A Novel High Performance Iris and Pupil Localization Method: M. Alipoor, H. Ahopay, and J. Haddadnia
A Novel High Performance Iris and Pupil Localization Method: M. Alipoor, H. Ahopay, and J. Haddadnia
A Novel High Performance Iris and Pupil Localization Method: M. Alipoor, H. Ahopay, and J. Haddadnia
Abstract: Iris detection is a computationally intensive task in the integro-differential operator to detect pupil and iris
overall iris biometric processing. In this paper we proposed a
technique to localize the iris and the pupil in eye images boundary. Integro-differential operator fits the circular
efficiently and accurately. This paper includes three stages: The contours via gradient ascent on the parameterized centre
first stage is related to finding the centre and radius of pupil. In and radius of the circular contour. This operator is
this stage, the problem of pupil non-uniformity which may
appear in some images is solved and the pupil is detected. In the sensitive to the specular spot reflection of non diffused
second stage a new approach, based on circular arc search, is artificial light. Daugman's new system [3] uses active
proposed to extract iris boundary. The last stage includes contour model to detect pupil and iris boundary. Wildes [4]
wavelet-based feature extraction and classifier design. Our
approach has been applied on the CASIA standard database. and Masek [5] use binary edge map and voting each edge
High accuracy of the proposed iris localization method resulted points to instantiate particular contour parameter values to
in a high performance iris recognition system. detect pupil and iris boundary. The edge map is recovered
Keywords: Iris recognition, Iris and pupil localization, via gradient-based edge detection. Prior to fit iris boundary
Nearest neighbor classifier. contours, the derivatives are weighted to select vertical
edges. As a simple but efficient method, Ma et al. [6]
1. Introduction calculate the summation of intensity values along each row
The recent advances in information technology and and each column. They choose the particular row and
increasing emphasis on security have resulted in more column along which the summation takes minimum value.
attention to automatic personal identification system based That row and column are assumed as approximative x- and
on biometrics. Biometric technology is an automated y coordinate of pupil centre. Once the approximative pupil
method for recognizing an individual based on centre is found they apply canny edge detection [7] and
physiological or behavioral characteristics. Among the Hough transformation [8] in a rectangular region centred at
present biometric traits, the iris is known to be the most pupil centre to detect pupil and iris boundary circles.
reliable and accurate [1] due to the rich texture of iris The above mentioned methods are often very
patterns. The human iris is an annular part between the complicated and suffer from computationally intensive
pupil and the white sclera. The iris has distinct algorithms. Some of these methods use Hough transform.
characteristics such as freckles, coronas, stripes, furrows, This transform is time consuming. Existing methods may
crypts, and so on. Each eye contains unique iris pattern that lead to false results when images are non-uniformly
is stable throughout ones life. These characteristics make it illuminated or low contrast between iris and sclera part.
attractive for using as a biometric trait. To identify Another drawback in the existing approaches is that the
individual in iris localization task, we try to locate iris part target boundaries are usually assumed as concentric and
in an eye image. Iris part localization is necessary to isolate circular contours, which are not true in majority cases.
the iris part of the image, namely between the iris boundary Our proposed approach is simple but accurate so that it
(between sclera and iris) and outlines of the pupil. This can solve most of these problems. This method provides
task mainly consists of two sub tasks: detecting pupil some approximative information and then uses the circular
boundary (between pupil and iris), and detecting iris search and arc search for detecting pupil and iris,
boundary (between iris and sclera). respectively. Also the problem of non-uniformity of pupil
It is appropriate to follow the discussion with a brief is solved choosing an optimum threshold value.
review of related works: Daugman's system [1-2] uses
¦ ix i ¦ iy i
inside the pupil while red box specifies pixels located outside the pupil.
M1 = i =1
M2 = i =1
(1) 2.1.2 Finding the Pupil Accurate Centre and Radius
i =1
i ¦y
i =1
At first edge map of the image of ITH(X,Y) (the image
after thresholding) is obtained using Canny operator and
denoted by Iedge(X,Y). Suppose a circle, with centre of
Therefore the optimum threshold value TH is obtained (x0,y0) and radius of r0, as the real pupil circle. In the edge
as follows: map image, pixels have two states, on or off. It is obvious
M1 + M 2 that all pixels located on pupil boundary are "on" pixels.
TH = (2) Let the previously obtained approximative value to x0, y0
2 and r0, and define an "on" pixel search region by limiting
So, the total average intensity for pupil pixels can be the circle between two internal and external squares (as
estimated as TH. Thus, thresholding of iris image is shown in Fig. 4). Number of "on" pixels surrounded
performed according to: between the two squares must be maximized as a function
255 I ( X , Y ) < TH of x0, y0 and r0. Using such a technique makes search
I TH ( X , Y ) = ® (3) region narrow and thus decreases searching time.
¯0 I ( X , Y ) ≥ TH Approximative centre and radius, calculated in the
previous subsection can be a good choice to start
searching. To speed up the algorithm, we must limit the Since we have four starting points, 4 vectors are obtained
number of candidate points for pupil centre. So the search namely: V1, V2, V3 and V4.
is limited to a square of length 10 pixels. Also the These vectors for a sample image are obtained as
maximum variation of supposed radius is set to 10 pixels: follows:
R − 10 ≤ r0 ≤ R + 10 (5) V1= {22, 31, 56} V2= {30, 60}
V3= {6, 28, 51, 56} V4= {4, 27, 52, 58}
These limitations (illustrated in Fig. 5) are determined
Approximative radius of iris must be extracted from
these vectors. One number from each vector must be
selected in a way that those 4 selected values have
minimum differences (be in the same range). For example,
considering the above mentioned vectors, the values 31,
30, 28 and 27 must be selected, respectively.
Approximative radius of iris let to be average of these
numbers. Therefore, the radius of iris is approximately 29.
3. Feature Extraction Fig. 10: The unwrapped iris image using Daugman's Cartesian to polar
Before feature extraction, some pre-processing tasks transformation diagram
must be performed. Once the iris region is successfully
segmented from an eye image, the next stage is to Size of unwrapped iris images is 91×524. The part of
transform the iris region so that it has fixed dimensions in iris image specified with green rectangle (closer to pupil
order to allow comparisons [10]. Sources of dimensional and not covered by eyelashes) provides most useful texture
inconsistencies are pupil dilation caused by variant information for recognition/indentification task. So, we
illumination, varying imaging distance, head tilt, eye selected this part of each image (with size 60×341) for
rotation and so on. The normalization process will produce feature extraction. Generally, researchers desire to design
iris regions, which have the same constant dimensions and an image enhancement step to increase the quality of input
will remove the non-concentricity of the iris and the pupil images. To remove high frequency noises and also improve
[11]. We used a modified version of Daugman's Cartesian the contrast of projected iris ribbon, histogram equalization
to polar transform as described in [11]. This transformation (HE) is used for the selected zone. A two-dimensional
(Daugman rubber sheet model) will project the iris disk to adaptive Wiener noise-removal filter (a type of linear
a rectangular region with prefixed size (Fig. 9). The filter) is applied to the HE image. This enhancement
following formulas perform the transformation: strategy is adopted from [11].
2D discrete wavelet transform is widely used as a well-
I ( x (r ,θ ), y (r , θ )) → I (r ,θ ) known texture analysis technique, especially in iris
recognition [12,13]. In this paper, wavelet transforms;
especially Haar wavelet is used to extract iris texture Also the method fairly deals with non-concentricity
patterns in iris images. We applied wavelet transform 3- problem. Using circular search around the pupil
times in order to get the 8×43 subimages. Indeed, after 3- approximative centre and radius, limiting search regions
level wavelet decomposition, we used approximation and low computational burden are manifest features of this
coefficients as required features (concatenated in a 344 work. Our method has been evaluated on the CASIA
element feature vector for each image). database. The simulation result shows that our proposed
Using the above mentioned technique, uniform feature method is highly efficient and accurate. Using a typical
vectors for all samples in CASIA database are produced. feature extraction method and a simple classifier, the
To evaluate accuracy and efficiency of the proposed proposed method resulted in the recognition rate of
feature extraction method, a pattern recognition system 99.13%. That shows the iris localization step is high
must be utilized. The next section includes such evaluation performance.
4. Experimental results
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