Communication: Student A Student B
Communication: Student A Student B
Communication: Student A Student B
Student A Student B
1 Imagine that you witnessed the crime in the 1 Your partner has witnessed the crime in the
photo. Your partner will ask you questions about photo. Ask your partner questions and fill out
the crime. Use the information in the table. the table with the information that they report.
What did you see? someone steal the jewels and What did you see?
run away.
2 Imagine that your town or city wants to reduce 2 Imagine that your town or city wants to reduce
crime in your neighbourhood. Here are some crime in your neighbourhood. Here are some
ideas they’re thinking about and questions for ideas they’re thinking about and questions for
you to discuss. Agree on the two best ideas. you to discuss. Agree on the two best ideas
How would these ideas help to How would these ideas help to
reduce crime? What kinds of crime reduce crime? What kinds of crime
would they help to prevent? would they help to prevent?