Importance of Contract Law in Our Day To Day Business
Importance of Contract Law in Our Day To Day Business
Importance of Contract Law in Our Day To Day Business
Business Ethics
Submitted To:
Zakir Abu Mohammad Syed
Course Teacher
Submitted By:
Badruddoza Shamim Nirjhor
ID No. : 19-91484-3
Sec: A
Importance of contract law in our day to day business
In the business world, it is said that opportunities do not just happen — you create them. In our
daily life we have to do many businesses.
For example, if you buy or sell a house, a contract is made and ‘exchanged’. When you start a
job, you will probably have a contract of employment. When you go into a shop and buy
something, you have entered into an agreement with the shopkeeper you agree that the
shopkeeper will give you the goods and you will give him or her money.
Each party to a business relationship brings to it a set of expectations with respect to what he or
she will give and get. A contract is a useful tool for describing and defining the expectations of
each party to a business relationship.
For better understanding of the topic of the question, we need to discuss on the concept of
contract shortly. A contract is an agreement between two or more parties, creating an obligation
upon them to fulfill or not to fulfill some duties laid down specifically in the agreement.
The word “contract” means ‘an enforceable agreement’. Contract plays an integral role in our
regular life. Generally, the contract may consistently being done between two different
individuals or between two different organizations by exchanging promises. “Contract is an
agreement between two parties which, on the first impression, appears to fulfill all the
mandatory of a valid contract (Dobson, 1997). The term contract and agreement might be
applied to refer a similar theme; as under general rule the term ‘contract’ can be different from
the term ‘agreement’. All the contract will be agreement however not all agreement are
decreased by the law. At some point, the gathering of agreement may not make legitimate
relations because of the absence of thought of illicit motivation behind the understanding.
One of the most important things about the contract which people often misunderstand that in
order to be a legal binding contract it should be in written complexion. Even an oral promise can
be a legal or valid contract if fulfilled the following requisite.
- Offer
- Acceptance of the offer
- Intention to create legal relations
- Consideration
- Certainty
- Capacity
- Free Consent
For regulating our day to day business contract, the law must be needed. As a result, the Contract
Act, 1872, which is the prime Contract Law in Bangladesh has been enacted.
Contract law is important. Knowingly or unknowingly people enter into several contracts or
binding agreements, in their day to day life, for instances, when they purchase goods or services
The importance of contract law is understood when two parties enter into an agreement. Contract
law serves to protect your legal rights whenever a legal agreement is entered into between two
parties. The contract itself creates an obligation on the parties to perform their part of the
contract. Upon them not being able to perform their duties, the law itself provides remedies.
However, one needs to ensure that the contract created is a legal contract and entails all the
essential requirements. Any contract entered into between the parties is done with the motive of
securing their interests. Therefore, written contracts play a pivotal role in protecting the interests
of the parties and ensuring that the non-breaching party does not have to suffer any economic