The University of Jordan Department of Mathematics: Branch and Cut
The University of Jordan Department of Mathematics: Branch and Cut
The University of Jordan Department of Mathematics: Branch and Cut
Department of Mathematics
Branch and Cut
Prepared and presented by :
Heythem Marhoune Sid Ahmed Benchiha
Amina-Zahra Rezazgui Ibtissem Ben Kemache
Hanaa Kerim Lilia Benakkouche
Sara Chabbi Sara Boutata
1 Introduction
4 Conclusion
Exact Algorithms
An Example
The Branch and Cut Method first solves the linear programming
3 5 1
relaxation, giving the point 2 + , 3 + , with value - 33 − .
7 7 7
There is now a choice : Should the LP relaxation be improved by
adding a cutting plane, for example, x1 + x2 ≤ 5, or should the
problem be divided into two by splitting on a variable ?
If the algorithm splits on x1 , two new problems are obtained :
(F1 ) (F2 )
The optimal solution to the original problem will be better than the
solutions of these two subproblems. The solution of the linear
programming relaxation of (F1 ) is (3, 2), with the optimal value −28.
This solution is integral, so it solves (F1 ), and becomes the
incumbent best known feasible solution. The LP relaxation of (F2 )
has optimal solution (2, 3.5), with the optimal value −29.5. This
point is non-integral, so it does not solve (F2 ), and hence it must be
attacked further.
Assume the algorithm uses a cutting plane approach and adds the
inequality 2x1 + x2 ≤ 7 to (F2 ). This is a valid inequality, for which it
is satisfied by every integral point that is feasible in (F2 ). Further,
this inequality is violated by (2, 3.5), so it is a cutting plane. The
resulting subproblem is :
min −6x1 − 5x2
s.t. 3x1 + x2 ≤ 11
−x1 + 2x2 ≤ 5
(F3 )
x1 ≤ 2
2x1 + x2 ≤ 7
x1 , x2 ≥ 0 and both integers.
The LP relaxation of (F3 ) has the optimal solution (1.8, 3.4) with the
optimal value −27.8.
Notice that the optimal value for this modified relaxation is larger
than the value of the incumbent solution. The value of the optimal
integral solution for the second subproblem must be at least as large
as the value of the relaxation.
Therfore, the incumbent solution is batter than any feasible integral
solution for (F3 ), so it actually solves the original problem.