Opacity of Paper (15° Diffuse Illuminant A, 89 % Reflectance Backing and Paper Backing)
Opacity of Paper (15° Diffuse Illuminant A, 89 % Reflectance Backing and Paper Backing)
Opacity of Paper (15° Diffuse Illuminant A, 89 % Reflectance Backing and Paper Backing)
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Mar 20 11:16:03 EDT 2009
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Universadad Santiago de Chile pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D 589 – 97 (2007)
sheet by adding dark pigment or dye which absorbs light. This TABLE 1 CIE Ea Y Weighting Functions, 10-nm Intervals
being so, it is of value to the manufacturer, in meeting an (see Practice E 308)
opacity specification, to be able to predict whether a sheet CIE EaY Weighting CIE EaY Weighting
nm nm
Functions Functions
which does not have desired opacity can be brought up to
specification by raising or, alternatively, lowering the reflec- 400 0.000 600 7.547
tivity within permissible limits. To the consumer, opacity 410 0.002 610 6.360
420 0.008 620 5.061
measurements are used to evaluate some of the characteristics 430 0.027 630 3.716
of appearance. The user is interested in the comparison of 440 0.061 640 2.559
samples under identical conditions. When comparisons are 450 0.117 650 1.639
460 0.209 660 0.971
made, one sample with another, very small differences can be 470 0.362 670 0.533
identified visually. For this reason, small measured differences 480 0.618 680 0.289
between similar samples represent actual differences in appear- 490 1.039 690 0.147
500 1.802 700 0.075
ance. 510 3.091 710 0.039
520 4.756 720 0.020
6. Apparatus 530 6.320 730 0.010
540 7.599 740 0.005
6.1 Opacity Meter, equipped with an accurate linear or a 550 8.571 750 0.003
corrected photometric system. The reflectance involved in the 560 9.219 760 0.001
570 9.456 770 0.001
determination of contrast ratio should be for either normal 580 9.224 780 0.000
illumination and diffuse viewing, or the equivalent converse, 590 8.543
that is, diffuse illumination and normal viewing.
NOTE 1—The direction of illumination or, alternatively, the direction of
viewing, should be 15 6 2° from the normal. The instrument may be (including all openings) shall not exceed 6 % of the total white
designed to measure directly the ratio of reflectance of paper backed by area. The specimen opening shall be round with a diameter of
black and white, or, alternatively, the instrument may be adjusted to 14.8 6 0.25 mm (0.584 6 0.010 in.). The illuminated area
indicate a cardinal value such as 100.0 with the white backing in place,
and then the ratio of reflectances is obtained by replacing the white body
shall be circular with a diameter of 9.53 6 0.38 mm (0.375 6
with the black body. The photometric system must be sufficiently stable 0.015 in.) and centered in the specimen opening. A light trap
that the instrument will not fluctuate by more than approximately 0.1 % of should be fitted inside the integrating cavity to limit stray light
the full-scale deflection while the contrast ratio is being measured. to no more than 0.5 %.
6.2 The more important requirements of the apparatus are as
7. Sampling and Test Specimens
6.2.1 Standard Black Backing, consisting of a cavity lined 7.1 The material shall be sampled in accordance with
with black or velvet or other material which will cause the Practice D 585.
reflectance of the cavity to be 0.5 % or less. 7.2 When sampling for other than acceptance purposes,
6.2.2 Standard White Backing, having an effective absolute Practice E 122 may be used as an alternative.
reflectance equal to 0.89 when illuminated under the conditions 7.3 At least five representative specimens shall be selected
of actual testing with a sheet of paper in place (1).4 This for each test unit. They shall be free of watermarks or
backing consists either of a permanent diffusing surface of the blemishes and of sufficient size to fit the specimen holder, and
apparent reflectance in contact with the sample, or of an completely cover the standard backings. The test areas shall
equivalent cavity such as that provided by a diffusing surface not be touched with the fingers, and these areas shall be kept
separated from the sample by a cover glass. perfectly clean and free of folds and wrinkles.
6.2.3 Incandescent Light Source, with the color temperature
adjusted to yield an overall instrumental response equivalent to 8. Calibration
the Commission Internationale de l’Eclariage (CIE) function 8.1 Check the calibration utilizing evaluated opal glass or
Eay which has an effective wavelength of 572 nm. In a paper standards and readjust as necessary in accordance with
single-photocell instrument, stability requires that the voltage the manufacturer’s instructions and Annex A1. After calibra-
must not change by more than approximately 0.1 %. tion, the instrument shall read the opal glass or paper standards
6.2.4 Photocell, in combination with optical filters and lamp within 60.3 of their assigned values.
to produce an overall spectral response of the instrument
equivalent to Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) 9. Conditioning
function Eay (given in Table 1) which has an effective 9.1 Condition the test specimens in accordance with Prac-
wavelength of 572 nm and closely approximates the response tice D 685.
of the human eye.
6.2.5 Integrating Cavity, with inside surfaces coated with 10. Procedure
barium sulfate or halon. Total area of non-white surfaces 10.1 Opacity (89 % Reflectance Backing):
10.1.1 Check the calibration using an opal glass or paper
standard which is as close in value as possible to the specimen
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of to be measured. If agreement is not within 60.3 recalibrate as
this standard. instructed in Annex A1.
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D 589 – 97 (2007)
10.1.2 With the specimen backed by the standard white Scattering power and absorption power are unitless values.
backing, set the instrument to read 100.0. Scattering coefficient and absorption coefficient have inverse
10.1.3 Replace the white backing with the black body, and basis weight units: m2/kg.
read the meter to obtain the contrast ratio. Record the indi- 10.3.6 If the scattering power (sW) and reflectivity (R`) are
vidual results to three significant figures. Measure a minimum known for a paper specimen of given basis weight, the opacity
of five specimens. of the same specimen at a different basis weight (known as
Normalized TAPPI Opacity, Cn) may be calculated as follows
NOTE 2—Usually neither the side nor direction of the grain of the paper
makes any significant difference. If either effect exceeds 0.2, place the (2):
specimen with the selected side toward the instrument and in the selected ~a 2 1!@0.89 2 R` 2 a[0.89 2 ~1/R`!##
orientation, and state the conditions used in the report. Cn 5 (7)
@~a/R`! 2 R`#@~0.89/R`! 2 aR`@0.89 2 ~1/R`!# 2 1]
10.2 Opacity (Paper Backing): where:
10.2.1 Check the calibration using an opal glass or paper sWn = normalized scattering power,
standard which is as close in value as possible to the specimen BSWd = desired basis weight, and
to be measured. If agreement is not within 60.3, recalibrate as BSWk = known basis weight: sWn = sW (BSWd/BSWk)
instructed in Annex A1. where R` is expressed as a decimal.
10.2.2 Place the specimen over the opening backed by a pile
a 5 e sWn [~1/R `! 2 R`# (8)
of the same paper. The thickness of the pile should be such that
doubling the thickness has no detectable effect on the reading.
Set the instrument to read 100.0. 10.3.7 For further information concerning the calculation
10.2.3 Place the specimen over the opening backed by the and use of scattering and absorption coefficients see TAPPI
black body. The meter reading gives opacity with a paper Technical Information Sheet 0804-03.
backing (100 R0/R`). Record up to three significant figures.
10.3 Scattering Power (sW)—The ability to predict the 11. Calculation
effect upon opacity due to a change of basis weight or 11.1 Average the opacity values determined for each of the
reflectance of a sheet has been found particularly useful to five or more representative specimens tested from each test
paper, pigment, and dyestuff manufacturers. The determination unit.
of scattering power is the first essential step in making these 11.2 Calculate the averages for opacity (89 % reflectance
predictions. Determine scattering power as follows: backing) and opacity (paper backing) separately.
10.3.1 Obtain a white reflectance standard with known
absolute reflectance at 572 nm. 12. Report
10.3.2 Carefully place the reference white surface over the
12.1 Report the mean value and range for either or both
specimen opening of the instrument. Adjust the instrument to
opacity values specified in this test method, as agreed upon
read the absolute reflectance value for the reference material (at
between the buyer and the seller.
572 nm).
10.3.3 With the instrument adjusted to read correctly on the
13. Precision and Bias
absolute scale, place a single sheet of the specimen over the
specimen opening backed by the black body and read R0. 13.1 The precision of this test method for test results
10.3.4 Leave the single specimen sheet (used in 10.3.3) in consisting of averages for five specimens is:
place over the specimen opening and back with a pile of the 13.1.1 Repeatability:
same paper. The thickness of the pile should be such that 89 % Backing—0.62 %.
doubling the thickness has no detectable effect on the reading. Paper Backing—0.64 %.
Read R`. 13.1.2 Reproducibility:
10.3.5 Using R0, R`, and W (basis weight) in g/m2 calculate 89 % Backing—1.22 %
scattering and absorption powers and coefficients as follows: Paper Backing—0.77 %.
a 5 0.5 [~1/R `! 1 R`# (1) 13.2 The above precision data are in conformance with
TAPPI T 1206, and were obtained in the TAPPI Collaborative
b 5 0.5 [~1/R`! 2 R`!# (2)
Reference Program for paper having opacities in the range
from 88 to 96 %. The data have been derived from Reports 12
through 22 for 89 % backing (22 papers and an average of 57
X 5 [1 2 aR0# / [bR0# (3)
laboratories) and Reports 19 through 22 for paper backing (8
papers and an average of 13 laboratories).
Scattering power sW = (0.5/b) 1n [(X + 1)/(X − 1)] 13.3 The user of these precision data is advised that it is
Scattering coefficient: s 5 1000 sW/W (4) based on actual mill testing or laboratory testing, or both. There
is no knowledge of the exact degree to which personnel skills
Absorption power: kW 5 ~asW! 2 sW (5) or equipment were optimized during its generation. The
precision quoted provides an estimate of typical variation in
Absorption coefficient: k 2 1000 kW/W (6) test results which may be encountered when the test method is
routinely used by two or more parties.
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Universadad Santiago de Chile pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D 589 – 97 (2007)
13.4 Bias—This test method has no bias, as the values for
opacity are defined in terms of the specific procedures de-
14. Keywords
14.1 absorption coefficient; absorption power; contrast ra-
tio; opacity (89 % reflectance backing); opacity meter; opacity
(paper backing); paper; printing opacity; scattering power
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Calibration of the Opacity Meter Ref (3) (under the conditions of actual test with a test specimen or
A1.1.1 Optical Adjustment—Arrange the instrument to per- standard in place) may be carried out by means of opal glass or
mit the beam of light exiting the specimen aperture to paper standards evaluated for opacity.
illuminate a wall perpendicularly 0.6 to 1.2 m (2 to 4 ft) away A1.2.2 Adjustment by Means of Opal Glass or Paper
from the instrument. The filament image observed should be in Standards:
a good state of focus and centered in the beam. If not, A1.2.2.1 Clean the opal glass standard by washing it with a
reposition the lamp or optics in accordance with the manufac- mild soap solution, rinsing it with water, and drying it with a
turer’s instructions. lent-free non-abrasive towel.
A1.1.1.1 When a sheet of paper is laid over the specimen
aperture to inspect the distribution of light in the aperture, the A1.2.2.2 Read the opacity of the calibrated area of the opal
circular light spot should be (a) centered in the aperture, (b) glass or paper standard. If this opacity reading conforms to the
nearly fill the aperture but should not be in contact with the value of opacity certified for the standard within 0.3 %, the
edge of the aperture (there should be a clearance of about 2.5 white backing may be regarded as correctly adjusted.
mm between the edge and the boundary of the light spot), and A1.2.2.3 If the reading departs from the certified value of
(c) the boundary of the light spot should be as sharp and as free opacity by more than 0.3 %, adjust the distance between the
of color as possible. After the optics have been adjusted, white surface and the standard. Too high an opacity reading
usually it is necessary to adjust the lamp only for subsequent means that the distance must be decreased; too low a reading
checks of the optical system. The alignment and state of focus means that it must be increased.
of the lamp should be checked before each standardization of A1.2.2.4 Check the adjustment by means of standards of
the instrument. The lenses should be cleaned to minimize the different opacities. Adjust the white backing so that the
light scattered into the integrating cube. Cleanliness of the opacimeter will read within 0.3 % of the assigned standard
optical system may be tested by comparing the zero reading
values throughout the range interest.
obtained with the lamp on and the black body placed over the
specimen aperture to the reading with the lamp off. There NOTE A1.1—If it is impossible to set the instrument at 100.0 for the
should be very little difference. normal range of white papers, when backed by the white body, the
A1.1.2 Photometric Linearity—The instrument shall incor- integrating cavity should be recoated, or the photocell and/or the lamp
porate a photometric measurement system which measures should be replaced. If, because of low reflectance of the paper, the
reflectance in direct proportion to the light energy incident adjustment to 100.0 with the specimen backed with the white body is
upon the sample within 0.2 % of full scale throughout the impossible, set the instrument at 90.0, 80.0, or other value; the contrast
ratio is then obtained from the ratio of the readings with the black and
entire range of measurement. Photometric linearity errors are
white bodies, respectively, backing the specimen.
normally associated with the photocell or electronics, or both.
A means of measuring photometric linearity is described in A1.2.2.5 The zero of the instrument should be checked and
TAPPI Technical Information Sheet 0804-06 (old number readjusted if necessary. With the apparatus turned on and the
018-5). specimen aperture covered with the black body, the reading
should not exceed 0.3 divisions with 100 divisions equal to full
A1.2 Adjustment of the White Backing
A1.2.1 The adjustment of the white backing to conform to
the requirement that it have an absolute reflectance of 0.89
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Mar 20 11:16:03 EDT 2009
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Universadad Santiago de Chile pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D 589 – 97 (2007)
(1) Report No. 22, Part II, to the American Paper Association, “Instru- Application of the Kubelka-Munk Theory to Optical Properties of
mentation Studies XL VIII, Part II, Calibration of the Bausch and Paper.” Tappi Vol 58, No. 152, p. 10: 1975.
Lomb Opacimeter,” Paper Trade Journal, Vol 119, No. 17, p. 27: (3) Hofert, H. J., and Loof, H. Z., für Instrumentenkunde, Vol 72, No. 72:
1944. 1964.
(2) Robinson, James V., “A Summary of Reflectance Equations for
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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