Course Outline
Course Outline
Course Outline
Range Grade
94-100 1.0
88-93 1.25
82-87 1.50
76-81 1.75
70-75 2.0
64-69 2.25
58-63 2.50
52-57 2.75
50-51 3.0
30-49 4.0 (removal)
29-below 5.0 (failed)
Incomplete INC
Bilbao, P.P.., Corpuz, B.B. Llagas A., G. G.Salandanan, G (2018). The teaching
profession (4th ed.), Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Board for Professional Teachers’ Res.# 435, s. 1997
Delor, Jaques (1995) Learning, the Treasure from within, UNESCO Report
Dolton, P. & Gutierez-Mercanero, O. (2013) Global Status Index Report, Varkney Foundation
Gubler, C. F. (2014) “Their special place in heaven”. Teacher, Teacher: A Tribute to Teachers
Everywhere. Technological Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City.
Guro 21 (2011) Course 1: Facilitating the Development of the 21st Century skills for Southern
Khurasapha & UNESCO (2014) World Teachers’ Day Country Report Brochures. _____ China-
Teaching Profession- Teacher Education System and System. http//
educ=state university
DepEd Order No. 42. S. 2017. National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine
Professional Standards (PPST) for Teachers.
The 1987 Philippines Constitution; RA 4670, The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers;
Commonwealth Act No. 578; National Budget Circular No. 514, Department of Budget and
Management; DepEd memorandum No. 055, s. 2018
RA. 10912, CPD Act of 2016 and its implementing Rules and Regulations; PRC resolution No.
RA 10968 (2018) Institutionalizing the Philippine Qualification Framework, Establishing the PQF
National Coordinating Council
Prepared by:
jean a. aquino