guevarra insisted that neither he nor Pajuyo has ("motion for extension"). Guevarra theorized that his appeal raised pure
valid title to the lot. questions of law. The Receiving Clerk of the Supreme Court received the motion
for extension on 13 December 1996 or one day before the right to appeal
On 15 December 1995, the MTC rendered its decision in favor of Pajuyo. The expired.
dispositive portion of the MTC decision reads:
On 3 January 1997, Guevarra filed his petition for review with the Supreme
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered for Court.
the plaintiff and against defendant, ordering the latter to:
On 8 January 1997, the First Division of the Supreme Court issued a
A) vacate the house and lot occupied by the defendant or any Resolution9 referring the motion for extension to the Court of Appeals which has
other person or persons claiming any right under him; concurrent jurisdiction over the case. The case presented no special and
important matter for the Supreme Court to take cognizance of at the first
B) pay unto plaintiff the sum of THREE HUNDRED PESOS
(₱300.00) monthly as reasonable compensation for the use of
the premises starting from the last demand; On 28 January 1997, the Thirteenth Division of the Court of Appeals issued a
Resolution10 granting the motion for extension conditioned on the timeliness of
the filing of the motion.
C) pay plaintiff the sum of ₱3,000.00 as and by way of
attorney’s fees; and
On 27 February 1997, the Court of Appeals ordered Pajuyo to comment on
Guevara’s petition for review. On 11 April 1997, Pajuyo filed his Comment.
D) pay the cost of suit.
On 21 June 2000, the Court of Appeals issued its decision reversing the RTC
SO ORDERED.7 decision. The dispositive portion of the decision reads:
Aggrieved, Guevarra appealed to the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, WHEREFORE, premises considered, the assailed Decision of the court
Branch 81 ("RTC"). a quo in Civil Case No. Q-96-26943 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE;
and it is hereby declared that the ejectment case filed against
On 11 November 1996, the RTC affirmed the MTC decision. The dispositive defendant-appellant is without factual and legal basis.
portion of the RTC decision reads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court finds no reversible error
in the decision appealed from, being in accord with the law and Pajuyo filed a motion for reconsideration of the decision. Pajuyo pointed out that
evidence presented, and the same is hereby affirmed en toto. the Court of Appeals should have dismissed outright Guevarra’s petition for
review because it was filed out of time. Moreover, it was Guevarra’s counsel and
SO ORDERED.8 not Guevarra who signed the certification against forum-shopping.
On 14 December 2000, the Court of Appeals issued a resolution denying The Court of Appeals reversed the MTC and RTC rulings, which held that
Pajuyo’s motion for reconsideration. The dispositive portion of the resolution the Kasunduan between Pajuyo and Guevarra created a legal tie akin to that of a
reads: landlord and tenant relationship. The Court of Appeals ruled that
the Kasunduan is not a lease contract but a commodatum because the
WHEREFORE, for lack of merit, the motion for reconsideration is agreement is not for a price certain.
hereby DENIED. No costs.
Since Pajuyo admitted that he resurfaced only in 1994 to claim the property, the
SO ORDERED. 12 appellate court held that Guevarra has a better right over the property under
Proclamation No. 137. President Corazon C. Aquino ("President Aquino") issued
Proclamation No. 137 on 7 September 1987. At that time, Guevarra was in
The Ruling of the MTC physical possession of the property. Under Article VI of the Code of Policies
Beneficiary Selection and Disposition of Homelots and Structures in the National
The MTC ruled that the subject of the agreement between Pajuyo and Guevarra Housing Project ("the Code"), the actual occupant or caretaker of the lot shall
is the house and not the lot. Pajuyo is the owner of the house, and he allowed have first priority as beneficiary of the project. The Court of Appeals concluded
Guevarra to use the house only by tolerance. Thus, Guevarra’s refusal to vacate that Guevarra is first in the hierarchy of priority.
the house on Pajuyo’s demand made Guevarra’s continued possession of the
house illegal. In denying Pajuyo’s motion for reconsideration, the appellate court debunked
Pajuyo’s claim that Guevarra filed his motion for extension beyond the period to
The Ruling of the RTC appeal.
The RTC upheld the Kasunduan, which established the landlord and tenant The Court of Appeals pointed out that Guevarra’s motion for extension filed
relationship between Pajuyo and Guevarra. The terms of the Kasunduan bound before the Supreme Court was stamped "13 December 1996 at 4:09 PM" by the
Guevarra to return possession of the house on demand. Supreme Court’s Receiving Clerk. The Court of Appeals concluded that the
motion for extension bore a date, contrary to Pajuyo’s claim that the motion for
The RTC rejected Guevarra’s claim of a better right under Proclamation No. 137, extension was undated. Guevarra filed the motion for extension on time on 13
the Revised National Government Center Housing Project Code of Policies and December 1996 since he filed the motion one day before the expiration of the
other pertinent laws. In an ejectment suit, the RTC has no power to decide reglementary period on 14 December 1996. Thus, the motion for extension
Guevarra’s rights under these laws. The RTC declared that in an ejectment case, properly complied with the condition imposed by the Court of Appeals in its 28
the only issue for resolution is material or physical possession, not ownership. January 1997 Resolution. The Court of Appeals explained that the thirty-day
extension to file the petition for review was deemed granted because of such
The Ruling of the Court of Appeals
The Court of Appeals rejected Pajuyo’s argument that the appellate court should
The Court of Appeals declared that Pajuyo and Guevarra are squatters. Pajuyo have dismissed the petition for review because it was Guevarra’s counsel and
and Guevarra illegally occupied the contested lot which the government owned. not Guevarra who signed the certification against forum-shopping. The Court of
Appeals pointed out that Pajuyo did not raise this issue in his Comment. The
Perez, the person from whom Pajuyo acquired his rights, was also a squatter. Court of Appeals held that Pajuyo could not now seek the dismissal of the case
Perez had no right or title over the lot because it is public land. The assignment after he had extensively argued on the merits of the case. This technicality, the
of rights between Perez and Pajuyo, and the Kasunduan between Pajuyo and appellate court opined, was clearly an afterthought.
Guevarra, did not have any legal effect. Pajuyo and Guevarra are in pari
delicto or in equal fault. The court will leave them where they are. The Issues
The procedural issues Pajuyo is raising are baseless. However, we find merit in These questions call for the evaluation of the rights of the parties under the law
the substantive issues Pajuyo is submitting for resolution. on ejectment and the Presidential Proclamation. At first glance, the questions
Guevarra raised appeared purely legal. However, some factual questions still
Procedural Issues have to be resolved because they have a bearing on the legal questions raised in
the petition for review. These factual matters refer to the metes and bounds of
Pajuyo insists that the Court of Appeals should have dismissed outright the disputed property and the application of Guevarra as beneficiary of
Guevarra’s petition for review because the RTC decision had already become Proclamation No. 137.
final and executory when the appellate court acted on Guevarra’s motion for
The Court of Appeals has the power to grant an extension of time to file a petition the date stamped by this Court’s Receiving Clerk on the motion for extension.
for review. In Lacsamana v. Second Special Cases Division of the Clearly, Guevarra filed the motion for extension exactly one day before the lapse
Intermediate Appellate Court,18 we declared that the Court of Appeals could of the reglementary period to appeal.
grant extension of time in appeals by petition for review. In Liboro v. Court of
Appeals,19 we clarified that the prohibition against granting an extension of time Assuming that the Court of Appeals should have dismissed Guevarra’s appeal on
applies only in a case where ordinary appeal is perfected by a mere notice of technical grounds, Pajuyo did not ask the appellate court to deny the motion for
appeal. The prohibition does not apply in a petition for review where the pleading extension and dismiss the petition for review at the earliest opportunity. Instead,
needs verification. A petition for review, unlike an ordinary appeal, requires Pajuyo vigorously discussed the merits of the case. It was only when the Court of
preparation and research to present a persuasive position.20The drafting of the Appeals ruled in Guevarra’s favor that Pajuyo raised the procedural issues
petition for review entails more time and effort than filing a notice of against Guevarra’s petition for review.
appeal.21 Hence, the Court of Appeals may allow an extension of time to file a
petition for review.
A party who, after voluntarily submitting a dispute for resolution, receives an
adverse decision on the merits, is estopped from attacking the jurisdiction of the
In the more recent case of Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of court.25 Estoppel sets in not because the judgment of the court is a valid and
Appeals,22 we held that Liboro’sclarification of Lacsamana is consistent with the conclusive adjudication, but because the practice of attacking the court’s
Revised Internal Rules of the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court Circular No. jurisdiction after voluntarily submitting to it is against public policy.26
1-91. They all allow an extension of time for filing petitions for review with the
Court of Appeals. The extension, however, should be limited to only fifteen days
save in exceptionally meritorious cases where the Court of Appeals may grant a In his Comment before the Court of Appeals, Pajuyo also failed to discuss
longer period. Guevarra’s failure to sign the certification against forum shopping. Instead,
Pajuyo harped on Guevarra’s counsel signing the verification, claiming that the
counsel’s verification is insufficient since it is based only on "mere information."
A judgment becomes "final and executory" by operation of law. Finality of
judgment becomes a fact on the lapse of the reglementary period to appeal if no
appeal is perfected.23 The RTC decision could not have gained finality because A party’s failure to sign the certification against forum shopping is different from
the Court of Appeals granted the 30-day extension to Guevarra. the party’s failure to sign personally the verification. The certificate of non-forum
shopping must be signed by the party, and not by counsel. 27 The certification of
counsel renders the petition defective.28
The Court of Appeals did not commit grave abuse of discretion when it approved
Guevarra’s motion for extension. The Court of Appeals gave due course to the
motion for extension because it complied with the condition set by the appellate On the other hand, the requirement on verification of a pleading is a formal and
court in its resolution dated 28 January 1997. The resolution stated that the Court not a jurisdictional requisite.29 It is intended simply to secure an assurance that
of Appeals would only give due course to the motion for extension if filed on time. what are alleged in the pleading are true and correct and not the product of the
The motion for extension met this condition. imagination or a matter of speculation, and that the pleading is filed in good
faith.30 The party need not sign the verification. A party’s representative, lawyer or
any person who personally knows the truth of the facts alleged in the pleading
The material dates to consider in determining the timeliness of the filing of the may sign the verification.31
motion for extension are (1) the date of receipt of the judgment or final order or
resolution subject of the petition, and (2) the date of filing of the motion for
extension.24 It is the date of the filing of the motion or pleading, and not the date We agree with the Court of Appeals that the issue on the certificate against forum
of execution, that determines the timeliness of the filing of that motion or shopping was merely an afterthought. Pajuyo did not call the Court of Appeals’
pleading. Thus, even if the motion for extension bears no date, the date of filing attention to this defect at the early stage of the proceedings. Pajuyo raised this
stamped on it is the reckoning point for determining the timeliness of its filing. procedural issue too late in the proceedings.
Guevarra had until 14 December 1996 to file an appeal from the RTC decision. Absence of Title over the Disputed Property will not Divest the Courts of
Guevarra filed his motion for extension before this Court on 13 December 1996, Jurisdiction to Resolve the Issue of Possession
Settled is the rule that the defendant’s claim of ownership of the disputed repeat, the only issue that the court has to settle in an ejectment suit is the right
property will not divest the inferior court of its jurisdiction over the ejectment to physical possession.
case.32 Even if the pleadings raise the issue of ownership, the court may pass on
such issue to determine only the question of possession, especially if the In Pitargue v. Sorilla,43 the government owned the land in dispute. The
ownership is inseparably linked with the possession.33 The adjudication on the government did not authorize either the plaintiff or the defendant in the case of
issue of ownership is only provisional and will not bar an action between the forcible entry case to occupy the land. The plaintiff had prior possession and had
same parties involving title to the land.34 This doctrine is a necessary already introduced improvements on the public land. The plaintiff had a pending
consequence of the nature of the two summary actions of ejectment, forcible application for the land with the Bureau of Lands when the defendant ousted him
entry and unlawful detainer, where the only issue for adjudication is the physical from possession. The plaintiff filed the action of forcible entry against the
or material possession over the real property.35 defendant. The government was not a party in the case of forcible entry.
In this case, what Guevarra raised before the courts was that he and Pajuyo are The defendant questioned the jurisdiction of the courts to settle the issue of
not the owners of the contested property and that they are mere squatters. Will possession because while the application of the plaintiff was still pending, title
the defense that the parties to the ejectment case are not the owners of the remained with the government, and the Bureau of Public Lands had jurisdiction
disputed lot allow the courts to renounce their jurisdiction over the case? The over the case. We disagreed with the defendant. We ruled that courts have
Court of Appeals believed so and held that it would just leave the parties where jurisdiction to entertain ejectment suits even before the resolution of the
they are since they are in pari delicto. application. The plaintiff, by priority of his application and of his entry, acquired
prior physical possession over the public land applied for as against other private
We do not agree with the Court of Appeals. claimants. That prior physical possession enjoys legal protection against other
private claimants because only a court can take away such physical possession
Ownership or the right to possess arising from ownership is not at issue in an in an ejectment case.
action for recovery of possession. The parties cannot present evidence to prove
ownership or right to legal possession except to prove the nature of the While the Court did not brand the plaintiff and the defendant in Pitargue44 as
possession when necessary to resolve the issue of physical possession. 36 The squatters, strictly speaking, their entry into the disputed land was illegal. Both the
same is true when the defendant asserts the absence of title over the property. plaintiff and defendant entered the public land without the owner’s permission.
The absence of title over the contested lot is not a ground for the courts to Title to the land remained with the government because it had not awarded to
withhold relief from the parties in an ejectment case. anyone ownership of the contested public land. Both the plaintiff and the
defendant were in effect squatting on government property. Yet, we upheld the
The only question that the courts must resolve in ejectment proceedings is - who courts’ jurisdiction to resolve the issue of possession even if the plaintiff and the
is entitled to the physical possession of the premises, that is, to the defendant in the ejectment case did not have any title over the contested land.
possession de facto and not to the possession de jure.37 It does not even matter if
a party’s title to the property is questionable,38 or when both parties intruded into Courts must not abdicate their jurisdiction to resolve the issue of physical
public land and their applications to own the land have yet to be approved by the possession because of the public need to preserve the basic policy behind the
proper government agency.39 Regardless of the actual condition of the title to the summary actions of forcible entry and unlawful detainer. The underlying
property, the party in peaceable quiet possession shall not be thrown out by a philosophy behind ejectment suits is to prevent breach of the peace and criminal
strong hand, violence or terror.40 Neither is the unlawful withholding of property disorder and to compel the party out of possession to respect and resort to the
allowed. Courts will always uphold respect for prior possession. law alone to obtain what he claims is his.45 The party deprived of possession
must not take the law into his own hands.46 Ejectment proceedings are summary
Thus, a party who can prove prior possession can recover such possession even in nature so the authorities can settle speedily actions to recover possession
against the owner himself.41Whatever may be the character of his possession, if because of the overriding need to quell social disturbances.47
he has in his favor prior possession in time, he has the security that entitles him
to remain on the property until a person with a better right lawfully ejects him.42 To We further explained in Pitargue the greater interest that is at stake in actions for
recovery of possession. We made the following pronouncements in Pitargue:
The question that is before this Court is: Are courts without jurisdiction peace among settlers; or to pass promptly upon conflicts of
to take cognizance of possessory actions involving these public lands possession. Then its power is clearly limited to disposition and
before final award is made by the Lands Department, and before title is alienation, and while it may decide conflicts of possession in order
given any of the conflicting claimants? It is one of utmost importance, as to make proper award, the settlement of conflicts of possession
there are public lands everywhere and there are thousands of settlers, which is recognized in the court herein has another ultimate
especially in newly opened regions. It also involves a matter of policy, purpose, i.e., the protection of actual possessors and occupants
as it requires the determination of the respective authorities and with a view to the prevention of breaches of the peace. The power
functions of two coordinate branches of the Government in connection to dispose and alienate could not have been intended to include
with public land conflicts. the power to prevent or settle disorders or breaches of the peace
among rival settlers or claimants prior to the final award. As to this,
Our problem is made simple by the fact that under the Civil Code, either therefore, the corresponding branches of the Government must continue
in the old, which was in force in this country before the American to exercise power and jurisdiction within the limits of their respective
occupation, or in the new, we have a possessory action, the aim and functions. The vesting of the Lands Department with authority to
purpose of which is the recovery of the physical possession of real administer, dispose, and alienate public lands, therefore, must not
property, irrespective of the question as to who has the title thereto. be understood as depriving the other branches of the Government
Under the Spanish Civil Code we had the accion interdictal, a summary of the exercise of the respective functions or powers thereon, such
proceeding which could be brought within one year from dispossession as the authority to stop disorders and quell breaches of the peace
(Roman Catholic Bishop of Cebu vs. Mangaron, 6 Phil. 286, 291); and by the police, the authority on the part of the courts to take
as early as October 1, 1901, upon the enactment of the Code of Civil jurisdiction over possessory actions arising therefrom not
Procedure (Act No. 190 of the Philippine Commission) we implanted the involving, directly or indirectly, alienation and disposition.
common law action of forcible entry (section 80 of Act No. 190), the
object of which has been stated by this Court to be "to prevent Our attention has been called to a principle enunciated in American
breaches of the peace and criminal disorder which would ensue courts to the effect that courts have no jurisdiction to determine the
from the withdrawal of the remedy, and the reasonable hope such rights of claimants to public lands, and that until the disposition of the
withdrawal would create that some advantage must accrue to land has passed from the control of the Federal Government, the courts
those persons who, believing themselves entitled to the will not interfere with the administration of matters concerning the same.
possession of property, resort to force to gain possession rather (50 C. J. 1093-1094.) We have no quarrel with this principle. The
than to some appropriate action in the court to assert their determination of the respective rights of rival claimants to public lands is
claims." (Supia and Batioco vs. Quintero and Ayala, 59 Phil. 312, 314.) different from the determination of who has the actual physical
So before the enactment of the first Public Land Act (Act No. 926) the possession or occupation with a view to protecting the same and
action of forcible entry was already available in the courts of the country. preventing disorder and breaches of the peace. A judgment of the court
So the question to be resolved is, Did the Legislature intend, when it ordering restitution of the possession of a parcel of land to the actual
vested the power and authority to alienate and dispose of the public occupant, who has been deprived thereof by another through the use of
lands in the Lands Department, to exclude the courts from entertaining force or in any other illegal manner, can never be "prejudicial
the possessory action of forcible entry between rival claimants or interference" with the disposition or alienation of public lands. On the
occupants of any land before award thereof to any of the parties? Did other hand, if courts were deprived of jurisdiction of cases
Congress intend that the lands applied for, or all public lands for that involving conflicts of possession, that threat of judicial action
matter, be removed from the jurisdiction of the judicial Branch of the against breaches of the peace committed on public lands would be
Government, so that any troubles arising therefrom, or any breaches of eliminated, and a state of lawlessness would probably be
the peace or disorders caused by rival claimants, could be inquired into produced between applicants, occupants or squatters, where force
only by the Lands Department to the exclusion of the courts? The or might, not right or justice, would rule.
answer to this question seems to us evident. The Lands Department
does not have the means to police public lands; neither does it have the It must be borne in mind that the action that would be used to solve
means to prevent disorders arising therefrom, or contain breaches of the conflicts of possession between rivals or conflicting applicants or
claimants would be no other than that of forcible entry. This action, both It must be stated that the purpose of an action of forcible entry and
in England and the United States and in our jurisdiction, is a summary detainer is that, regardless of the actual condition of the title to the
and expeditious remedy whereby one in peaceful and quiet possession property, the party in peaceable quiet possession shall not be turned out
may recover the possession of which he has been deprived by a by strong hand, violence or terror. In affording this remedy of restitution
stronger hand, by violence or terror; its ultimate object being to prevent the object of the statute is to prevent breaches of the peace and criminal
breach of the peace and criminal disorder. (Supia and Batioco vs. disorder which would ensue from the withdrawal of the remedy, and the
Quintero and Ayala, 59 Phil. 312, 314.) The basis of the remedy is mere reasonable hope such withdrawal would create that some advantage
possession as a fact, of physical possession, not a legal possession. must accrue to those persons who, believing themselves entitled to the
(Mediran vs. Villanueva, 37 Phil. 752.) The title or right to possession is possession of property, resort to force to gain possession rather than to
never in issue in an action of forcible entry; as a matter of fact, evidence some appropriate action in the courts to assert their claims. This is the
thereof is expressly banned, except to prove the nature of the philosophy at the foundation of all these actions of forcible entry and
possession. (Second 4, Rule 72, Rules of Court.) With this nature of the detainer which are designed to compel the party out of possession to
action in mind, by no stretch of the imagination can conclusion be respect and resort to the law alone to obtain what he claims is his.52
arrived at that the use of the remedy in the courts of justice would
constitute an interference with the alienation, disposition, and control of Clearly, the application of the principle of pari delicto to a case of ejectment
public lands. To limit ourselves to the case at bar can it be pretended at between squatters is fraught with danger. To shut out relief to squatters on the
all that its result would in any way interfere with the manner of the ground of pari delicto would openly invite mayhem and lawlessness. A squatter
alienation or disposition of the land contested? On the contrary, it would would oust another squatter from possession of the lot that the latter had illegally
facilitate adjudication, for the question of priority of possession having occupied, emboldened by the knowledge that the courts would leave them where
been decided in a final manner by the courts, said question need no they are. Nothing would then stand in the way of the ousted squatter from re-
longer waste the time of the land officers making the adjudication or claiming his prior possession at all cost.
award. (Emphasis ours)
Petty warfare over possession of properties is precisely what ejectment cases or
The Principle of Pari Delicto is not Applicable to Ejectment Cases actions for recovery of possession seek to prevent.53 Even the owner who has
title over the disputed property cannot take the law into his own hands to regain
The Court of Appeals erroneously applied the principle of pari delicto to this case. possession of his property. The owner must go to court.
Articles 1411 and 1412 of the Civil Code48 embody the principle of pari delicto. Courts must resolve the issue of possession even if the parties to the ejectment
We explained the principle of pari delicto in these words: suit are squatters. The determination of priority and superiority of possession is a
serious and urgent matter that cannot be left to the squatters to decide. To do so
The rule of pari delicto is expressed in the maxims ‘ex dolo malo non would make squatters receive better treatment under the law. The law restrains
eritur actio’ and ‘in pari delicto potior est conditio defedentis.’ The law property owners from taking the law into their own hands. However, the principle
will not aid either party to an illegal agreement. It leaves the parties of pari delicto as applied by the Court of Appeals would give squatters free rein to
where it finds them.49 dispossess fellow squatters or violently retake possession of properties usurped
from them. Courts should not leave squatters to their own devices in cases
involving recovery of possession.
The application of the pari delicto principle is not absolute, as there are
exceptions to its application. One of these exceptions is where the application of
the pari delicto rule would violate well-established public policy.50 Possession is the only Issue for Resolution in an Ejectment Case
In Drilon v. Gaurana,51 we reiterated the basic policy behind the summary The case for review before the Court of Appeals was a simple case of ejectment.
actions of forcible entry and unlawful detainer. We held that: The Court of Appeals refused to rule on the issue of physical possession.
Nevertheless, the appellate court held that the pivotal issue in this case is who
between Pajuyo and Guevarra has the "priority right as beneficiary of the
contested land under Proclamation No. 137."54 According to the Court of Appeals, has a better right of physical possession.56 The administrative disposition and
Guevarra enjoys preferential right under Proclamation No. 137 because Article VI alienation of public lands should be threshed out in the proper government
of the Code declares that the actual occupant or caretaker is the one qualified to agency.57
apply for socialized housing.
The Court of Appeals’ determination of Pajuyo and Guevarra’s rights under
The ruling of the Court of Appeals has no factual and legal basis. Proclamation No. 137 was premature. Pajuyo and Guevarra were at most merely
potential beneficiaries of the law. Courts should not preempt the decision of the
First. Guevarra did not present evidence to show that the contested lot is part of administrative agency mandated by law to determine the qualifications of
a relocation site under Proclamation No. 137. Proclamation No. 137 laid down applicants for the acquisition of public lands. Instead, courts should expeditiously
the metes and bounds of the land that it declared open for disposition to bona resolve the issue of physical possession in ejectment cases to prevent disorder
fide residents. and breaches of peace.58
The records do not show that the contested lot is within the land specified by Pajuyo is Entitled to Physical Possession of the Disputed Property
Proclamation No. 137. Guevarra had the burden to prove that the disputed lot is
within the coverage of Proclamation No. 137. He failed to do so. Guevarra does not dispute Pajuyo’s prior possession of the lot and ownership of
the house built on it. Guevarra expressly admitted the existence and due
Second. The Court of Appeals should not have given credence to Guevarra’s execution of the Kasunduan. The Kasunduan reads:
unsubstantiated claim that he is the beneficiary of Proclamation No. 137.
Guevarra merely alleged that in the survey the project administrator conducted, Ako, si COL[I]TO PAJUYO, may-ari ng bahay at lote sa Bo. Payatas, Quezon
he and not Pajuyo appeared as the actual occupant of the lot. City, ay nagbibigay pahintulot kay G. Eddie Guevarra, na pansamantalang
manirahan sa nasabing bahay at lote ng "walang bayad." Kaugnay nito,
There is no proof that Guevarra actually availed of the benefits of Proclamation kailangang panatilihin nila ang kalinisan at kaayusan ng bahay at lote.
No. 137. Pajuyo allowed Guevarra to occupy the disputed property in 1985.
President Aquino signed Proclamation No. 137 into law on 11 March 1986. Sa sandaling kailangan na namin ang bahay at lote, sila’y kusang aalis ng
Pajuyo made his earliest demand for Guevarra to vacate the property in walang reklamo.
September 1994.
Based on the Kasunduan, Pajuyo permitted Guevarra to reside in the house and
During the time that Guevarra temporarily held the property up to the time that lot free of rent, but Guevarra was under obligation to maintain the premises in
Proclamation No. 137 allegedly segregated the disputed lot, Guevarra never good condition. Guevarra promised to vacate the premises on Pajuyo’s demand
applied as beneficiary of Proclamation No. 137. Even when Guevarra already but Guevarra broke his promise and refused to heed Pajuyo’s demand to vacate.
knew that Pajuyo was reclaiming possession of the property, Guevarra did not
take any step to comply with the requirements of Proclamation No. 137. These facts make out a case for unlawful detainer. Unlawful detainer involves the
withholding by a person from another of the possession of real property to which
Third. Even assuming that the disputed lot is within the coverage of Proclamation the latter is entitled after the expiration or termination of the former’s right to hold
No. 137 and Guevarra has a pending application over the lot, courts should still possession under a contract, express or implied.59
assume jurisdiction and resolve the issue of possession. However, the
jurisdiction of the courts would be limited to the issue of physical possession only. Where the plaintiff allows the defendant to use his property by tolerance without
any contract, the defendant is necessarily bound by an implied promise that he
In Pitargue,55 we ruled that courts have jurisdiction over possessory actions will vacate on demand, failing which, an action for unlawful detainer will lie.60 The
involving public land to determine the issue of physical possession. The defendant’s refusal to comply with the demand makes his continued possession
determination of the respective rights of rival claimants to public land is, however, of the property unlawful.61 The status of the defendant in such a case is similar to
distinct from the determination of who has the actual physical possession or who
that of a lessee or tenant whose term of lease has expired but whose occupancy Guevarra turned his back on the Kasunduan on the sole ground that like him,
continues by tolerance of the owner.62 Pajuyo is also a squatter. Squatters, Guevarra pointed out, cannot enter into a
contract involving the land they illegally occupy. Guevarra insists that the contract
This principle should apply with greater force in cases where a contract embodies is void.
the permission or tolerance to use the property. The Kasunduan expressly
articulated Pajuyo’s forbearance. Pajuyo did not require Guevarra to pay any rent Guevarra should know that there must be honor even between squatters.
but only to maintain the house and lot in good condition. Guevarra expressly Guevarra freely entered into the Kasunduan. Guevarra cannot now impugn
vowed in the Kasunduan that he would vacate the property on demand. the Kasunduan after he had benefited from it. The Kasunduan binds Guevarra.
Guevarra’s refusal to comply with Pajuyo’s demand to vacate made Guevarra’s
continued possession of the property unlawful. The Kasunduan is not void for purposes of determining who between Pajuyo and
Guevarra has a right to physical possession of the contested property.
We do not subscribe to the Court of Appeals’ theory that the Kasunduan is one The Kasunduan is the undeniable evidence of Guevarra’s recognition of Pajuyo’s
of commodatum. better right of physical possession. Guevarra is clearly a possessor in bad faith.
The absence of a contract would not yield a different result, as there would still
In a contract of commodatum, one of the parties delivers to another something be an implied promise to vacate.
not consumable so that the latter may use the same for a certain time and return
it.63 An essential feature of commodatum is that it is gratuitous. Another feature Guevarra contends that there is "a pernicious evil that is sought to be avoided,
of commodatum is that the use of the thing belonging to another is for a certain and that is allowing an absentee squatter who (sic) makes (sic) a profit out of his
period.64 Thus, the bailor cannot demand the return of the thing loaned until after illegal act."72 Guevarra bases his argument on the preferential right given to the
expiration of the period stipulated, or after accomplishment of the use for which actual occupant or caretaker under Proclamation No. 137 on socialized housing.
the commodatum is constituted.65 If the bailor should have urgent need of the
thing, he may demand its return for temporary use.66 If the use of the thing is We are not convinced.
merely tolerated by the bailor, he can demand the return of the thing at will, in
which case the contractual relation is called a precarium.67 Under the Civil
Code, precarium is a kind of commodatum.68 Pajuyo did not profit from his arrangement with Guevarra because Guevarra
stayed in the property without paying any rent. There is also no proof that Pajuyo
is a professional squatter who rents out usurped properties to other squatters.
The Kasunduan reveals that the accommodation accorded by Pajuyo to Moreover, it is for the proper government agency to decide who between Pajuyo
Guevarra was not essentially gratuitous. While the Kasunduan did not require and Guevarra qualifies for socialized housing. The only issue that we are
Guevarra to pay rent, it obligated him to maintain the property in good condition. addressing is physical possession.
The imposition of this obligation makes the Kasunduan a contract different from
a commodatum. The effects of the Kasunduan are also different from that of
a commodatum. Case law on ejectment has treated relationship based on Prior possession is not always a condition sine qua non in ejectment.73 This is
tolerance as one that is akin to a landlord-tenant relationship where the one of the distinctions between forcible entry and unlawful detainer.74 In forcible
withdrawal of permission would result in the termination of the lease. 69 The entry, the plaintiff is deprived of physical possession of his land or building by
tenant’s withholding of the property would then be unlawful. This is settled means of force, intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth. Thus, he must allege and
jurisprudence. prove prior possession.75 But in unlawful detainer, the defendant unlawfully
withholds possession after the expiration or termination of his right to possess
under any contract, express or implied. In such a case, prior physical possession
Even assuming that the relationship between Pajuyo and Guevarra is one is not required.76
of commodatum, Guevarra as bailee would still have the duty to turn over
possession of the property to Pajuyo, the bailor. The obligation to deliver or to
return the thing received attaches to contracts for safekeeping, or contracts of Pajuyo’s withdrawal of his permission to Guevarra terminated the Kasunduan.
commission, administration and commodatum.70 These contracts certainly involve Guevarra’s transient right to possess the property ended as well. Moreover, it
the obligation to deliver or return the thing received.71 was Pajuyo who was in actual possession of the property because Guevarra had
to seek Pajuyo’s permission to temporarily hold the property and Guevarra had to In no way should our ruling in this case be interpreted to condone squatting. The
follow the conditions set by Pajuyo in the Kasunduan. Control over the property ruling on the issue of physical possession does not affect title to the property nor
still rested with Pajuyo and this is evidence of actual possession. constitute a binding and conclusive adjudication on the merits on the issue of
ownership.82 The owner can still go to court to recover lawfully the property from
Pajuyo’s absence did not affect his actual possession of the disputed property. the person who holds the property without legal title. Our ruling here does not
Possession in the eyes of the law does not mean that a man has to have his feet diminish the power of government agencies, including local governments, to
on every square meter of the ground before he is deemed in possession.77 One condemn, abate, remove or demolish illegal or unauthorized structures in
may acquire possession not only by physical occupation, but also by the fact that accordance with existing laws.
a thing is subject to the action of one’s will. 78 Actual or physical occupation is not
always necessary.79 Attorney’s Fees and Rentals
Ruling on Possession Does not Bind Title to the Land in Dispute The MTC and RTC failed to justify the award of ₱3,000 attorney’s fees to Pajuyo.
Attorney’s fees as part of damages are awarded only in the instances
We are aware of our pronouncement in cases where we declared that "squatters enumerated in Article 2208 of the Civil Code.83 Thus, the award of attorney’s fees
and intruders who clandestinely enter into titled government property cannot, by is the exception rather than the rule.84 Attorney’s fees are not awarded every time
such act, acquire any legal right to said property."80 We made this declaration a party prevails in a suit because of the policy that no premium should be placed
because the person who had title or who had the right to legal possession over on the right to litigate.85 We therefore delete the attorney’s fees awarded to
the disputed property was a party in the ejectment suit and that party instituted Pajuyo.
the case against squatters or usurpers.
We sustain the ₱300 monthly rentals the MTC and RTC assessed against
In this case, the owner of the land, which is the government, is not a party to the Guevarra. Guevarra did not dispute this factual finding of the two courts. We find
ejectment case. This case is between squatters. Had the government the amount reasonable compensation to Pajuyo. The ₱300 monthly rental is
participated in this case, the courts could have evicted the contending squatters, counted from the last demand to vacate, which was on 16 February 1995.
Pajuyo and Guevarra.
WHEREFORE, we GRANT the petition. The Decision dated 21 June 2000 and
Since the party that has title or a better right over the property is not impleaded in Resolution dated 14 December 2000 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
this case, we cannot evict on our own the parties. Such a ruling would discourage 43129 are SET ASIDE. The Decision dated 11 November 1996 of the Regional
squatters from seeking the aid of the courts in settling the issue of physical Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 81 in Civil Case No. Q-96-26943, affirming the
possession. Stripping both the plaintiff and the defendant of possession just Decision dated 15 December 1995 of the Metropolitan Trial Court of Quezon
because they are squatters would have the same dangerous implications as the City, Branch 31 in Civil Case No. 12432, is REINSTATEDwith MODIFICATION.
application of the principle of pari delicto. Squatters would then rather settle the The award of attorney’s fees is deleted. No costs.
issue of physical possession among themselves than seek relief from the courts
if the plaintiff and defendant in the ejectment case would both stand to lose SO ORDERED.
possession of the disputed property. This would subvert the policy underlying
actions for recovery of possession. Davide, Jr., Panganiban, Ynares-Santiago, and Azcuna, JJ., concur.
Since Pajuyo has in his favor priority in time in holding the property, he is entitled
to remain on the property until a person who has title or a better right lawfully
ejects him. Guevarra is certainly not that person. The ruling in this case,
however, does not preclude Pajuyo and Guevarra from introducing evidence and
presenting arguments before the proper administrative agency to establish any
right to which they may be entitled under the law.81