Case Digest CIR v. Dash
Case Digest CIR v. Dash
Case Digest CIR v. Dash
Respondent Dash Engineering Philippines, Inc. is a corporation duly registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission. It is also a VAT-registered entity engaged in the export
On August 9, 2004, Respondent filed a claim for tax credit or refund in the amount of P
2,149,684.88 representing unutilized input VAT attributable to its zero-rated sales. Petitioner
failed to act upon the said claim and respondent was compelled to file a petition for review with
the CTA on May 5, 2005.
On October 4, 2007, the Second Division of the CTA rendered its Decision partially granting
respondent’s claim, on the matter of the timeliness of the filing of the judicial claim. Respondent
filed its amended quarterly VAT returns for the first and second quarters of 2003 on July 24,
2004, it had until July 24, 2006 to file its judicial claim. As such, its filing of a petition for review
with the CTA on April 26, 2005 was within the prescriptive period. Petitioner moved for
reconsideration, claimed that the petition for review was filed out of time but the same was
denied in a Resolution dated January 3, 2008. Petitioner elevated the case to the CTA En Banc.
On July 17, 2008, CTA En Banc upheld the decision of the CTA Second Division, ruling that the
judicial claim was filed on time because the use of the word "may" in Section 112(D) (now
subparagraph C) of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) indicates that judicial recourse
within thirty (30) days after the lapse of the 120-day period is only directory and permissive and
not mandatory and jurisdictional, as long as the petition was filed within the two-year
prescriptive period. Petitioner’s motion for reconsideration was denied in the August 12, 2008
Resolution of the CTA.
Whether or not the CTA En Banc erred in holding that respondent’s judicial claim for
refund was filed within the prescriptive period provided under the Tax Code
Therefore, in accordance with San Roque case, respondent's judicial claim for refund must
be denied for having been filed late. Although respondent filed its administrative claim with the
BIR on August 9, 2004 before the expiration of the two-year period in Section l 12(A), it
undoubtedly failed to comply with the 120+ 30-day period in Section l l 2(D) (now
subparagraph C) which requires that upon the inaction of the CIR for 120 days after the
submission of the documents in support of the claim, the taxpayer has to file its judicial claim
within 30 days after the lapse of the said period. The 120 days granted to the CIR to decide the
case ended on December 7, 2004. Thus, Respondent had 30 days therefrom, or until January 6,
2005, to file a petition for review with the CTA. Unfortunately, Respondent only sought judicial
relief on May 5, 2005 when it belatedly filed its petition to the CTA, despite having had ample
time to file the same, almost four months after the period allowed by law. As a consequence of
Respondent's late filing, the CTA did not properly acquire jurisdiction over the claim.
The Court has held time and again that taxes are the lifeblood of the government and,
consequently, tax laws must be faithfully and strictly implemented as they are not intended to
be liberally construed. Hence, we are left with no other recourse but to deny respondent's
judicial claim for refund for non-compliance with the provisions of Section 112 of the NIRC.