Everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies, from electrons to the entire universe, and is always in motion rather than remaining still. Thoughts are among the highest vibrations, so thinking positively allows one to attract positivity into their lives. By vibrating at frequencies of love, prosperity, abundance, and happiness through one's thoughts, one attracts more of those things into their experience.
Everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies, from electrons to the entire universe, and is always in motion rather than remaining still. Thoughts are among the highest vibrations, so thinking positively allows one to attract positivity into their lives. By vibrating at frequencies of love, prosperity, abundance, and happiness through one's thoughts, one attracts more of those things into their experience.
Everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies, from electrons to the entire universe, and is always in motion rather than remaining still. Thoughts are among the highest vibrations, so thinking positively allows one to attract positivity into their lives. By vibrating at frequencies of love, prosperity, abundance, and happiness through one's thoughts, one attracts more of those things into their experience.
Everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies, from electrons to the entire universe, and is always in motion rather than remaining still. Thoughts are among the highest vibrations, so thinking positively allows one to attract positivity into their lives. By vibrating at frequencies of love, prosperity, abundance, and happiness through one's thoughts, one attracts more of those things into their experience.
Everything vibrates or moves, nothing remains inactive. There is no such
thing as a state of rest. Everything is in a constant state of vibration.
From the lowest to the highest degree of vibration, we discover that there are literally millions of levels, from the electron to the universe, everything is in vibratory motion.
Thought is one of the highest forms of vibration, for this reason we
must think positive if we want to attract positive things to our lives.
Vibrate in love, in prosperity, in abundance, in happiness and you
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